Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 08, 1937, Image 1

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POSTLA ; :. t . .
100 Townspeople
Feted at Dinner
By Camp Heppner
Fourth Anniversary
Incentive for Enjoy
able Affair Sunday.
More than one hundred towns
people enjoyed the hospitality of
Heppner camp 2113, CCC. Sunday,
when the local camp joined in the
national celebration of the fourth
anniversary of the organization. One
o'clock dinner at which 100 invited
guests were seated with camp, army
and soil conservation service per
sonnel featured the day, while open
house was held throughout the af
ternoon for the general public.
Conservation corps membes who
learned their cuisine after entering
the service prepared a bountiful and
tasty turkey dinner, while other
white jacketed boys tended to see
ing that no one was slighted in get
ting plenty of everything.
Capt. W. R. Reynolds, camp com
mandant, paid tribute to these hoys
in a short welcoming address in
which he told briefly of the object
of the occasion, something of the
camp organization, and introduced
members of the army staff, includ
ing Will Morgan, mess sergeant, who
in turn introduced his assistants. Lt.
Ralph V. Mulvanity, assistant in
charge; Marvin E. Dixon, educa
tional adviser, and Dr. R. M. Rice,
camp physician, were included in the
army personnel. Responding to his
introduction, Millard D. Rodman,
soil conservation service supervisor,
in turn introduced members of his
technical staff, including Earl Ful
kerson, engineer; Woodrow Morris,
range examiner; LeGrand Guild,
agronomist; Chet Brown, senior
foreman; Darrell Fulp, senior fore
man; William Harmon, senior fore
man; Orval Osborne, senior fore
man; Bert Brown, auto mechanic;
Thomas Riggs, blacksmith.
, The dinner menu included toma
to soup, radishes, celery, mint salad,
green onions, roast young torn tur
key, sage dressing, giblet gravy,
whipped potatoes, candied carrots,
buttered peas, parker house rolls
and butter, apple pie a la mode, cof
fee. Each guest was presented with a
copy of the special anniversary edi
tion of the Sagebrush Chronicle the
editorial staff of which included
William M. Nolan, editor-in-chief;
Waldo Irbin, art editor; Elmer Dur
gin, sport news.
Ball games slated to be played be
tween the camp officials and Lions
club, and Heppner and Stanfield
CCC's, were called off because of
the heavy morning rain.
Bert Mason Heads
Elks at Installation
Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks,
installed officers for the ensuing
year last Thursday evening with
David A. Wilson, grand exalted ru
ler, and J. G. Barratt, grand es
quire, as installing officers.
Bert Mason of lone was installed
as exalted ruler, succeeding Jasper
V. Crawford, and other elective of
ficers were installed as follows:
Merle Becket, esteemed leading
knight; Harold Gentry, esteemed
loyal knight; Kenneth Oviatt, es
teemed lecturing knight; Loyal R.
Parker, secretary; Hubert Gaily,
treasurer; L. E. Bisbee, trustee; Ray
Massey, tyler; J. O. Turner, alter
nate delegate to the grand lodge.
The lodge is planning its annual
spring away-from-home initiation at
Condon on May 8, and word from
the host city promises a lively en
tertainment program for the occa
Harold Case from Weiser, Idaho,
and Miss Winifred Case who teaches
near Prineville, were week-end vis
itors at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case.
Public Thrilled With Numbers
Played at Dance; Generous
Response Aids Expenses.
Thirty-eight members of the
Heppnerschool band with their lead
er, Harold Buhman, are being taken
to Corvallis today and tomorrow in
cars of parents and friends to make
their third appearance in the annual
state school band contest.
Last year Heppner's bandsters
emerged from the contest with first
place in the class D division. This
year, no first places will be award
ed, but the local musicians are hope
ful of placing in the superior group
under the new system of rating.
The community responded gener
ously at the Elks' sponsored band
benefit dance Saturday night, and
was thrilled by the pand playing its
contest numbers. Hugh Crawford,
slated to appear in the solo contest
tomorrow, also played his contest
number, a baritone solo. Net pro
ceeds of $76 were added to after
noon contributions of $60, when the
band appeared in street concert, to
swell the total available for contest
Heppner's band has instructions
to be at Corvallis ready to play at
8:30 Saturday morning, though
drawing for places will be made this
evening. Mr. Buhman left for Cor
vallis this morning.
Taking cars to Corvallis, besides
Mr. Buhman, are H. A. Tamblyn, A.
W. Jones, Mark Merrill, E. L. Mor
ton, R. B. Ferguson, W. L. Balkely,
F. W. Turner, Ed Dick, Henry Aiken,
Marion Oviatt, Luke Bibby and
Spencer Crawford.
