HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY," JUNE 10, 1937. PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vinton and son Dick arrived in the city Monday on their way from Coquille ot Kansas City. Mr. Vinton, the engineer who liad charge of construction of the Oregon-Washington highway from Heppner to Heppner Junction, now has an engineering position with PWA, being a director in charge of six states with headquarters at Kan sas City. Mrs. Vinton was formerly Miss Lorraine Groshens of this city. They were making the trip to Mis ouri by car. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Culbertson ar rived the end of the week from their home in Ann Arbor, Mich, for a visit at the home of Dr. Culbert son's daughter, Mrs. Lucille McAtee Dr. Culbertson made many friends here while practicing medicine in this city several years ago, and has enjoyed renewing acquaintances. He is enjoying quite good health in spite of his advanced years, having crossed the four-score mark. Mrs. Harold Stiles of Portland ar rived Saturday to spend a month visiting with her mother, Mrs. Josie Jones, while her husband is in St. Paul. June 7 to 11, attending the na tional convention of American Bank ers institute, and at Rutgers univer sity following, taking a summer short course in banking. Mr. Stiles is a past president of the institute. He is assistant cashier with the U. S. Uatonal bank of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnstone were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas. They have resided during the school year at Estacada where for the past sev eral years Mr. Johnstone has been superintendent of schools. He head ed the Lexington schools a few years ago. While here they enjoyed greet ing many friends made while resi dents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and children were in town Tuesday from Morgan. Mr. Palmateer reported having spring grain shoulder high, and his fall grain also looked good though the stand is thinner than the spring grain. All the grain is headed out and the kernel is form ing. A good rain would help a lot in making it fill, he said. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barlow motored to Portland Sunday for a visit. Mr. Barlow returned Monday. while Mrs. Barlow remained below for a longer visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers. Their daughter, Edith Marie, stayed at the Akers home while attending school in the city for the last school year. Charles and Bernard McMurdo ac companied their parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, and son Scott, home from Corvallis the end of the week. Both were students at Ore gon State college during the last school year, and Charles was among the large class of seniors graduated on the Tuesday evening previous. While below to attend the Degree of Honor grand lodge at Portland re cently, Mrs. Emmet Ayers went on to Eugene for a visit at the home of her son, Harold Ayers. She reported Harold well located in a position with a furniture store in the univer sity city. Mrs. Mary Van Vactor and son Sam E. Van Vactor, Jr., were in the city yesterday from The Dalles to attend funeral rites for their old time friend and neighbor, the late Mrs. C. A. Minor. Sam is now dep uty district attorney of Wasco coun ty. Mr. and Mrs. Wave Jackson of Willows, Cal., arrived in Mt. Vernon just in time to attend funeral ser vices for Mrs. Jackson's aunt, the late Mrs. C. A. Minor. They also accompanied the funeral party to Heppner for the burial here. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, June 16th. Josephine Mahoney returned home the first of the week from a week's visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shaw and children were in the city yesterday transacting business. They recently located on a 20-acre farm out east of Stanfield, and Mr. Shaw reported he had just finished cutting his first crop of hay with good results. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn mo tored across the desert from Ellens- burg on their return to Heppner Monday evening, just an hour ahead of the terrific dust storm which came across the same route, scoop ing up the Horseheaven sands. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brady and two children from Mitchell came to Heppner to attend burial rites for Mrs. Brady's mother, the late Mrs. C. A. Minor. They returned home shortly after noon today accompan ied by Mr. Minor and Ellis. ' Archie Saling and Mrs. Chester Saling were visiting friends and rel atives in the city Monday from Grant county, Archie coming over from Galena and Mrs. Saling from Prairie City. They departed for home Mon day evening. Mrs. John Skuzeski and children accompanied F. W. Turner to Port land this morning by car, expecting to visit with relatives in the city for a time. Mr. Turner went to the city on business. Mrs. Kenneth Oviatt accompanied Marion Oviatt on the stage to Pen dleton Tuesday and visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ellis, returning on the stage in the eve ning. Walter McGhee, farm implement representative from Walla Walla, was a business caller in the city the first of the week. Mrs. Lucy O'Brien was a business visitor in the city Monday from the Butter creek farm. Ed Dick and Ray Banister motored to Portland Tuesday to buy equip ment for the new garage and service station, ground for which was brok en at the old Palace hotel corner this week. Louis Gilliam, who majored in for estry as a student at O. S. C. the last year, arrived home this week. Louis will have charge of a forest look-out station near La Grande for the sum mer. Mrs. Alex Green returned home Sunday from Portland after a week's visit in the city at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Green. She was met at Arlington by Cornett Green. W. H. Humphreys is returning to his home in Salem today, after trans acting business here for a couple of days in connection with the estate of his brother, the late Mel Humphreys. Ed Dick, Elwynne Lieuallen and Miss Irene Beamer were Pacific uni versity students returning to their homes in Heppner this week at the close of school for the summer. Donald Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones, underwent an operation for appendicitis at Heppner hospital last Friday, and is making satisfac tory progress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farrens were visitors in the city Monday from the Hardman farm home. Fred Fulgham and son were visit ors in the city Monday from Lexington. Mose Ashbaugh of McMinnville and E. R. Jones of Yakima, Wash., are business visitors in town today, also enjoying a visit with relatives and old-time friends. A. T. King from Kinzua visited over Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. V. Crawford. J. B. Huddleston is visiting in the city today from the farm home near Lone Rock. Miss Patricia Mahoney departed Monday evening for Portland after a week's visit here with relatives and friends, Miss Mahoney has a posi tion in the city. Chester Christenson, Oregon State college student, arrived home for the summer vacation this week. Miss Ilene Kilkenny arrived home this week for a vacation from her studies as a nurse in Portland. WHY NOT AN Educational Policy for that son or daughter? "New York Life" 92 year old will guarantee it. A. Q. 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