Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 27, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"Look at any rural community
with well kept homes, good churches
and schools and a general appear
ance of being a place in which you
would like to live, and you will find
that the farmers there have learned
how to make a profitable business
out of farming. Those are the kind
of communities that you and I want
Want Ads
Lost Key ring with several keys.
Finder please return to this office.
For sale 8 qt. pressure cooker.
Beulah Nichols, Lexington.
20 fine 3-yr.-old bucks for sale.
Will sell cheap if taken at once. Joe
Kenny. 12tf.
Want horse to drive or work sin
gle. Prefer mare. John Henderson,
city. ltp
PIANO FOR SALE, for balance
due. Bungalow size, standard make,
guaranteed. You take over balance
for cash or small monthly payments.
Address, Auditor of Accounts, Cline
Piano Company, 1011 SW Washing
ton. Portland, Oregon.
For sale or trade Model T Ford
cars, ready to go, cheap; also car
parts and trailers. Max Schultz,
Heppner, Ore. lip
For sale, trade or rent 640 acres
timber and grazing land, water, fence
and cabin, west of Ukiah, Ore., in
Sec. 29-30-32-33, Twp. 6 S. R. 30, E.
W. M. W. C. Rhinehart, 7004 N.
Burr Ave., Portland, Ore. 11-14
Anyon wanting hand-made stain
less steel knives, all kinds, call sec
ond house west of library. S. H.
For Sale No. 8 International prai
rie type combine, good condition.
Peter Timm, R 1, Pendleton. 10-13
For Sale Saddle and pack horses.
Write or phone, Jim Carsner, Spray.
For Sale Two-wheel trailer, good
condition. Inquire G. T. office, tf.
Wood cutters wanted. W. H.
French, Hardman, Ore. 7tf.
on farmers in Morrow County. No ex-,
perience or capital required. Make up
to $12 a day. Write today. FURST &
THOMAS, 426 Third St. Oakland, Calif.
HUSTLER WANTED! to Introduce,
supply demand for Rawleigh's Necessi
ties. Good routes open In East Umatilla
and Grant counties. Rawleigh Meth
ods get business. No selling experience
needed. We supply Sales, Advertising
literature all you need. Profits should
increase every month. Low prices;
good values; complete service. Raw
leigh's, Dept. ORE-84-63, Oakland, Calif.
Spring Fruits
& Vegetables
Served Fresh Daily
For a Good Meal
ED CIUNTf, Prop.
to help build." Dean Wm. A.
Schoenfeld, OSC, in a radio address
to 4-H club members over a nation
al hook-up.
Mrs. Chas. McElligott was a busi
ness visitor in the city Monday from
the farm home in the lone section.
the legal voters of School District
No. 1, of Morrow County, State of
Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL
MEETING of said district will be
held at the City Council Chambers,
to begin at the hour of 2:30 o'clock
P. M., on the third Monday of June,
being the 21st day of June, A. D.,
This meeting is called for the pur
pose of electing one School Director
for 3-year term, and one District
Clerk for 1-year term, and the trans
action of business usual at such
Dated this 20th day of May, 1937.
Chairman, Board of Directors.
District Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to an order and license duly made and
entered by the Hon. Bert Johnson,
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, on the
5th day of April, 1937, the undersigned
guardian of the person and estate of
Carletta Claire Olden, a minor, will
from and after the 3rd day of July,
1937, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at
Heppner, Oregon, offer and sell at pri
vate sale for cash to the highest and
best bidder all the 1-110 interest of the
above named minor in and to the fol
lowing described real property, situate
in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: ,
The northwest quarter of Section 4
and the northeast quarter of Section
5 in Township 3 South, Range 24
East of the Willamette Meridian,
subject to confirmation by the above
mentioned court.
Dated this 27th day of May, 1937.
GRANT OLDEN, Guardian.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Fred Hoskins, as Administra
tor of the Estate of Rubina F. Crisman,
deceased, under and by virtue of an Or
der of the Honorable Bert Johnson,
Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, duly
made and entered on the 26th day of
May, 1937, will, from and after the 26th
day of June, 1937, offer for sale and
sell at private sale at the office of P.
W. Mahoney in Heppner, Oregon, and
subject to confirmation by the above
entitled Court, to the person making the
best and highest offer therefor, all of
the estate, right, title, and interest of
the Estate of Rubina F. Crisman, de
ceased, in and to the following de
scribed real property situated in Mor
row County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided nine-fortieths' inter
est in the followng described real
property, subject to the life estate
of Isabel Fances Corrlgall:
West Six feet of Lot Five in Block
Four; All of Lot Six and the South
Twenty-six feet, five inches, in Lot
Seven, Block Four, City of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon.
