PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1937. I Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER SAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912 Published every Thursday morning by eBAWFOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. J'ASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .. $2.00 Three Years . 5.0D Six Months - 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies .05 Official Paper for Morrow County oft II V x A "A&T. "N. 1937 JUNE 1937 Bun. I Mon. Tut. Wed. Thu. Fri St. W a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 EH IB EH Wm m C ) IU Ml U 1M They Served Well fTWO pioneers who earned the X honor and respect of their fel lows over the entire county passed to their reward this week. Jesse J, Wells, who first saw the light ofc day within the confines of what is now Morrow county and who labored here throughout his entire life 26 years of it as county assessor, and Smith P. Devin, who came to Hepp ner as a lad of 17 and who contrib uted to the county's upbuilding as farmer and for many years as chief of police of Heppner, will long be remembered for service well per formed. Mr. Wells made an outstanding contribution to better government in Morrow county and in Oregon thru the establishment of a system of records to simplify and facilitate the work of his office. The Wells sys tem was copied by assessors in many other counties. This progressive step is but one of many which signified the conscientious type of service that Mr. Wells gave the county. To him, largely, is due the credit for Morrow county having one of the most efficient assessor's offices in the state. And as did Mr. Wells in the as sessor's office, so did Mr. Devin as chief of police. The work of the latter, however, touched the life of the community in a different way. Mr. Devin dealt with law violation, and he did so fearlessly. At times he placed his own life in jeopardy for the public welfare. He did this readily and un flinchingly when occasion arose. At times he was arbiter when there was dispute. At times he changed the ways of reckless youth through fath erly advice. At all times he evidenced that measure of horse sense that averts needless trouble, while keep ing things on an even keel. But that was not all Mr. Devin did. In his office there was no task too menial or too big but he would attempt it, and accomplish it in a creditable manner. He swept Main street at nights while the city slept, and many never realized how it was kept that way, and when streets were to be graveled, he directed that, too. These men became tired in public service, and they earned the plaudit, "Well done." There's no color line now, at least so far as the big-wig pugilists are concerned. Jimmy Braddock was KO'd by Joe Louis in the eighth round at Chicago Tuesday evening, and now the colored lad from De- Never was big brother so fond of little sister, as was Portland when the Moscow to San Francisco avia tors landed at Vancouver this week. Sez Portland to the world, "My little sister and I, WE killed a b'ar." And, giving Portland its due for earned laurels, may we congratulate the metropolis's mayor on the more MAYOR, COUNCILMEN GIVE REASONS FOR ASKING SPECIAL BOND ISSUE By P. W. MAHONEY Mayor Jones and members of the city council feel justified in asking the voters of the city of Heppner to approve the bond issue for street improvements in the sum of $7,000 at the special election, July 14, be cause in their opinion it will greatly enhance the value of residential and business property in this city as well as lessen the menace to health which is caused through dust rising from our unimproved streets. The cost of the said proiect is not prohibitive and would not add greatly to any tax which would be levied for the re payment of said bonds together with their interest in future years. Under the proposed issue the bonds would be issued serially, due after five years at the rate of $1,000 each year. It is expected and we believe that the bonds will be purchased at an interest rate not to exceed 4. Using this as a basis for figuring, the total amount the city would have to pay, including interest, would be $9,520 over a period of twelve years, which, based upon the present as sessed value of the city, would mean that for a period of the ensuing twelve years, the taxpayers of this city would pay an additional $1.20 annually per $1000 of assessed val uation. Issuance of these bonds will not recent evidence of his good judg ment the selection of one of Mor row county's native lassies for his bride. To you, Mr. and Mrs. Carson many happy returns of the day. troit has the center of the ring White and black boys alike will be after his number, and it won't be just the one in the telephone di rectory. What with speaking to the editors' convention at La Grande and Wal lowa lake on Saturday after helping lay the cornerstone of the new cap itol building at Salem on Thursday, and heading Portland's parade of Russion air heroes Monday, Gov ernor Martin was one of the busiest