PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1937. Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter, JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Three Years . 6.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow County 1937 FEBRUARY 1937 8un. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. w 7 14 21 28 a l 8 15 22 m ta 2 9 16 23 a m 3 10 17 24 a c 4 11 18 25 W 5 12 19 26 m 6 13 20 27 W The Pendulum Swings Upward. "CERTAIN signs of progress are on the horizon for Morrow coun ty. They became more distinguish able this week as the county started emerging from the throes of one of the hardest winters in history. Foremost looms the favorable prospect of a good market for prod- ucts of farm and herd. Then comes the probability of a good production year. True, sheepmen have under gone an expensive feeding saeson, and such signs of spring as are be ing shown may be of short duration. There is yet time for more winter. However, lambing operations which are getting underway bring reports of good results to date. It is yet early, too, to predict the condition of fall sown wheat, which generally has not emerged from its winter coat. A fair amount of moisture, much of which has made its way into the ground, does augur well for spring seeding, soon to be underway on a large scale should the real break in winter be truly at hand. These signs of better times in the county's basic industries are reflect ed in the aura that contributes fur ther to the picture of progress. In this aura are seen the street sur facing project planned to get under way in the spring, and the new ga rage and service station to occupy the vacant corner on Main street where once stood the old Palace ho tel, a vacancy that has been an eye- , sore since the hotel was razed by fire in j.;jo. A general undertone of planned improvements, and added outlay of capital investment is an encouraging note in the signs of economic im provement. As spring nears, the buzz of activ ity increases. There is much to be done and a general humor to be a' doing. Morrow county truly appears to be emerging from the shackles of fear and lethargy that prevailed in times of recent economic stress. Mayhap, the long-hoped-for era of better times is at hand. The Helping Hand. A FINE spirit of cooperation was twice evidenced this week by business houses in backing school activities. When an appeal was made for funds to help the band, the response was ready and generous. Again, business houses readily boost ed the basketball turnament being played tomorrow and Saturday. That is a healthful sign. It indi cates that those in charge of Hepp ner's purse strings realize a pride in and responsibility toward the busi ness leaders of tomorrow. The stu dents in turn are doing their part. They are making a band that is a real pride of the whole community. They have produced a basketball team whose showing is commend able. The financial burden which makes these things possible is not always easy, especially for the parents of those who must buy musical instru ments and provide athletic equip- ment. But there is no denying the satisfaction realized from' the dividends. Splash! Splash Y GOLLY, it's a problem what XJ to do with a youngster. Now, you take it with my boy. If he was n't content just to ride his wagon up and down the street, I don't know what I would do. I can't just let him run wild to bother everybody. I can't always be correcting him for things that aren't his fault. It surely would be swell if we had a swim ming pool. Anyway, I hate to see him grow up without having a chance to learn to swim." That's the story of one parent of a pre-school child heard this week Not the whole story, but part of it. It is a typical "expression of a situa tion confronting many parents, and will confront still others during the summer season when those children now in school have more leisure time on their hands. There is no denying the need for a swimming pool, and little opposi tion is apparent to its being obtained if a way can be found for financing it. Levying a tax for the purpose this year is out of the question as the tax roll is already made up. Bonds might be voted at a special election, but construction by this method means too greatly increased cost. The possibility of raising sufficient funds through donations and benefit entertainments has been suggested, but it is unlikely that a swimming pool could be had in time for use this summer by this means. Forma tion of a stock company has also been suggested, but so far no plans have been found of a workable na ture. Lions, B. P. W. and other organi zations have signified willingness to do all possible to bring a swimming pool. Plans and specifications of possible pool projects have been studied, with estimated costs of each. A site has been provided by city and county. There need only be shown a way to finance the venture, determine upon the project desired then the splash, splash of youngsters diving into the pool may be realized. A FRIEND TO MAN. Mr. Editor: Did you ever live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man? I think not! Since the beginning of the recent cold snap I've pulled, pried or towed 14 cars and trucks out of the snow. or mud. Have gotten out of bed at midnight, built a fire under my trac tor to get it started, when the tem perature was 18 degrees below zero, drove it over a mile to pull a car out of the snow only to see its tail lights go out of sight for thanks. I have loaned tire chains to the Social Ridge school bus on the worst night of this winter and driven to Arlington to meet my wife, without them. I had five scoop shovels last fall, now there is one over a dozen log chains and had to borrow one of Arnold Pieper to let the CCC boys use to pull their tractor out. Log chains cost five dollars apiece at the Sears Roebuck stores. I don't know what they would cost at Heppner. I've been glad to be able to help any person who was in trouble, the county outfits the county bulldozer ran by using the mag off one of my tractors almost all winter and even have assisted the state