Band members making the trip
Solo clarinets: Harriet Hager, Om
er McCaleb.
1st clarinet: Richard Hayes, Don
ald Jones.
2nd clarinet: Carolyn Vaughn,
Kathryn Thompson.
3rd clarinet: Paul Doolittle, Alan
Gibb, Clifford Fay.
Soprano sax: Margaret Tamblyn.
Alto sax: Betty Happold, Andy
Tenor sax: Wilbur Worden .
Baritone sax: Harold Armstrong.
Solo cornet: Charles Cox, Gerald
1st cornet: Jack Merrill, Harry
Tamblyn, Jr., Donald Frederickson.
2nd cornet: Jack Morton, Kay
3rd cornet: Kemp Dick, Thomas
1st alto horn: Emery Coxen.
2nd alto: Calvin Crawford.
3rd alto: Jack Vaughn.
4th alto: Jackson Cantwell.
1st trombone: Norton King, Jack
son Gilliam.
2nd trombone: John Crawford,
Joe Aiken. .
3rd trombone: Billy Barratt.
Baritone: Hugh Crawford.
Bass: William Lee McCaleb, Don
ald Bennett.
Drums and cymbals: Warren
Blakely, Donald Fell, Milton Morgan.
The farm home of Mrs. Grace
Hughes on Thorn creek burned to
the ground Sunday. High wind
blowing down the chimney was at
tributed as the cause. Mrs. Hughes
and the younger children had but
recently moved to the farm from
town, while the older children have
been keeping house in town. The
men were at work in the fields and
arrived on the scene too late to be
of assistance. No insurance was
' Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg of Rhea
creek received word of the marriage
of their son Anson and Miss Mae
Gellispie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Gellispie of Wallowa, at the
Episcopal church in La Grande Sat
urday evening, March 27, at 9:00
o'clock. Mr. Rugg is employed with
a construction company in the Wal
lowa vicinity.
Kinzua Mills Buy
Land and Timber
From W. H. French
Concern Extends Op
erations Looking to
Sustained Yield.
Continuing buying operations in
the south Morrow county timber
belt, Kinzua Pine Mills this week
closed a deal for 1800 acres of tim
berland belonging to W. H. French.
Both land and timber were taken,
with Mr. French being given a life
long lease on the farming land. The
French place, known as Blue Moun
tain ranch, has long been a popular
picnic resort.
The Kinzua mills had recently
purchased large holdings of the
Hirschheimer estate adjacent to the
French land, and completed transfer
of lands with the forest service to
give them control of the largest
single block of Ponderosa pine tim
ber of any private concern or indi
vidual in the section.
J. L. Coleman, general manager
of the pine mills, and Mr. French
were both in the city Monday, to
complete the deal.
The Kinzua concern is understood
to be setting up their operations on
a 60-year sustained yield basis. They
have right of ways surveyed, or be
ing surveyed, al the way to Ditch
creek, report has it, for logging roads
which will take the timber to the
Kinzua mills for cutting.
SEPTEMBER' 9-10-1 1
September 9-i0-ll were the dates
set this week by directors of Hepp
ner Rodeo association for Morrow
county's annual fall show.
Directors discussed launching the
advertising campaign, discussed
plans looking to an enlarged pro
gram at the arena, and decided to
invite the same carnival company
that played the show last year. Gen
eral optimism was expressed over
the prospect of an exceptionally
good year.
Ambrose Chapin this week dis
posed of his interests in the Coxen
& Chapin barber shop and beauty
parlor, Burl Coxen, his former part
ner, purchasing the barber shop in
terest, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Turner the beauty parlor interest.
Mr. Chapin left yesterday for Port
land to investigate a new location.
The Pacific Northwest
say industrial economists, will be the focal point of a new
industrial and agricultural empire ! You, as a citizen, will or
will not share this
Buy Yourself
Some Permanent
Prosperity. . .
FIRST realize your share of the Columbia Empire's
present and future prosperity depends on you! With every
purchase for your home you step closer to insuring it!
Ask your merchant, "Where did it come from?" "Where
is it made?" then UNITE. This is the foundation stone
to this Empire's industrial, agricultural, individual progress.
Thii week ha been set
aside at Columbia Em
pire products week. Your
merchant will enthusias
tically help you to the
products of this area.
Ramombtr to
"Unite for Prosperity"
Native Son, Fatally Wounded in
Automobile Accident, Was
Prominent Portland Mechanic.
Andrew Patterson, son of Mrs. C.
