Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 22, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Luper and baby
son, Fred, visited over Saturday at
the home of Mr. Luper's sister, Mrs.
Leta Babb, from their home in Port
land. They came up with Mr. and
Mrs. David Rutz, also of Portland,
who drove oh to Baker. Mrs. Rutz
is prominently connected with Ore
gon Young Democrats in the city.
A seven-pound baby daughter ar
rived Friday morning to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Buhman at the home of
Mrs. Buhman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George McDuffee. The young lady
is the first heiress of Heppner's pop
ular school band leader. Mother
and babe are doing nicely. The baby
has been named Dolores Ann.
W.' F. Palmateer, pioneer Morgan
resident, was a caller at a local phy
sician's office Monday, coming in
with his son, Bert. Though consid
erably improved from his recent se
vere illness, the elder Mr. Palmateer
has not entirely regained his lost
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
James Monahan of this city the first
of the week in Pendleton, and moth
er and babe are reported doing nice
ly. Mr. Monahan and his sister, Mrs.
Paul Hisler, went to Pendleton im
mediately on receiving the news.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins were
in town Tuesday from Camas Prairie,
reporting things mighty wet with
lots of snow remaining. Mr. Collins
believed the snow would last until
the middle of May.
Albert Burkenbine, young son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burkenbine, had
a painful accident Saturday. He fell
while running with a stick in his
mouth, cutting the palate.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas returned
to Heppner Tuesday after visiting
for several weeks at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Robert Fortner,
at Grass Valley.
Mrs. Bruce Gibb and her mother,
Mrs. J. G. Thomson, returned home
Sunday from Portland. They were
met at Arlington by Mr. Gibb and
brother Alan.
For Lease The Scherzinger ranch.
Possesison given Oct. 1, 1937. Will
lease all together, or Kirk place as
separate unit. Mrs. Henry Scher
zinger, city. 6-9p
Martin Reid arrived Tuesday from
'his home at the coast for a short
visit at the home of his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Mrs. Minnie Card, past state pres
ident, was an honor guest at Degree
of Honor meeting Friday night, when
a large class of condidates was in
itiated. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Case and Janet
from Weiser, Idaho, were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. Case's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monagle are
the parents of a son, born in Pen
dleton last week. They make their
home on Hinton creek.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight spec
ialist of Pendleton will be at the
DAY, APRIL 28th.
Will and David Hynd and Miss
Hellie Doney were Saturday visit
ors from the Hynd Brothers Sand
Hollow ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Feeley and chil
dren were week-end visitors from
their home at The Dalles, calling on
George Peck, county commission
er, was in the city for a short time
Tuesday from the Clarks canyon
A. T. King visited over the week
end at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. J. V. Crawford, from Kinzua.
R. C. Phelps returned home the
end of the week from a business
visit of several days in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and
Mrs. L. E. Knighten were visitors in
the city Monday from Hardman.
Oscar Schultz, organizer for the
Farm Bureau, was a Heppner visitor
the end of the week.
Tres McClintock was transacting
business in the city Monday from
the farm on Dry Fork.
O. T. Ferguson arrived in the city
yesterday from his home at Gold
Miss Bess Huddleston was a caller
in the city Monday from Lone Rock.
Bert Johnson, county judge, was
a week-end visitor in Portland.
29 High School Boys
Enrolled in F. F. A.
Twenty - nine agricultural stu
dents of the Heppner high school
were presented with F. F., A. mem
bership cards by their instructor,
Randall Grimes, Monday. These
cards were given students enrolled
in Smith-Hughes agriculture who
have a satisfactory project and up
on payment of their state and na
tional dues.
