HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1937. PAGE THREE LEXINGTON NEWS j School Officers Named at Lexington By BEULAH NICHOLS Very little interest was shown in the annual school meeting Monday afternoon. Qnly eighteen people were present. Harvey Bauman was re elected as director for three years and Beulah Nichols was re-elected clerk for one year. A budget for tax to be levied next year was adopted. Citizens of this community might well have imagined themselves in western Oregon when they awakened Monday morning. A dense fog had descended during the night and re mained until quite late in the morn ing. This is most unusual for this section of the state. Old-timers say that they never before have seen fog here so late in the season. Rain continues to fall at any and all times of the day, but we haven't heard anyone objecting. The farm ers say that the abundant moisture which has fallen during the past two weeks has helped . the wheat im mensely but would have been of more benefit had it come about two weeks earlier. Betty Walker celebrated her birth day Saturday afternoon by enter taining a few of her young friends at the home of Mrs. Vernon Scott. Among the guests were Juanita Pad berg, June Van Winkle, Barbara Slocum, Yvonne Daugherty, Jerry Scott and Glenn Walker. Also pres ent were Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle and Mrs. Eslie Walker. The youngsters played games during the afternoon and later enjoyed refreshments of ice cream, cake and punch. There will be a dance at the Lex ington grange hall Saturday night, July 3. Mrs. J. G. Johnson, who has been visiting relatives in Corvallis and Astoria, returned home Monday af ternoon. She was accompanied home i by her grandson, Bill Burchell, and Ralph DeWeese of Corvallis who will visit here for a time. Ellwynne and James Peck have returned home from Corvallis where they attended the 4-H summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and daughter spent the week end with relatives in Spray. The Lexington grange picnic which was scheduled for last Sun day was postponed because of rain. Myles Martin has returned home from a business trip to Moro. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Country man and daughter Gloria Dee of Gerber, Calif., were guests last week at the home of Mrs. Countryman's sister, Mrs. Wm. Smethurst. Mrs. Loren Mikesell of Toppen ish, Wash., is staying at the Davis home while her mother, Mrs. Nettie M. Davis, is in Portland with another daughter, Mrs. James Pointer, who is very ill in a hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copenhaver, who have been in California for sev eral months, are visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Aley. Peck are the parents of a son, born June 15 at the home of Mrs. Ada Cason in Heppner. Elmer Hunt, who recently re turned from Yakima, has taken over the management of the Lexington service station. Mrs. Truman Messenger spent last week visiting with relatives in Boardman. Mrs. Hilding Bengston, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge, has returned to her home at Medford. Dale Lane has returned home from Minneapolis where he was a student at the University of Minnesota. Colleen McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan, underwent an operation for removal of her ton sils at Heppner the first of the week. Edward Rice left for Montana the first of the week. Oral Scott is driving a new car which he purchased while in Port land last week. IRRIGON NEWS Irrigon 4-H Club Progressing Well By MRS. W. C. ISOM George Given of Gaston is visit ing his nephew, Ward Connell, and family. Mrs. Myrtle Markham and chil dren were Pendleton visitors Tues- dy. Mr. and Mrs. Keines from Nebras ka are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Don Kenny, and family. Mr .and Mrs. Ashbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Jones from Newberg vis ited their nephew, Vernon Jones, and family Tuesday. They were en- route home from Heppner where they had been looking after business interests. The 1st division 4-H sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Hugh Grimm Thursday afternoon with the leader, Mrs. W. C. Isom, and all members present. The work chosen is going forward rapidly and very interesting meetings are being held. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Nora Wilson Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Grimm also enter tained the Home Economics club on Thursday afternoon. The 2nd year sewing club met at the home of Mrs. A. C. Houghton Thursday afternoon. .The McDuffy and Hawk families left for Athena last week to work in the fruit. R. V. Jones and daughter Vonna were business visitors in Pendleton Friday. Mr. Jones purchased the Burchett place from Will Switzer last week. ' Don Isom visited his wife in Ba ker over the week end. DEEDS RECORDED Deeds recorded at the clerk's of fice, June 15-22 inclusive, were: Millie R. Doolittle et als to Joseph T. Peters, Fr. Sees. 17, 20, 21, 32, 33, T. 3 S. R. 23 E. W. M., $1; Walter Rood et als to Joseph T. Peters, Fr. Sees. 17, 20, 21, 32, T. 3 S. R. 23 E. W. M.; Tom Caldwell et ux to Mrs. Lillie B. Warner, Wxfe Lot 3, Lots 4 and 5, Blk. 48, Irrigon, $100; Mar guerite Glavey to E. N. Gonty, Fr. Sec. 15, T. 4 S. R. 28, E. W. M., $900. Mrs. joe Hughes was up from the farm below Heppner Saturday for the first time in several weeks. She reported crop prospects good. l 'te XI XI U U U 11 11 11 'J 7-. v M K A WW Yr V y3kxx ix u ww j 'Vs VA. XX 11 J ALL REMNANTS NOW REIDXUCEID Ladies' KNEE LENGTH (HOSE Pure Silk 25c N MEN'S BLUE WORK SHORTS 39c V Ladies' RAYON PANTIIES 15c Ladies' COTTON MOSE 15c A BOYS' BLUE WORK SMARTS 35c MEN'S Underwear Short Sleeves and Ankle Length 49c Ladies' RAYON SLOPS . 43c LADIES' WdDiiflse ll Men's SHIRTS or SHORTS 3 for 50c Ladies' Full Fashioned IHIOSE 39c IFLOIUR SACKS 10 for 95c DOOR MATTS 2 for 81.47 Ladies' White SHOES 1 group at 81.77 pr. Men's WORK SMOES 81.79 Men's 8 oz. Bibless Overalls 98c Boys' LEATHER COATS 83.99 PILLOW CASES 42x36 13c Men's Canvas Gloves 2 for 15c Small OVERNITE CASE 49c V Small Linoleum RUGS 2 for 19c FANCY BLANKETS Indian Designs 81.49