Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 13, 1937, Image 1

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JjA N D . ORE.
Volume 53, Number 10. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937. Subscription $2.00 a Year
High Tracksters
Win Tri-County
Meet at Condon
Gilman, King, Van
Marter Set Records;
To La Grande Next.
Heppner with 56 points captured
the Morrow-Gilliam-Wheeler track
meet at Condon yesterday, leading
her nearest opponent, Arlington, by
29 points. The river town high
school lads scored 27, Condon 16,
Lexington 10 and Fossil 6.
Leonard Gilman of the locals was
high point man for the meet with
15V4, while Norton King with WA
ran him a close second. Gilman set
a new record for the meet when he
tied Baker of Condon in the high
jump at 5 feet 9 inches. King set
new records in both the 100-yard
dash and the broad jump, cutting
the old time in the dash from 10.6
to 10.2, and raising the distance in
the broad jump from 18 feet 10 inches
to 22 feet IY2 inches. Van Marter
cut the record time in the 440-yard
dash from 56.5 to 55.5.
Other local pointers were Charles
Cox 9V4, La Verne Van Marter IVi,
Gerald Roberts 4, Arthur Vance 3,
Billy Blake 3. The boys will take
part in an invitation meet at La
Grande Saturday, and Coach Tetz
is looking forward to sending Gil
man and King to the state track
meet at Eugene the following week.
Places won by the locals were: 100
yard dash, King 1st, Cox 2nd; 220,
Cox 1st, King 2nd; 440, Van Marter
1st; 880 Vance 2nd; mile, Blake 2nd;
high jump, Gilman tied for 1st;
broad jump, King 1st; pole vault,
Gilman 1st. Roberts 2nd; discuss,
Gilman 1st, Van Marter 4th; relay,
Heppner 1st.
Elwynne Peck of Lexington placed
first in the shotput and third in both
the 100 and 220.
31 Farmers Make
Trip to Waterville
Thirty-one farmers from Morrow
county who made the trip to Water
ville, Wash., leaving Tuesday morn
ing, to study soil conservation prac
tices there, returned home this
morning, reporting a successful trip.
Included in the itinerary was a visit
to the Grand Coulee dam.
Those making the trip with Joseph
Belanger, county agent, were Floyd
Adams, E. H. Miller, Jim Valentine,
O. W. Cutsforth, John Graves, C. E.
Carlson, Henry Baker, Henry Peter
son, Oscar Peterson, George Peck,
Burton H. Peck, Adolph Majeske,
Ollie Kincaid, Harold Kincaid, Carl
Feldman, E. C. Heliker, Leo Gorger,
Henry Gorger, George Ely, A. A.
McCabe, Jim McCabe, Omer Riet
mann, Werner Rietmann, Oral Scott,
F. N. Moyer, Bernard Doherty, E. C.
Daugherty, Merle Miller, Louis Ber
gevin, Algott Lundell.
Heppner high schol officers for
next year, elected this week, are
Paul McCarty, president; Jackson
Gilliam, vice president; Scott Mc
Murdo, treasurer; Ruth Green, sec
retary; John Hays, sergant-at-arms;
Billy Barratt, yell duke. Named on
Hehisch committee were Maxine Mc
Curdy. Jimmy Healy, seniors; Beth
al Blake, John Crawford, juniors;
Carolyn Vaughn, Billy Blake, soph
Walter M. Pierce, this district's
representative in congress, was re
covering rapidly from an appendi
citis operation performed last week,
according to reports in the daily
press yesterday.
Neighbors of Woodcaft members
Monday evening enjoyed a "feed" of
Chinese noodles and ice cream, pro
vided by the men following the lodge
10-Piece Portland Band to Play
for Evening Ball; Initiation Cere
monies Set for Afternoon.
Members of Heppner lodge 358,
B. P. O. Elks, with their ladies will
invade Condon Saturday for the an
nual spring away-from-home initia
tion and good will meeting. Loyal
Parker, secretary, D. A. Wilson and
E. O. Ferguson were in the neighbor
ing city Tuesday to assist with final
arrangements, and returned with
glowing reports for the affair.
