PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1937. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School STAFF Editor Billy Irwin Assistant Gladys Casebeer Humor, Maxine McCurdy, La Verne Van Marter. Ten Years Ago Ruth Green Guess Who? Arlene Morton Did You Know That?, Rose Cun ningham Brain Buster Evelyn Kirk Baseball Game Paul McCarty Personality Clayton Wright Grade-Class News Hazel Adkins Feature Story Andy Shoun Girls' League Kay Furlong H.H.S. Ten Years Ago This Week Honor Roll: Nolan Turner, Flet cher Walker, 3 A's and 1 B; Kath erine Bisbee, Ellen Morgan, 2 A's and 2 B's; Mary Beamer, Evelyn Swendig, 1 A and 3 B's. The Civics class, under the super vision of Miss Fishel, visited the court house last Thursday afternoon. They were invited by Mr. Notson to attend a state public service com mission meeting which was being held at that time. The Heppner high school baseball team was shut out by the Lexington nine last Friday afternoon by a score of 12-0. Ralph Jackson umpired. The fifth and sixth erades have been writing to school children in the southern states for descriptions of their states. Samples of tobacco and cotton, newspapers, magazines, and postcards have been received from New Mexico, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia. H.H.S. Personality Norbert E. Peavy was born at Cor vallis in 1910, where he graduated from high school. He attended Ore gon State college, receiving his Bach elor of Science degree in 1932 and the following year the Master of Science degree. He spent two years teach ing Euglish and music at Halfway, Oregon, before coming to teach Eng lish, public speaking, and music in Heppner high school. H.H.S. Smoker, Heppner vs. Hermiston. The "H" club is very low on funds and in order to buy letters for the athletes, they decided to entertain the public with a good card of box ing and wrestling. Hermiston has consented to indulge in glove throw ing with the Mustangs, and it is like ly that several fast bouts will re sult. There will be six bouts of three 2-minute rounds, the weights rang ing from 115 to 175 pounds. As the main event of the evening, a "Masked Marvel" has consented to fight the "Red Shadow" to a fin ish. This promises to be a very wild and rough affair, so it is almost cer tain that everyone will be pleased. Let's have a full house and help the "ff club. The admission will be 25c for adults and 15c for students. H.H.S. Track Difficult Sport Every spring, after the heavy snow has gone, the track season starts. This is also the time when one feels an urge to answer nature's call. As one already knows, track is one of the athlete's hardest sports. One has to train in order to be prepared for the coming events. It makes no difference whether he runs or jumps. If an athlete weathers the numerous practice sessions, he is, or should be, in the pink of condition when real competition starts. Since the dawn of civilization, man has prided himself on his abil ity to do great things. The Greeks were a healthy race and prided themselves on their athletic ability. As a result we have the many events that they originated. These events were known as the Greek Olympic Games, but today they are entered by most of the important countries of the world and are now called the World's Olympic Games. H.H.S. Heppner Registers Win After journeying to Arlington last Tuesday to play the Honkers Hepp ner returned home with a 4 to 3 victory resting on their shoulders, their first of the season (technically speaking) since they forfeited the game they won from Umatilla by using an ineligible player when the catcher failed to put in his appear ance. The Mustangs started the scoring with a run in the first inning, and after scoring two more in the sixth. Arlington, in their half of the same inning, capitalized on a break and scored three tallies. Heppner put another score across in the ninth, defeating Arlington by a one-run margin. H.H.S. Brain Buster Answer to last week's puzzle: He was color blind and was rejected by the army. The day following March 16 is March 17, St. Patrick's day. His infuriated compatriots beat him up because he was waving a communist flag which he thought was green. Help! Help! An unlikely bathroom has only one door which has a spring lock that cannot be opened from the in side when sprung. There is a barred skylight that cannot be reached, and the room has no window. A man (not over bright) turns on the water to take a bath, finds that something had gone wrong with the faucets and he cannot turn the water off. If he yells, no one can hear him because of sound-proof walls. How can he keep from drowning? H.H.S. Girls' League Assembly Program The Girls' league gave a program for the enjoyment of the assembly Friday afternoon, April 8. They are giving another program Friday, April 16th. The F. F. A. will hold its regular meeting on April 14 after school. They have been giving away trees to the members for home improve ment. At present the members are working on their project books. H.H.S. Guess Who? She's a junior; She's clever; She's nice; If you wish to guess her name, Think twice. She's blonde; She's comely; She's very neat; She's the type of girl that is hard to beat. She can sing; She can dance; She can play; Her initials are H. H., I would say. H.H.S. Did You Know That It is almost impossible to say too little? If all the college men who sleep in class were put end to end, they would be much more comfortable? While the modern college man is getting a liberal education, his dad is getting an education in liberality? Photographers at the British Cor onation are to be hidden in pillars and disguised as statues H.H.S. PINTO-POINTS Sports fans of HeDDner will be provided with a double-header of sports this Friday, when Hermiston comes over here to take on the local high school baseball team in the af ternoon and the pugilists of the Mus tang institute of learning in the eve ning. Sponsored by the "H" club. there will be 18 rounds of boxing, and as no smoker is complete with out the muscle-benders, in a special event the "Masked Marvel" will meet the "Red Shadow." A half- hour time limit has been placed on this bout. The local athletic teams are even up with the Arlington sportsters, di viding a home-and-home football series, and winning in baseball, but losing in basketball. HeDDner has a perfect record as far as its games are concerned, but not in the leaeue standings, as it forfeited its first game to Umatilla, after winning the game, but through the use of two ineligible players. Riley Munkers tied Arlington s score, crossing hnmo plate three times himself, Stone mak ing the other tally. Round and about ... A fellow named La Verne Van Marter has joined the ranks of the unofficial world's champions, claiming his eli gibility to this "club" by virtue of his running the 440-yard dash