SOC I ETY PUBLIC AUDITOR r PORTLAND, ORE wtxm mint Volume 53, Number 12. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937. Subscription $2.00 a Year OREGON HISTORICAL 27 Seniors Receive Diplomas Before Large Audience Dora Bailey, Neva Bleakman Honored; Dahlberg Speaks. . All 27 Heppner high school grad uates were on hand at commence ment exercises in the gym-auditorium Friday evening with the excep tion of three Charles Cox, Leonard Gilman and Norton King, who had gone to Eugene the day before to participate in the state high school track meet. The three absentees received their diplomas later, while the others were given theirs by Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chairman of the board of education, as a part of the exercises. W. A. Dahlberg, U. of O. professor of public speech, addressed the class in an interesting and entertaining manner, injecting much humor into the discussion of philosophies appro priate to the occasion. Chosen for special honors were Dora P. Bailey and Neva Bleakman, class members, wnose selection as recipients of the Norton Winnard Memorial cup and the Balfour plaque, respectively, was kept se cret until time for the awards. Dr. McMurdo presented the Winnard cup to Miss Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey, whose exenv plification of the characteristics of Norton Winnard, honored member of the class of 1918, was considered by the award committee to entitle her to the recognition. The Balfour plaque award to Miss Bleakman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman, was on the basis of rank in scholarship, achievement and loyalty. Spencer Crawford made the presentation. The class, wearing gray caps and gowns, was seated on the platform, surrounded by a profusion of spring flowers. Rev. R. C. Young pro nounced the invocation. Norbert Peavy played the prelude, "Scarf Dance," Chaminade, and procession' al, "Coronation March," Meyerbeer, Musical numbers included a vocal duet, "Indian Love Call," Friml, by Harriet Hager and Gerald Cason, and trio, "Indian Dawn," Zamecink, by Gerald Cason, Jackson Gilliam and Ellis Williams. Alden Blanken- ship presented the class, as follows: Louise Anderson, Lois Ashbaugh, Dora P. Bailey, Norma Jean Beckett, Zara Neva Bleakman, Paul C, Brown, Gerald LaMar Cason, Necha Co blantz, Vivian Ruth Cowins, Charles Marion Cox, Elsie Marie Crump, Melissa Mae Edmondson, Rosanna Farley, Leonard Gilman, Fred Hos kins, Jr., Norton King, Wm. Lee McCaleb, Jr., Louise McFerrin, Ri ley Munkers, Kathryn Parker, Mar jorie Parker, Andrew M. Shoun, Donald Edwin Turner, Elizabeth E, Vance, Erma Van Schoiack, Helen Van Schoiack, Ellis K. Williams. ERECTING COTTAGE. Mrs. Martha Wright is construct ing a small cottage on the corner of her property adjoining her apart' ment house in south Heppner. Ex cavating was completed the first of the week and material was being placed on the ground. N. D. Bailey is the carpenter in charge. BAND CONCERT SATURDAY. A free street concert by the school band is announced by Harold BuhJ ,i;rnr for Raturdav after-1 noon at 2:30 o'clock. The band will follow its usual itinerary, and no collection will be taken. '"") - - tr FINISHES SHEARING. Shearing on the J. G. Barratt ranch was completed last week end with a satisfactory clip. Mr. Bar ratt expected to start some ' of his sheep to the Montana range within the next two weeks. Joe Hayes was in the city today from Lone Rock. BRAHMAS ARRIVE FOR CONDON SHOW Clarence Warren Horses to Try Tophands at Neighboring City Next Week End; Plan Big Time, A carload of Brahma and bull- dogging steers, direct from Tucson, Arizona, arrived in Condon Tues day morning for tha city's first an nual spring rodeo to be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 4, 5 and 6. Fans from Heppner and neigh boring vicinities are invited to at tend, the rodeo committee writes. With these imported animals and the Clarence Warren string of buck ing horses the three day show is ex pected to be packed with thrills and spills comparable with the much larger shows. The same horses, steers and riders will put on the Mo- lalla Buckaroo, which is considered the Valley's leading Wild West show, July 4 and 5; and the Labor Day show at Longview, Wash. both big shows. "Arrival of the 'wrestling" long- horns and bucking Brahama, black, roan, and motley in color, climaxes the rodeo features and leaves no doubt in minds of Condon's cele bration committee members but that an outstanding show and an out standing crowd will be the results of their efforts," reports Sid Casteel and Stewart Hardie, president and secretary, respectively. "The im ported steers may be seen at the fair grounds during the coming week." Warren's horses were bucked at Molalla, Longview and the Gilliam County fair last year and need no introduction to those who saw them perform. The $600.00 prize list is attracting riders and others from va rious sections of this state and from Washington, Idaho and California. Who will be queen of the rodeo, is a question attracting much inter est locally. Candidates from Kinzua, Fossil and The Dalles seem to be running close for first honors, the committee reports. Condon's at tendant will be selected at a Rodeo dance at the Rink hall Saturday eve ning, May 29. Local Survey Meeting Bears on AAA Future On Friday and Saturday of last week, E. R. Jackman, extension agronomist, Harry Lindgren, exten sion animal husbandman, and Chas. W. Smith, assistant county agent leader, met at the county agent's of fice with the directors of the agri cultural conservation association and representative