HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937. LEXINGTON NEWS Nelsons' Daughter Among OSC Grads Mrs. Earl Warner is reported to be recovering rapidly from a major op eration which she underwent at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Leach are en joying a fishing trip at Lagoon lake this week. . Mrs. Frank Brosius of Lakeview spent the week end visiting with friends and relatives in this commu nity. Mrs. Brosius was formerly Miss Dora Cutsforth of this city and while here was a guest at the home of her brother, Orville Cutsforth. Joe Clark of Arlington spent last week at the home of. his daughter, Mrs. Ted McMillan. W. A. Warrens of Corvallis was looking after property interests here last week. Mrs. Howard Slonecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson, re ceived her degree from Oregon State college Tuesday. Mrs. Nelson and son Norman went down for the com mencement exercises. They were ac companied by Mrs. J. G. Johnson who will spend some time with rel atives in Corvallis and Astoria. ' Gloria Sharkey of Pendleton who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, left the first of the week for San Francisco to visit relatives. Mrs. J. C. Walton and daughter, Mrs. Dick Scheckler of Yakima and Mrs. E. K. Wyland and daughter Barbara of Grandview spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devin in Sand Hollow. Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Wyland are sisters of Mrs. Oral Scott and Mrs. Merle Kirk. Lawrence Beach made a business trip to Maupin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and children of Pendleton are moving back to Lexington for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. .Owen Helms of Pen dleton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Burnside of Portland visited friends in Lexington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fulgham and family spent Sunday in Boardman. Miss Helen Valentine who has been teaching at Dufur has returned to her home here for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler of Pen dleton were recent guests of Mrs. Wheeler's mother, Mrs. B. F. Swag gart. Merle Kirk and daughter Evelyn spent the week end with relatives at Lyle, Wash. Irene and Elsie Tucker who have been teaching at Ontario and Haines respectively, returned home this week. Mrs. Maude Pointer, Mrs. Etta Millet and Miss Emma Kramer have returned to their homes at Mon mouth after spending a few days visiting relatives and friends here. The Lexington Home Economics club will hold a no-hostess meeting at the grange hall next Thursday af ternoon, June 10. Lexington grange will sponsor a dance for the benefit of 4-H clubs of the community Saturday night. This will be an old time dance. The music will be by Carr"s orchestra from Pendleton. Supper will be served by the 4-H clubs. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker went to La Grande Wednesday to be pres ent at the graduation of their daugh ter Edith from the Eastern Oregon Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Myles Martin re turned from Portland Monday eve ning, s TODAY'S QUOTE. "When a motorist buys 10 gallons of gasoline he gets concentrated en ergy equal to that represented by 1800 gallons of water elevated 100 feet above a power plant. Using gasoline, however, is using our prin cipal, while water power comes in continuous dividends." Dr. W. F. Durand, national president of Sigma Xi, in an address at O.S.C. on "Pow er and Civilization." Read G. T. Want Ads. You way find a bargain in something needed. HARDMAN NEWS Mrs. Laura A. Ward Buried at Hardman Word was received of the death of Mrs. Laura Ward at her home in Chehalis, Wash., Saturday evening. Funeral services were held at the church here Wednesday. Mrs. Ward was a former resident of Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stevens have moved to Hamilton where they ex pect to make their home. Jim Bran non took them over. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and daughter Echo, and Mrs. Blanche Jones of Boardman visited friends and relatives here over the holi days, returning to their homes Mon day evening. Miss Jake Adams is visitnig at the Ben Rogers home in Lonerock. She planned to attend the Condon Rodeo before returning to her home. Mrs. Charles McDaniel returned home Monday. She was a delegate to grand lodge in Portland from the Rebekah lodge here and was joined in Portland by her daughter, Mrs. R. O. Fisk of Arlington, and motored to Jefferson to visit her father who re sides there. Max Buschke and family have moved to Long Prairie where Mr. Buschke is employed by the forest service. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson of Heppner stopped for a few minutes on their way to Long Pairie where Mr. Johnson is to count sheep for the forest service. Miss Pat Bleakman is working for Mrs. Walter Wright this week. Mrs. Tom Mclntyre and daughter motored to Condon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens and Roland were here to attend the fu neral of Mrs. Laura Ward. Mrs. Ward was a sister of Mrs. Farrens. Mrs. B. H. Bleakman and Deslie accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson to Opal and Tupper ranger stations one day last week. Mrs. Frank Howell and sons, Clif ford and Everett, of Monument stopped for a short while here en- at Cuts and How to cook THem PORK CHART Retail Cuts Wholesale Cuts Retail Cuts Sirloin Porn lender loin 1 Half Horn Halt Horn Port Roast ftvnciwaaiMwnatt I Butt End SrtanKCnd Roost $rotl or Brats I I So or timmtr ji-sJLJ s Wfc I Horn Butt Center , ! TT0 VrZZ s Slice Ham Slice Canadian tyltBocon Loin Chop tfSjJjV a or Frenched Butterfly v ("f) (JjJ Pork Chop Rib Chop Chop XSAJiSiirV Fresh Ham Rolled Fresh Ham tmllarlnlit rlSW "00W Roast A Spareribs ( 7 ' '" Simmtr-tnlt or Roost alVmri UDVtWf Wcnlc Shoulder Picnic Shoulder f ByjftW jvJjSff y Poort . Bout or Slmmrr Blade SmoHed l '.tfj ( v5J vTin Porn Steals CottageRoH YW rf SfjU Broitt BoHorixoroii HTf 9 Cushion style Rolled PlCniC SftW "oPICn'C SnUMmr Butt Boston Style Butt Bacon Square ffrrrff- II Stotontrto Pon Droll II Fresh Shoulder Hoed Arm Port) SteaR Slmmtr train Pork Is a universal favorite. It appears more frequently on the American table than any other meat dish, but there are a good many attractive pork cuts which are passed over by the average homemaker, because she Is not acquainted with the possibilities they offer for new and attractive main dishes. The pork chart shown above deserves a place In the household files because It shows at a glance the variety of pork cuts and how to cook them. route to Echo to visit Mrs. Howell's sister, Mrs. George Samuels. They were accompanied by Mrs. Howell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDan iel, Yvonne Hastings and Elmer Steers. Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr., and Max ine have gone to Mr. McDaniel's sheep camp in the mountains where they will spend the summer. Mr. McDaniel herds for Clyde Wight. Guy Chapin has gone to work for Kay Wright. Oscel and Frances Inskeep re turned home from a short trip Sat. urday. While they were gone they visited a short time with their sister, Mrs. Theodore Whacker, who will be remembered as Mary Ellen Ins keep. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bleakman have been confined to their home with intestinal flu. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayden and Frank Howell were Heppner and Hardman visitors Monday. Les Brannon spent Sunday at his home here from' Condon where he is working. Mrs. Ted Burnside and Beverly are visiting at the J. B. Adams home. Mr. and Mrs.' Ray Auburv of Klamath Falls are visiting Mrs. Au- burys nephew, Lewis Batty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Battv of Mau pin were calling at the Lewis Batty home Monday. Kenneth and Gilbert Batty accompanied them up from Eight Mile. George Winnemucca was a busi ness visitor here Tuesdav. Yvonne Hastings accompanied Mrs. Frank Howell to her home near Monument. Ronald Coblantz of Heppner vis ited' Bud Cannon at his home near Hardman Monday. Kenneth and Lewis Batty motored to The Dalles and Maupin Tuesday. DEEDS RECORDED. Deeds were recorded at the clerk's office May 24 to 29 inclusive as fol lows: James J. McHaley estate to AlbertW.Rentner, Fr. SVfVtSEVA SEy4, Sec. 11, T. 4 S. R. 29 E. W. M., $1; Thomas E. McDandel estate to E. H. Miller, Fr. Sees. 3 St 4, T. 1 S. R. 26, Fr. Sec. 33, T. 1 N. R. 26 E. W. M., $6500: Thomas P. Graham estate to Lettie Graham Courter, Fr. Sec. 26, T. 6 S. R. 25 E. W. M., $1; Thomas P. Graham estate to Kinzua Pine Mills, Fr. Sees. 23-24-26, T. 6 S. R. 21 E. W. M., $1; E. E. Clark et ux to Edward D. Clark, F. Sec. 21, T. 2 S. R. 26 E W. M., $10. PINE CITY NEWS Burton H. Peck was among farm ers of the Lexington section trading in town Saturday. Pine Citians Reunite; Miss Neill Marries Miss Oleta Neill, daughter of Mrs. Ollie Neill, was married at her home in Heppner, June 1, to Mr. Dale Ak ers of Eight Mile. The young couple are taking a short wedding trip and making their home on a farm in Eight Mile. A party was given Monday after noon for a group of girls that at tended high school together five years ago. It is the first time since they finished school that they have all been together. Those present were Misses Oleta and Neva Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kinton, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vanorsdall, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers," Miss Audrey Moore, Mrs. Wilma Roberts, Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter Lenna, Mrs. J. S. Moore and son John, Mrs. C. F. Bar tholomew, Miss Helen Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Neill and Mrs. Chris Broderson. Ralph Moore, son of Mrs. Roy Neill, surprised his mother Friday by bringing his bride home for a visit. They were on their way to Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kinton of Salem visited the Roy Neill home Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young of The1 Dalles visited the H. E. Young home' and the William McCarty home. A community dance was held at the Vanorsdall home Friday eve ning and it was well attended. The high school pupils went on their picnic Friday to Pendleton. They visited interesting places, in cluding the new junior high school.' They enjoyed their picnic very much. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Young, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch, Mrs. Lucy O'Brien, Mrs. Ray Pinson and Mr.' and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger were Pendleton callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Neill spent Monday at the W. D. Neill home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartholomew of Estacada spent the week end with his brother, Charley Bartholomew. A shower was given unday after noon at the William McCarty home in honor of Mrs. Bert Young. Alvin Strain and Miss Helen Slanger of Pendleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenbur ger. Miss Pauline Rauch spent tne week end with Mrs. Joyce Smith of Irrigon. Give G. T. Want Ads a trial. rgn f-,HsfW"""'' Be a cash buyer for your next car. This new, lowest cost financing plan is available to any one having s sstisfactory credit record and a steady income. You select any new automobile or a used car less than three years old, and supply one-third the purchase price either in cash or by the trade-in value of another automobile, This bank then supplies the balance needed to make a cash deal. Before buying a new car or refinancing your present one, Invest! gate what this plan will save you! Caff mt amy Brmittk HEPPNER BRANCH The FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "MOT NATIONAL SANK wesr of me locwey Ml M S H MDltAt PI f O ( I T I N I USANCE "CORPORATION i i, ijiiMi: