HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937. PAGE FIVE Court Proceedings For April Term - Court met on April 7 when were present: Bert Johnson. County Judge; George N. Peck and L. D. Neill, Commissioners; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; Frank C. Alfred, District At torney; C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff. Minutes of the March term were read and approved. Various claims against the county were presented and the Court al lowed, continued or disallowed them and ordered approved claims paid by proper warrant from the proper funds. Court decides to allow the sum of $100.00 for assisting in payment of a nurse for examination of school chil dren of the county, the amount to be used over a period of three months at the rate of 33 1-3 dollars per month in conjunction with the Red Cross and the State Board of Health. Court decides that the forenoon of the first Wednesday in each month will be devoted exclusively to con sidering claims; other matters of business to be considered later. It is ordered that the road begin ning at a point 440 feet South of the Southeast corner of Sec. 23, Twp. 1 N. R. 24 E. W. M. and running North along section line to its intersection at the county road at the NE corner of Sec. 23, be declared vacated. Certain parts of County Road No. 164 were ordered to be vacated. ' Court signs an order to purchase 1 grader from Feenaughty Machin ery Company, for $5462.00. Court orders a Caterpillar Tractor and Bulldozer from the Braden-Bell Tractor Company for $5200.00 less allowance of $1300 on old tractor. Sheriff was ordered to cancel taxes on Heppner lots owned by the Amer ican Legion, and used for the benefit of the city as a swimming tank. Court agreed to sell the E NEx4 of Sec. 34, and WW of Sec. 35, in Twp. 1 S. R. 23, East for the sum of six hundred twenty -five dollars to Delbert Emert. General Fund Warrants, April Widows' Pensions Ada T. Cason $10.00, Virginia Cha ney $15.00, Delia Crump $15.00, Grace Hughes $20.00, Blanche Jones $25.00, Elvia T. King $20.00, Emily A. Peck $10.00, Stella Poulson $20.00, Ethel Ritchie $10.00, Grace Tyler $25.00, Izora Vance $20.00, Nora Wilson $15.00. Gilliam & Bisbee, Court house $ 14.90 Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty. 7.50 Gazette Times, Official Pub lications 13.55 Wm. Eubanks, Justice Court 20.00 J. O. Hager, Justice Court .... 13.45 W. E. Pruyn, Justice Court .. 1.50 G. W. Thompson. Justice Ct. 1.50 E. W. Moyer, Justice Court 1.50 Lulu McCarty, Justice Court 1.50 Florence Hughes, Justice Ct. 1.50 S. P. Devin, Justice Court 1.50 E. R. Schaffer, Justice Court 7.00 John W. Steele, Justice Ct. 1.00 Gprald Hams. Justice Court' 7.00 Andrew Donnelly, Jus. Ct. 1.00 Marvin E. Dixon. Jus. Ct 1.00 CaDt. W. R. Reynolds, Jus. Court - 1.00 Emmaline Bisbee, Jus. Ct. 1.50 Harrv Archer, Justice Court 1.50 T.nfilo MnAtfxv Justice Court 1.50 Ealor Huston, Justice Court 1.50 W. O. Bayless, Justice Court 1.50 Wm. Cowins, Justice Court 1.50 Ambrose Chapin, Jus. Ct. 1.10 Marguerite Chapin, Jus. Ct. 1.10 Leo Stack. Justice Court .... 1.00 TVinmns .T Haves. Justice Ct. 1.00 Leo Cassidy, Justice Court 1.00 TiVonlr Riiffcrpiro. Justice Ct. 1.00 4. iMll" " " "DO ' M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 4.15 Employment Donation Fund, Poor 1500 J. J. Wells, Assessor Mileage 45.60 Sylva Wells, Assessor 31.50 West Coast Printing Co., As- sessor 14.85 Green's Feed Store, Court house 2.00 Case Furniture Co., Court house 43.95 N. D. Bailey, Courthouse 34.50 H. H. Hill, Courthouse 12.75 Pacific Power & Light Co., Courthouse 29.56 A. E. Burkenbine, Jail 2.00 Patterson & Son, Jail 1-40 Turn - A - Lum Lumber Co., Jail 850 Courthouse 31.25 Emergency i-25 Valley Printing Co., Super intendent .1 9.78 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., Superintendent 6.39 Sheriff 15.50 Kilham Sta. & Prt. Co., Tax Collections 70.75 C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit Ct. 22.60 Sheriff 43.70 Indigent Soldier 11.40 J. M. pencer, Watermaster .... 13.18 Kenneth Groves, Watermas ter 18.70 Harry Tamblyn, Watermas ter :.. 21.83 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur rent Expense 51.15 Thomson Brothers, Jail 21.15 Emergency 13.36 Mack Smith, Emergency .... 69.34 Bert Johnson, County Court 10.95 Geo. N. Peck, County Court 20 40 L. D. Neill, County Court .. 41.70 First Nat. Bank, Poor 223.21 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Sher iff ..... 8.11 Emergency 2.31 Jim Archer, Courthouse .55 Lucy E. Rodgers, Mileage Superintendent 17.51 Supt. Incidentals 14.18 First Nat. Bank, Old Age Pensions 309.30 First Nat. Bank, Poor ' 7.97 E. W. Bartlett, Clerk 7.00 Total $2,920.49 General Road Warrants, April Harry Tamblyn $83.20, Union Oil Co. $186.46, Frank Shively $20.00, Heppner Garage $7.55, Eastern Ore gon Freight Line $1.12, Dan C. Do- ner SILVER STREAK iiepp At the urgent request of local motorists, Pontiac has appointed a dealer for this community. Now you can inspect the famous Silver Streak six and eight , from end to end . . . compare their features with those of any car at any price . . . check up on Pon tiac great economy . . . find out why everything points to Pontiac as America's finest low-priced car. You will see the most beautiful thing on wheels. You will see the safest bodies and brakes on any car herty $28.42, Shell Oil Co. $244.18, Jack Allen Supply Co. $9.15, Hepp ner Blacksmith Co. $27.74, Standard Oil Co. $13.81, Ed Breslin $8.50, Mor row Oil Co., Inc. $27.65, L. A. Snow Co. $131.21, Kane's Garage $25.65, Guy L. Barlow $25.17, Sanders Mag neto Service $16.85, Ad Moore $2.24, E. Ebsen $22.96, L. A. Snow Co. $17.26, R. K. Drake $17.28, John W. Graves $53.52, Isaacson Iron Works $.40, Ferguson Motor Co. $300.50, Honeyman Hdw. Co. $23.50, J. B. Adams $27.39, C. W. Barlow $12.14, E.W. Christopherson $53.76, Ted Mat thews $13.86, Roger Anderson $12.31, Francis Ball $10.46, City of Board man $42.26, City of Heppner, $1,021. 87, City of lone $214.32, Town of Lex ington $13.99, Bert Bleakman $7.64, Julian Rauch $10.13, Fenaughty Ma chinery Co. $14.50, Howard Cooper Corp. $54.89, Frank Nixon $21.89, Harry Tamblyn $7.89, Sherman J. Frank $125.00, A. J. Chaffee $120.67, Vernon Munkers $107.23, Lester Kirk $.83, Ervin Pearlberg $.83, Dan Lindsay $29.12, Harold Peck $41.86, Chas. Williams $39.74, Ernest Heli ker $60.48, Donald Heliker $20.13, W. L. Rutledge $7.98, H. D. Rut ledge $6.86, Robert S. Wilson $59.12, Ray Brown $25.92, E. R. Ash $17.94, Phil Jones $15.96, Dale Lundell $11. 97, Paul Partlow $19.95, A. P. Ayers $19.95, Zearl Gillespie $11.97, Nels Kristensen $3.99, E. A. Porter $4.00, Neal Bleakney $5.74, Roy Ball $4.48, Ted Wilson $2.24, Ralph Marlatt $144.86, Albert Connor $77.73, Clair Ashbaugh $46.34, W. Cunningham $5.98, Marion Hayden $52.40, Harold -tfmetica J Ttneit Jlow-Ptlced COMES TO HEPPNER Blacksmith k Machinery Co BECOMES Sherer $29.90, Walter Gilman $29.90, Ivan Applegate $29.90, Dale Ray $25.41, City of Heppner $24.00, H. S. Taylor $121.23, Jack Stotts $80.73, Mack Smith $17.94, M. V. Nolan $101.74, W. Cunningham $74.75, Cleo Drake $44.80, W. E. Nolan $20.16, Glenn Sherer $94.23, L. N. Morgan $92.89, F. W. Gentry $29.65, Otto Benefiel $15.68, Frank Leicht $9.45, M. N. Kirk $37.92, Geo. Phillips $8.97, Pac. Power & Light Co. $4.40, City of Heppner Water Dept. $1.60, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $2.75, Thomson Bros. $2.15, Gilliam & Bisbee $50.38, State Ind. Acc. Comm. $67.12, Cleo Drake $6.72. Total $5,068.06. Market Road Warrants, April Harry Tamblyn $123.20, Marion Hayden $70.71, H. Peck $9.38, Wal ter Gilman $44.10, Harold Sherer $41.86, Ivan Applegate $44.10, Dale Ray $32.89, City of Heppner $27.00, Henry Schwarz $130.21, James Far ley $60.48, Kenneth Oviatt $2.99, L. N. Morgan $31.43, F. W. Gentry $59. 32, Sherman J. Frank $125.00, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $9.10, State In dus. Acc. Comm. $32.23, Chas. Wil cox $7.16. Total $976.95. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mrs. Frank McDaniel spent a few days with her husband at the sheep camp. The high school and Mrs. Clary had a sneak day Thursday. They went out on the Spray highway. A picnic for both schools and the community is being planned to be DEALER FOR the famous Unisteel Bodies by Fisher, and Pon tiac's renowned triple-sealed hydraulic brakes. You will enjoy a lullaby ride only possible with Pontiac's center-point steering and improved Knee-Action. You are cordially invited to visit this new Pontiac dealership at any time to inspect its fine service facilities, meet the members of the organization and drive the Silver Streak Pontiac. Why not do it today? held on the high school grounds. The committee in charge of general affairs is composed of Donald Rob inson and Roland Farrens. There will be games and contests and a potluck dinner. Everybody welcome. Pat Bleakman was out of school Monday because of illness. Roy Robison has a new Chevrolet sedan. Mrs. Tompkins went to Arlington Saturday. Mrs. Carl Leathers left for Yakima where she plans to stay indefinitely. The baccalaureate services will be held May 18 at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle of Portland will preach. The graduation exercises for the eighth grade will be held Thursday evening. They will present a play. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Knighten were shopping in Heppner Saturday. Charlotte Gallagher and Roland Farrens were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee at the mill. Walt McKitrick and Darrold Hams went to the mountains Sunday to work. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings went to Idaho where Mr. Hastings is shearing sheep. Mrs. Ada Osborn returned to her home at The Dalles Sunday. She spent a month here with her father, B. F. DeVore. Dee Schnitzer and family were in Heppner Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman were visiting here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Long at lone Saturday. a SIXES AND EIGHTS