stockmen to work out the answers to questions sub mitted by the department of agri culture, to be used in guiding the formation of a long-time agricultural program in the United States. Such meetings have been held at the re quest of the department at Wash ington in every county in the coun try. Three questions were submitted by the secretary of agriculture. The first one referred to actual acreages, and this question was answered on the basis of available records. Ques tion number 2 was "What would be the probable acreage and production of the various farm products if farm ing systems and practices necessary to control erosion and maintain fer tility were actually adopted?" Ques tion number 3 was "What is the esti mated probable production of the various farm products in the county after all land not adapted to agricul ture has been shifted to other uses, ana aiier "f ume s eiaPse' to permit such canges in farm man and after sufficient time has elapsed i , to maintain soil fertility and control erosion, and to permit those shifts between agricultural enterprise which seem clearly desirable and susceptible of practcial accomplish ment?" Orders for Peonies taken til noon Saturday for Decoration Day. Call Phelps Funeral Home. Bobby Robinson is in Heppner from Arlington, transacting business. 14 4-H Members Win Scholarships to Summer School School Superinten dent, County Agent, Name Winners. Winners of scholarships to the 1937 4-H club summer school have been announced by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superinten dent, and Joe Belanger, county ag ent. In the girls' division, county schol arships were awarded to Lola Can non, Hardman, for her activity in the clothing project; Mardell Gor ham, Boardman, room development; Echo Coats, Boardman, homemak ing; Asta Skoubo, Boardman, cook ery; Joy Markham, Irrigon, can ning; Echo Aldrich, Irrigon, cookery. In the livestock division, James Peck, Lexington, won the scholar ship offered by the Lexington grange with a total score of 147. Frances Wilkinson, Heppner, with a score of 131, won the scholarship offered by Heppner Branch of the First National Bank of Portland. Guy Moore, Echo, with a score of 122, won the scholarship offered by Braden-Bell Tractor company. Alec Thompson, Heppner, with a score of 107, won the scholarship offered by Jackson Implement company. Billy Biddle, Lexington, was the high-scoring dairy club member and won the scholarship offered by Beach Hardware company. Ell wynne Peck, Lexington, Jack Van Winkle, Lexington, and Malcolm O'Brien, Echo, won scholarships at the state fair last fall. Summer school this year begins on June 7 and continues through June 18. All of the club members in Morrow county will be attending on scholarships which provide room, board and tuition for the full two weeks' session. Winners of scholar ships will be informed by mail as to details of transportation to and from Corvallis. STORES WILL CLOSE DECORATION DAY Business houses of Heppner will be closed all day Monday, the day following Decoration Day. Peo ple are urged to shop as early as possible tomorrow and Saturday. Trombone Changes Destiny of Billy Cochell in Navy The career of Billy Cochell, Hepp ner boy enlisted in the navy, had its course definitely changed by a trom bone. Billy, as announced in these col umns, had received his transfer to the naval air service after serving for a year as a mailing clerk in San Diego, and with sailing orders for Honolulu in his pocket, started aboard the Saratoga at Long Beach. An officer noted the trombone and accosted him. Finding that Billy tooted the instrument, he signed Billy up in the navy band. Now, in stead of facing a career in the air, Billy will stay on land and sea. He participated in the annual maneuvers of the Pacific fleet, and informs his mother, Mrs. Neva Cochell, deputy sheriff, that he expects soon to be stationed at San Francisco. Billy received his first band ex perience in the Heppner school band. KENNETH SMOUSE HONORED. Kenneth Smouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse of lone, is one of a class of initiates taken into Pi Mu Epsilon, national honor society in mathematics, at spring initiation ceremonies at Oregon State college. He is a junior in civil engineering. The ceremonies were held Tuesday evening with banquet, in the Me morial Union building. KNOX SUCCEEDS TETZ AS COACH Home Economics and Smith Hughes Instructors Named at Special Meeting of Board. Robert D. Knox of Eugene will be physical education director and vice- principal of the Heppner schools next year, according to announcement of the board of education following ac tion taken Tuesday evening. The board also announced the election of Cecelia Nordstrom of Birkenfeld, Ore., as home economics instructor and girls' physical education direct or, and William Bennett of Arling ton as Smith-Hughes instructor. Knox is a graduate of University of Oregon, having received his B. A. and M. A. degrees from this institu tion. He took post graduate work at Columbia university, New York, and at Stanford. He has been at Eugene for five years. He succeeds Henry Tetz who will head the Adams schools next year. Miss Nordstrom graduates this year from Oregon State college with high scholastic rating and a profes sional degree in home economics. Bennett, Oregon State college grad uate, has had teaching experience in the Hawaiian islands and at Arling ton. These two succeed Miss Doro thy Peterson and Randall Grimes whose resignations were received by the board. The only other vacancy. that in the sixth grade, was recently filled by the