Those receiving cards were as fol
lows: Billy Barratt, Bill Browning,
Marvin Casebeer, Gerald Cason,
Emery Coxen, Earl Crosman; Andy
Davidson, Leland Edmondson, Don
ald Fell, Francis Healy, Rufus Hill,
Fred Hoskins, Hubert Hudson, Ho
mer Hughes, Jimmie Johnston, Em
mett Kenny, Omer McCaleb, James
Moyer, Riley Munkers, Howard Pat
ton, Andy Shoun, Wilfred Stone,
Lester Taylor, Arthur Vance, Law
rence Wehmeyer, Dick Wilkinson,
Floyd Williams, Wilbur Worden,
Clayton Wright.
24-Hour Service
For Lex Telephones
Telephone numbers of all telep
hone customers served by the Lex
ington exchange will be changed
April 30, according to J. R. Farring
ton, manager for the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph company.
The change in the Lexington tele
phone numbers marks the first step
taken by the telephone company in
a program to give Lexington tele
phone customers improved service.
A new type of central office equip
ment is to be installed within the
next two months and when the work
is completed, Lexington will have
24-hour telephone service without
The new Lexington telephone
numbers will be in the new direct
ory to be distributed April 30.
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Gray arrived
Friday from their home at Dorris,
Cal., for a visit of a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burkes
bine. Dr. Gray is making good im
provement from his recent illness,
and his many friends here wish him
godspeed to full recovery.
Since going to Dorris three years
ago, Dr. Gray has constructed a new
hospital, and had everything well
suited to take care of his large prac
tice in the mill town when he became
ill. The winter was quite severe
there, the doctor saying it was the
worst January he ever experienced
any place. Situated on the Klamath
Falls-Weed cut-off, Dorris has ac
cess to the outside world over a fine
highway. Dr. and Mrs. Gray ex
pected to leave today on their re
turn home, taking their two babies
who have been at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Burkenbine for several
Relatives here have received word
of the recent marriage of Guy Hall,
formerly of this city, who took as his
bride Miss Mary Fay of Rawlins,
Wyo., in that city. The marriage
was performed in the Catholic rec
tory with Father William Short
reading the impressive ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Serge Larsen were at
tendants. Mrs. Hall is the daughter
of Mrs. Catherine Fay of Rawlins,
having lived there all her life and
being a graduate of Rawlins high
school. Mr. Hall has been a resi
dent of Rawlins for 10 or 11 years.
The Rawlins paper credited Mr. and
Mrs. Hall with being popular young
people, Mr. Hall being engaged in
railroad work. They went to Den
ver on a wedding trip, and on the
return were expected to make their
home at 804 Eleventh street, Raw
lins. Mr. Hall is a brother of Mrs.
Earl Gordon of Heppner and Mrs.
Wm. Smethurst of Lexington. He
attended grade and high school here
before going to Rawlins.
Types of Kitchen Ware
Discussed by Miss Case
Which of the many types of cook
ing utensils now on the market is
the best choice for the modern
There is no hard and fast answer
to this question, according to Miss
Lucy Case, extension specialist in
foods and nutrition at Oregon State
college. Each ware has its own ad
vantages and the homemaker must
weigh them to decide which suits her
individual needs and tastes.
Contrary to a persistent but erro
neous idea, cooking in aluminum is
not harmful, Miss Case says, and in
this opinion she has the backing of
the American Medical association
and the State Board of Health. The
discoloration of the aluminum which
commonly occurs, especially when
in contact with alkaline substances,
is due to aluminum oxide. It can be
removed by cooking such acid foods
as tomatoes or rhubard, and these
are still good food after such cook
It pays to buy good quality ware,
but not necessarily the most expen
sive, Miss Case says. Cheap enamel
soon chips, and cheap aluminum be
comes pitted with small holes. Glass
and heavy walled aluminum are us
usually the most expensive. The lat
ter is not more effective for cooking
vegetables than any other kind, but
for the less tender cuts of meat and
other foods requiring slow cooking
the heavy walled utensil has ad
vantages. For vegetables the main
thing is quick cooking, and it is best
to have the water boiling before put
ting them in to cook. Miss Case
sees no necessity for cooking vege
tables without water, as no food
value is lost if the water is saved for
gravy, soups, and other uses, she
Whatever the type of ware, a
broad, flat-bottom sausepan, with
straight sides and tightly fitting
cover makes the most efficient use
of heat, Miss Case points out. Seams
and angles in pans are undesirable,
and the angle between the side and!
bottom of the pan should be slight
ly rounded.