The said property will be sold subject
to existing incumbrances thereon and
will be sold for cash upon confirmation
of the sale by the Court and upon exe
cution and delivery of a good and suf
ficient deed therefor.
Dated this 26th day of May, 1937.
Administrator of the Estate of
Rubina F. Crisman, deceased.
William H. VanOrsdall, Plaintiff,
Velo Alfa VanOrsdall, Defendant.
TO Velo Alfa VanOrsdall, defendant
above named:
OREGON: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the above
entitled Court and cause within four
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, namely, on or
before Thursday, the 24th
day of June, 1937; and, you are to take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer or plead to said complaint with
in said time, the plaintiff; for want
thereof, will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in his said complaint,
to-wit: for a decree of the Court for
ever dissolving the marriage contract
now and heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for an ab
solute divorce from the defendant, and
for such other and further relief as to
the Court seems proper.
This summons is published in pur
suance to an order made by Honorable
Calvin L. Sweek, Judge of the above en
titled Court, made and entered on the
24th day of May, 1937.
The first publication of summons
herein will be made on Thursday, the
27th day of May, 1937, and the last pub
lication thereof will be made on Thurs
day, the 24th day of June, 1937, and will
be published for four consecutive weeks
in the Heppner Gazette Times, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub
lished at Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon. Dated this 24th day of May, 1937.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Pendleton, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Stanley W. Baker haa been
appointed Administrator, C. T. A. of
the Estate of Lillian M. Baker, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, and haa
qualified. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified as by
law required, to the undersigned at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published May 20,
Last publication June 17, 1937.
Administrator, C. T .A.
In the matter of the estate of Nat H.
Webb, deceased. No. 809
NOTICE is hereby given, that under
authority of an order granted by the
above-entitled court the 6th day of
May, 1937, the undersigned, as adminis
trator with the will annexed of the es
tate of Nat H. Webb, deceased, will sell
at private sale the following personal
and real property:
An undivided one-half interest in and
20 head of beef cows
3 sections 4 horse harrow
1 old wagon
1 old hay rake
1 old mowing machine
1 old binder
Miscellaneous small tools
35 head of sheep
An undivided one-half interest in and
to the following real property, situated
in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to
wit: The Southwest quarter of the North
east quarter of Section Fourteen, in
Township Four South, of Range Twenty-six
East of the Willamette Meridian,
save and except a tract therefrom sold
to J. M. Hayes, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of
the Southwest quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section Fourteen, in Town
ship Four South, of Range Twenty-six
E. W. M., and running thence North
3.60 chains, thence North 62 degrees
West 12.15 chains, thence South 32
degrees West 1.60 chains, thence North
80 degrees West 3.50 chains, thence
South 31 degrees West 3.05 chains,
thence South 21 degrees East 6.60
chains; thence East 14.16 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 11.50
acres, more or less.
The Southeast quarter of the North
west quarter, and the West half of the
Northwest quarter of Section Fourteen,
in Township Four South, of Range
Twenty-six E. W. M., save and except
a tract sold to J. M. Hayes, described
as follows: Commencing at the corner
of Sections 10, 11, 14, and 15, in Town
ship Four South, of Range Twenty-six
E. W. M., thence South 89 degrees 54
minutes East 3.3 chains, thence South
51 degrees 33 minutes East 8.3 chains,
thence South 32 degrees 15 minutes
West 12.7 chains, thence South 8 degrees
54 minutes East 16.9 chains, thence
South 19 degrees 49 minutes West 3.4
chains, thence South 32 degrees 43 min
utes West 5.9 chains to the quarter cor
ner between Sections 14 and 15 of the
aforesaid township and range, thence
North 40 chains to the place of begin
ning (11.04 acres.).
The Southwest quarter of Section
Fourteen, the West half of Section
Twenty-three, and the Southeast quar
ter of the Southeast quarter of Section
Twenty-two; all in Township Four
South, of Range Twenty-six E. W. M.
Commencing at the quarter corner
between Sections 14 and 15 in Township
Four South, of Range Twenty-six E. W.