Included in entertainment features
for the day is the appearance of El
ton Lewis' 10-piece band of the El
Tabarin of Portland who will play
for the ball at the Crystal ballroom
in the evening. This event is open
to Elks and invited guests.
The lodge meeting with initiation
is scheduled for 2:30 in the after
noon, and while the men are thus
engaged the ladies will be provided
with special entertainment. L. Van
Marter, who has been assisting on
the Condon end, says no pains are
being spared to entertain everyone,
and urges all to be there.
AAA County Rates
Given for Oregon
County average diversion payment
rates per acre under the 1937 agri
cultural conservation program have
been approved by the secretary of
agriculture as submitted by the state
AAA committee, according to word
received at the state office of the
AAA at Oregon State college. The
following rates have been established
for Morrow county:
Average rate per acre for diver
sion from soil depleting base, $3.00.
Average soil building allowance
rate per acre on acreage diverted
for payment, $2.00.
Average soil building allowance
rate per acre on all crop land on
non-diversion farms and commercial
orchard land on diversion farms,
40 cents.
As was the case last year, the rates
vary according to the average pro
ductivity of the crop land in the
various counties. In recommending
the rates for this year the state com
mittee was guided somewhat by last
year's rates and the experience un
der them with the 1936 program.
The average diversion rate for the
country this year was only $6 in
stead of $10 an acre, while the soil
building allowance was raised ac
cordingly. The rates this year, there
fore, are not comparable as to total
amount with those in effect last year.
Rates on individual farms vary
according to productivity, just as do
the rates for the several counties.
Each farm is assigned a productivity
index from which a farmer may cal
culate by multiplying it times the
county base exactly how much he
can earn per acre for cooperating in
the conservation program.
Malheur county again has the
highest average rate, at an even $10
for diversion, $6.70 for soil building
allowance on diverted acreage, and
$1.34 on crop land on non-diversion
farms. Other high counties are Coos
$9, $5.95 and $1.19; Hood River, $8.90,
$5.95, and 1.19; Columbia $8.60, $5.70,
and $1.14; and Washington, $8.50,
$5.65, and $1.13.
Billy Schwarz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Schwarz of this city, married
Ida Mae Smith at the home of the
bride's parents in Canyon City Sat
urday. The newlyweds visited over
Sunday at the home of the bride
groom's parents here. They will re
side at Seneca where Mr. Schwarz
has held a position for some time.
Billy graduated from Heppner high
school two years ago, and attended
Eastern Oregon Normal school, be
fore going to Seneca. His many
friends here unite in wishing him
self and bride much happiness.
Mrs. W. B. Barratt arrived the
end of the week from her home in
Portland for a visit at the home of
her son, J. G. Barratt.
Merrill Team Nebs
Out Opponents in
Crow Killing Race
Hen Hatching Story
Blasted; Stolen Crow
Mystery Solved.
The score: Merrill team 2265
points; Richardson team 2225 points.
And that's a real crow race as the
Morrow County Hunter and Ang
lers club rounds into the last 12-day
stretch in a race between the two
teams to see which can make the
greatest inroads into the crow and
magpie population of the county.
While the Merrill gang came from
behind this week to take a neb's
lead, anything may happen from
here on.
In fact it is already happening.
This week Richardson interviewed
his worker accused by Merrill of
setting crow eggs under his hens,
and found the accusation to be far
from the truth. Said party is using
an incubator for the hatching, Rich
ardson avers.
Then comes to light the solution
of the mystery of Richardson's miss
ing crow, advertised in these col
umns last week as stolen. The bird
was recovered from a room of a
member of the Richardson team, but
indisputable evidence was uncovered
that the captain of the opposing
team was the guilty culprit. Rich
ardson refused to prosecute in or
der to retain harmony in the club.
Now Merrill also has a pet crow, and
Dame Rumor has it that a crow fight
is being talked up for the week end,
with side bets being placed, to prove
the greater valor of the two.
Last week end nearly all of the
Richardson team took a vacation to
Portland or elsewhere except Bert
Mason, who obtained 22 magpies, 35
magpie eggs, 1 crow, 11 crow eggs, 2
horned owls, 5 horned owl eggs and
2 hawk eggs. But three different
members have promised to beat Bert
this week end.