in the smashing time of 47 seconds, knt lacking witnesses and the proper omciais, all his efforts were in vain. As he. held the stop watch in his hands during this race against time, the continual juggling received by the time piece no doubt had a little bit, mind you, I say a little bit. to do with the astounding results of this feat. The captain of the University of Washington track team performed an iron-man stunt the other day in a track meet against Stanford univer sity; after coming in last in the mile run, he brought forth all his reserve energy for the two-mile race and finished in first position. An effort is being made to revive the boxing game in Portland, the American Le gion having hired Steve McPherson as promoter. McPherson also han dles the wrestling at the civic audi torium, and because of his success with the grunt and groaners, he was given a second promoting position. He has a real job ahead of him, as boxing is as dead in the Rose City as were all form of sports in this city about two years ago . . . several of the band boys took in the Oregon Oregon State boxing and wrestling championships during their two-day sojourn in Corvallis . . . some of the bouts provided real entertainment, If Gilman keeps up his strike-out average he will wind up the season with some kind of a record on his hands, having fanned 28 players in two games. H.H.S. Heppner Alumni in New York Among the many people in New York are a few of Heppner's gradu ates who were prominent in school activities a few years ago. Ellis Thomson is now taking a business course, so he will be able to do secretarial work. He was studying art, and by all reports re ceived, he was doing well. He is planning to take up Art later. Mrs. Gordon Ridings, nee Mar jorie Clark, is teaching in Riverside kindergarten, and is working for her M. A. degree at Columbia university in New York. Mrs. David Moser, nee Margaret Notson, who graduated from Willam ette university, is now private sec retary to the head of the legal de- gal department of Stone & Webster. Orrin Bisbee, who graduated from Stanford university, formerly resid ed in New York while working for the Standard Oil company, but as he did not like New York City, he was transferred again to San Fran cisco, and is now in Avenal, Cali fornia doing field work for the big oil company. H.H.S. Grade School News The fourth grade has been study ing the kind of kites which are made in Japan and have been making pic tures of kites similar to them. The eighth grade held an election of oficers Monday. The officers are as follows: President, Patricia Doo ley; vice-president, Lowell Ash baugh; secretary, Donald Bennett; reported, Hugh Crawford; librarian, Frances Wilkinson; patrolman, Anna Marie Johnston. H.H.S. Humor Have you ever Seen R. G. and F; H. flower pick ing? (In spring a young man's fancies . . . .) Watched a band member demon strate the technique used by college students in Corvallis? (Some mem bers of the band did more than just help win a contest.) Wondered why B. H. and L. C. were put on the panel discussion for Thursday? Heard of a nitwit or a nuthatch? Wondered why a few baseball fans didn't get to go to Arlington? Seen Joe Aiken's new spring out fit? Found how hard it is to get cur rent events units in on time? Seen Billy I. talking to a blond sophomore girl in the hall? Heard M. P. and C. C. discussing the merits of the Ford? H.H.S. The Band Repeats We must give a heary cheer to the Heppner band's fine showing at Corvallis where it walked away with high honors in its class. The broad cast over the radio was very credit able. Many Heppner people listened to the band and were greatly pleased by their performance. Mr. Buhman and all the members are to be highly commended, and special credit should go to Hugh Crawford for his fine performance, which won him first place in the baritbne solo contest. Soil Saving Program to Increase Farm Returns Condon Participation in the pro gram of the Soil Conservation Ser vice is expected to mean the differ ence between the increased valua tion of Scott Brown's 2486 acre stock ranch near Condon and its inevitable eventual abandonment due to ero sion and overgrazing. In addition, Brown is convinced, that the prac tices involved will pay for themselves within the next five years. Brown has divided the ranch into three units and started a deferred and rotational grazing program, made possible by the development of five springs. Forty acres of the upland cultivated area have been seeded to crested wheat grass and the rest will be fallowed and seeded to rye on al ternate years, and eventually plant ed to grass. He is also planning to reseed 200 acres already abandoned. Several rock and wire dams are to be constructed in a large gully 30 to 50 feet wide and 15 feet deep in places to protect the bottom land and farmstead from complete de struction. The dams will collect silt, raise the water table, furnish irrigation water, protect spring de velopment and provide tree planting sites. Give G. T. Want Ads a trial. Professional Directory A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Burse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office New Peter Building P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 2-3 First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon F. W. Turner & Co. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Jast the serrloe wanted when yea want It ma it" FOR BEST MARKET PRICES for your new or old wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored in Heppner and Lexington, ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch. Representing Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Phelps Funeral Home Telephone 1332 Licensed Funeral Directors Trained Lady Assistant Heppner, Oregon J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 823 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Ore. Dr. J. H. McCrady DENTIST X-Ray Diagnosis ' GILMAN BUILDING Heppner, Ore. J. O. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 ' Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Res. Phone 1162 Office Phone 498 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. EU BANKS Representing KERR, GIFFORD & CO., INC. on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 452 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred Attorney at Law Telephone 442 Rooms 3-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson fir Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. 8. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Practice in State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bends W. M. EUBANKS Votary Public Phone 62 lone, Ore. W. L. Blakely Representing Connectlcutt Mutual Life Insurance Co., Caledonian Fire Insurance Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES PELTS Phone 782 Heppner, Ore.