PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1937. Braden-Bell Co. Opening Store In Heppner Tractor and Equip ment Firm Take For mer Garage Building Braden-Bell Tractor and Equip ment company have leased the ga rage building now occupied by the Ford garage and expect to open a farm tractor and implement store in the near future. V. R. Runnion will be local manager for the large dis tributing concern which operates at Pendleton, Walla Walla and other points in eastern Oregon and east ern Washington. The local store will handle a full line of Caterpillar tractors and John Deere farm machinery, besides con ducting a mechanical shop and giv ing complete service on parts. Milsom-Banister Motor company, now occupying the building, have announced their new home on the old Palace hotel corner where a new, latest type structure is to be erect ed for them. They expect construc tion to start soon. In announcing the opening of their new store, Braden-Bell have sched uled a free dance at lone Legion hall, Saturday, March 20, with an invita tion for everyone to attend. Don't miss "Crashing Society," junior class play, at the gym-auditorium March 19th. G. T. Want Ads bring results. The cost is small try one. IRRIGON By MRS. W. C. ISOM Irrigon grange held a business meeting at the hall Wednesday night. The teachers attended the tour nament at Arlington Friday and Sat urday. A. C. Houghton and son Donald, Ray Sparks and Frank Brace and son Bobby also attended the tournament Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steward who have been at Walla Walla the past several months while Mr. Steward has been receiving medical treat ment at the Veterans' hospital, re turned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom enter tained at a dinner Friday night hon oring their son Don's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand and sons were business visitors in Heppner Saturday. Miss Hanson and Mrs. Lyle Eddy motored to Heppner Tuesday to at tend a committee meeting. Harvey Walpole and son Robert moved to the old Corey place west of town Monday. Emmett McCoy underwent a major operation at The Dalles Monday. His son Russell motored down Tues day to be with him. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Olmstead are the parents of a baby girl born Wed nesday, March 3rd. The Grice sisters of Hermiston are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark depart ed Sunday for Eugene for a visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Riggs. Henry Smouse was in town Mon day from the north lone section, transacting business. Martin Lovgren was among those of the Eight Mile section in town Friday. iiiinimiiiiimiiiiiiniimiiniiiiinmiii At Heppner CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Boy's Club 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Fellowship Meeting, 7:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Services 11:00 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Midweek Service, Thursday. 7:30 p. m. Theodore Roosevelt said: "Men trained in intellect but not in relig ion and morals will become a men ace to the country." THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD. E. D. Greeley, Pastor. Sunday services: Bible School 10:00 A. M. Devotional, 11:00 A. M. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 P. M. Weekday services: Cottage Prayer Meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Evangelistic Service, Friday, 7:30. Evangelists Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Banta will inaugurate a series of revival meetings Sunday eve ning, March 14. Their preaching will be accompanied by various musical numbers as well as a rousing song service. These services are to con tinue nightly, except Monday, for an indefinite time. An invitation is given to everyone to attend and share these good things. M. R. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan were callers here yesterday from lone. SAFEWAY'S ANNUAL CANNED FOOD SALE J I Saturday " i "xw i j vui iuuy II SI -r i ' v n ft - C ' w J-uJMORE DAYS Tnn trttA 4s cfnn nniv nannla liaira nrnnn wild about it so we're HOLDING OVER our gigantic "Canned Food" sale for 4 MORE DAYS. It's '"fr the sensation of the year and remember all the prices on last week's ad are effective these 4 Days, and here are a few of the high spots. (Right to limit) TOMATOES, Case $2.35, TIN -fl An No. 2Vz Dinner Hour - String Beans, Case $2.19, TIN llftf No. 2 Our Choice Cut JL V PEAS .... Case $2.29 TIN II Of No. 2 Sweet Garden Grown Jl V V MILK . . 8 tins 59c . . Case Q AQ Tall Federal or Maximum W tJ TC Salmon, Doz. $1.29, 4 tall tins ARt SOAP 20 bars fiQp P. & G., C. W, O. K. Vf V COFFEE 6 lbs. -fl ft airway 9JLveP SHORTENING . . . . . . 4 lbs. QQq FLOUR 49 lb. sack H CQ Harvest Blossom JL fcF t PRUNES 40-50 size 10 lbs. .... 53c 25 lbs. .. $1.25 SUGAR Extra Fine 100 lbs. $5.64 RAISINS Always Fresh 4 lbs. .'. 30c LARD I LB. PKG. 75c 8 LpAiL $149 ENLISTS IN ARMY. Major H. D. Bagnall, army re cruting officer, 323 New Post Office building, Portland, this week an nounced the enlistment in the Uni ted States army of Carl G. Van Horn, formerly of Heppner. Van Horn was enlisted March 3rd. Pursuant to army policy he was permitted to choose his branch and station and selected as his assignment the in fantry in the Hawaiian Islands. In the next few days this new soldier will proceed to San Francisco to await the sailing of the army trans port. On March 12 he will sail through the Golden Gate, bound for Honolulu. For the next two years he will serve in the Hawaiian Is lands and will then be returned to the United States to serve his third and final year in some military post on the west coast, the Major said. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind help and sympathy during the illness and death of our loved one; also for the beautiful floral tribute, and espec ially the gifts that made her so hap py those last few weeks she was with us. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt, Edward and Elwood. Mrs. Ralph Beamer returned home Sunday after a week's treatment in a Portland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston were business visitors in town Tuesday from Eight Mile. Alden Blankenship, superinten dent, and members of the local school board have been invited to attend dedication of the new junior high school building in Pendleton tomor row evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Padberg were visitors in the city Tuesday from, the Lexington section. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens were visitors in the city Tuesday from. Hardman. Mrs. Mattie Gentry was called to Athena Monday by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Daniels. 3 One -Act Plays .a His First Shave" She's A McGrill Henry's Mail Order Wife Presented by LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL L. H. S. AUDITORIUM Friday, March 19 8:15 P. M. Adm. 15c-25c-35c FREE DANCE Be Celebrating n piracieini- Tractor 6 Equipment Co. NEW STORE in Morrow County lone Legion Hall ATURDAY MARCH 2 GOOD MUSIC Popular and Old Time EVERYTHING FREE! Everybody Welcome!