Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 06, 1937, Image 1

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PUBLIC A M D 1 T 0 R 1 'J
Volume 53, Number 9.
County Tax Bill
For 1937 is 57
Percent Collected
Turnovers, Segrega
tions Complete for
First Payment Period
With turnovers and segregations
complete for ,the first taxpaying
quarter of 1937, 57 percent of the
current roll has been paid in Morrow
county, according to an itemized
statement released by the clerk's of
fice this week. Of the $277,073.66
. total levy for all purposes, $147,316.
64 has been collected, leaving the
balance yet to be collected of $129,
757.02. Total discounts of $4,051.29 were
allowed in the period, largely ac
counted for by several large utility
taxpayers paying their year's tax in
full. City of Heppner taxes were a
little below the average of payment
for the county, at 54 percent.
By various taxlevying subdivisions,
the total amounts on roll and the
amounts collected, are:
(The first column of figures con
tain the amounts on roll, the second
the amounts collected.)
State, County and
General School 64715.58 $ 35,756.38
General Roads 17,110.58 14,978.84
Market Roads 8,745.57 4,831.72
U. High School 375.87 181.34
U. H. Bonds and
Interest 3,923.52 1,879.23
Fire Patrol 1,723.76 893.03
City of Heppner .... 4,173.65 2,252.67
City of lone 2,146.26 933.79
City of Lexington .. 1,802.38 1,012.03
West Ex. Ir. Dist. 5,362.05 1,268.50
City of Boardman 951.14 176.97
Bond Sink, and In
terest Fund 41,977.52 23,191.86
School Dist. No. 1 16,319.46 8,397.42
" " " 2 1,114.83 387.22
" 3 466.50. 136.64
5 562.88 349.98
" 6 473.62 107.27
8 ' 213.79 123.72
9 704.31 327.00
10 9,040.20 8,399.81
11 462.82 158.98
" 12 6,427.31 3,764.87
" 14 122.56 48.44
" 15 128.90 27.04
' 16 703.67 238.31
" 17 479.81 134.72
21 357.08 159.72
" 23 473.26 49.70
25 8,801.75 7,327.25
26 3,510.55 993.48
27 233.67 58.76
" 29 465.19 277.84
" " " 31 434.23 148.14
32 26.41 15.96
" 34 767.33 442.11
35 1,373.40 856.82
36 466.77 322.63
" 38 182.17 116.71
" 39 497.44 462.23
" 40 206.44 88.95
' 41 755.27 231.63
42 718.88 346.05
49 400.98 38.44
59 913.33 165.55
Dist. No. 1 Bonds
and Interest 4,887.53 2,514.90
Dist. No. 10 Bonds
and Interest 3,496.68 3,313.48
Dist. No. 12 Bonds
and Interest 1,824.53 1,068.50
Dist No. 25 Bonds
and Interest 6,934.71 5,773.10
Dist. No. 27 Bonds
and Interest 701.01 176.14
Dist. No. 35 Bonds
and Interest 3,891.31 2,427.56
Dist. No. 59 Bonds
and Interest 248.36 45.00
Rodent Fund 4,372.77 2,413.71
John Day Ir. Dist. 14,819.40 730.00
Benefit Tomorrow;
Merchants Assist
An opportunity for the commun
ity to help fulfill its desires for a
swimming pool is being offered by
the school at the gym-auditorium
tomorrow evening. The program
will include two one-act plays, "Un
cle Bob's Bride" and "Don't Tell
My Wife" presented by the high
school public speaking classes, and
songs by the Lions, club quartet.
An added attraction is offered in
the distribution of 150 door prizes
contributed by merchants. Many
worthwhile articles are in the col
lection assembled by a committee
from the Lions club. Besides get
ting 50 cents worth of fun from the
entertainment, everyone may feel
that he has contributed a bit toward
the early realization of a swimming
pool in Heppner.
The school band will give a con
cert Saturday afternoon on Main
street beginning at 2:30. No collec
tion will be taken, announces Har
old Buhman, director.
Stirring Tribute Paid Horace
Mann in Address by Henry Tetz
Before Lions Club Monday.
