Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Old Livery Stable
Torn Down at lone
Very little interest was taken in
the annual school election held at the
school house Monday afternoon.
Only a handful of voters were on
hand. Ralph Harris was reelected
to serve as clerk and Paul G. Bal
siger was elected as director to serve
for three years.
The school board has received the
resignation of L. Marble Cooke who
had been elected to serve as super
intendent next year. He has decided
to remain in Beaverton for another
Larry Ritchie and Lowell Clark
arrived from Los Angeles last Friday
for a visit with relatives.
Dr. F. E. Carlson, superintendent
of Congregational churches in Ore
gon, will preach in the Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning.
David Rietmann, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edw. Rietmann, came up from
Camas, Wash., last week to visit rel
atives here. '
Mrs. James Lindsay and daugh
ter Helen were hostesses for the H.
E. club of Willows grange at their
farm home last Friday afternoon.
Eight members and nine guests were
present. Games were played and
refreshments served. Mrs. Vida Hel
iker was elected president to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Mrs. Etta Bristow from that office.
Members of the Union Sunday
school held a reception for Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Sturdevant in the par
lor of the Congregational church last
Wednesday evening. Several musical
numbers were enjoyed and the
guests of honor were presented with
a wedding gift.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noel
Dobyns were Mrs. Dobyns' father,
mother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Ware and Mrs. Dorothy Crumb,
of Toledo, Wash.
George Ely has returned from
Portland where he attended the an
nual session of Masonic grand lodge.
Mr. Ely was also present at the lay
ing of the cornerstone of 'the capitol
building in Salem but says that there
was such a crowd it was almost im
possible to see or hear the ceremony.
A small place roped off for Masons
who attended in a body from grand
lodge was over run by others just
before the delegation arrived.
Mary Alice Rulifson of Corvallis
has been elected to teach the third
and fourth grades and Marion Neb
ergall of Great Falls, Mont., the first
and second grades in the local school.
Both have accepted contracts.
Lee Beckner is building a loading
platform next to the railroad on the
site of the old Tum-A-Lum coal bins,
a part of the lumber he is using was
secured from the old livery stable
across the street which he purchased
and razed for that purpose. The old
stable will be missed as a mute re
minder of horse and buggy days
and the long strings of horses used
on the wheat wagons of a few years
Mrs. Fred Zielke and son Freder
ick were week-end visitors in Port
land. Mrs. Ida Moore has received word
that her daughter, Mrs. Wrex Hic
kok of Portland, is recovering nicely
from an operation for the removal
of her appendix.
Mrs. Bert Mason returned Sunday
from Portland where she attended
the grand chapter, O. E. S. of Ore
gon. She was accompanied by her
son, Bert, Jr., who graduated from
a Portland high school this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ruley, Harry
Ruley and Miss Alexander of Walla
Walla were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feld
man. Mr. and ' Mrs. J. H. Blake and
granddaughters, Betty Belle and
Phyllis Blake of Kinzua were at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball who haVe
been visiting friends and relatives
here have gone to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie, Ball in Heppner.
Ray Turner has had as his guest
his cousin, Freeman Sandbern of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom
were Hood River visitors last Sun
day. Mrs. Ellen Reith has gone to Har
rington, Wash., to visit her son,
Francis Reith. Mr. and Mrs. Reith
were week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul O'Meara.
Charles Storey of Spokane is mak
ing an audit of the Morrow County
Grain Growers books.
Mrs. Algott Lundell is attending
summer school at the normal school
at Monmouth.
Mrs. Jalmar Koski and daughter,
Thelma Jean, of Olympia, Wash., ar
rived Monday morning for a visit
with relatives. Mrs. Clel Rea met
them at Arlington.
Mrs. Katherine Washburn of Port
land has been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Odom.
Mrs. J. W. Howk brought over a
party of ladies from Condon Tues
day evening to attend the local O.
E. S. chapter.
The Rebekah lodge and P. N. G.
club will have a silver tea in the I.
O. O. F. hall on Friday afternoon.
Fancy work will be sold and there
will also be a grab bag.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow and
grandson Donald and Mr. and Mrs.
David Rietmann and son spent Sun
day in Walla Walla. When they re
turned Sunday evening they were
accompanied by Mrs. Bristow's niece,
Miss Dorothy Swenson of this city,
who will visit here.