M., thence South 13 degrees 05 minutes
West 10.6 chains, thence South 23 de
grees 51 minutes West 7.6 chains ; thence
South 24 degrees 57 minutes West 10.6
chains, thence South 42 degrees 54 min
utes West 6.0 chains, thence South 20
degrees 39 minutes West 15.1 chains,
thence South 19 degrees 52 minutes East
6.0 chains, thence South 7 degrees 20
minutes West 2.1 chains, thence South
31 degrees 42 minutes West 15.1 chains,
thence South 8 degrees 10 minutes West
5.1 chains, thence South 48 degrees 48
minutes West 7.6 chains, thence South
44 degrees 57 minutes West 2.0 chains,
thence South 6 degrees 53 minutes West
7.7 chains, thence South 9 degrees 43
minutes West 9.1 chains, thence South
16 degrees 59 minutes East 6.30 chains,
thence East 32.3 chains, more or less, to
the Section line between Sections 22 and
23, thence North 100 chains, more or
less, to the place of beginning, con
taining 172.86 acres,
Including all water, water rights
and easements for water ditches appur
tenant to .or used in connection with
the foregoing lands.
The Southeast quarter of Section
Thirty-four, in Township Four South,
of Range Twenty-six, East of the Wil
lamette Meridian.
The South half of the Southeast quar
ter of Section Twenty-one; the South
west quarter of the Southeast quarter,
and the South half of the Southwest
quarter of Section Twenty-two; the
West half of the West half of Section
Twenty-six; also, commencing in the
center of the county road where the
same is intersected with the South line
of Section Twenty-six, in Township
Four South, of Range Twenty-six E. W.
M., and running thence West to the
Southwest corner of the Southeast quar
ter of the Southwest quarter of said
Section Twenty-six, thence North one
half mile to the Northwest corner of
the Northeast quarter of the Southwest
quarter of said Section Twenty-six;
thence due East to the center of the
County Road aforesaid, thence Souther
ly following the center of said County
Road to the place of beginning, con
taining 28 acres, more or less, the land
being all the portion of the East half
of the Southwest quarter of Section
Twenty-six, in Township Four South,
of Range Twenty-six E. W. M., lying
West of the County Road, aforesaid;
the East half of the Northeast quarter,
the Southwest quarter of the Northeast
quarter, the Northwest quarter, and the
South half, of Section Twenty-seven ; all
of Section Twenty-eight; the East half,
the Northwest quarter, the Northwest
quarter of the Southwest quarter, of
Section Thirty-three; the North half
and the Southwest quarter, of Section
Thirty-four; the South half, the North
west quarter, excepting from said
Northwest quarter the following, to
wit: Commencing at the quarter cor
ner between Sections 26 and 35. and
running thence West 10.33 chains, thence
South 23 degrees 45 minutes East 10.16
chains, thence South 46 degrees 30 min
utes East 9.0 chains to intersect the
quarter line 16.0 chains south of the
quarter corner, thence North 16.0 chains,
to me point or Degmning; also (includ
ed), commencing in the center of the
County Road at a point in the quarter
Section line running through the center
of Section Thirty-five, in Township
Four South, of Range Twenty-six E. W.
M., which point is 16 chains South of
the Northeast corner of the Northwest
quarter of said Section Thirty-five, and
running thence along the center of said
County Road, South 46 degrees 30 min
utes East 10 chains, thence South along
the rpntpr nf qqiH p.h cnti. oo a
- bvjuu, uuuui di) UC
grees 30 minutes East 10.08 chains, thence
aiuus uie weiiier 01 saia rtoaa, soutn 41
degrees East 11.50 chains, to a point
19.80 chains East of the center of said
Section 35, thence West 19.80 chains to
the center of said Section 35, thence
North 24 chains, to the place of begin
ning, containing 35.71 acres, all in Sec
tion Thirty-five; all of said property
being in Township Four South, of
Range Twenty-six East of the Willam
ette Meridian.
Lot Four, the South half of the North
west quarter, the East half of the
Southwest quarter, the Southwest quar
ter of the Southeast quarter, the North
west quarter of the Southwest quarter,
of Section One; excepting therefrom the
following, to-wit: Beginning at the
Southwest corner of the Northwest
ntmrtor nf iha 1 1 Vi
Section One, in Township Five South.
rf ....... rri . . . t-. -, . .
weiuy-aix cjhhi oi tne Wil
lamette Meridian, and running thence
North 217 feet, thence North 76 de
grees East 320 feet, thence South 83 de
grees Bast 200 feet, thence South 22
degrees East 300 feet to the South line
of the Northwest quarter of the South
west mmrtAP nf aaiA CoHnn v.
West 625 feet to the place of beginning,
eluded) Lots numbered One, Two, Three
cuiu uui, ma auum nail oi tne North
half, the Northwest quarter of . the
Southwest quarter, the Northeast quar
ter of the Southeast quarter, of Section
Two. pvrpnHmr tharofpAm v.a rtn .