An inspiring tribute to Horace
Mann, termed "the father of the
American public school system," was
given before the Monday Lions lun
ch by Henry Tetz, high school prin
cipal. Tetz called Mann "one of
those architects who deal not in ma
terial things, but who contribute
much to the building of nations thru
molding character."
Mann, who served his state and
nation as a statesman, was first and
last an educator. His high type of
character was shown on his appoint
ment to head the Massachusetts de
partment of education, when he call
ed attention to the entirely inade
quate salary while declaring he
would do the job so well he would
make his employers ashamed of the
meager pay. It was in that position
that he laid the foundation for the
public school system, conceiving for
it a future probably unequalled in
the vision of any man since his day.
Mann was one of the first educa
tors to advocate the principle of
teaching students rather than sub
jects. He believed that forcing upon
students subjects for which the stu
dent had little or no aptitude was a
mistake. A reformation under way
in the public school system today
based on this principle is often at
tributed to farsightedness of pres
net day educators. It is, in fact, but
a realization of the vision held by the
system's founder, Tetz . said.
Believing that any man is a cow
ard to die without attempting to
fulfill a purpose on earth, Mann, on
his deathbed while president of An
tioch college, called such students
as were available on the campus to
his window and gave them a final
message of encouragement even as
life expired.
These are but a few of the trib
utes which the speaker paid the man,
who Mr. Tetz said was probably the
nation's greatest educator.
The service club also discussed
details of the swimming tank bene
fit program to be presented at the
school Friday, May 7( tomorrow).
Tetz Will Head
School at Adams
Henry Tetz, athletic instructor and
high school principal, this week ten
dered his resignation to the school
board, following his election to the
superintendency of the Adams
schools for next year. In view of
the proposed advancement, the board
Tetz came here last fall from Rufus
where he headed the schools, and he
previously served as superintendent
of schools at Grass Valleyt A grad
uate of the University of Oregon
and successful in former positions,
his acceptance of the local contract
was gladly received. His year at
Heppner has been accompanied by
success in all high school athletics,
and the board has announced its re
grets on losing his services for next
Dr. Clara Cogswell Ingham of
Portland, state presdent of the Lea
gue of Western Writers, will arrive
in Heppner May 9, and stay over
Monday as a house guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Milsom. While here she
will attempt to organize a chapter
of the league in Morrow county.
She will speak at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon at the library, and every
one is welcome.
Attention You Businessmen, and
to all, especially to those who do not
believe in this plan, hear Dr. Town
send explain to you why this plan
will reduce taxes and eventually
wipe out the national debt. Hear
his this Sunday, May 9, at Happy
Canyon. Mrs. Alta Brown, member
Second Congressional District Board.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney were
over Sunday visitors in Portland.
Vari-Sided Picture
Seen as Hunters
Raid Bird Predators
Richardson Team in
Lead in Contest;
Kiddies Work Hard.
An anamorphosis came in Heppner
Rod and Gun club's crow-magpie
contest this week. It appeared that
Mark Merrill's team had worked the
hardest. They climbed the most
thorn bush and dragged out 450 eggs
while J. Logie Richardson's gang
accounted for only 158 ova. There
fore Merrill's side gleaned 292 more
eggs than the opponents. Richard-'
son's cohorts, on the other hand, en
joyed more af the shooting sport
and brought down 160 birds, while
Merrill's bunch dropped 92. The
difference in birds was only 68 in
Richardson's favor. But viewed from
the point system with each egg
counting one point and each bird
ten points, Richardson's team out
pointed Merrill's 1758 to 1370.
"There's nothing fair about it,"
Merrill said, good-humoredly, of
course. "Here we've worked the
hardest, but the other bunch takes
the most points. From now on we're
going to concentrate on the birds
Further, Merrill expected to con
test the final score on grounds that
one Richardson worker on Hinton
creek has been gathering up crow
eggs al over the place and setting
them under his hens with the expec
tation of turning in a lot of live
birds at the last moment.
E. R. Schaffer and Mrs. Fred Man
kin were added to the Merrill team
this week, while Chas. H. Latourell,
Fred Mankiri and C. J. D. Bauman
entered the Richardson lists. Plans
for the big banquet at the wind-up
after May 25 are fomenting, while
the campaign gets hotter daily. To
answer one question generally asked,
it was anounced that all men parti
cipating are expected to bring their
And while the older men and wo
men are having a lively time of it,
the youngsters under 16 are making
further inroads into the predatory
bird population. The 17 competitors
to date have turned in 21 old birds,
138 young birds and 1118 eggs, re
ports Charlie Vaughn, receiver at
Heppner garage. The kiddies are
competing for two rifles offered as
prizes besides receiving cash pay
ment for birds and eggs.
