Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 06, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Gazette Times
Established March 30. 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year :.. $2.00
Three Years 5.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
1937 MAY 1937
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
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From across county comes word
that Condon, Fossil and Kinzua have
divorced the Wheatland baseball
league and are playing independent
ly. Each, so Dame Rumor has it,
would like to play a Heppner team.
So far, no aggregation has put in
an appearance here. Wonder what's
going to be done about it if any
thing? The weather took a turn for the
wanner last week end. It felt like
good old summertime for a few days.
Tuesday night came sub-freezing
temperatures, and frost. Such the
vagaries of a late Spring, with all
looking askance just now to any
likely-seeming rain cloud.
Maybe it wasn't the most import
ant news of the week, but probably
it created the most public interest
the news of Wallis Simpson obtain
ing her absolute divorce and free
dom to marry David Windsor. May
it be hoped that England's abdicated
king has paved the way for every
' young fellow to have the right to
choose his own mate, when, and if,
of course, that right is compatible
with the general welfare.
Actual oiling of the Lexington -Jarmon
road was started this week.
That's news which Morrow countians
have worked for several years to
create. Some secretiveness has pre
vailed on the part of the state high
way commission as to how far the
present work will go. But speed
the day when a good-surfaced year
round highway will cover this route.
It is important both as a local mar
ket road and intersectional thorough
fare. When it is completed and the
Oregon Trail relocated, Heppner
people, as well as those farther
north in the county, will find this
the fastest and best road to Pendle
ton and other points east.
Another road is gaining attention
of local highway fans. It is a pro
posed trunk highway to shorten the
distance from Heppner to Portland
.by 35 miles. With parts already im
proved and other stretches contem
plated for construction, it ties in the
Heppner-Condon highway with a
route through southern Sherman
county on almost a direct off-river
line to join the Mt. Hood and Wap
initia cut-off highway at Sandy.
From Sandy an improved road cuts
off to Oregon City to make a saving
of another 20 miles for eastern Ore
gonians heading for Willamette val
ley points south of Portland. A re
Cent meeting of some 300 road boost
ers from different points along the
proposed route was held at Wamic,
and more will be heard from it.
Mrs. Edward Chinn was reported
yesterday as in critical condition at
a Portland hospital following a ma
jor operation which she underwent
a few days ago.
When England's new Queen Cath
erine takes the throne next week,
the event will hold not a little heart
interest for one Morrow county res
ident. For before he came to Mor
row county more than fifty years
ago, Charlie Valentine, the person
indicated, lived within 12 mles of
Glamis castle, Queen Catherine's
birthplace, and had seen it many
Mr. Valentine was born at Dundee,
Angus county, Scotland in 1862. His
father was acquainted with Watson,
the man who first bred Pole Angus
cattle and whose son, Willie Watson,
introduced the first purebred cattle
of this strain into Oregon. He said
that, so far as he knew, himself and
Ralph Benge were the only two orig
inal settlers left in their section.
Both came to the county in 1882,
and both stopped first at Athena.
Morrow was then still a part of Um
atilla county; Heppner was just a
small trading post, and places which
had been settled were mostly along
the creeks. The hills still had their
Auditor's Report
Shows Improved
County Condition
Cash Status Main
tained in 1936;
Rate Base Lowered.
A generally satisfactory accounting
system, and few clerical errors are
revealed in the audit report of Mor
row county offices for 1936, copies
of which have just been received at
the courthouse. The report was
made by S. W. Starr, supervisor of
the division of audits of the secre
tary of state's office, following a
check made by his assistant, Bernard
C. Davis. Commendation was given
county officials for their assistance
and cooperation.
The aduit reveals that Morrow
county operated on a cash basis
throughout 1936, with a single ex
ception, the report stating: "All
current operating expenses incurred
by the county, 'except non-high
school district obligations, and all
road bonds and interest thereon ma
turing during the year were prompt
ly paid and cash reserves were on
hand in all county funds at Decem
ber 31, 1936. The non-high school
distrcit funds were on a warrant ba
sis during virtually all of the year
1936, but the tax turnovers received
by the county treasurer in Decem
ber, 1936, restored the fund to a cash
The audit report reveals a gener
ally heartening trend in the finan
cial status of the county. While the
assessed valuation was cut 25 per
cent to $8,745,334, representing 68
percent of the actual value, the tax
rate , was increased but slightly for
1937. At the same time 'the amount
of uncollected taxes for the year 1936
was the least of that for any of the
last several years.
The fixed debt, including $627,560
road bonds and interest, is not
alarming when it is considered that
retirement is on current basis, with
a set schedule for payment of the
amount in annual instalments with
the total debt to be liquidated in
1935. Present assets offset this
amount $42,650.42, and provision for
turning monies received from the
motor license fund, estimated at
$143,903.17 for the period, to apply
on the debt, there is left an estimat
ed amount of $441,026.41 to be raised
by tax levies before the debt is fi
nally liquidated.
Gooseberry and Rocky Bluff
schools are presenting a program at
Gooseberry school Friday, May 7, at
8 p. m. After the program we are
having a weiner roast ,so bring your
sticks and come help us have a
good time, say the sponsors. The
admission charge will be 10 cents.