Oregon Backing
Bridge Fiesta
San Francisco, April 21. Three
separate motor cavalcades from Or
egon, one of them led by Governor
Charles H. Martin, and an aerial car
avan, will converge on San Francisco
for the Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta
May 27 to June 2.
This was the word received today
by Supervisor Arthur M. Brown, Jr.,
general chairman of the Fiesta, from
Thomas F. Gunn of Portland, for
mer San Franciscan, who has been
appointed by Governor Martin as
STAR Reporter
Our Ideal Theater Chairs will
fulfill your every hope
for comfort!
This ad good for a pass for
Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Thomson, Sr.
if used before 'April 29th.
Watch this advertisement for
your name you may be next.
Star Theater
Heppner, Oregon
his chief aide of the cavalcades, with
C. T. Haas of Portland as grand
Information from Gunn indicated
that Oregon's participation is likely
to excel that of any other Western
state. Gunn said that Governor Mar
tin is determined to make his state's
showing second only to that of Cal
ifornia. In addition to writing to nearly
200 outstanding Oregonians to com
prise a Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta
committee for Oregon, Governor
Martin has addressed approximately
200 mayors of cities and towns of
the state "enlisting their aid for the
Fiesta and asking them to serve as
chairmen of the cavalcades' com
mittee in their individual communi
ties." The first Oregon motor cavalcade
will join a contingent from the Pa
cific Northwest at Portland on May
24. It will leave the Pacific high
way at Grants Pass and follow the
Redwood highway from Crescent
City south into San Francisco.
A second delegation will leave As
toria May 24 and travel down the
coast highway of Oregon and down
the Redwood highway to San Fran
cisco. The third Oregon group will merge
with a caravan originating in Spo
kane and passing thru The Dalles
May 24, and Klamath Falls May 25.
All cavalcades will be so timed
as to arrive in San Francisco on
May 26, the day before the Golden
Gate Bridge Fiesta opens.
Eric Cullenward, general manager
of the Fiesta, reported that Portland
was sending its Rose Queen to San
NOW in
Safety RANGE
P The Norge Gasoline-Electric Rollator
Refrigerator brings city convenience to
homes beyond the power lines. ..A genuine
Norge Rollator Refrigerator operated by
electricity from its own generating unit.
Easily converted to AC operation when
high-line power becomes available.
o The Coleman Safety Ranges are the
newest and safest thing in gas cooking.
in our window
Special Demonstration Day
Case Furniture
Francisco for the bridge opening
celebration and arrangements were
being made to obtain a hundred
horses for the cowboys and cow
girls of Pendleton's famous Round
Up, who will participate in events
Scientists Plan Session
At Oregon State
Oregon State college will be host
to another large group of scientists
this summer with the scheduling .of
the annual convention of the North
west Association of Horticulturists,
Entomologists and Plant Pathologists
at Corvallis July 14 to 16. The as
sociation includes scientists in these
fields from Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada and
British Columbia. The convention
last year was held at Bozeman, Mont.
Latest developments in the va
rious fields of research carried on
by members of the association will
be reported on at the convention,
according to O. T. McWhorter, ex
tension horticulturist at OSC, who
is president of the association this
year. Other officers are Dr. H. L.
McLarty, of the Dominion Experi
ment station at Summerland, B. C,
vice-president; and Dr. J. M. Raeder,
University of Idaho, secretary-treasurer.
An additional feature of the con
vention will be a visit to the campus
the last half day of the session by
members of the American Pomolog-
ical society who will at that time be
on a western tour under the leader
ship if J. T. Bregger, secretary.