PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1937. 1 6 DAYS Hot- Sauce 8 oz. Taste Tell 6 tins . 24c PEPPER Schilling's 8 oz. tin 19c Our ANNUAL Six-day Celebration! A Canned Foods Sale that is the talk of the town. Read these prices and save by buying by the dozen or in case lots. FRI. MAR. 5 toTHUR. MAR. 11 Inc A few of the Stocks ARE LIMITED, SO YOU HAD BETTER HURRY! TOMATOES tin No. 2Vi Dinner Hour CASE $2.35 String Beans tin No. 2, our choice green cut CASE $2.19 PEAS tin No. 2 Sweet Garden grown CASE $2.29 MILK 8 TINS Federal or Maximum CASE $3.49 LYE Babbits or Rex Special Per tin 10c SPINACH No. 22 Tins 2Hns29c6Hns85c KRAUT No. lxk Tins 2tins29c6tins85c RICE Long Head 5 lbs. . 33c BEETS Van Camp's 2 No. 2te Tins .. SOAP O. K., P. & G., C. W. Laundry 20 bars 69c 4 No. 2 Tins 28c PUMPKIN 35c TOMATO JUICE N Walla Walla finest quality 6 No. 1 tins 45c 6 No. 2 tins 55c No. 10 tin 43c PINEAPPLE 8 oz. Tib Bits 3 tins . . 25c SPINACH 2 No. 2 9ffp Tins &0 BEANS Reds or Small Whites 10 lbs. 73c MATCHES Your favorite quality Ctn. .. 19c SHORTENING PriJ rw;cuiisiy low at 4 lbs. 4?C PRUNES IO lbs. 53c 25 lbs. l.25 FLOUR HARVEST BLOSSOM Bbl. $6.25 S $1.59 RAISINS New Supply Thompson Seedless 4 Jb plQ 30C LARD F U lb. pkg. 75c 8 lb. pail $1.49 PUMPKIN Macaroni or Cut SPAGHETTI 5 lbs. . 29c Libby's Fancy 2 No. ZVz tins 25c CORN Orgeon Whole Kernel 4 No. 2 Tins 65C SUGAR BROWN, 7 lbs. 45c Powdered, 5 lbs. 39c Extra Fine 1001bs.'5.64 HOMINY Van Camp's 4 No. 2'2 tins 45c String Beans Finest quality whole baby beans 4 No. 2 Tins 65C CHEESE A real saving Pound . 23c BAKING POWDER. 3r FLOUR BERRIES KITCHEN ICRAFT, no finer flour milled at any" price Loganberries, Huckleberries, Blackberries, Youngberries IO lb. tin $U9 49 lb. bag $1.89 Per .Gallon 69c SARDINES, large oval 3 Tins 25c Pilchards, delicious white fish, 3 tins 25c OYSTERS, Ige. oysters 5 oz. tins, 2 for 25c NOODLES, fancy egg 16 oz. pkg. 19c OLIVES, Ripe 2 No. 1 tall tins 29c PI N EAPPLE, fancy si iced 2 1 5 oz. tins 25c TUNA FLAKES 2lg.7oz. tins 25C APPLE BUTTER Kerr's 5 lb. tin . . 38C COFFEE Always Fresh and Ground as You Like it AIRWAY, Very Special .... 6 LBS. $1.05 NOB HILL, Extra Special ..... 4 LBS. 95c Dependable, Case 24 lbs. $5.95, 2 lbs. 51c No. 10 tin 45c SHRIMP Wet or Dry 2 5oz. tins 29c SPAGHETTI Van Camp s 3 17oz. tins 29c CORN, No. 2 fancy 6 TINS 85c TOMATOES, No. 2 tins 6 for 53c SHEEP BRANDING LIQUID Standard Per Gal. $1.15, 5 Gal. Pail $4.75 FRESH PRODUCE Because of the duration of this ad we are unable to quote prices,! but in your SAFEWAY STORE you will find the very finest as sortment available and REMEMBER v Fresh Shipments Received Daily APPLES Excellent Winesaps BOX $1.09 No. 10 TIN ... No. 10 TINS 2 2 No. 10 TINS . 2 No. 10 TINS 10c 10c 10c 59c CATSUP 49c 2 bottles . ..19C PRUNES Fancy canned No.22 TINS ... 25c 35c PEACHES Del Monte No. 22 TINS ... 39c Hills Dale No. io Sag TINS Hktfl APRICOTS m j - m 11 2 No. 22 QQ TINS tC xasie xeu Hills Dale 49c SALMON 16 oz. Alaska Pink 4 tins 45c 12 Tins 81.29 PICKLES DELLS No.2i2 TINS .. 29c 49c DOG FOOD Kenwood or Play Fair quality vtl 16 oz. TC TINS 23c CLEANSER Lighthouse 4 Tins ... 15C