election of Kenneth McKenzie of Rufus. The board also awarded a contract for partial rewiring of the school building to Harold Hill at Tuesday's meeting. Groundwork Starting for Airplane Survey Ground work for an airplane sur vey of crop land in Morrow county starts today with Ralph Harris, lone, in charge of ground crews, accord ing to word received from the coun ty agent's office. Jack Ahearn, as sistant state engineer of the agri cultural conservation program, is in the county to outline the work nec essary in establishing ground con tacts for the planes which will make the photographs. There is considerable sentiment, at the present time, in favor of a complete airplane survey of all farming lands in the United States. The work in Morrow county is part ly in the nature of a trial balloon. Two or three counties in Oregon al ready have used this method of measuring acreages with gratifying' ly good results. Just when the ac tual taking of pictures will begin, it is impossible to say but the delay will not be long, according to Mr. Ahearn. TEMPORARY OFFICERS MEET. Temporary directors of the Mor row County Farm Bureau Federa tion met at the county agent's office last night to prepare a constitution and by-laws for the county organi zation. Temporary president J. G. Barratt and vice-president E. H. Miller met with the directors who are Frank Wilkinson, J. J. Wight man, Henry Baker, Harlan McCurdy and J. O. Kincaid. Wednesday eve ning, June 16, a county-wide meet ing will be held at the Heppner ho tel at which time permanent organ ization will be effected. Dinner will be served and the business meeting held afterwards. The program com mittee will arrange for outside speakers. Both men and women in terested in the new organization are cordially invited to attend this meeting. AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS. Miss Dora Bailey and Miss Kath ryn Parker, members of this year's graduating class, were awarded scholarships to Oregon higher edu cational institutions in recognition of outstanding accomplishments, by the system of higher education in stitutions. Miss Bailey was given a scholarship to Oregon State college, and Miss Parker to Eastern Oregon Normal school at La Grande. Lions Back Meeting To Discuss Annual City Lilac Festival Oppose SendingBand To Rose Festival; Tetz Reports Meet. Stimulation of a city beautiful movement was given by the Mon day's Lions luncheon, when the club acted upon the suggestion of Hepp ner's holding an annual spring lilac festival. It was decided to sponsor a community meeting to decide whether the suggestion offered by Horace Addis, East Oregonian repre sentative, would prove feasible. Expressions of opinion by club members indicated the belief that some such celebration with the offer ing of prizes for the most attractive garden, the best lilac, etc., would promote a city beautiful conscious ness. Named on the committee to feel the public pulse on the matter were Jack Milsom, E. L. Morton and M. L. Case. Acting on a suggestion coming to it that the Lions sponsor the appear ance of the school band at the Port land Rose Festival, thumbs were turned down. While Harold Buh man, band leader, was present and expressed willingness to take the band if the community wished it, it was the opinion of club members that the trip would be too gruelling upon the band youngsters to be worth the price. Aside from the es timated cost of $300 for the band to appear in the festival parade, the advertising value to the city would be slight, it was believed, when it is considered that many other bands, some much better than Hepnper's, would be sharing attention. Then, too, it was considered that many of the band members were too young to stand the parading they would be asked to do. Henry Tetz, coach, who accompan ied the track team to Eugene, ex pressed appreciation of the club's assistance in making the trip possi ble. While Heppner did not place in the finals, he considered the trip had been justified as a reward to the boys for expressing a proper attitude in this line of sports. As it was, he said, King missed placing in the broad jump by only half an inch, and Gilman lacked but 10 inches of placing in the javelin throw, putting each man among the six best in the state in these events. In the relay, Heppner was unfortunate in drawing the two teams in the preliminary heat which placed second and third! in the finals. They were thus pre vented from qualifying for the finals, whereas they would undoubtedly have qualified had they drawn but one of the stronger teams at a time. Nomination of officers was held, with election announced for next month, Capt. W. R. Reynolds and F. F. Wehmeyer were introduced as new members. Corporal F. A. Mc Mahon was a guest and announced his transfer the first of the month to John Day, also thanking the Lions for the good cooperation he had-received from them in his seven years in this district. The club's swimming pool commit tee, Dr. L. D. Tibbies, C. J. D. Bau man and Joseph Belanger, were del egated to act with a committee from the council to contact the WPA office in Pendleton in an attempt to get as sistance from that source in con structing the pool. Bauman announced the club's sponsorship of the Plunkett Min strels who appeared in the city last night as a benefit for the swimming pool fund. LIBRARY MEETING SET. A meeting of Heppner Public Li brary association will be held at the library at 4 o'clock tomorrow (Fri day) evening, announces Mrs. Elaine Furlong, president. Important busi ness will be transacted. Everyone interested is invited to attend.