Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 03, 1937, Image 1

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    SOC I
Volume 53, Number 13.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
portl a . ORE .
Crow-Magpie Hunt
Contest Comes to
End Wednesday
Wild Life Pictures,
Boxing Card Set;
Wire to Make Talk.
With the big wind-up banquet of
Morrow County Hunters and Ang
lers club crow-magpie contest all
set for next Wednesday evening,
members of both sides are suffering
from the ijtters awaiting the ver
dict of who will be the unfortunates
to eat crow.
This will not be decided until 5
o'clock Tuesday evening, the dead
line for members of each side to re
port to their captains, Mark Merrill
and J. Logie Richardson.
Attendance of 125 to 150 is ex
pected at the banquet, to be held at
6:30 o'clock at the county pavilion.
All married men contestants are ex
pected to be attended by their wives.
Each contestant will pay 75 cents
the plate.
Heading the entertainment pro
gram will be Frank Wire, superin
tendent of the state game commis
sion, who will speak and also show
Oregon wild life motion pictures. A
boxing card is also slated.
Ralph Moore Weds
Newberg Young Lady
Marital ties were solemnized at
the Christian parsonage at 9:30 o
'clock Friday morning for Ralph
Moore, son of Mrs. L. D. Neill of
Echo, and Miss Glenna Barnes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Barnes of Newberg, Alvin Klein
feld performing the ceremony. The
young couple were attended by Mr,
and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Mrs. Scott be
ing a sister of the bridegroom. Mr.
and Mrs. Barnes accompanied their
daughter to the Neill farm where
they were guests.
The newlyweds left shortly after
the ceremony for Montana, where
Mr. Moore is working with the E. E.
Clark shearing crew. After the
shearing season Mr. Moore expects
' to resume his past work on govern
ment roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Groshens and Har
ry Groshens, former residents, were
over-Memorial day visitors, coming
up from their respective homes in
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Groshens
the elder have a small tract near
Portland, Harry is manager of the
fishing tackle department of a ma
rine supply company, and Charles is
in the garage business in the city.
Envoy Lillian Gray McCormick
with the Salvation Army was a
Heppner visitor Tuesday. This is
her twelfth year in this territory.
Mrs. McCormick was conducting the
annual solicitation for the Salvation
Army. She advised Morrow county
people that her division has no one
out with tambourines in this dis
trict. Mrs. Hubert Gaily departed for
Hood River last evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls, and will
visit at the Sprouls home there for
a while. Mr. Sprouls drove up for
Mrs. Sprouls and Janet who had
been visiting here for several days
Lester White was in the city this
morning from Lexington. He ex
pects to remain in the county until
after harvest, having just arrived
from San Francisco where he had
been for three months employed with
a nackinff comnany.
Mrs. John Clouston and children
of Lakeview arrived this week for a
visit at the home of Mrs. Clouston's
narpnts. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Devin.
Strawberry festival, basement of
Methodist church, June 11, from 3
to 7 p. m. 13"14
Mrs. Ray P. Kinne and Dickie left
today for Yakima to visit relatives.
lone Defeat Retaliated 13-4;
Gilman on Mound Helps Out;
Condon or Kinzua Next Up.
Manager Fred Hoskins believes he
has a bunch of young fellows who
will uphold Heppner's baseball repu
tation with laurels before the season
ends. Though they tasted defeat in
their first game at lone, 18-17, two
weeks ago, they came back last Sun
day and drubbed lone, 13-4, on the
local diamond.
Part of Heppner's added strength
Sunday come through the presence
on the mound of Leonard Gilman,
high school ace, who was absent the
week before attending the state track
meet at Eugene. Fred expects Gil
man to hold his own with the best
in future games.
The team is playing independently.
Next Sunday they will jaurney eith
er to Condon or Kinzua,. and Fred
expects to get some games at home
later with some of the toughest
teams around being eyed.
In the game Sunday against lone
Fred started Glen Hayes on the
mound, relieving him with Gilman,
Stone, high school catcher, received,
and did a nice job. Dean, CCC, and
Banister alternated at first base, with
Dean clouting out a homer with the
stick. Munkers, of the high school
squad, was at shortstop, Bill McRob'
erts on third and Don Turner on sec
ond. McRoberts and Turner handled
all chances nicely, Fred said. In the
outer pasture were Charles Cox in
center field, Randall Grimes in right
field, and Joe Aiken and Howard
Bryant alternatingin left field.
The boys are practicing regularly
on Wednesday evenings, and any
other "aspirants are welcome.
This is Fred's answer to the town's
desire for a baseball team, and he
believes fans will get their money's
worth by following them.