C. Patterson, who died in Portland
Sunday as the result of a fractured
skull received in an automobile ac
cident Saturday night, was buried
yesterday at rites from the Episco
pal church and interment in Ma
sonic cemetery. Rev. Ralph V. Hin
kle, archdeacon, officiated. Pall
bearers were all boyhood friends of
the deceased, including E. E. Gil
liam, J.- G. Cowins, J. G. Barratt,
Harley Anderson, Herbert Hynd, J.
V. Crawford. A quartet, F. W. Tur
ner, Blaine E. Isom, Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson and Miss Juanita Leathers,
accompanied at the organ by Mrs.
J. F. Vaughn, sang. A large con
course of friends of the family at
tended and the floral tribute was
profuse. Case Memorial mortuary
had charge.
The accident in which Mr. Pat
terson was fatally wounded hap
pened about 9:30 o'clock Saturday
night. He was alone in a coupe
which hit the bank at the approach
of the St, Johns bridge. No witnesses
had been uncovered, and what
caused the accident remains a mysr
tery. He was rushed to the hospital
in an unconscious condition from
which he never regained conscious
ness, and he died at 10:30 o'clock
Sunday morning. A fractured skull
was given as cause of death. His
mother and sister, Miss Mary Pat
terson, received word in time to
reach his bedside before he died, be
ing taken to the city by LeGrand
Guild. Mr. Patterson held the posi
tion of superintendent pf the Fran
cis Motor company assembly plant
in Portland.
Andrew Dustin Patterson was born
in Heppner, November 10, 1901, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Patterson, his
father being county judge for many
years. He attended the local schools
and grew to young manhood here.
He ever maintained a great love for
automobiles, taking delight even as
a boy in tearing automobiles down
and putting them together again.
Following this bent throughout his
life, he held the position of mechanic
with local garages for a time, and
managed garages at Boardman and
Lexington before taking the position
with the large Portland firm.
He married Miss Ruth H. Straw of
Albany October 7, 1925, who besides
his mother and sister, survive. Mrs.
Patterson was here for the funeral
coming prosperity.
Legion Gets Down
Town Site; Council
Makes Buhman Gift
Properties Transfer
red; Band Leader's
Work Appreciated.
Heppner's city dads Monday eve
ning authorized a transfer of prop
erty with the American Legion post
to fill legionnaires desires for a
downtown site on which to build a
home. In the transfer the city will
give the Legion the west 40 feet of
lot 6 in block 2 of the original town
of Heppner, situated at the corner of
Willow and Gale streets just across
the street from the city building.
The legion in return will deed to
the city, clear of encumbrances, its
"swimming pool" property in the
south end of town. Sixty days was
allotted in which to effect the ex
change. Appreciating the work of the
school band leader, Harold Buhman,
and the value of the band to the
town as a whole, the council voted
Mr. Buhman a present of $150. In
doing so, individual members of the
council paid tribute to the band and
its leader for their excellent work in
gaining state-wide recognition for
the town, and bade them god-speed
in their participation in the state
contest at Corvallis this week end.
Hearing a large delegation of radio
enthusiasts, the council left the mat
ter of enforcement of the radio
nuisance ordinance in the hands of
the committee on health and police.
The delegation expressed its will to
have the ordinance to eliminate lo
cal radio interference enforced. The
ordinance provides for giving thirty
days notice to anyone upon whose
property offending machinery is
found, after which time the person
notified is subject to fine if he has
not eliminated the nuisance
The city's application for PWA as
sistance in surfacing streets was all
completed at a special meeting last
week, and there was nothing more
to be done about the matter Mon
day. Mayor Jones was encouraged
to believe the application would be
given favorable consideration if and
when funds are made available by
Routine business concluded the
session with all officers present.
Wool Price Strong;
Some Contracting
Contract bids of 32 and 32 V2 cents
for the new wool clip found some
takers at Heppner this week. J. I.
Hanna and Frank Wilkinson were
reported among those contracting.
The price was the strongest any
time up to then this season, and
more than has been offered for sev
eral years. In spite of the good
price trend in the wool and lamb
market, however, some growers re
port it will keep them scratching to
keep up with rising markets else
where. Sheepmen have just gone
through the most expensive feeding
season in history.
Elmer Griffith, lone wheat buyer
in the city Tuesday, said that he had
closed several contracts this week at
$1.15 coast, a new high for the last
several years. Mr. Griffith announ
ced that he had , changed connec
tions, and is now buying for Bal
four, Guthrie Co. At the time re
ported, high protein milling wheat
was taking a 20-cent premium. The
lone section usually produces heav
ily of this class of wheat, but will
be short this year due to the heavy
spring seeding of softer wheats?
Much Soft Federation is being plant
ed instead of the Turkey, the fall
wheat stand-by, he said.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibb and Mrs.
J. G. Thomson motored to Portland
Tuesday to spend 10 or 12 days.