HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1937. PAGE THREE BOARDMAN By LA VERN BAKER Mrs. Theron Anderson is substi tuting in the 3rd and 4th grades for Miss Glenn, who has been called to her home where her mother is ser iously ilL Mr. and Mrs. Chester Packard and son Glenn and his wife of Seattle spent the week end visiting at the Packard and Jenkins homes. The senior play was given Friday evening with a capacity crowd. The play was a mystery, "The Phantom Bells," by Robert St. Clair, and was coached by Miss Cecelia Brennan. The cast was, Mrs. Rhodes, Mildred Ayers; Laura Rhodes, Wilma My ers; Lela Sayless, LaVern Baker; Miriam Booth, Ada Mae Harford; Harriet Forbes, Virginia Compton; Joseph Kennedy, Ralph Black; Ned Carruthers, Dave Johnston; Jack Page, Ed Skoubo; Darrel Carson, Lawrence Smith, and Victor Lavelle, Don Tannehill. Mr. and Mrs. Arnon Hug have purchased a new Ford V-8 pickup. Mr. Hug made a trip to Hermiston Sunday to bring it home. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bates have moved from Tom's camp to Mr. Alt's farm to live. Mr. and Mrs. McDermott and fam ily have moved to Stevens, Wash., where Mr. McDermott has employ ment. Miss Adele Say of Portland spent the week visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Porter. Mrs. George Sale and daughter Zelma spent the week end in Salem visiting relatives. Barbara Thomas, Mrs. Sale's granddaughter, returned with them to her home. The Wicklander family have mov will live this summer. The Sunday school hour was set for eleven o'clock last Sunday due to the fact that Mrs. Helen Cowgill was giving a demonstration of 4-H sewing. It was well attended and enjoyed by all. Congregational meeting was held Sunday evening in the church to elect the church board for the com ing year. Those elected were Mrs. Allen, Ed Barlow, W. A. Baker, John Fisher, Leo Root and S. C. Russell. Miss Naomi Black is now employed in Umatilla where she is working for Mrs. Ruby Knight. Mrs. Jack Gorham and daughters and Mildred Ayers spent Saturday in Walla Walla shopping. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow, S. C. Russell, Helen Russell and Marietta Thomas made a business trip to Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow's granddaughter, Miss Lu cille Barlow, returned with them. A birthday party was held for Bonnie Younger at her home Sun day afternoon. All the 5th and 6th grades were invited. Miss Mildred Allen left Monday for a visit in Eugene. She will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Barlow. HARDMAN By LUCILLE FARRENS Mrs. Rudolph Ashbaugh and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and her small son vis ited in Hardman Monday and Tues day. They returned to Kinzua by way of Heppner and Arlington. Within a few days both families plan to move to Klamath Falls. Newlan King left Wednesday eve ning for Spokane where he attended the Inland Empire Teachers' meet ing on Thursday and Friday. He returned Sunday. Debbie McDaniel and Maxine went to Sam McDaniel's camp to spend the week end. Mrs. Walter Farrens, Roland and Lucille and Mrs. Tompkins were shopping in Heppner Saturday. Mrs. Raymond McDonald has been ill for the past week. Mrs. Anna Heiny visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Craber visited at the Jim Hams ranch Friday. Mrs. Neal Knighten, Mrs. Nick Whalen, Mrs. Frank McDaniel and Miss Creth Craber visited high school Friday. Sabin Hastings and Max Buschke were home from work Sunday. Mrs. Rudolph Ashbaugh and Mrs. Wm. Johnson rode horseback from here to Lew Knighten's ranch. The side roads in this vicinity are now almost impassable because of the mud. Neal Knighten is plowing at the Parker ranch. Herman Neilson's house burned Monday morning. The fire was be lieved to have been caused by a de fective flue. He was unable to save anything. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Knighten and Richard Crockett had Sunday din ner at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten. Lew Knighten is very much improved from a par alytic stroke he recently had. He is able to walk around and talk. Mrs. Ada Osburn of The Dalles is here visiting her father, B. F. De Vore. Her son Rex drove her up. She plans to stay for an indefinite visit. Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick and Jake and .Case Adams and Clarence Rogers attended the show in Hepp ner Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraters and Miss Mary Ingram were visiting friends here Sunday. Among those shopping in Hepp ner Monday were Mrs. Dick Steers and son Bunny, Case Adams, Mrs. Buck Adams and Leon Chapin. Miss Lucille Farrens went to work in Heppner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lutkins were here Saturday. Mrs. Lutkins said it was the first time she had been able to get out of the mountains since some time in January because of the snow. Jack Devore has returned from The Dalles where he has been re ceiving medical treatment. He mo tored to Pendleton Sunday where he plans to visit his brother, Bill De Vore. Richard Robison was attending to matters of business in town Sunday. (Too late for last week) Jack DeVore departed last Friday for The Dalles where he will re ceive medical attention. Mr. .De Vore recently suffered a relapse of the flu. Local Rebekahs enjoyed a get-together with the Heppner order last Friday. Those attending were Mrs. Frances Leathers, Mildred McDan iel, Pearl Steers, Mary McDaniel, Miss Muriel Farrens, Everett Had-ley. Carl Leathers returned home from work at Arlington this week. Mrs. Lotus Robison was up to see her daughter, Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr., who was ill a few days last week, from the Rhea creek ranch. Miss Charlotte Adams was quite ill last week with a severe cold. Mrs. Nick Whalen was sick at the Knighten home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Lovgren were down from the Parkers Mill ranch, reporting the snow going fast out their way. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside and Miss Lucille Farrens recently re turned from a week's stay in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel spent the week end in town from Burton valley. Miss Muriel Farrens, Darrel Far rens and Miss Marguerite Glavey were out from the Burton valley district. Miss Glavey teaches the Burton valley school. Mrs. Roy Robison and sons spent the week end at their ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick were home Sunday from their work at the Wright brothers farm. Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Baldwin were business visitors here Tuesday. Shopping in Heppner last Satur day were Mrs. Katherine Tomkins, Mrs. Carey Hastings, Mrs. Dick Steers, Elmer Steers, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers, Bud Cannon and Ves ter Hams. Carey Hastings returned from work at Mahoney's sheep camp. The high school is working on a program to be presented May Day. Court Proceedings For March Term Court met on the 3rd day of March, 1937, when were present: Bert John son, County Judge ; George N. Peck, Commissioner; L D. Neill, Commis sioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk, Frank C. Alfred, District Attorney; C. J. D. Bau man. Sheriff. The minutes of the February term were read and approved. Various claims against the County were presented, and the Court allowed, continued or disallowed them, and or dered approved claims paid by proper warrant from the proper funds. The closing of the road in the Peter son lands was postponed until further notice. Court decided to rent power grader from city for use on roads and to pay at the rate of $3.00 per day and for breakage. Donation to the Heppner Gun and Anglers club for use in eradication of magpies and crows was denied. Court granted 30 feet off of Lot 3, Block 4 of Jones 1st addition to Hepp ner for a right of way for city and to allow the city to use some county equip ment, when not in use, free except for cost of gas, oil, and labor. Court gives permission to send coun ty, truck, if available, after seed pota toes for county agent's office, the coun ty agent to pay gas, oil and driver. Court grants permission to Chas. Botts to use McNamer land near lone for pasture, rye, etc., in order to keep down the weeds. Dance hall license was granted to Rhea Creek Grange. County treasurer was authorized to make a transfer from General County Fund to General Road Fund of $7500.00 until enough taxes are collected to re place the same. ' Sheriii and Tax Collector was or dered to accept payment of the 1935 taxes according to House Bill No. 142, 1937 session so as to avoid payment of interest which is cancelled 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature. it is ordered that $1000 be set aside from the Rodent Fund of the county for use of U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey, in the control of predatory animals in Morrow County, and to be used only in the event that the sum is matched by an equal sum from the State of Oregon. Court agreed to sell Lots 9 and 10 of Block 8 in Sperry's 2nd Addition to lone to Pauline Renoe Boyer for the sum of $101.00. Court agreed to sell Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 12 of the City of Boardman to Crystal Barlow for $305.00. Court ordered that lands be set aside and designated as a Wind Erosion Con trol District and that nptice be given by posting and by publication. The Sheriff was ordered to advertise and sell at public auction for not less than $600 the following property pur chased at delinquent tax sales: Wi SE4, SW4NEV Sec. S2. 1 S. R. 23. EWM, ENE4, Sec. 34. Twp. 1 S., R. 23, EWM, WW, Sec. 35. T. 1 S.. R. 23, EWM, and Lots 2 and 3 of Sec. 5, 2 South, Range 23, EWM. GENERAL FUND WARRANTS Widows' Fensiong Ada T. Cason $10.00. Virginia Chaney $15.00, Delia Crump $15.00. Grace Hughes SliU.UU, Blanche Jones $25.00, Elvia W. King $20.00, Emily A. Peck $10.00, Stel la Poulson $20.00. Ethel Ritchie $10.00, Grace Tyler $25.00, Izora Vance $20.00, Nora Wilson $15.00. Gilliam & Bisbee, Courthouse $ 4.10 E. J. Bristow, Poor 1.40 Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty 7.50 C. J. D. Bauman, Ind. Soldier 11.70 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current ex pense 51.34 F. W. Turner, Justice Court 10.00 Gazette Times, Clerk 38.50 Official Publications - 29.84 Tax Collection 5.00 A. E. Simmons, Treasurer 1.00 Lovinger Disinf. Co., Courthouse 57.00 M. Clarke Webb, Sealer ....... 4.76 Vivian Kane, Emergency 7.50 Ralph Harris, Emergency 1.75 W. M. Eubanks, Insurance 18.00 E. L. Bucknum, Courthouse ... 8.00 Frank Roberts, Courthouse 8.00 Alva J. Mason, Tax Coll 140.00 Employ. Don. Fund, Poor , 30.00 N. D. Bailey, Courthouse 4.00 Archie D. McMurdo, Coroner 5.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt 29.41 Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., Clerk 9.35 Humphreys Drug Co., Treasurer .75 Pac. Power & Light Co., Court house 36.70 C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit Court 20.70 Sheriff 32.20 Ed Breslin, Courthouse 254.40 Jail 8.50 M. D. Clark, Jail 21.40 C. W. Barlow, Current Exp 4.00 Courthouse '. 25 Case Furniture Co., Courthouse 272.54 Emergency 10.75 Kilham Stationery & Printing Co., Sheriff 12.95 Clair Ashbaugh, Courthouse 2.99 A. E. Burkenbine, Jail 3.95 L. D. Neill, County Court 16.40 Bert Johnson, County Court 5.30 George N. Peck, County Court .... 31.20 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Sheriff .... 8.02 First Nat. Bank, Poor 277.50 Carl B. Baer, Sheriff 6.00 Clerk 12.00 Ed Dick, 4-H Clubs 25.00 Underwood Company, Courthouse 99.00 Chas. Peterson, Treasurer 7.50 J. L. Murray, Bonds 35.00 Current Expense 5.00 First Nat. Bank, Old Age Pen sions 298.27 Poor 14.54 GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS M. L. Cantwell $14.56, Harold Stevens $4.00, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $2.99, Shell Oil Co. $23.87, Gilliam & Bisbee $509.22, A. J. Majeske $33.17, B. H. Peck $17.16. Sherman J. Frank $125.00. Heppner Blacksmith & Machy. $37.81, M. E. Moy er $4.00, Morrow Oil Co., Inc. $10.50, Pac. Power & Light Co. $5.16, Frame Leicht $4.28, L. A. Snow Co. $74.75, Humphreys Drug Co. $.70, West Coast Pit. & Bnd. Co. $27.00, Jack Allen Sup ply Co. $8.27, Valvoline Oil Co. $99.36, Feenauehty Machy. Co. $38.10, Austin Western Rd. Machy. Co. $79.85, C. W. Barlow $5.23, oran o. Brace 3.74, ma Breslin $8.50. Umatilla County $27.50, Guy L. Barlow $33.64, City of Heppner $1.50, I. R. Robison $31.80, Ferguson Motor Co. $32.60, Harry Tamblyn $36.04, Union Oil Co. $402.74. Kane's Garage $22.85, Gene Stone $6.72, R. L. Griggs $6.72, Jess