You'll sing a song of
happiness when you use
your newHotpoint Elec
tric Range. For this thrilling new
range will give you many extra
' hours of freedom, economy such
as you have never known, spot
less cleanliness and perfection
of results with every recipe.
Come In today.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Alwayt at Your Servc
Full peroalain Miami , , . buHt-to-tha-floar
oonrtreetloa. . . . Idaally suited l modafll
kltcham . . . Raw matal-aaalad Hotpoht Flat.
topCalrod...bMpad brollar . . . axtra larg
. fcaavily Insulated automatic ovaa ... stab
nabtlng work lurfaoa ... thru larga uUKf
drawn... avpllaim Mtlat ... pilot light
Buy on Convonfoni Term
4-H Summer School
Work Described
Our trip to the 4-H summer school
started June 7. Ellwynne Peck,
Billy Biddle and myself making the
trip with County Agent Joe Bel
anger to Arlington where we board
ed the 4-H club special train. We
arrived at Corvallis about 5 o'clock
Monday evening.
We were met at the train by Ho
mer Cherry, overseer at Beta Kappa
fraternity house, where I checked in
and dressed for dinner. Twenty
eight clubbers were enrolled here.
Othr members from Morrow county
were registered at other fraternity
and sorority houses about the cam
pus. Tuesday morning all boys met on
the football field and were divided
into eight sections according to their
ages. Each section constituted a
class for instruction, divided into
four periods of an hour each dur
ing the morning. After lunch an
hour was spent in rest or recreation.
At 2 o'clock we assembled at the
men's gym for general assembly. A
program was arranged of club songs.
Speakers of note were introduced
and spoke to us each day. After as
sembly athletics were enjoyed. Each
fraternity group chose a baseball
and volleyball captain, who picked
a team. Inter-fratemity games of
baseball and volleyball were played
from 3:30 to 4:30 each day. Swim
ming was enjoyed at the natatorium
from 4:30 to 5:30 by many members.
From 5:30 to 6:15 we made ready for
dinner. At 8 o'clock different county
groups gathered at radio . station
KOAC and broadcast a few words.
Other groups attended evening as
sembly where we enjoyed radio
plays, wild life pictures and talkies.
Two dances were held at the Wo
men's building. Throughout the two
weeks club members of fraternity
houses exchanged dinners with club
members of sorority houses. Sun
day an excursion Was made to the
ocean at Seaside by many of the
My daily classes consisted of two
general topics, livestock and plants.
Livestock consisted in judging cat
tle, horses, sheep and hogs, bringing
out the desirable and undesirable
points of each.
Under plants was the selection of
seeds. Four samples of seed were to
be arranged in order according to
purity, uniformity of size, foul ma
terial, and off color. Other topics of
interest were handling of seed to
best advantage, the grading of seeds,
methods of planting, and selection of
varieties for various crops, etc.
There were more than 1700 club
bers at the summer school, 161 of
which scholarships were, like my
own, grange sponsored.
Raymond H. Turner, manager of
Lexington Oil Co-op, was transacting
business in the city Tuesday, report
ing fanners in his section feeling
mighty good over the abundant
showers of the last two weeks.
I like electric cooking because:
I get instant, dependable heat Oven heat control does my
MX as soon as I snap a switch. oven warcn'nS fr me
J j No firing up no splitting " lnsularion keeps my kitchen
' and lugging in fuel. Si cool and comfortable.
f, My pans stay bright without Pacific Power & Light Com-
; scouring. My kitchen stays vfi Pany'" new ra,e$ '0wer tnan
clean. I can follow any U0$A ever before make electric
recipe successfully. V-- cooking so economical.
Electric cooking, refrigeration and water heating
cost so littie at Pacific's new low rates!
The modern kitchen and the kitchen you want-
is all-electric ! It has an electric range, an electric re
frigerator and automatic electric hot water service.
Plan your all-electric kitchen now and work towards
its completion as you buy equipment. (Present appli
ance prices are still low and values were never
greater!) You live in a community where electricity is
really cheap. You can get an abundance of it for a
few cents a day because Pacific Power & Light Com
pany's rates have been steadily reduced until they are
now among the lowest in the United States.
Buy an Electric Range NOW. .. Prices are still low!
Always at Your Service