There will be a dance at the Le
gion hall, lone, Saturday, May 15.
Music by the Troubadors of Her-miston.
native coat of bunchgrass.
Mr. Valentine came to America
on the old States liner State of Flor
ida, later converted into a cattle ship
and lost at sea. He has been back
to the old country but once, that in
1909, making the trip on the Maure
tania. His first trip was made in the
days when immigration was at its
height, and he recalled seeing many
colorful sights of people from var
ious countries in native costumes
headed for America.
Much change has been noted not
only in Morrow county, but in the
country as a whole and the old coun
try as well in his period of recollsc
tion. Still, he believes the British
isles to be the greenest country on
earth, and that -the old country was
mighty productive is attested by the
fact that the father of Bob Hynd, for
mer prominent Morrow county man,
a neighbor of the Valentines in the
old country, paid $20 an acre cash
rent a year and still succeeded.
And values were generally lower
then than now, he said.
District Libraries
Meet at Arlington
A panel discussion to be partici
pated in by mayors, councilmen and
library trustees will be a feature of
the district meeting of public librar
ies at Arlington next Wednesday, an
nounces Miss Harriet C. Long, state
librarian, who is directing the event.
City and library officers of Heppner
and all others interested have been
given an urgent invitation to attend,
and those wishing to do so who have
no means of transportation are asked
to contact Alvin Kleinfeldt or J. O.
Turner, the local transportation
Among questions to be answered
in the panel discussion are: How can
the public library be made to func
tion effectively in the community?
What is the place of the library in
city government? These, and many
other questions pertaining to the
management of the local library are
expected to bring out helpful sug
gestions. Local Club Head
Hears Dr. Townsend
Mrs. Alta Brown, president of the
Heppner Townsend club and a mem
ber of the second congressional dis
trict Townsend board, attended the
large assemblage in the Portland au
ditorium last Sunday. She reported
the address of Dr. Townsend as most
"Dr. Townsend made one of the
best talks I have ever heard him
make," she said. "He denounced the
president's proposal of change on
the supreme court. He said the sit
down strikes were unlawful, and
will react against the labor organi
zations. He said if business men
hope to succeed there must be an
increase of purchasing power. The
plan is now being studied in Europe
and in Canada."
Dr. Francis E. Townsend is to
speak at the civic auditorium in
Pendleton next Sunday evening at
7:30. This is a specially arranged
appearance of the doctor as it was
originally planned that he would
make but one stop in each state.
Madame Stark, song-bird of the
Townsend Plan, will sing. There
will be no admission charged. It is
expected that thousands of Town
sendites and others will be at this
mass meeting.
Continued from First -Page
Jones, Irrigon, second; Farrens, lone,
Girls Class B
75 yd. Dash Allen, Irrigon, first;
Gorger, lone, second; Bothwell, Hepp
ner, third.
Baseball Throw Allen, Irrigon, first;
Gorham, Boardman, second; Bothwell,
Heppner, third.
Girls Class 0
50 yd. Dash Bleakman, Heppner,
first; Seehofer, Heppner, second; O'
Hara, Heppner, third.
Baseball Throw Irwin, Heppner,
first; Green, Eight Mile, second; Sper
ry, lone, third.
Girls Class D
50 yd. Dash Gorham, Irrigon, first;
Howell, Heppner, second; Poulson, Ir
rigon, third.
Baseball Throw Tetz, Heppner, first;
Poulson, Irrigon, second; Ledbetter,
lone, third.
Girls' Relay Heppner, first; Irrigon,
second; lone, third.
Locals Score 75
In Tourney Wind-Up
Heppner Rod and Gun club turned
in a perfect 75 team score in the final
round of the Oregonian telegraphic
trapshooting tournament Sunday to
win two and tie two of its matches
for the day. Their record for, the
shoot shows 11 wins, 6 ties, 5 losses,
and three matches unreported.
Seventeen shooters visited the
traps Sunday and had scores as fol
lows: 100 targets: A. D. McMurdo 88,
Judge Carmichael 80.
75 targets: J. H. McCrady 70, John
Lane 66.
50 Targets: Adam Knoblock 48,
Be a cash buyer for your next car. This new, lowest cost financing
plan is available to any one having a satisfactory credit record and
a steady income. You select any new automobile or a used car less
than three years old, and supply one-third the purchase price
either in cash or by the trade-in value of another automobile.
This bank then supplies the balance needed to make a cash deaL
Before buying a new car or refinancing your present one, investi
gate what this plan will save you! Caff at any Branch of
eBusiness Office: 4 West Willow Street Jieppner, Oregon
Ray Massey 45, Ben Patterson 45,
Gene Ferguson 39, Mark Merrill 39,
Vivian Kane 39, R. M. Rice 37, Merle
Cummings 30, John Wightman 30.
25 targets: Chas Vaughn 25, Herb
Hynd 17, Bert Kane 15, Claude
Graham 15.
All papers in connection with the
transfer of the city property on the
corner of Willow and Gale streets
to the local American Legion post
were signed, sealed and delivered
Monday. In exchange for this prop
erty the city accepted the former
Legion swimming pool property in
the south end of town. The post ex
pects to build a home on its new