men in the state this week. A Ga zette Times representation at Wal Iowa lake complimented the gov ernor for disseminating good repub lican doctrine at the lake banquet, where the governor said, "You can't keep on spending money forever, without some time reaching the bot tom of the well . . . There's too many crack-pot politicians running the government." To the compliment the governor replied: "That's not repub lican doctrine,- that's just common horse sense." On July 14 Heppner will vote to get itself out of the dust. That is, unless Jupiter Pluvius forgets to tip his sprinkler back up again, in which case it will be the mud. But wheth er the street paving gets Heppner out of dust or mud, everyone will give old Jupe a vote of thinks for what promises to be the wettest June in history. ADD-A-STTTCH MEETS The Add-a-Stitch club had its last meeting at the home of Nettie Flow er. The Ohio rose quilt was won by Emma Garrigues. Present were Irene Padberg, Elsie Cowins, Jennie Boo her, Nina Snyder, Delia Edmund son, Mae Edmundson, Nettie Flower, Zella DuFault. Delicious refresh ments were served. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many kind friends for their expressions of sym pathy extended during Mrs. Chinn's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chinn and Daniel. Little Jean Clouston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clouston in the city today from Lakeview to attend funeral services for. Mrs. Clouston's father, the late S. P. Devin, had two ticks removed from her scalp this morning at a local doctor's office. She had been innoculated against tick fever. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Freudenthal of Hillsboro and daughter, Margaret, visited at the Joseph Belanger home Tuesday evening while in the city. Mr. Freudenthal is manager of a large Hillsboro dairy. Hugh Shaw was calling in the city yesterday from Hermlston. in any way jeopardize the city's fi nancial condition. At the time the city of Heppner established the mu nicipal water system it was in debt $115,000. Since that date the city's bonded indebtedness has been re duced to $62,000 and during the time this reduction was made a great many improvements have been made and paid for in full. The following are a few of the improvements: Construction of concrete reservoir $12,000 Paving Main street 9,000 Boring two wells 5,000 Purchase of Rodeo Field .... 4,500 Metering city 6,500 Installation of steel pipe at well intake 6,000 Improvement of Willow creek road 4,000 Gravelling streets 3,000 Purchase of City Hall 1,500 Bridges 3,000 Replacement of wood pipe line with steel pipe (ap proximately $4500 of which was federal grant 18,000 Tapping Kelley's spring .... 1,200 We also desire to call attention of the voters to the fact that we will be unable to use to the fullest ad vantage the $8,000 which is now in the street construction fund unless this additional $7000 is- raised through the issuance of bonds. LIONS COMMITTEE WORKS FOR SITE Forest Camp Location Here Talked by Club; CCC Boys Present Program Features. The Lions club discussed the mat ter of provision of a site for the pro- posed forest camp at Heppner at its Monday luncheon, and Ray P. Kinne, president, appointed Jap Crawford, M. L. Case and E. L. Morton as a committee to investigate various site proposals and to assist in whatever way possible in providing such site. The committee made report of its findings before the council meeting Monday evening and arranged for a meeting with the county court at 10 o'clock this morning. A program feature was a talk by William M. Nolan, assistant educa tion adviser of Camp Heppner, CCC, who told how he personally had been benefitted by the Civilian Conserva tion corps. Having been orphaned as a small boy, his early youth was not well directed. He shipped to sea as a young lad and drifted aimlessly without any definite goal in life. On becoming enrolled with CCC, he found a balance in direction of both mental and physical being, and be came better satisfied. Leaving the organization once, he sought pri vate employment again in the mari time industry, but it was just at the time of the major strikes and he was unsuccessful. He reentered the CCC with determination that the oppor tunity to progress was mainly with the individual and thus set a goal for hmiself of so much progress each year through study and work. So far, he said, he has been able to real ize on his ambitions, and his future course now lies clearly ahead of him. Another program feature was the singing of two songs by John Bar ber, another member of the local camp, accompanied by Miss Lucille Moyer who has taken the position of club accompanist. The first song sung by Barber was "The Lonesome Cow boy," the words of which were writ ten by Mrs. Ira McConkie, native Morrow county woman and sister of Glenn Hayes of this city, with mu sical score by John McLain of New York. Ellsworth Chafee of Spokane is visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee. He was met at Pasco by Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee Sunday. Bargain in grand piano, also up right; will sell for balance due, terms or cash. G. F. Johnson Music Co., Portland, Ore. 16-18. Andy Baldwin returned yesterday from a trip to Portland, Canby and Salem. Potted plants at all times, phone 1332; will deliver. 