"'"viiviu lilC 1UUUW-
ing : Beginning at the Southwest corner
nuiuicoai qutuier oi me soutn
east quarter of Section Two, in Town
ship Five South, of Range Twenty-six
E. W. M., and running thence North
375 feet to a point, thence South 72
degrees East 680 feet to a point, thence
North 83 degrees East 660 feet to a
point in the East boundary line of Sec
tion Two, thence South 300 feet on the
East boundary line of said Section Two
or to the Southeast corner of the North
east quarter of the Southeast quarter
of said Section Two, thence West along
the South boundary line of the North
east quarter of the Southeast quarter
of said Section Two, 1320 feet, or to the
place of beginning; Lots One, Two,
Three and Four, the South half of the
North half, the North half of the South
half of Section Three; Lots One and
Two, the South half of the Northeast
quarter, the East half of the Southeast
quarter, the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section Four; the
Northeast quarter of Section Twelve;
all in Township Five South, of Range
Twenty-six East of the Willamette Me
ridian. ,
Commencing at the center of the
County Road running up Road Canyon,
near the John Gaunt Place, which point
is marked by several broken bottles
and some stones buried in the center
of the road, and running thence East 9
rods, thence North 20 rods, thence West
10 rods, thence South along the center
of said road to the place of beginning
said lines being drawn to take in the
buildings on said John Gaunt place,
said lands being more particularly de
scribed, as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point In the center
of the County Road, said point being
South 30 degrees 30 minutes East 2578
ft fpnm tbo WnrtViiifauf c
r: wv "ui"wi wiuci ui op
tion Twenty-six in Township Four
timi "tt"eB wemy-six mast oi tne
w iiiu.iiiei.i.B jueriuian, tnence North 69
South 17 degrees 33 minutes East 330.4
iccLj mence oouin by degrees 35 min
utes West 148.5 feet to the center of
said County Road, thence North 20 de
grees 25 minutes West along the center
of said County Road, 330 feet to the
point of beginning, containing 1.19
The Northwest quarter of the South
east quarter, the Northeast quarter of
the Southwest quarter, of Section Two
n Township five South, of Range Twenty-six
East of the Willamette Meridian.
The foregoing being 5791 acres, more
or less.
NOTICE is further given, that from
and after the 22nd day of June, 1937
said administrator will proceed to sell
the above described personal and real
property, at private sale, to the high
est bidder, for cash, in lawful money of
the United States, subject to confirma
tion by the above-entitled court; bids
will be received by said administrator
at his office in Heppner, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, or may be filed, on or be
fore said date, with the clerk of said
court; said administrator reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 20th day of May, 1937.
T. J. D. JONES, Administrator
with the will annexed of the estate
of Nat H. Webb, deceased.
. 11-15
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an execution in foreclosure
duly issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow County,
on the 19th day of May, 1937, pursuant
to a Judgment and decree rendered in
said court on the 18th day of May, 1937
in favor of Nellie M. Hill, plaintiff and
against T. L. Barnett, and County Re
lief Committee of Morrow County, State
of Oregon, defendants for the sum of
$240.00, with interest thereon from the
1st day of September, 1934, at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum, the sum of
$50.00, attorney's fees, and the sum of
$13.49 with interest thereon from the
15th day of December, 1936, at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum, and $17.00, cost
and disbursements, and commanding me
to sell the following described real
property, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10 in Block two (2) of
the town of Lexington, Morrow
County, Oregon.
In obedience to said execution I will
on Saturday, the 19th day of June, 1937,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day at the front door of
the Court House at Heppner, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash all the right, title, and
interest of the defendants in and to the
above described real property and ap
ply the proceeds of such sale on said
judgment and accruing cost of sale.
Dated and first published this 20th
day of May, 1937.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff
of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that 'the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, executrix of
the last will and testament of W. II.
Turner, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to present
the same with proper vouchers to the
undersigned executrix at the law office
of J. O. Turner, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 29th
day of April, 1937.
EDNA L. TURNER, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Gladys Corrigall, as adminis
tratrix of the estate of Ralph M. Cor
rigall, deceased, under and by virtue of
an order of the Honorable Bert C. John
son, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
duly made and entered on the 27th day
of April, 1937, will from, and after the
28th day of May, 1937, offer for sale
and sell at private sale at the office of
P. W. Mahoney in Heppner, Oregon,
and subject to confirmation by the
above entitled Court, to the person mak
ing the best and highest offer therefor,
all of the estate, right, title, and inter
est of the estate of Ralph M. Corrigall,
deceased, in and to the following des
cribed real property situated in Mor
row County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Parcel 1.
