11 1L HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1937. PAGE THREE LEXINGTON NEWS Clyde Swift Dies At Lexington Home By BEULAH NICHOLS Clyde Swift died at his home here early Tuesday morning following a brief illness. He had apparently been in good health until he suf fered a stroke Sunday. John Clyde Swift was bom at Heppner on February 7, 18D2, and died at Lexington June 8, 1937, at the age of 45 years, 4 months and 1 day. The greater part of his life was spent in Morrow county where he was engaged in farming. About four years ago he moved from Hepp ner to Lexington and had since made his home on the farm just south of town. He was married to Margaret Sperry of Heppner on August 21, 1911. Besides the widow, he is survived by two brothers, H. S. Swift of Chi- cago and J. B. Swift of Hood River, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services are being held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Elks hall in Heppner, with Alvin Klein feldt officiating minister, and rites by Heppner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E., of which he was a member. In terment will be in the Hardman I. O. O. F. cemetery. The regular meeting of Lexington grange will be held at the hall Sat urday evening, beginning at 8 o 'clock. All members are urged to attend. James Peck, Billy Biddle and Ell- wynne Peck are in Corvallis where thye are attending the 4-H summer school. Clair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, had his tonsils removed last week. Among Lexington people who spent Sunday picnicking in the mountains were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smethurst and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Graves and children, Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller and children, Edna Rauch and George Lambirth. Lester White, who has been work ing in California for the past few months, has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach spent the week end in Walla Walla with Mrs. Beach's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott motored to Portland Wednesday to take in a few days of the Rose Festival. Mrs. Etta Hunt who has been vis iting relatives here for several weeks returned to her home in Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt took her as far as Arlington and from there she travelled by train. Kenneth Smouse, Oregon State college students, has returned to his home here. Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell returned from Boise the last of the week and have gone on to Eugene where Mr. Campbell expects to at tend the summer session of the Uni versity of Oregon. Miss Ann Holey was a recent guest at the home of her cousin,' Mrs. George Gillis. Miss Sylvia Severance, who has spent several months with her sis ter, Mrs. Roy Campbell, has re turned to her home at Banks. Ellen and Fred Nelson who have been attending Oregon State college have returned to their home for the summer. Miss Edith Tucker has returned home from La Grande where she graduated from Eastern Oregon nor mal school last week.- Mrs. Fred Fulghm spent last week visiting relatives in McMinnville and Banks. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson are spending the week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Peck spent last week end in Portland with their daughter. They returned to The Dalles Monday to attend the meet ing of the Oregon State grange as delegates from Lexington grange. They expect to be home in time to attend the meeting of the local grange Saturday evening. Mrs. Orville Cutsforth is spending the week in Portland. E. T. Messenger, this week end. Miss Messenger was graduated from the Eastern Oregon normal school this spring. Silver tea was held at the home of Mrs. Tannehill Wednesday after noon. The meeting was well at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickerson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Nickerson and daughter from Idaho visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickerson. Miss Naomi Black, who has been employed in Umatilla returned home this week to spend the summer. Otto Lubbes and John Partlow re turned home from shearing Saturday evening. Willard Baker, Mildred Allen and Mrs. Lulu Allen spent Monday in Portland. Mrs. Lulu Allen will go on to Los Angeles from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin La Londe and child from California visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ayers over the week end. Mrs. Bickford from La Grande is visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. R. Hug. Mrs. Bill Lilly and C. C. KiMse left for The Dalles Sunday, for state grange. Mr. Kruse went in place of Mrs. McFarland of Umatilla who is Pomona master. Alvan Bears of Hood River is vis iting at the S. C. Russell home this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore and son Rollo were business visitors in Con don Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mc Cutcheon. Glen Carpenter of Portland was a visitor on the project this week end. Miss Margaret Fisher and Mr. Bond of La Grande spent the week end visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford of Gold Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Mef ford and son of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mefford and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mefford of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Mefford and two children of Wapato, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Al Macomber and children of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ide and three children of Portland, Ver non Root of Aberdeen, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pike and children and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Root and children of Umatilla, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow of Boardman attend ed the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root on Saturday evening. It was a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. Root and enjoyed by all. G. T. Want Ads bring results. BOARDMAN NEWS Wind Topples Trees, Hurts Boardman Crops By LA VERN BAKER A very hard wind struck Board- man Monday evening. The damage it did to crops was worse on the east end of the project. Many trees were blown over and many were loosened from the ground. Miss Francine King of Spokane spent the week end visiting at the Baker home. Miss King is going to her home in Portland and from there will go on to Seaside to work. Miss Josephine McEntire of Pen dleton is spending a two-weeks' va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEntire. Miss McEn tire is in training in the Pendleton hospital. Miss Lois Messenger of La Grande is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. y' Lowest financing cost. More convenient payments. . Insurance placed locally (with your own agent or broker). Available to any individual having a satisfactory credit record and steady income, who can supply one-third the cost of his or her new or used car purchase price, either in cash or by the trade-in value of another automobile. This bank then supplies the balance needed to make a cash deal. Before Buying a New Car or Refinancing Your Present One, Investigate This Plan at HEPPNER BRANCH The FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "FIRST NArONAl BANK WSJ Oh THE HOCKIEST MlMIII PtDIIAl OBPOSIT INSUtANCt COLORATION r m ".,r. MEW , -qDI " . I 1 1 1 111 IS U1' .-.nuns'" r A BEAUTY Y THAT MEANS I 'TO? ' . 7BJ THE LINES ARE V 1 ' (x'tPS" EAST HANDLING! $mt TOM QU,ET V UP-TO-DATE j yj GEAR-SHIFTING j J 100 SATISFACTION OR 100 REFUND! Ford Dealers offer a special plan to give extra security to buyers. It is the R&G plan. When a used car is sold as an R&G used car it has been renewed by a care ful check of more than 30 vital points. Then guaranteed, in writing, on a cold money-back ' basis, when you buy. At Ford Dealers only ONE OF THE gig USED CAR BUYS OF ALL TIME IF you're looking for a used car, see the 1935 Ford V-8 now being featured by Ford Deal ers. What a car ! It was actually so advanced in 1935 that it's right up to date today ! Modern in beauty, safety, convenience. And a car that's fun to drive. A bargain in quality as well as price and if you choose one sold under the R&G plan, you'll get the extra protection of a written money-back guarantee. Drive one of these great cars today. Easy terms through Universal Credit Company see your Ford Dealer today! 1935 Ford V8 Coupe 1936 Ford V8 Touring Tudor 1936 Ford V8 Coupe 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach 1932 Ford V8 DeLuxe Sedan 1932 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford A Roadster 1936 Truck L. W. B. Duals 1934 Ford V8 Pick-Up 1934 Chevrolet Truck 1932 Chevrolet Truck 1929 Chevrolet Truck 1929 Ford A Coupe 1933 Terraplane DeLuxe Sedan Other used cars from $40.00 up MILSOM-BANISTER MOTOR COMPANY for good used cars and trucks Phone 192 SALES SERVICE Heppner