Arrangements are being made for
the banquet to be held shortly after
June 1 in the county dance hall on
lower Main street including impor
tation of various entertainers, box
ers and wrestlers. Expectation is
had for 150 to 175 reservations.
New club members announced this
week are Hugh Smith, Mrs. Ben
Cox, Elbert Cox, Judge Bert John
son, Chas. Barlow, L. D. Neill, Har
ry Tamblyn and Tom Clark.
Famous English
Woman Held Local
Man's Hand as Boy
One native Englishman was not
so much concerned about the cor
onation of the new king yesterday
as he was in another important
English event. That event was the
celebration of Florence Nightin
gale day.
Jack Milsom, the Englishman in
question, as a boy lived neighbors
to Miss Nightingale in Berkshire.
He recalled having held on to her
hand many times for walks thru
the garden. He believed he was
probably the only person in Hepp
ner to have known Miss Nightin
gale personally.
In later years, Miss Nightingale
wore a heavy veil which was never
lifted in the presence of men, ex
cept those with whom she was
closely acquainted. One of these
was Mr. Milsom's father, a fellow
in the Royal Society of Horticul
Fire of undetermined origin con
sumed the farm house on the Adam
Blahm ranch on Skinner creek Tues
day morning. Mrs. Harley L. Matte
son, sister of Mrs. Blahm, first dis
covered the blaze while washine.
The men in the field arrived too late
to be of assistance. There was no
Annual Free Concert Slated at
Gym-Auditorium at 8 o'clock;
Instrumentation Announced.
The annual school band concert
will be held at the auditorium this
evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. The
senior and junior bands will be pre
sented, augmented by solo numbers
to provide an evening of musical en
tertainment looked forward to by
the entire community. Admission is
free. On Saturday a regular after
noon street concert will be played,
at which the usual collection will be
taken to provide funds for neces
sary band expenses.
Harold Buhman, director, an
nounces personnel of the bands as
Senior band: Trumpets, Charles
Cox, Gerald Cason, Jack Merrill,
Harry Tamblyn, Donald Frederick
son, Kay Ferguson, Kemp Dick,
Thomas Gonty, Jack Morton; altos,
Emery Coxen, Calvin Crawford, Jack
Vaughn, Jackson Cantwell; baritone,
Hugh Crawford; trombones, Norton
King, Jackson Gilliam, John Craw
ford, Joe Aiken, Billy Barratt; bass,
William Lee McCaleb, Donald Ben
nett; clarinets, Harriet Hager, Omer
McCaleb, Donald Jones, Richard
Hayes, Carolyn Vaughn, Kathryn
Thompson, Paul Doolittle, Clifford
Fay, Alan Gibb; saxophones, Mar
garet Tamblyn, Betty Happold, Andy
Davidson, Wilbur Worden, Harold
Armstrong; drums, Warren Blakely,
Jr., Donald Fell, Milton Morgan.
Junior band: Trumpets, Howard
Gilliam, Austin McAtee, Dick Fer
guson; altos, Lowell Ashbaugh, Billy
Scrivner, Donald Wehmeyer; trom
bones, Henry Aiken, Jr., Donald Ev
ans; clarinet, Dorotha Wilson, Kings
ley Chapin, Elizabeth Healy, Ray
mond Parrish; flute, John Skuzeski;
saxophone, Philip Cohn; drums, Neta
Rae Bleakmai, Jimmy Barratt.
The first American Legion smoker
of the season, a benefit for the
swimming pool fund, will open at
8:00 o'clock tomorrow night at the
Fair pavjlion. Doors open at 7:30.
Concerning it, C. J. D. Bauman, pro
moter, says:
"The main event brings together
Rene Chaussee, the popular CCC
boy, one of the fastest and cleverest
boxers to show in Heppner; and
Buddy O'Day, a boy who has lots
of ambition and plenty of experience.
He will make Chaussee step the
"In the semi-windup, Montana
Red, gory fighter from Butte, mixes
with Jackie Herron. Herron is a
'black shadow mystery fighter. He
will make Montana Red see red.
"The main preliminary shows Tom
Clark, Jr., local boy, a rangy fighter
and nobody's setup; with Kenneth
Daniels, CCC boy, who will make
Tom like it.