15tf EXTENSIVE WORK HEPPNER FOREST DISTRICT TOLD By F. F. WEHMEYER Few people realize that the for est service in a community is really one of the business institutions. They iust sort of figure it is something vague, way orr, ana aoesn i them. At the present time we have on the Heppner district a road camp using eight or ten employees, an ERA camp using fourteen, a range survey party of seven and a short term organization of twelve, up wards of fifty men are employed. (Annually, through the summer months.) Part of their wages and part of the supplies used are pur chased in our local community. Approximately 25,000 lambs and a thousand head of beef are fattened and sent to market from the local high mountain ranges. The short term organization is protecting upwards of thirty million dollars worth of stumpage, which will soon, as we count years, be on its way to market. A thousand or more hunters pat ronize our local forest in hunting season. Local merchants profit to some extent thru the purchase of gasoline, supplies and ammunition, As the hunters are about 30 suc cessful, we might add a ton and a half of venison to our resources and a good many buckskin gloves. A couple of hundred or more local folks pick many gallons of tooth some mountain huckleberries for winter pies. A small item but one that adds pleasure to many a dull winter day as teeth are sunk into juicy, drippy pies made by mother. By the way, the berries have set very nicely and there is every prom ise of a bumper crop for this year. Local ranchers avail themselves of the gift of dead timber and haul nearly two thousand cords annually to their homes for winter fuel. Not so big a value in dollars and cenSts but think of the return in cosy com fort. For your pleasure and protection as well as the protection of your resources, several hundred miles of roads and telephone lines have been built and are being maintained. Many thousand dollars have been put into various improvements such as cabins, towers, fences and water systems. A part of the material go ing into these improvements was purchased locally. As every effort is being bent to place the resources of the forest on a sustained yield, it is hoped the peo ple can figure they will always have thirty million dollars worth of stumpage, that we can always ship 25,000 lambs and a thousand head of beef, and that the thousand hunters can always come annually and not go home entirely disgruntled. Watershed values are something vague, until one comes in direct con tact with their worth. The S. C. S. engineers figure that a small portion of the head of one creek brought by ditch into Willow creek has added at least $25,000 a year in increased crops to the farmers down Willow creek valley. ' Its hard to say just what the value WE HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING USED TRUCKS AND 1928 Chevrolet Sport Roadster 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan 1936 Dodge 4-Door Sedan 1929 Studebaker 4-Door Sedan 1931 Willys Knight Sedan 1929 Marquette Sedan Any of the equipment sold on easy terms or Wl LL TRADE FOR LIVESTOCK HULDEN MOTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. Arlington, Oregon Phone 702 of the business is to local people We handle many thousands of dol lars in the course of a year. Wages, supplies, equipment on one side of the ledger and various forms of re ceipts on the other. It's my opinion that many of these dollars slide off into local channels of trade and help many home folks keep the big bad wolf from the door. For SaleTwo month-old poults and White Leghorn pullets, priced reasonably. W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon, Ore. 16-19p. E. J. Merrill was transacting busi ness in the city Monday from the ranch south of Hardman. Walter Blackburn and R. C. Ban nister went to Pendleton yesterday on business. Tom, Dick and Harry, and the children of the street Always view our windows to select good things to eat, And when their parent starry for some culinary aid They see the best in pastries that ever a baker made. Ever notice the children looking long Ingly in our windows? Bat then yon can't blame the youngsters, for the reason is apparent. Those tempting pastries are just as appetizing in taste as they are appealing In ap pearance. We know yon will agree with ns once yon try them. Heppner Bakery SPONSORED BY WILLOWS GRANGE Sat June 26 LEACH MEMORIAL HALL LEXINGTON Music by TROUBADORS This dance, originally set for lone Legion hall, was trans ferred to Lexington because lone hall has not received a license. CAR MACHINERY 1929 Model A Ford Truck 1932 GMC Truck 1935 C-30 International Truck 1933 Dodge Truck 1936 m Ton Panel Truck Many other cars and trucks Also Used MOWERS, RAKES, SWEEP RAKES, TRACTORS D