Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 29, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Miss Ledbetter, Mrs. Gladys For
tier, Miss Norma Gibbons, Lucille
Tyler, Essie Jones, Ruth Fisher and
Maxine Strobel attended the Home
Economics conference held at Union
Saturday. It was the first time any
of the Boardman girls had attended
the Home Ec convention. A good
time was reported by all.
A basket social was given by the
F. F. A. boys Saturday evening, the
purpose being to raise money for the
boys to go to the F. F. A. convention
to be held at Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber of
Boardman and Mr. and Mrs. Al Ma
comber and children of Heppner
spent the week end visiting the par
ents of the Messrs. Macomber at
Grandview, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Klitz spent
the week end visiting Mr. Klitz's
parents in Boardman. They intend
to go on to La Grande where they
will visit Mr. and Mrs. Noel Klitz.
Noel Klitz was married a couple of
weeks ago in La Grande.
Frank Walker and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Max Watkins spent
Sunday picnicking about twenty
miles the other side of Walla Walla.
Mrs. Watkins is Mr. Walker's daugh
ter who was married recently.
Janet Gorham, -Edith Nickerson
and Jessie Petruzzelli attended the
typing contest held in Heppner Sat
urday. Edith Nickerson placed third,
Jessie Petruzzelli fourth, and Janet
Gorham sixth. The girls were com
peting against the county and there
were ten contestants all together.
Miss Cecelia Brennan, Ed Skoubo,
Bill Black and Ted Wilson also went.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles and
Miss Eleanor Tildon spent the week
end visiting in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Blayden of Vale
spent Wednesday visiting at the
Blayden and Gorham homes.
The 5th and 6th grades motored
to Hermiston Tuesday evening where
they attended the show, "The Plains
man." The Harwood, Jones and Ma
comber cars were used to take the
children to Hermiston.
A soft ball game was played Sun
day between Irrigon and Boardman
at Boardman, the latter team winning
by a large score.
A handkerchief shower was given
last Wednesday for Mrs. George Mit
chell who is leaving the project soon.
It was given at the home of Mrs.
Shell and a large crowd attended.
The afternoon was spent in playing
games with refreshments served at
the close.
The card party given by the Odd
Fellows Wednesday evening turned
out to be a large success. High prize
went to Mrs. Nick Faler.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo, Mrs. Rob-
MOTHER more than anyJ
one deserves the best..
Remember her with a distinc
tive gift that will always
remind her of your love.
Come in and see our wide
selection. Quality gifts are not
expensive. She'll appreciate
an intimate boudoir accessory,
a bracelet, a ring, or a good
watch in a Wadsworth case.
Why not see them right
away now?
Jewelry Store
ert Wilson, Mrs. Mike Cassidy, Mrs.
Mable Allen and Mrs. Ray Brown
spent Thursday in La Grande. Mr.
Skoubo had some work done on his
The telephone crew has arrived
to work in Boardman. They are
staying at the hotel and Esther Jones
has been employed to work while
they are here.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and
Echo spent the week end in Hard
man where they visited relatives and
Willard Baker motored to Eugene
Saturday where he will spend a few
days visiting friends.
The public speaking class' plays
and readings will be given Saturday,
May 1, at 7:3. Admission 10c and 25c.
Newlan F. King motored to Sun-
nyside Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and
Echo were visiting Mr. Coats' moth
er. Mrs. Mary Coats, Sunday.
Mrs. Cordd Saling spent Sunday
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Buck
Mrs. Tompkins went to Heppner
Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Carl Leathers and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Batty motored to Ar
lington. Saturday where Carl Leath
ers has employment. He plans to go
to Yakima soon.
Virgil Crawford was in town Sat
urday. Richard Robison went to work at
Reed's mill Monday.
Rev. Ralph Hinkle called at the
high school Friday. It has been
necessary to change the date of bac
calaureate service and it will be
held Tuesday evening, May 18, at
Floyd Adams was a week-end vis
itor in Heppner.
Mr. Hayden was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman and
children from Bonneville and Mrs.
Bert Bleakman and daughter Neva
were visiting relatives here Satur
day. Ed Merrill went to Heppner
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steers have
gone to Butter creek where Mr.
Steers has employment as a govern
ment trapper.
Oscel Inskeep and Nona and Allen
attended the show in Heppner Sat
urday. Delvin McDaniel is home for a
visit. He is working for H. D. Mc
Curdy. Kenneth Batty was in town one
day last week.
Mrs. Frances Leathers and daugh
ter Jean, Vera McDaniel, Pat Bleak
man, Mrs. Frank McDaniel and Lois
Stevens were shopping in Heppner
Creth Craber is cooking at Reed's
Leon Chapin and Dee Schnitzer
went to Heppner Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitric and
Jake Case and Lonnie Adams attend
ed matinee at Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Saling and
children were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
McDonald recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lutkins and
Wendell Ulich were in town Sunday.
Mrs. Bill Greneer and D. Bretts
were shopping in Heppner Saturday.
Arnold Phegley and Miss Eleanor
Chapel came from Condon to move
Wesley Phegley who has been at the
Mclntyre place.
Eleanor Chapel, niece of Lotus
Robison, visited at the Robison home
Mrs. Jim Brannon and her sister,
Mrs. Kathleen Kononen, and Les
Brannon motored to Arlington Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glasscock and
Marvin were visiting Mrs. Lew
Knighten, who is ill. Mrs. Glasscock
will stay indefinitely.
H. J. Biddle was in town from
Rhea creek for several hours Saturday.
DAY, May
Beginning at 10 A. M.
5 commission charged on livestock, 10 commission on other articles.
Owners to be responsible for articles until sold. Grange will take all reasonable
precautions to protect articles.
(Numerous other articles promised)
1 No. 7 International Combine, Hillside
1 McCormick Mower. 1 Hay Rake.
1 Walla Walla Weeder-disc.
Several Cheney Rotary Rod Weeders.
1 Grain Drill.. 5 Sections Wood Harrow.
5 Sections Steel Harrow. 1 Wagon.
3 Sections Spring Tooth Harrow.
2 Bulk Wheat Wagon Bins.
2 Wheat Racks. 1 Hitch.
2 2-Bottom Oliver Plows.
1 Samson 12-ft. roller bearing windmill
1 400-egg Petaluma Incubator.
1 1000-baby chick size Mont. Ward
coal stove Brooder.
1 1000-baby chick coaloil burning
1 Saddle. Sets of Harness.
Horse Collars all sies.
Single Trees. Double Trees.
1 Lawn Mower. 1 Day Bed. 1 Oil Stove.
Stoves and other household furnishings
Dishes, Fruit Jars, Setting Hens.
Child's Home Hyloplate Blackboards.
1 5-H.P. Gasoline Engine.
1 Floor Scraper. 1 Log Chain.
1 Band Saw. 21 Expansion Bolts.
Ford Engine, Line Shaft and Pulleys.
1 Saw Mandrel. 1 Mortise Machine.
1 2-H. P. Gas Engine.
1 Double Block. 1 Triple Block.
1 Double Block, Steel. 2 Single Blocks.
Miscellaneous Tools.
1 Used 3-Furrow Tractor Plow, No. 8.
1 New 2-furrow No. 5 Walking Plow.
V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer A. H. NELSON, Ge neral Manager
E. HARVEY MILLER, Clerk R. B. RICE, Sales Manager