"Second preliminary Earl Robi
son, slings leather at Bobby Eger
shien; Oai, Oai, what a time! And
two other mystery maulers will raise
the curtain and probably tear it up.
"If you plan on coming to this
smoker and going to sleep, you will
certainly be disappointed.
"Fred Hoskins is official referee,
with instructions to throw them out
if they don't fight, and Fred is big
enough to do it. Come and give
yourself a treat and contribute to
the swimming pool as well.
"The price is 50 cents for men and
25 cents for what they bring with
John Key this week purchosed the
E. E. Clark barber shop and assum
ed control yesterday after disposing
of the shop he formerly operated on
lower Mam street. His former shop
was sold on the outside, and the
building has been vacated. Mr. Clark
expects to move to California with
his family as soon as other business
interests here are disposed of.
Everyone Asked
To Join Caravan
To View New Ditch
Willow-Ditch Creek
Flow at Height, Lions
Told; Visit Planned.
All those who would like to see
Ditch creek dumping its waters into
Willow creek via the 6800-foot canal
recently completed by CCC moys
and the soil conservation service,
are invited to join a motor caravan
planned to leave at the Heppner ho
tel at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Joseph Belanger announced plans
for the event at the Monday Liong
luncheon, and it is expected the
service club will be largely repre
sented in the party.
Millard D. Rodman, soil conserva
tion supervisor, added his invitation
for the community to see the ditch
now while the flow is at its peak.
Sixteen second-feet of water was
flowing through the ditch Monday
morning, he said.
The trip by car can now be made
to the coal mines. The motor cara
van will unload there and hike on
to the head of the ditch obout a
mile farther up. Considerable snow
is still present, and while well pack
ed, it would be advisable for every
one making the trip to wear rubbers
at least, and boots would be pref
erable, Rodman said.
Belanger emphasized the import
ance of this work in providing ad
ditional irrigating water for Willow
creek farmers, and said that anyone
making the trip will be well repaid
by the sight afforded at this time.
The service club also went on rec
ord as backing the city clean-up
day, next Tuesday, and urged upon
everyone to support the mayor and
councilmen in their attempt to make
the city ship-shape.
Gross proceeds of $95 from the
swimming pool benefit held Friday
was announced.
A special breakfast meeting of the
club has been called by President
Ray P. Kinne at Hotel Heppner at
9 o'clock Sunday morning to greet
District Governor Ralph Kletzing of
Extend Lex-Jarmon
Oiling to Butter Creek
Doubts as to the extent of oiling
on the Lexington-Jarmon road were
erased yesterday when E. B. Aldrich,
state highway commissioner, told
Judge Bert Johnson that it would be
completed through to Butter creek
before present operations cease.
Lighter oiling will be used after
the first 12 miles, Aldrich said, mak
ing 8 miles between Sand Hollow
and Butter creek of lighter con
struction. Last week, Engineer Armstrong
said that plans called for oiling only
the first 12 miles out of Lexington.
When completed, the present work
will provide an oiled macadam high
way all the way from Heppner to
Pendleton, via Lexington, as the
stretch from Butter creek to Echo,
connecting with the Oregon Trail,
is already oiled.
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
iliary entertained a number of vis
iting ladies from Echo, Hermiston
and Stanfield at a bridge luncheon
at the Lucas Place, Friday. Includ
ed among the visitors were Mrs. M.
E. Coe, Mrs. N. J. Gillette, Mrs. Ed
Liesegang, Mrs. Gaylord Madison,
Grace Saylor, Mrs. W. H. Crary,
Gladys Corrigall, Mrs. N. D. Bard,
Echo; Mrs. J. M. Jackson, Mrs. E. P.
Dodd, Mrs.' H. T. Fraser, Mrs. Wal
ter Smith, Mrs. A. C. Ebert, Arietta
White, Mrs. Neil Robertson, Hermis
ton; Mrs.. W. G. Wallace. Miss Elva
Berry, Mrs. G. Ernest Greathouse,
Mrs. W. Martin Marbert, Emma
Geizzler, Stanfield, and Mrs. Lennie
Loudon, Condon.