The South Half of Section Feur in
Township Two North Range Twenty
seven, E. W. M.
Parcel 2.
An undivided one-tenth interest, sub
ject to a life estate therein of Isabel
Frances Corrigall, in and to the fol
lowing described tract of land:
The West Six feet of Lots Four and
Five in Block Four. All of Lot Six and
the South Twenty-six feet, five inches
of Lot Seven, Block Four, in the orig
inal Town of Heppner, Morrow County,
Parcel 3.
An undivided one-tenth interest, sub
ject to a life estate therein of Isabel
Frances Corrigall, in and to the fol
lowing described tract of land:
The Southeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section Twenty-one.
Southwest Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Twenty-two and the
North Half of the Northwest Quarter
of Section twenty-seven, in Township
Four South Range Twenty-eight E. W.
M. in Morrow County, Oregon.
The said property will be sold sub
ject to existing incumbrances thereon
and will be sold for cash upon confir
mation of the sale by the Court and up
on execution and delivery of a good and
sufficient deed therefor.
Dated this 27th day of April, 1937.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Ralph M. Corrigall, deceased.
By virtue of an order of the County
Court, dated the 5th day of May, 1937.
I am authorized and directed to sell at
public auction, as provided by law, the
following property, at not less than the
minimum price herein set forth after
each item to-wit:
NENEV4SE, SEViNE Section ,
9, and SWNW, NWSW Sec- '
tion 10, 1 South, Range 24 E. W. M.
Minimum price $140.00. 20 percent
down and remainder on time pay
ments. Lot 4 Block 1, Adams' 2nd addition
to the town of Hardman, Oregon.
Minimum price $10.00.
Lots 10 and 11, Block 6 to the Town
of Boardman, Oregon. Minimum
price $10.00 per lot.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
29th day of May, 1937, at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner, Ore-
ernn. at thn hnnr nf V M call a.M
property to the highest and best bidder
xwi uobu t wiaLuu auuve ; ijeierrea pay
ments to carry interest at the rate of
6 per cent per annum.
Dated this, the 6th day of May, 1937.
C J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Notice is hereby gven that the un
dersigned have filed their final Account
as Executrix and Executor of the es
tate of Sadie Lewis, deceased, and the
County Court of the State of Oregon
has appointed Monday, the 7th day of
June, 1937, at the hour of 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, as the time,
and the county court room in the court
house at Heppner, Oregon, as the place,
of hearing and settlement of said final
account. Objections to said final ac
count must be filed on or before said
Equity No. 3209.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an execution in foreclosure
duly issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow County,
on the 5th day of May, 1937, pursuant to
a Judgment and decree duly rendered
in said Court on the 5th day of May,
1937, in a certain suit In said court
wherein The Oregon Mortgage Com
pany, Limited, a corporation, was plain
tiff and D. L. Peterson, and Jane Doe
Peterson, his wife, Nancy May Peterson
and John Doe Peterson, her husband,
David Ewing Peterson and Mary Roe
Peterson, his wife, D. L. Peterson, as
guardian of the estate of David Ewing
Peterson, S. L. Donavan, a widow, Os
car Donavan, and Jane Doe Donavan.
his wife, Glen Donavan and Mary Roe
Donavan, his wife, A. E. Johnson, Edna
W. Johnson, Lois Abbey and John Doe
Abbey, her husband, unknown heirs of
Ethel M. Peterson, deceased, unknown
heirs of R. O. Donavan, deceased, and
all other parties or persons unknown
claiming any right, title, lien, interest
or estate in the real estate described in
the amended complaint, were defend
ants, and which Judgment was for the
laintiff and against the defendant, S.
i. Donavan, for the sum of $7,000.00,
with interest thereon from the first day
of December, 1933, at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum, the sum of $350.00, at
torney's fees and the cost and disburse
ments taxed in the sum of $50.60 and
commanding me to sell the following
described real property, situate in Mor
row County, Oregon, to-wit:
The east half and the east half of
the west half of Section 13, north
half of Section 24 and the north
east quarter of Section 23 in Town
ship one (1) North, Range 24 East
of Willamette Meridian.
NOW, in obedience to said execution
I will on Saturday, the 5th day of June,
1937, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon of said day at the front door
of the Court House at Heppner, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash all of the above des
cribed real property and apply the pro
ceeds thereof to the payment of said
Judgment and decree and accruing cost
of sale.
Dated and first published this 6th day
of May, 1937.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.