Fred Hoskins was in the city
Tuesdav transacting business for
several hours on his way home to
Rhea creek from taking his sheep to
summer range in the mountains near
La Grande. Striking cool weather
on the trail, the lambs went through
in fine shape. Fred reported an ex
cellent lambing with a 2000 increase
from a band of 2200 ewes. He ex
pressed alarm over the game situa
tion in the country where his range
is located. Deer sign are few and
far between this season, he said,
there having apparently been i
heavy winter killing of the game an
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wheeler of
Waitsburg, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs,
H. P. Peterson of Walla Walla, were
visitors in the city Monday, just "to
see the town they had heard so much
about and to enjoy the ride. Mr,
Wheeler is editor of the Waitsburg
times, the paper on which the late
Vawter Crawford got his start in the
newspaper business. Mr. Peterson
is deputy auditor of Walla Walla
The grand jury for the June term
of circuit court was convened at the
court house this morning by Frank
C. Alfred, district attorney, and
Judge C. L. Sweek was expected to
arrive this afternoon to take their
report. J. I. Hanna, foreman, Han
son Hughes, W. O. Bayless, George
Ely, H. E. Clark, Russell D. Moore
and Robt. Smith compose the body.
The Glen Boyer ranch of 240 acres
on lower Rhea creek, formerly op
erated by Roy Feeley, was sold yes
terday to W. J. Needham of Lexing
ton through the local Hardinan Na
tional Farm Loan association office,
announces Vawter Parker, secre
tary. Needham will take possession
in the fall.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Rill of Eight Mile at the maternity
home of Mrs. Lillie Aiken in this
city, May 25, a daughter.
City of the Dead
Cloaked in Flowers
On Memorial Day
Legion and Auxiliary
Pay Tribute; Holiday
Enjoyed by Business.
Decoration of graves of war vet
erans and departed members of their
organizations by American Legion
and auxiliary was the only commu
nity activity in Heppner on Memor
ial day, Sunday. Individual observ
ance of the day, however, resulted
in general beautification of the city
of the dead, reflecting a true spirit
of homage to those loved ones, la
borers of the past day, the memory
of whom was brightened in the ob
A number of former residents with
dear ones at rest atop Heppner's hill,
joined local relatives and friends in
the observance, each adding his stint
by tidying up the burial ground and
contributing to the profusion of
flowers that left the hallowed field
in a blanket of loving remembrance
as the evening twilight faded into
the end of a tranquil, warm sum
mer day.
A holiday from business was en
joyed in Heppner, and many resi
dents took advantage of it to visit
friends or relatives elsewhere, to go
fishing, or to participate in a moun
tain picnic. Little activity other
than that at the cemetery was in
evidence about the city.
Ranges Improved
Under AAA Program
Oregon range lands have been im
proved by the development of wells
and springs, installation of fences,
and substantial resseding,, as a re
sult of the 1936 range program un
der the AAA, a preliminary sum
mary of reports in the state office at
Corvallis shows. Although the 1936
program was started late in the year,
close to 1300 range operators part
Most of the improvement work
had to do with providing additional
watering places, making possible the
better use of range lands. Approxi
mately 1500 springs were dug out
and improved to provide efficient
use of water available. Ninety pits
or reservoirs to carry surplus water
into the dry season were built and
25 new wells were dug.
The summary also shows that ap
proximately 600 miles of fence were
built to control grazing to better ad
vantage and that about 16,000 acres
of depleted range were reseeded
with grasses found to be well adapt
ed to such use. A small amount of
water spreading and rodent control
was also carried out, although the
season was too late for much of this
to be done under last year's pro
The chief new practice added to
the range program for 1937 is that
of deferred grazing, by which stock
will be kept off of certain areas while
the grass rehabilitates itself. The
dates for deferred grazing in this
state, showing the period during
which stock will be kept off that
part of the range on which applica
tion for payment is to be made were
established by the AAA in advance
of the grazing season. For Oregon
these are March 1 to June 31, in
elusive, on range lands at the 3000
feet level or under; and for all land
above 3000 feet elevation the dates
are April 1 to July 31, inclusive.
A much larger number of coop-
erators in the range improvement
program are signing up in eastern
Oregon, while in the western part of
the state a considerable number of
those with smaller range acreages
are cooperating this year in the reg
ular agricultural conservation pro
gram by carrying out the practices
under the classification of noncrop
pasture land.
60 Acres Burned Over on Service
Creek; Forest Personnel Gets
Hurry Call to Work.
A 60-acre forest fire three miles
east of Nelson's rrlill on Service creek
was the sixth reported so far this
season in the Heppner district, said
F. F. Wehmeyer, local ranger. Five
of these were in the forest proper,
and the other, a 60-acre fire, was on
private land. All occurred in va
rious parts of the west end of the
district where south slopes are dry
ing up fast, Mr. Wehmeyer said.
He was called to the Nelson's mill
fire Tuesday.
Early arrival of low humidity in
the forest resulted in a hurry call
being sent to get the lookout and
guard personnel on the job.
Camp was started at Tupper this
week for the forest range survey
crew with Ed Birkmeier in charge.
