Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 25, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Women's Topic club was en
tertained last Saturday afternoon by
Mrs. Elmer Griffith and Mrs. Clyde
Denny at the home of the latter.
Bridge was played. Prizes were won
by Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Bert
Mason and a guest prize was won
by Mrs. E. R. Lundell. Other guests
were Mrs. George Tucker, Mrs. Wal
ter Corley, Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mrs.
C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Victor Riet
mann, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Clel
Rea and Mrs. Frank Lundell. De
licious refreshments were served.
Mrs. Grace Stipes of Hillsboro,
associate grand matron of the 0. E.
S., grand chapter of Oregon, will
visit Locust chapter next Saturday
night, March 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffith and
children of Portland are spending a
week with Mr. Griffith's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Linn.
Bert Johnson drove to Portland
Saturday, returning that afternoon
accompanied by his mother and sis
ter, Mrs. Mary and Miss Olga John
son who will be here a week.
Jack Ferris, who has been under
going medical examination at the
veterans' hospital in Portland re
turned home Friday.
Chas. Marquardt of Lexington was
a business visitor here Tuesday.
The Legion Auxiliary will meet
in its room in Legion hall Saturday
afternoon, March 27, for its regular
business and sewing meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and chil
dren of Condon spent Sunday here.
Members of the Eastern Star and
Masonic lodges met at Masonic hall
Sunday. All hands were busy pre
paring a seed bed for a lawn which
will be planted on the east side of
the walk. At noon a pot luck din
ner was served.
Julian Rauch of Lexington was in
town Tuesday.
Bert Johnson is moving from his
ranch into town. He will live in the
Ferris house on Second street.
Mrs. Clel Rea, Mrs. Frank Lundell
and Mrs. Fred Nichoson were Mon
day visitors in Pendleton.
The . dance given in Legion hall
lest giturday night by Braden-Bell
Tractor company in celebration of
the establishment of their new
branch store in Heppner was largely
attended. Everything was free and
the lunch prepared for 400 had to be
augmented to see that everyone was
served. Everyone had a fine time
and enjoyed the special features of
fered as well as the dance. A tap
dancing number, a song and a pres-'
entation of the sort of program
which Braden-Bell offers each day
over the radio were given.
Mrs. Emily Clark of Portland ar
rived last Wednesday to assist Mrs.
Fred Mankin.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Griffith and children
drove to Condon Tuesday to visit
the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Miss Lorraine Reed spent tha week
end at her home in Mitchell.
Junior Mason arrived home from
Portland Saturday morning. He will
enjoy a week's vacation before re
turning to school there.
Miss Linea Troedson, a teacher in
Portland, is spending spring vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Troedson. She was accom
panied by Bobby Cason who will
visit at the Lana Padberg farm and
by Billy Wood who will visit here
and with his grandmother, Mrs. Al
bert Rea, at Heppner.
Mrs. Roy Brown was at her home
in Hermiston over Saturday and
Rev. Ralph Hinkle conducted ser
vices at the Baptist church last Sun
day morning. He will be at Cecil
next Sunday afternoon, March 28, to
The Union Sunday school will have
an Easter program next Sunday
morning following the Sunday school
Mrs. H. E. Yarnell, who has been
seriously ill at her home, is recov
ering slowly.
Miss Eva Swanson is home from
O. S. C. for Easter vacation.
Word has been received of the
death of Frank Akers at his home
in Portland Monday, March 22. Mrs.
James Lindsay of this city is a step
daughter of Mr. Akers who was a
resident of this city for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay departed for
Portland at once.
Fred Zielke, local depot agent, de
parted Tuesday night on a business
trip to Salt Lake City.
The tea and apron sale held last
Wednesday afternoon in Legion hall
by the Legion Auxiliary was enjoyed
by many. A nice sum was made'
which will be used by the Auxiliary
in its welfare work.
D. W. Glascow and W. C. Starke
of Spokane, Wash., were here Sat
urday and Sunday auditing the
books of the Morrow County Grain
Growers, Inc.
Mrs. H. O. Ely gave a dinner for
her father, W. F. Palmateer, at her
farm home last Sunday. The affair
was given in honor of his birthday!
anniversary. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Berl
Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pal
mateer and children, George Ely and
W. G. Palmateer.
J. E. Swanson is building a store
room for machinery between the
building he now occupies and the old
furniture store. The building will
be of corrugated iron with a con
crete floor.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMurray of
Hermiston visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Harris Sunday.
The weather bureau record kept
by V. L. Carlson shows the follow
ing precipitation beginning with
Sept.: Sept. .60 inches, Oct. .30; Nov.
.06, Dec. 1.24, Jan. 2.50, Feb. .50,
March (to 18th) 1.00. This is a total
of 6.20 inches and includes' the
moisture content of the snow which
measured 41 1-8 inches.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rietmann
are moving to the Leonard Anderson
farm in Gooseberry. Mrs. Riet
mann will remain in. lone with the
boys until the end of the school year
as there is no school in that district
at present. They will live in the)
Congregational parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright en
tertained at dinner, March 14, at
Lexington for Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan
nus Wright, George Lambert, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Maruardt and Bonnie
The marriage of Miss Rose Kirk
to Ira McConkie occurred Thurs
day, March 11, at Walla Walla. They
will be at home to friends on Rhea
Jack DeVore is ill at his home
here. A physician was called to at
tend him Friday.
Sabin Hastings went to work at
the Mahoney lambing camp Wednes
day. Miss Sophia Robertson of Pendle
ton spent Thursday and Friday here.
She is working under Dean Alfred
Powers of Portland on historical re
search record survey.
Mr. and Mrs. Newlan F. King went
to Sunnyside, Wash., Friday eve
ning. Mrs. King remained for a visit
of a couple of weeks with her sister
who resides there.
Miss Pat Bleakman celebrated her
18th birthday March 17, by a dinner
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ray
mond McDonald. Guests were Mrs.
Lotus Robison, Richard Robison, and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald.
Leon Chapin, Vester Hams and
Marvin Saddler attended the show
in Heppner Saturday evening.
Virgil Crawford came over from
Kinzua Sunday after his car. He
was accompanied by Hershel Goen.
Eston Stevens and Ray McDonald
went to work for Mrs. Mclntire on
Richard Robison and Pat Bleak
man attended the show in Heppner
Roy Ashbaugh received word that
his daughter Arleta is seriously ill in
a hospital in Portland. Lester Ash
baugh and Owen Bleakman went
down to see her.
Creth Craber joined a party of
young people from Eight Mile and
attended the dance in Heppner St.
Patrick's day.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman and
sons of Bonneville, who are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman in
Heppner, were here Sunday visiting
Mr1, and Mrs. Chas. McDaniel. Mrs.
Bleakman went on to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Merrill.
Floyd Adams visited in Heppner
Mrs. Katherine Tompkins attend
ed the junior class play in Heppner
Friday evening. ,
Those attending the funeral of the
late O. E. Johnson from here were
Mrs. Carl Leathers, Mrs. Roy Robi
son, Mrs. Max Buschke, Mrs. Frank
McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc
Daniel, Mrs. Carey Hastings. Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Steers, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McDaniel, Sr., Mrs. Sam Mc
Daniel, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James
Hams, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leath
ers, Herman Nielson, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wright, Mrs. Walter Farrens,
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and
Miss Dolly Farrens.
Miss Delsie Bleakman who is vis
iting with her uncle and aunt in
Salem is reported to be ill. .
Miss Charlotte Cannon spent the
week at the home of Mrs. Ethel Mc
Daniel. Miss Creth Craber and Mrs. Frank
McDaniel visited high school Friday.
Mrs. Bert Bleakman and daughter,
hospital in The Dalles, returned to
Miss Neva, visited Mrs. Charles Mc
Daniel Sunday.
James Miller who has been in a
his home here Monday. He is much
improved in health.
Irvin Greener and Vester went to
Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick mo
tored up from the Wright Bros, ranch
Sunday evening to visit their small
Mrs. Lorena Isom is spending a
few days in Heppner with friends
and cleaning up her house.
Mrs. Louis Marquardt spent Satur
day in town and attended the fash
ion show.
See theseThor Models
Prices on 1937
modelThorWash. era and Ironers
are still low. Buy
now before prices
advance !
New Thor Ironers
$44.95 up
NewThor "Gentle Hand"
Washers $79.95 up
OtherThormodels as four as $59.50
The new "Gentle Hand" unit washes
clothes with the gentleness of hu
man hands, yet cleanses them faster
than ever before. The new Thor
Ironers make ironing effortless
cut your ironing time in half. Buy
now on convenient terms!
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service
Forget 'em
O You will never be certain of instant
hot water for laundering or any other
household use until you throw out your
fickle water coils and install a hot
water system that's really dependable
and economical. With an automatic
electric water heater, you are sure of
plentiful hot water, day or night, win
ter or summer. You get it without ef
fort, without firing.up a stove or fur
nace, without lighting a heater, with
out waiting.
While you're modernizing your hot
water system, modernize your home
laundry, too. Let a new electric wash-
1 rAVA0oA? iWovy
er do your laundering faster, gentler,
better. Let an electric ixoner banish
Start your all-electric
home laundry now!
Prices on electric washers, ironers and
water heaters are still low and appli
ances may be purchased on convenient
terms. The operating cost of electric
laundry equipment is small. Pacif ic
Power & Light Company's rates al
ways low are now lower than ever
before. Use this cheap electricity to
get rid of drudgery. Start your all
electric home laundry today.
For electric washers, ironers and water heaters
Always at Your Service
The new washers are extremely
gentle, yet so efficient that dirt is
removed in 5 to 7 minutes. Prices
are still low. Be thrifty. Buy now!
An ironer takes the backache out o
ironing. It exerts all needed pres
sure, does all the lifting and push
ing. You merely sit and feed your
pieces. through in half the time you
formerly took to iron.
With an automatic electric water
heater, you have plentiful hot water
for laundering and every household
use whenever you turn a faucet, day
or night, winter or summer. Heater
and operating costs are low.