trucks, but I drew the line at playing Santa Claus to the Federal government. Using the well known sarcasm of our County Judge I'd say, "I just wasn't big enough." If any county official or anyone connected with the Gazette had ever been unfortunate enough to own a new $4000 piece of equipment would they have hired it unattended to a group of perfect strangers to take several miles across country, to pull thirty thousand pounds of pig iron out of the mud, for five dollars? Again, I think notl While sitting in the house reading your flattering article, Lawrence Slocum, our local school bus driver, was using my car to take his child ren to school and when he returned he used the same tractor that the CCC boys used, to pull his bus out of the mud. I have asked nothing and received nothing for any services that I have been able to give except that five dollars which you criticize me for asking, for a fifteen dollar, job. The bulldozer was stuck on a road several miles from here that I have n't used since last September and won't use until next harvest (God grant us rain) and there are others who have a tractor and live nearer this stalled rig than I do. Well, anyway I still live here and the highway still goes by and would n't it be a coincidence if, in some future winter the editor of the Ga zette or some county official should get snowbound put front and have to ask for help? One who lives in a house by the side of the road and resents being publicly spanked for helping. 0. W. CUTSFORTH. LEXINGTON By EDITH EDWARDS The Girls' league of the high school were hostesses for a party given in honor of the boys Wednes day evening. Three volleyball games were played between the high school boys and the faculty, the boys taking two games out of the three. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Metcalf and family of Beaverton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs William D. Campbell. Mrs. Pat Healy and daughter Pat ty of Heppner were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson Friday. The Lexington high school basket ball team met defeat three times this last week. , Tuesday night they mo tored to Boardman where they were defeated by a score of 35-14. Friday night Irrigon defeated them on the Irrigon floor, and Saturday night Condon came to Lexington and emerged victors with a score of 32-14. Doris Burchell left Friday for her home in Corvallis. Her sister, Grace, plans on remaining here until after the basketball tournament. There will be a special school meeting Monday, March 1st, for the purpose of electing a director to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Harry Dinges. Mrs. Mabel Raymond of Portland is visiting her sister, Mrs. Florence Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears were in Walla Walla Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst were visitors in Hermiston Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and fam ily of Hermiston were visitors here Sunday. They went on to Heppner to visit Mr. Shaw's mother, Mrs. Casha Shaw. Claire Daugherty is busy install ing gas tanks for a new service sta- tion on the location of the old Beach hardware store. A party was held at the Majeske home Saturday afternoon in honor of Audrey Majeske's eighth birth day. Refreshments of cake, jello and punch were served after the chil dren had played several games. Those present were Mrs. Otto Ruhl and son Norman, Mrs. Gene Gray and son Bobby, Mrs. William Van Winkle and daughters Lorine and June, Mrs. William Smethurst and daughter Betty Anne, Mrs. George Gillis and son Vincent, Mrs. C. N. Biddle and daughters Darleen and Delight, Mrs. Harvey Bauman and daughters Carolyn and Marjorie, Mrs. Ted McMillan and daughters Georgia Anna and Patricia Jean, Gene, Dorothy, Faye and Vesta Cuts- forth, Billy and Eileen Scott, Ro berta and Marion Miller, Loren and Melvin Pieper, Marcille Pieper, Mar garet Shaw, Charley Padberg, Bar bara Slocum, LaVonne McMillan, Rena and Truman Messenger, Gerry Cutler, Mrs. Bert Peck and son Buddy, Edna Rauch, Elwood Hunt, and Freda Majeske and children Eugene, Audrey and Patricia. BIRTHDAY PARTY SET. A birthday party program will be given at the grange hall at Cecil Sat urday night for many famous people whose birthdays occur in February. The public is cordially invited to at tend and all who desire may wear old-fashioned apparel and come to Cecil to have an old-fashioned good time after the program. APPOINTED GUARDIAN. Lucy G. O'Brien was appointed guardian of the estates of Isabelle O'Brien et als, minors, in an order issued out of the probate court this week. IONE By MARGARET BLAKE The lone Women's Missionary so ciety held its February meeting at the Christian church last Sunday morning following Sunday school. Mrs. Olive Engelman was chairman for the study hour. The program was part of the study of the negroes of Africa and America which is be ing taken up for the entire year. Miss Emerald Padberg gave a map study of Africa, using a map which she had prepared and giving her au dience an excellent description of the various sections of that country. Mrs. Ray Barnett gave a review of the book, "African Trails." Mrs. Ture Peterson gave a reading which covered the lives and work of four pioneer missionaries in Africa. Mrs. Olive Engelman gave a paper on "The Women and Children of the Congo." Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake of Kinzua were week-end guests of Mr. Blake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMurray of Hermiston spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris. Alec and John Montgomery of Portland were visitors here for a short time Tuesday. The school board has elected L Marble Cook of Beaverton to serve as school superintendent next year. Mr. Cook is an experienced teacher, and will coach athletics in addition to his work as superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Engelman and children of Fossil were recent vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrsj Ed Engelman. Mrs. Regina Miller of Salem ar rived last Thursday for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Garland Swan son. She came by train as far as Arlington where she was met by Mr. Swanson. Miss Guyla Cason underwent an operation for the removal of goitre in a Portland hospital last Tuesday. She is quite seriously ill but holding her own. ' Lee Howell spent the week end with his family. On Monday morn ing, accompanied by Mrs. Howell, he departed for Pomeroy, Wash., where he will be permanently lo cated after March 1st. They will look for a suitable house in which to live. Mrs. Roy Brown spent Saturday and Sunday with her family in Her miston. Umatilla high school boys' and girls' basketball teams played the local teams here last Friday night Both games were good though the final scores were in favor of the vis itors. The boys' score, 36-12, and the girls, 35-23. . Mrs. Dale Ray has been called to White Salmon, Wash., by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Lester Good rich. Locust chapter, O. E. S., met in regular session at Masonic hall on Tuesday night. Following the bus iness meeting a social hour was en joyed with Mrs. Ruth Mason, Mrs. Ruby Roberts and Mrs. Mable Krebs as hostesses. Cherry tarts and cof fee were served at tables decorated in the February manner with cher ries, etc. Mrs. Lena Ray has gone to Ar lington where she has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm of Pen dleton were here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner went to Athena Thursday to visit their niece, Miss Minnie Normoyle, who teaches there. They also visited at Pendle ton and Walla Walla before return ing home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger have received word of the birth of a baby by to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Koerhing of Indianapolis, Ind-, Feb. 15. He has been named Myran. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and fam ily of Boardman visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ekleberry in Morgan Sunday. Jackie and Doris Shaeffer of Heppner spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and family were over from Condon Sun day. They, with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn, were dinner guests at the El mer Griffith home in Morgan. Guests at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ora Barlow and family of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and son Harold and Grant Olden and daugh ter Carletta. , . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldraan enter tained with a dinner party at their home last Sunday in honor of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shuirman of Flint, Mich., who are visiting here. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.' McNamer, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. Nora Summers of Heppner, Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Miss Emmer Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ber- gevin and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Den ny. Fourteen ladies of the Congrega tional Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Garland Swanson last Thurs day. The afternoon was spent tack ing a quilt after which Mrs. Swan- -, son served a delicious lunch. , Eight tables of bridge were in play at the Women's Topic club party at Masonic hall Monday night. Prizes went to Mrs. Glen Jones and Mrs. Clyde Denny and , Mr. Ray Kinne and Mr. Wayland Ritchie. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cot ter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shuirman, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denny, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Riet mann, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peter son, Alexander McDonald and Way land Ritchie. Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley, Mr. and Mrs. George TufVer, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger were hosts. . The American Legion Auxiliary, lone unit No. 95, held their regular business meeting in their club rooms Friday, Feb. 19. Plans were made for a silver tea to be given on March 17. The next meeting wlill be held Saturday afternoon, Feb. 27, with initiation of junior girls. A large box of used clothing was sent to national headquarters for child wel fare, and another box will be sent soon. ,v , pine city; By BERNICE WATTENBURGER Mrs. Lucy O'Brien and mother, Mrs. Isabella Corrigall, were Hepp ner callers Tuesday. - Wayne Caldwell of Portland spent Tuesday evening with his sister, Mrs. Robert Smith. Many people from Butter creek at tended the show in Hermiston Wed day evening. . J. T. Ayers was a caller in Echo Wednesday. Fred Painter of Hermiston was a caller on the creek Thursday. Mrs. Ethel Knighten and children of Hardman are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Roy Neill. Mr. and Mrs. C. H.. Bartholomew spent Thursday and Friday in Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms were Hermiston callers Thursday. Joe Kenny moved his sheep from the Healy ranch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger went, to Toppenish, Wash., to visit Earl Wattenburger who is working there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Pinson were in Walla Walla over the week end. Tom Boylen of Pendleton was a caller at his ranch on Butter creek Thursday. Mr. Boylen's sheep ranch is very busy with the lambing sea son. Antone Cunha and daughter Mary were visitors at the Jim Daly home Monday evening. The Cunhas are moving to a place west of Echo. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS. Notice is hereby given to all dog owners that on and after March 1. I am compelled by law to enforce pay ment of penalty on all dog tax not paid for the year. Until March first tax is payable at the rate of $1 for each male and $2 for each female; after that date the tax will be $2 for males and $4 for females. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Mrs. R. J. Mulvanity and daugh ter Marylyn arrived here last Sat urday from Naushua, N. H., to make their home in Heppner. They are the wife and daughter of Lt T. J. Mulvanity who is assigned to the local CCC camp.