A 12-man soil conservation crew and
another ERA road crew are also on
the job, putting the activity season
in the local district under a full head
of steam, Wehmeyer said.
Just by way of comment, the local
ranger remarked that if the local
district were a national park people
would gladly pay a dollar to visit
it these days. He said the forest is
now at its best with a profusion of
wild flowers and when Morrow
county is at its best, there's no place
on earth any better.
Paul M. Gemmell was in the city
the end of the week from Salem,
visiting relatives and friends while
accompanying C. M. Bentley, exam
iner of operators and chauffeurs
from the office of Earl Snell, secre
tary of state, on a series of examina
tion stops in eastern Oregon. Mr,
Gemmell accepted an examiner s
position with the state about two
weeks ago and has spent most of that
time in the Salem office.
"My E'iltered Halos" is a new book
of poems recently published by Dr,
A. B. Gray of Dorris, Cal., formerly
of this city. Friends are advised
that copies may be secured through
T. J. Humphreys. Dr. Gray had one
book published while in Heppner,
and has gained quite a wide recog
nition for his verse. He reports that
he is now entirely well and doing
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisbbe and
Mrs. Mary Thomson motored to Eu
gene Sunday evening to be present
Monday evening at University of
Oregon graduation exercises. Among
the graduates was Miss Kathryn
Bisbee who received her bachelor of
science degree after a year's work
at U. of O. medical school in Port
land. PLANT 50,000 TROUT.
Trucks of the state game commis
sion, assisted by members of Mor
row County Hunters and Anglers
club, dumped 50,000 fingerling trout
into Willow and Rhea creeks last
week. The planting is expected to
greatly increase the angling attract
iveness of these streams.
Willows grange anounces that the
dance set for lone Legion hall June
12 has been postponed in deference
to the opening of the new Lena
grange hall on that night. An old
time dance will be held at the Cecil
hall instead.
All girls intending to do 4-H club
worK this summer are requested to
meet at the office of Mrs. Lucy E,
Rodgers, county school superintend
ent, at 2:30 o'clock Saturday after
noon. All women who will lead
clubs are requested to meet with
A marriage license was issued at
the clerk's office May 29 to Mary
Oleta Neill and Wilson Dale Akers,
both of this county.
Directors Change
Rodeo Dates to
August 26-27-28
Chute Bucking, Bull
dogging in Events;
Plan Condon Junket.
Heppner's 1937 Rodeo dates were
changed to August 26-27-28 by the
directors who were meeting this
morning to look after details. The
date, change was announced to ac
commodate the 4-H club activities
and prevent a conflict with their
showing at the stfete fair.
In lining up the list of events, the
directors decided to institute chute
bucking this year instead of the open
snubbing customary in the past, and
added bulldogging as an extra at
traction. A contract has already been signed
with Browning Amusement company
of Salem to show again this year.
The Browning company has been
here the last two years.
Arrangements were made to get
out the advertising, with a junket
planned to the spring Rodeo at Con
don this week end to help promote
the local show and evidence good
fellowship to the neighboring show.
Additional stress upon the live
stock feature is being made by the
directors for this year's show, with
the expectation that the finest array
of riding ponies ever assembled in
the city will be on hand. . These are
expected to augment the big parade
on which stress is also being given.
State Game Men
Checking Ditches
Inspection of upper Willow creek
for screening of irrigation ditches
and placement of fishways over dams
was completed yesterday by C. A.
Lockwood, assistant superintendent
of the state game commission, and
Ralph Rittenour, also with the com
mission. All farmers of the upper
creek were contacted and showed
willingness to cooperate to fulfill
the requirements necessary to pro
tect the fish..
The game men expected to con
tact farmers on Rhea creek next, in
line with a county-by-county in
spection covering the entire state.
It is the intention to bring both
Willow and Rhea creeks up to re
quirements, as the two main fishing
streams in Morrow county.
W. F. Palmateer was a caller in
the city Tuesday, coming up from
Morgan to check up with a local
physician on his recent illness. He
had been feeling much improved of
late, though his heart still bothered
him some. As one of the county's
oldest wheat raisers he believed the
crop prospects in his section average,
with chances of being helped ma
terially by good rains followed by
cool weather.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and
son Scott motored to Corvallis Sat
urday to be present for graduation
exercises Tuesday. The eldest son,
Charles Edward, received his bach
elor of science degree at the exer
cises. Mrs. Frank C. Alfred visited over
the week end with Mr. Alfred, com
ing up from Portland where she has
a position in the relief office.
Mrs. Rupert Stout and baby re
turned to their home the first of the
week from the maternity home of
Mrs. Lillie Aiken.
Delbert Wright was in the city
this morning from Rhea creek.
Mrs. Elaine Furlong departed Fri
day evening for San Francisco where
she expected to attend the wedding
of a friend and to take in part of
the big Golden Gate bridge fiesta.
Her return was scheduled for near
the 25th.