Orwick $6.72, E. C. Heliker $42.01, Donald Heliker $18.67. A. J. Chaffee $116.90. Harold Peck $68.78. James Stout $1.12, Chas. Williams $39.76, Robert S. Wilson $57.65, Peter Farley $3.10, Roy Ball $2.24, Ted-Wilson $2.24, Bert Dexter $1.75, Ferdinand Emberger $.60, L. N. Morgan $137.00, F. W. Gentry $28.43, Harold Sherer $81.16, Meritt Gray $3.37, Wm. Van Winkle $2.24, Wil lard Martin $3.74, Fred Mackley $3.30, Ralph Marlatt $130.93, Clair Ashbaugh $75.54, Albert Connor $83.02, W. Cun ningham $81.53. W. E. Gilman $88.26, Marion Hayden $95.76. Vernon Mun kers $133.75, Chas. Osmin $.84, Bert Bleakman $.84, Hiram Johnson $.84, A. J. Caldera $.84, Lester McKown $.84, Lloyd Moyer $.84, Allen Sherman $.84, Standard Oil Co. $375.10, Chas. Botta $8.96, Fred Ely $9.52, Franklin Lind strom $11.22, W. G. Palmateer $42.46, J. H. Brannon $3.00, Walter Rietmann $43.14, C. J. D. Bauman $98.88, Raymond McDonald $2.24, Lester Kirk $.84, Lester Hunt $.84, Allen Johnston $.84, Frank Papineau $.84 Ervin Perlberg $.84, J. W. Harrison $.84. Henry Schultz $.84, Glenn Sherer $94.63, Harry Tamblyn $83.21, Henry Schwarz $131.34, James Farley $70.61, D. J. Kenney $7.98, W. L. Rutledge $4.48, J. W. Stevens $6.72, Everett Hadley $6.72, Sabin Hastings $6.72, Forest Adams $6.72, Tom Brown $4.48, R. H. Steers $4.48, Arlton Stevens $2.24, L. W. Snow Co. $131.21, E. W. Peck $11.02, State Ind. Acc. Comm. $54.79, R. L. Griggs $14.00 Gilliam & Bisbee $7.65, Weatherford Machine Shop $14.75, Burton Healy $11.20, Vernice Crawford $79.58, L. E. Brannon $4.48, J. H. Brarfnon $4.48, J. W. Stevens $4.48, Tom Billings $4.48, L. E. Bleakman $4.48, Forest Adams $4.48, Lee Cant well $27.71. MARKET ROADS Ralph Marlatt $13.85, Clair Ashbaugh $5.98, Albert Connor $4.48, Wm. Cun ningham $4.47, W. E. Gilman $7.48, H. S. Taylor $17.76, Jack Stotts $71.76, Mar ion Hayden $4.49, Harold Sherer $8.97, Harry Tamblyn $83.22, Sherman J. Frank $125.00, Harry Tamblyn $36.00, Dale Ray $16.23, Sate Indus. Acc. Com. $15.83, Harold Peck $25.00. OREGON MEN LEAD. Corvallis Two Oregon State grad uates have just finished in second and ninth places among 745 men from all parts of the United States who took the first five-day civil ex amination for appointment to a com mission in the United States navy. Arnold Benscheidt of Tillamook, a civil engineering graduate who fin ished second, has been given a lieu tenant's commission and stationed at Mare Island. C. J. Espy, who earn ed a master's degree in civil en gineering, is fourth alternate and will probably be appointed soon. Jack Graham and James Sloat, two other Oregon State engineering grad uates, recently were among 18 ap pointed from among 1200 who took a similar examination for the army. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 35 Branches As of Mardi 31, 1937 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. .$27,315,713.82 United States Bonds 24,479,617.82 $51,795,331.64 Municipal and Other Bonds 19,077,612.09 Loans and Discounts 26,064,608.73 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 150,000.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures 2,170,095.12 Other Real Estate 106,739.27 Real Estate Sold Under Contract 98,013.02 Customers' Liability Acceptances and Foreign Bills 36,942.58 Interest Earned 463,735.13 Other Resources 83,257.89 TOTAL $100,046,335.47 LIABILITIES Capital $2,500,000.00 Surplus 2,500,000.00 Undivided Profits 999,968.84 $ 5,999,968.84 Reserves for Contingencies, Interest Expenses, etc 1,328,693.77 Acceptances and Foreign Bills. . .' 38,810.94 Interest Collected in Advance 108,074.25 Other Liabilities 239,263.33 Deposits 92,331,524.34 TOTAL $100,046,335.47 MAIN BRANCH. . UPTOWN BRANCH FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK . SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH MONTA VILLA BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Branches Outside of Portland ALBANY ASHLAND ASTORIA BEND CONDON COQUILLB ENTERPRISE MEMBER LAKEVIEW MEDFORD NEWBERG NORTH BEND NYSSA OREGON CITY PENDLETON FOSSIL GRANTS PASS GRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO HOOD RIVER LA GRANDE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION SALEM STAYTON THE DALLES TILLAMOOK UNION WOODBURN