PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1937. STATE CAPITAL NEWS o Governor's Stand o More Road Funds New Licenses By A. L. LINDBECK Salem. Governor Martin struck out at labor "racketeers" and agitat ors all along the line during the past week. In addresses before businessmen and ranchers of eastern and central Oregon he declared his readiness to deal with sit-down strikes should the need arise in this state and con demned John H. Lewis, CIO labor chief, as an "interloper" whose lead ership was threatening civilization, America is traveling the same path that Italy and Germany have trod den and is headed straight for dic tatorship in the opinion of the gov ernor who declared that the activ ities of "selfish labor racketeers" must be curbed. One of the governor's first acts up on his return to Salem was to dictate a letter to Dr: William G. Everson, chairman of the state labor concilia tion board, in an effort to persuade him to reconsider his resignation from the board. The governor in his letter to Everson referred to Towne Nylander, of the national labor re lations board as a "rabble rouser" and an "upstart." It was because of Nylander's criticism of his atti tude toward labor in connection with the strike of Oregon Woolen Mill employees that Dr. Everson desired to resign from the state board. .1 Additional federal funds have been allocated to Oregon for use in con Struction work on feeder roads, ac cording to H. F. Cabell, chairman of the state highway commission. This money will be available for use only on secondary highways of the state and on important county roads. This year's allocation amounts to $412,000 which must be matched by $308,000 of state funds. Selection of the roads on which this money will be spent will be made this summer, ac cording to Cabell who expectsthe commission to be in position to let contracts on this new program early next fall. Sixty employees are now included in the personnel at the state CCC headquarters in Salem, according to J. W. Ferguson, state forester. These employees, together with all of the equipment assembled at the state headquarters here are housed in five buildings at the eastern edge of Sa lem and represent an outlay of ap proximately $50,000. Not only is all administrative work of the twelve CCC camps under state jurisdiction handled at this headquarters but all repair work on heavy equipment, as trucks, caterpillars and bulldozers, is also carried on here. Concrete is now being poured for the second story of the new capitol building. The capitol commission expects to lay the corner stone of the building in June with appro priate ceremonies, the exact date to be announced later. The tailor shop at the state prison is now operating on a double shift basis in order to provide new suits for discharged prisoners who are now being released at the rate of three a day under the terms of the Barnes bill which restored the good time deduction practice which was ruled illegal about a year ago after having been followed for many years. James H. Hazlett of Hood River, appointed by Governor Martin last week to succeed Judge Chas. H. Carey as state corporation commis sioner, is the second former state , senator to connect with the state payroll during the past few months. Judge N. G. Wallace of Bend who succeeded Frank C. McColloch as public utilities commissioner in Jan uary, also saw his first public service as a member of the Oregon state senate. With the ballot titles completed promoters of slot machines and pin ball games are now ready to begin circulating their petitions to place the Carney and Martin bills on the ballot in 1938. These two bills, passed by the recent legislature, out law all games of chance. If the re quired 12,512 signatures are obtained by June 12 the operation of the measures will be halted until ap proved by the voters at the next general election. Time again for Oregon motorists to renew their operators permits. Secretary of State Snell calls atten tion to the fact that all drivers' li censes expire on June 30 and that less than three months remains in which to renew the permits. ' In preparation for the rush of renewals expected to get under way about May 1 all of the field examiners were called in to Salem last week to attend a school at which the laws covering traffic regulation and high way accidents were explained. Experts employed by the state tax commission are now appraising property in the four blocks directly north of the state capitol site, pur chase of which was authorized by the recent legislature. While the legislature authorized purchase of the entire four blocks it is not ex pected that more than two of the blocks can be obtained with the $300,000 appropriated for the pur pose. Sixty percent of the recipients of old age assistance in Oregon are men according to a report by the State Relief committee to Governor Mar tin. The report shows a steady in crease in the number of relief appli cants with 13,123 individuals on the rolls at the close of 1936. Accommodations for 56 additional tuberculosis patients were made available at the state tuberculosis hospital at Salem this week with the completion of the new hospital wing at the institution at a cost of $55,000. More than 121 victims of the "white plague" are on the waiting list of the two state hospitals one at Salem and the other at The Dalles. A new 50-bed pavilion at the latter institutiton was authorized by the recent legislature which appropriat ed $54,500 for its construction. Tax payments throughout the state reflect a return to normal business conditions, according to members of the state tax commission. Many counties report collection of proper ty taxes in excess of 50 percent of the 1937 levy by March 15. Collec tion of income taxes by the state up to April 1 showed an increase of ap proximately 50. percent over collec tions for the same period a year ago. It is not probable that any plans will be made for installation of a lethal gas chamber at the state pris on until the need for its use shall arise, according to Warden James Lewis who calls attention to the fact that there has not been an execu tion in Oregon now for more than five years. Lewis estimates the cost of the gas chamber at approximately $1400. The recent legislature auth orized the substitution of lethal gas for the noose as the means for car rying out executions in the future. State Forester J. W. Ferguson has gone to Washington, D. C. where he will appear before Congressional committees, along with other forest ers, in behalf of appropriation meas ures. He will not return to Oregon until April 20. 