One little girl hustler encountered
misfortune this week. She had as
sembled a large number of young
birds and eggs on the back porch,
ready to bring to town, when a cat
got into them and scrambled them
Merrill and Richardson contacted
the county court yesterday and were
granted use of the fair pavilion in
which to stage the banquet.
The annual spring onslaught on
filth and disease-spreading garbage
piles will be made in Heppner, Tu
esday, May 18, announces Mayor
Jeff Jones. On that day, again this
year trucks will be made available
to haul away free of charge all rub
rish placed at street curbs in proper
"This annual clean-up day has
long had the cooperation of all cit
izens of the community, and again
this year I am sure everyone will
welcome this opportunity to get rid
of trash, rubbish, garbage, tin cans,
and all unsightly blemishes upon
the face of our fair city. I antici
pate that the response by everyone
will reflect a general community
spirit of progressiveness,' said May
or Jones in proclaiming the day.
Mrs. Emma Holub and son Frank
were business visitors in town-Tuesday
from lone.
lone Man, Prominent in Eastern
Oregon Athletics, Found Stricken
In Car Beside Road Monday.
Walter Cochran of lone, long
prominent in eastern Oregon baseball
circles, succumbed suddenly Monday
afternoon to a heart attack. ' He died
at Morrow General hospital in Hepp
ner shortly after being rushed here
about 2 o'clock.
He was brought to a local doctor's
office on being found in his brother's
car at the Bundy ranch, now operat
ed by L. O. Stockard, about five
miles below Heppner on the Oregon-Washington
highway. Mr.
Stockard talked to him shortly be
fore a salesman came along in a car
and brought the stricken man to the
doctor's office. Mr. Cochran had be
come faint while driving to lone and
pulled the car to the side of the road
just by the Stockard home. His at
tending physician pronounced death
as caused by coronary thrombosis.
Funeral services are being held
from the Christian church in lone at
2 o'clock this afternoon, with Phelps
Funeral home in charge and Rev.
R. C. Young of Heppner officiating,
interment following in lone I. O. O.
F. cemetery.
Mr. Cochran spent last winter in
Heppner while being connected with
the L. E. Dick stove store as sales
man. He was the son of Oscar and Alice
Cochran, being aged 42 years, 5
months and 23 days at death. Sur
viving are his mother, two sons, Del
bert and James of Bend, brothers
Elmer of California and George of
lone, and sisters, Mrs. Venice Ahalt
of Heppner, and Mrs. Eunice Jelkins
of Portland. Residing in lone most
of his life, he received his schooling
there and participated largely in the
school athletics. He later played
baseball several years with the lone
town team. Living in Arlington,
where he worked for the J. K. Kirby
store for several years, when the
Wheatland league was first organized
he was the league's official schedule
maker for several years. He mar
ried Vura Hudson in 1922.
Mr. Cochran was residing in lone
with his brother George who re
ported that to all appearances he
was feeling as well as usual before
driying to Heppner Monday morn
ing, having eaten a hearty break
fast. Annual BPW Dinner
Set Next Tuesday
The annual Mothers-Daughters
dinner of Business and Professional
Womens club has been set for next
Tuesday evening at Hotel Heppner,
with Mrs. Elizabeth Blankenship as
general chairman.
A pre-sale of tickets will be stag
ed, giving mothers and daughters
of the community generally an op
portunity to attend. A program of
music and speaking appropriate to
the occasion is planned.
Joseph Belanger, county agent, an
nounces that at least 25 farmers are
planning to join the junket to
Waterville, Wash., scheduled next
Tuesday and Wednesday. The pur
pose of the trip is to inspect rough
summerfallowing 1 methods in that
section which is quite similar to
parts of Morrow county. A visit to
Grand Coulee dam is planned in
Kenneth McKinzie of Rufus was
given a contract by the school board
last night to teach the sixth grade
next year. McKinzie, graduate of
Oregon Normal school, Monmouth,
has been at Rufus three years. He
is equipped to assist with the grade
school physical education program.
