HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937. PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becket and Mrs. Daisy Shively returned Friday from Portland where Mrs. Becket attended the state Degree of Honor convention as delegate from the lo cal lodge. Mrs. Clara Beamer, past president of the state organization, Mrs. Edna Coxen and Mrs. Ollie Neill were other local delegates at the convention who returned the same day. Mrs. Leonard Schwarz visited over the week end with her mother, Mrs. Cora Crawford, and other relatives and friends from her home at Prine ville. She was accompanied by a friend, Mrs. Henry Carlin of Prine ville. Mrs. Raymond Ferguson mo tored to Prineville Tuesday, taking the ladies home on their return. Mrs. E. L. Vinton arrived the end' of the week from her home in Co quille to visit relatives for a short time while also attending to mat ters of business. She was formerly Miss Lorraine Groshens of this city. Her sister, Miss May Groshens, has a successful milinery business in Co quille. J. O. Kincaid and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse were among farmers of the lone section here Friday on business. Mr. Smouse was taking care of matters of business connect ed with the newly organized Mor riw County Blow Control district, of which he is president. Mrs. J. O. Rasmus is confined at Emanuel hospital in Portland re covering from a major operation which she underwent last week. Mr. Rasmus, who was with her, returned home the end of the week and re ported her to be making good prog ress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner mo tored to Hood River Saturday night for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls. Returning Sunday they were accompanied by Mrs. Sprouls and Janet who expect ed to visit relatives and friends for several days. Jim O'Connor, in town Tuesday from the Rhea creek ranch, reported growing conditions very backward due to the cold spring. With a good ly supply of moisture in the ground, range conditions should improve rapidly with warmer weather, he believed. Mr. and Mrs. George Gillis and baby son were transacting business in the city Saturday from Lexing ton where Mr. Gillis is teaching. He was looking forward to taking the job as lookout again this summer at Tamarack station in the mountains. Mrs. Trina Parker was a caller in the city Friday from Lexington. She recently returned from a several months' visit in southern California, and in another column has written some of her experiences for Morrow county friends. Chas. Marquardt was in town on Tuesday for several hours from the farm north of Lexington. The new wheat crop is showing up quite well, but is backward in growth in that section. Kay Marie, weight 7 pounds, ar rived to Mr. and Mrs. James Valen tine at Heppner hospital at 3:17 Sat urday afternoon. Both mother and daughter are reported to be doing nicely. Susan, weight 7 pounds, arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Cohn at 6:30 o'clock Saturday evening at their home in this city. Both mother and daughter are reported as doing well. W. E. Moore, former Heppner res ident and manager Pendleton Pro duction Credit association, was a business visitor in the city for a few hours yesterday from Pendleton. Charles Peterson, Underwood typewriter representative, was a bus iness visitor in the city the end of the week, helping conduct the typing contest at the school. Henry Baker was among Goose berry farmers visiting the city yes terday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson were vis itors in the city Tuesday from the north Lexington section, helping to make arrangements for staging the Lexington grange community sale to be held Wednesday at the grange hall. Lee Slocum returned home last week from Portland where he un derwent medical treatment for some time. He was about town the end of the week, using a cane to assist him in walking. Miss Reba Seeger of Los Angeles arrived Monday night for a visit at the home of her friend, Mrs. J. V. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford met her in Portland. For Lease The Scherzinger ranch. Possesison given Oct. 1, 1937. Will lease all together, or Kirk place as separate unit. Mrs. Henry Scher zinger, city. 6-9p Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson of lone at the maternity home of Mrs. Lillie Aiken in this city, Sunday, April 25, a 9-pound son. Loren Matteson was treated at .a local doctor's office Tuesday for a broken leg which he received in a fall Monday night. C. W. Valentine was a business visitor in the city for several hours yesterday from the farm near Lex ington. Henry Peterson was transacting business for several hours in the city Saturday from his home in Goose berry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nichoson were business callers in the city for a few hours Tuesday from lone. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson were visitors in the city yesterday from the Morgan farm. Delbert Emert was in the city Tuesday from the lone section, trans acting business. . R. L. Benge was in town yester day for several hours from the Social Ridge farm. C. E. Carlson was among farmers of the Gooseberry section in town Saturday. E. C. Heliker came up from the Morgan farm yesterday to transact business. Cleve Van Schoiack was in town Tuesday from the Sanford canyon farm. Oscar Peterson was in the city yesterday from the Gooseberry sec tion. Bill Doherty was in town Saturday from Alpine, transacting business. Algott Lundell was in town Satur day from the Gooseberry farm. Read G. T. Want Ads. You way find a bargain in something needed. THE: STAR Reporter tttwttttttttti MATINEE FRIDAY 4 P. M. "PENROD AND SAM" and short subjects. 10c & 25c TUESDAY: It is one-aught-five, if you know what we mean! o This ad good for a pass for Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, lone if used before May 6th Star Theater Heppner, Oregon t.'isiiiiiiiiiniiniiinmiimminiiiiiiiim Oregon Gets National 4-H Championship Corvallis. A new national 4-H honor has come to Oregon with the selection of Rose Lena Anderegg of Clackamas as the national champion 4-H Holstein club girl for 1936, ac cording to word recevied at the state club office. Rose, who has now completed her seventh year in the dairy club pro ject, has twice been named state champion 4-H Holstein club girl. During 1936 she owned seven pure bred Holsteins on which she won numerous awards, including five first places. She has not confined her 4-H activities to dairy club work, however, but has been a mem ber of pig, corn, gardening and sew ing clubs and has taken part in judg ing, demonstration and health con tests. She has served as local leader of clubs in her community for the past three years, and is directing several groups this year. TO PORTLAND HOSPITAL. Mrs. Edward Chinn was taken to Portland Sunday by the Phelps am bulance and entered St. Vincent's hospital for medical treatment in an illness that has kept her confined for several weeks. Emmet Ayers drove the ambulance to the city and Mrs. R. C. Phelps attended Mrs. Chinn on the trip. SPECIAL! ALL-WOOL SUIT PANTS A good assortment in all sizes from 31 to42waist Colors: Gray, Brown, Dark and Mix tures in worsteds and twists. Values to $8.00 at $5.95 Excellent for store or office work WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service ?: , l llltlllll THE QUALITY CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD! V-8 engines smooth, quiet and responsive e Greatest operating economy in Ford history e . Quick-stopping, Easy-Action Safety Brakes r Safety of all-steel-on-steel body construction e Bodies insulated against noise, heat and cold e Outside luggage compartments on all sedans $25 K MONTH . . . after usual down payment, buys any model 1937 Ford V-8 car through the Authorized Ford Finance Plans of Universal Credit Company. YOU'RE invited to see and drive America's most modern low-price car. To look over clean new beauty of a kind you'll be seeing more and more. To learn at first hand how much modern V-8 power does for you. Smooth, quick responding, quiet power. To meet a brilliant set of brakes fast and powerful in their stops, soft and easy to your toe. To get the "feel" of a Ford'i effortless handling of road ability that has won a fame all its own. To sit back in a Center Poise ride relaxed in roomy ; comfort cradled gently be tween the axles. Come and get acquainted with a car that's modern in i looks and modern in action. A car that's fun to drive and wise to buy. The car that's j rightly being called the qual ity car in the low-price field! j SEI TOUI rOHD DEALER TODAY ,; 0) THE BRILLIANT "85" THE THRIFTY "60" lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllim MILSOM-BANISTER MOTOR COMPANY Your Ford Dealers Phone 192 Heppner