44 CCC Enrollees Due Tomorrow A contingent of 44 CCC enrollees is expected to arrive at Heppner Junction tomorrow. These men will serve as replacements for those members discharged March 31 due to expiration of enrollment terms. This addition will bring the company strength of the local CCC camp up to 157 members. William T. McRoberts, Heppner youth, was enrolled at Camp Hepp ner the first of this month. He is regarded as a valuable addition to the company baseball team. TODAY'S QUOTE. "The 11 western states contain 15 per cent of all the irrigated farming in the United States and also 95 per cent of all the public grazing lands in this country. For that reason, if for no other, the correction of range land use and irrigation pro ject needs is a matter of major con cern." F. R. Carpenter, national grazing director, in an address at O. S. C. Soil Conservation Work Told Lions By Supervisor Replacing Natural Grasses Main Ob jective of Program. Aims and accomplishments of the soil conservation service were cited before the Monday Lions luncheon by Millard D. Rodman, local project supervisor. A special entertainment feature was the high school boys' quartet, Gerald Cason, Norton King, Ellis Williams and Jackson Gilliam, who sang two numbers accompanied by Norbert Peavy, director. Citing soil conservation as a prob lem as old as civilization itself evi denced by the fact that all ancient civilizations have to be "dug out" and a problem with which all major nations are attempting to- cope to place their agriculture on a perma nest basis, Rodman said this country has recognized its importance to the extent of establishing a separate gov ernmental department, equal to the forest service, for its handling. First set up with the idea of working through extension service agencies, the soil conservation ser vice was connected with the CCC in order to utilize the services of that organization, and the nature of the work was made purely demonstra tional. As applied locally, with a bulk of the 25,000 acres included in the dem onstration area being grazing land, the hope is to reestablish the natural grass cover, and prevent rapid run off. To acocmplish this, rotational grazing programs are worked out for individual cooperators, steep hill sides are being planted to crested wheat grass, check dams installed and channels worked over on the creeks, and new land being brought under hay to augment the feed sup ply and either increase the range carrying capacity of livestock or make more feed for the stock being run. In some instances drastic re duction in flocks is being asked in order to keep the range from being overstocked. Many springs are also being developed to assist in the ro tational grazing program. A feature being considered in the program is that of wild life conser vation. Some fear has been ex pressed that the bird population will be greatly diminished by removal of natural cover along creek banks. To compensate for this the service is planting many trees, all food pro ducing, further up the draws, which are expected to furnish even better cover than that being removed. Fish ladders will also be installed on the larger dams placed in the creeks, Rodman said. Work of the local project is all permanent in nature. Being left much to their own devices at the start, the local service developed many devices and practices that are being adopted on other projects. Rodman said the work had already gone far enough to justify itself, citing the cost on one farm paid 9.6 percent interest on the investment last year. The government furnishes supervision, labor through the CCC, and grass seed in the work. Coop erating farmers stand all cost of ma terials. It is attempted to keep all work on a practical basis, at costs which may be met by similarly sit uated farmers if they hired t done on a contract basis. While he paid tribute to the good work done by the CCC boys, Rodman said much of the hand labor now being used could be supplanted more economic ally by machinery. All cost records on present work include payment of hand labor at the rate of 40 dents an hour, so that any farmer could safely use the figures in estimating what similar work would cost with out government cooperation, he said. The demonstrational work is prem ised on the theory that nature's way for, water to run is clear. Clear wa ter does no damage to soil, Rodman said, whereas silt laden water cuts rapidly. In order to make the water run clear, or nearly so, it is neces sary to start the work of conserva tion on the headwaters. The work program being followed, he believed, would attain this objective under normal conditions, but it is not cal culated to handle cloudbursts. Those torrential showers which cause floods he believed, could only be handled by large dams of the type being con sidered by the war department for Willow and Rhea creeks. F. F. Wehmeyer returned the end of the week from Carson, Wash., where he attended a six-weeks' school for forest rangers. Henry Baker and Henry Peterson, neighbors of the Gooseberry sec tion, were transacting business in town yesterday. ' WE BELIEVE IN A Columbia Empire UNITED FOR PROSPERITY Always in selection of our stocks we give preference to Columbia Empire-made goods. Quality considered, these are all leaders. Try them during Columbia Em pire days: Franz Butternut Bread Tea Garden Syrup and Molasses Snowflake Crackers Borene Soap Powder Big Boy and Borene Soap Golden West Coffee Wadham's Drip Coffee, Extracts, Tea Kerr's Preserves, Jellies, Jams, Pickles, Marma lades, Syrups Seufert Salmon Crown Mill Prod ucts: Flour, "Kit chen Queen' Cake Flour, Pan cake Flour, Gra ham Flour, Farina Pride of Oregon Butter F. D. Cox's Bacon, Hams, Shouldrs and Lard Heppner Bread Oregon Macaroni Gray & Co. Mince Meat Wattenburger's Honey The Dalles Dried Prunes Milton Dried Beans and Canned fruit R. A. Thompson's Pendleton Eggs-Specialty Blankets Thurlow Gloves M. D. CLARK LONG DISTANCE tele phone service will bind you to your friends . . . cheer folks up . . . bring loved ones closer . . . convey good news . . . maintain the contacts that enrich your life. The cost is low. Who would enjoy a telephone call from you today? THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY EBusiness Office: 4 West Willow Street Jleppner, Oregon