HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937. PAGE TWO IONE By MARGARET BLAKE Mrs. Fred Mankin and children departed Saturday for Thornton, Wash., where they will visit Mrs. Mankin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner. Mr. Misner has not been well for some time as a result of an attack of flu last winter. Mrs. Walter Corley entertained at her home last Friday evening in honor of Mr. Corley on his birthday. Dinner was followed with bridge, high score being won by Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Bert Mason. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox and M. E. Cotter. Mrs. Maude Pointer of Monmouth spent a short time in town Monday enroute to the home of her brother, O. W. Cutsforth, of Lexington. Jesse Dobyns who has spent sev eral weeks here with his brothers, Noel and Walter, departed Monday for Portland. Dance at Legion hall Saturday, June 12, by Willows grange. Music by the Troubadors of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith and son Piiillip went to Ritter last Friday to spend a week. Mrs. J. E. Swanson entertained at her home Monday in honor of Mrs. Garland Swanson. The latter was given a handkerchief shower, the occasion being celebration of her birthday. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley went to Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann spent Sunday at Ritter. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Benedict of Dillard, with Mrs. Benedict's sister Goldie of Portland, were here on business last Wednesday. Mrs. Wallace Mathews has re turned to her home in Roseburg. M. W. Mahoney of Portland who owns the ranch near Morgan farmed by Ed Buschke, was here last week. David Rietmann spent the latter part of last week with his wife and baby in. Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley are the parents of a nine-and-a-half-pound son born in Heppner Tuesday morning. Garland Swanson was a business visitor in Walla Walla Tuesday. Ralph Jackson of Pendleton was here Tuesday. F. O. Vicent, special agent for an insurance company, was a' business visitor last Thursday from Portland. Mrs. Werner Rietmann, Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mrs. Hugh Smith and Mrs. M. E. Cotter were hostesses at a dessert bridge party at the home of the latter last Wednesday afternoon. Prizes went to Mrs. Fred Lucas of Heppner, Mrs. Paul O'Meara, Mrs. Carl Feldman and Mrs. Victor Riet mann. Bert Mason, Paul O'Meara, M. E Cotter, Lee Beckner, W. A. Hayes and Walter Eubanks attended the special session of the Pendleton Elks lodge last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell re turned from Portland last Thursday. Mrs. Orlow Martin and children of Moro are visiting at the home ol her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse. School was closed last Friday and most of the teachers departed at once for their homes. Miss Frances Stewart went to her home in Silverton. , Miss Helen Rolph departed for Salem. Mrs. Roy Brown, with her daugh ter, Mrs. Rose Stevens, who has been visiting here, went to Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and son Howard of Banks arrived Thursday evening to take their son Alexander home with them. They left Friday. Mrs. George Tucker and daughters departed Saturday morning for Lan der, Wyo., where they will spend the summer with Mrs. Tucker's parents. Mr. Tucker took them as far as Pen dleton where they took the train. Saturday afternoon Mr. Tucker departed for Portland. He was ac companied by Charlotte Sperry, who will visit her aunt, Miss Agnes Nib len. Joel Engelman went to Portland last Friday. He was accompanied bv Miss Anita Baumgardner. Margaret Crawford returned last Friday from Portland where she was a delegate to Rebekah grand lodge Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mrs. Mar garet Rietmann, Frank Engelman and Robert Rietmann departed for Portland Tuesday, expecting to be away till the latter part of the week. Francis Sturdevant, who was stu dent pastor here last summer, re turned last Sunday morning and will again fill the pulpit here during the coming summer. A baseball game was played here last Sunday afternoon between Rhea Creek and lone with the latter team winning 18-17. Next Sunlay the two teams will play at Heppner. Mrs. Minnie Forbes went to Hepp ner Sunday where she will be em ployed on the Benge farm. Henry and John Krebs went to Yakima, Wash., last Thursday to take possession of a band of sheep which they had recently purchased. The sheep were to be shipped to their summer range in Montana. Laxton McMurray and W. A. Hayes departed for Ritter hot springs Monday. About twenty ladies attended the meeting of the Home Economics club of Willows grange at the home of Mrs. 0. L. Lundell at Cecil last Fri day. An all day meeting was held with potluck dinner at noon. Mrs. Carl Brinkman was hostess with Mrs. Lundell. Harriet Heliker returned Friday from Portland where she has been attending business college. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoyt de parted for Portland Saturday. Mr. Hoyt has spent several weeks here as auditor for P. U. C. Miss Lorraine Reed went to Port land last Friday to get her brother. She returned here for her baggage Tuesday and left for her home at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Roche are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann. Roche pitched baseball for the locals for several years and now makes his home in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind and children went to Portland last Friday. Mr. Bauernfeind returned home Sunday while Mrs. Bauern feind will remain in Portland where their son Gene is receiving expert medical attention for a severe attack of asthma. Cecil Sargent of Salem arrived on Tuesday to make preparations for harvest. Mr. Sargent has done cus tom harvesting in this county for a number of years. The Morgan school was closed Fri day. A community picnic was en joyed by the patrons of the schooL The teacher, Miss Freda Anderson, departed for her home at Hood River. The Women's Topic club will hold its June study meeting and annual election of officers at the home of Mrs. Victor Rietmann next Saturday afternoon. Charles McMurdo Set For Honor Initiation Charles McMurdo, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo of Heppner, was one of three Oregon State col lege students slated for initiation into Sigma Pi Sigma, national honor society in physics, said last Thurs day's Barometer, college paper edited by Edward Burchell, formerly of Lexington and Heppner. Logan An derson and C. Gordon Morri were the others named, all chosen for their ability and interest in physics. A banquet at the hotel with Dr. W. P. Boynton as speaker, and Dr. E. H. Weniger as toastmaster was slated. Dr. Boynton is just retiring from the college faculty after 47 years of service. He is a professor in physics. Dr. Weniger is head of the physics department. HOLD RANGE MEETING. Charles W. Smith, assistant state county agent leader; E. R. Jackman, extension specialist in farm crops, and H. A. Lindgren, extension live stock specialist, all of Corvallis, were in the city the end of the week and on Saturday conducted a meet ing with range men as part of a sur vey of the North Morrow Grazing disttfct. Mr. Smith was formerly county agent of Morrow county. G. T. Want Ads bring results. The cost is small try one. IN YOUR HOME! MAKE IT EVER-READY AND ECONOMICAL ...by installing an automatic electric water heater! With automatic electric hot water service in your home, you enjoy plentiful hot water any time you turn a faucet, morn ing, noon, or midnight, all year 'round. You enjoy it with out effort, without holding a fire in range or furnace, with out remembering to light and turn off anything. You enjoy it at low cost, too, for you may buy an electric water heater on convenient monthly terms, and the operating cost is very small. Ask for more details today. Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service MO WONDER YOU'RE SO CLEAN ALL THE TIME HONEY. YOUR MOTHER ALWAYS HAS PLENTIFUL HOT WATERS . . . THANKS TO HER AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER! foi IT KEEPS AN ABUNDANCE OF HOT IT ENDS THE UNCERTAINTY AND S W WATER 0N TAP WAITING F0R ffUl WASTE OF WATER COILS ENDS 8& THE TURN OF A FAUCET, DAY OR W$ THE NECESSITY OF LIGHTING A 'A NIGHT, WINTER OR SUMMER. lA HEATER AND WAITING. tIT ASSURES IMMEDIATE HOT WATER AND AT PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT FOR BATHING, LAUNDERING, DISH- $g COMPANY'S SPECIAL WATER HEAT- K WASHING, CLEANING, SHAVING VVA 'NG RATE, ELECTRIC HOT WATER 5j OR ANY OTHER USE. SERVICE IS SO ECONOMICAL! Electric water heating, cooking and refrigeration cost so little at Pacific's new low rates! The modern kitchen and the kitchen you want is all-electric I It has automatic hot water service, an electric refrigerator and an elec tric range. Plan your all -electric kitchen now and work towards its completion as you buy equipment. (Present appliance prices are still low and values were never greater.) You live in a community where elec tricity is really cheap. You can get an abundance of it for a few cents a day because Pacific Power & Light Company's rates have been steadily reduced until they are now among the lowest in the United States. Buy an Electric Water Heater NOW . . . Prices are still low! SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Service