Harold Buhman, director, has an
nounced the date for the annual
school band concert to be held at
the gym-auditorium Friday, May 14.
The program for the event will ap
pear next week.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
School May Fete
Draws Throngs for
Day's Varied Events
Heppner Wins Spell
ing Cups; Festival,
Track Meet Enjoyed.
A fine warm day prevailed last
Friday for the staging of the annual
county school May fete when Hepp
ner was thronged with people from
all over the county. The entire day's
activities went through without a
hitch, and the music festival in the
evening which climaxed the events,
drew a crowd that packed the gym
auditorium. In the morning spelling contest,
Heppner emerged with the cups in
both divisions, and by winning the
upper division for the third consecu
tive year gained permanent posses
sion of the Lions cup. Lorraine
Bothwell placed first in this division
and Bert Brown brought the lower
division cup, sponsored by Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Phelps, by placing first,
Lavelle Pieper, Lexington, and Hel
en Doherty, lone, placed second and
third, respectively, in the upper div
ision. Gene Allen, Boardman, and
Loma Mae Jones, Heppner, were
second and third placers in the low
er division.
The afternoon's track meet drew
its share of attention, and lively
competition was offered in all ev
ents. Presentation of awards was made
at the music festival in the evening
by Wm. D. Campbell of Lexington.
Choral numbers by different groups
from the combined schools were di
rected by Miss Juanita Leathers
with Miss Marjorie Parker, piano
accompanist. - An outstanding fea
ture was the ensemble appearance
of the Heppner and Irrigon school
bands, with the directors, Harold
Buhman and Stan Atkin, alternating
in the direction.
Winners of the track meet are an
nounced as follows:
Boys Class A
100 yd. dash O'Donnell, Heppner,
first; Gilman, Heppner, second; Drake,
Heppner, third.
Shot Put Drake, Heppner, first; Gil
man, Heppner, second; Ray Partlow,
Boardman, third.
Baseball Throw Drake, Heppner,
first; Gilman, Heppner, second, Van
Schoiack, Heppner, third.
Broad Jump Drake, Heppner, first;
Gilman, Heppner, second; O'Donnell,
Heppner, third.
High Jump Osborne, Heppner, first;
Gilman, Heppner, second; O'Donnell,
Heppner, third.
Boys Class B
100 yd. Dash Evans, Heppner, first;
Crawford, Heppner, second; Bennett,
Heppner, third.
Baseball Throw Crambelt, Heppner,
first; Crawford, Heppner, second; Ben
nett, Heppner, third.
Broad Jump Crawford, Heppner,
first; Bennett, Heppner, second; Evans,
Heppner, third.
High Jump Evans, Heppner, first;
Vaughn, Heppner, second; Bennett,
Heppner, third.
Shot Put Bennett, Heppner, first;
Evans, Heppner, second; Crambelt,
Heppner, third.
Boys Class C
75 yd. Dash Clayton, Heppner, first;
Bothwell, Heppner, second; Tyler,
Boardman, third .
Baseball Throw Skuzeski, Heppner,
first; Davidson, lone, second; Tyler,
Boardman, third.
Broad Jump Skuzeski, Heppner,
first; Tyler, Boardman, second; Both
well, Heppner, third.
High Jump Tyler, Boardman, first;
Skuzeski, Heppner, second; Aiken,
Heppner, third.
Boys Class D.
75 yd. Dash Lilly, Boardman, first;
Martin, Lexington, second; Frederick
son, Irrigon, third.
Baseball Throw Martin, Lexington,
first; Stefani, lone, second; Edmond
son, Heppner, third.
Boys' Relay Heppner, first; Board
man, second; lone, third.
Girls Clas A
75 yd. Dash Doherty, lone, first;
Rasmussen, Heppner, second; Blake,
lone, third.
Baseball Throw Rauch, lone, first;
Continued on Page Four
Lex-Jarmon Oiling
Started This Week
Work of oiling the Lexington-Jar-mon
road was started Monday, be
ginning at the Lexington end. The
district engineer, in the city this
morning from Pendleton, said the
work would be carried 12 miles at
this time, or about a mile short of
Sand Hollow.