HEFPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1937. PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stefani were lousiness visitors in the city Monday from lone. Th ey have been busy attempting to set up housekeeping gain following the fire of a week ago which completely destroyed their farm residence with contents includ ing most of their clothing. They were given a shower at lone Legion Tiall last Saturday evening by many friends and neighbors, with Mrs. Eeba Grabill, Mrs. Walter Eubanks and Mrs. John Eubanks as sponsors, and expressed deep appreciation for the many needed articles received. Chas. H. Latourell arrived in the city Tuesday evening from his home at DeLake on the coast. Just be fore he left his daughter Alice was operated on at Tillamook for appen dicitis and was making satisfactory progress toward recovery. He re membered some of his friends with some nice steelhead salmon caught just before he left home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniel came over from their home at Weston on Saturday for a visit at the home of Mrs. Daniel mother, Mrs. James Gentry. Mr. Daniel is assisting his brother-in-law, Emery Gentry, in the garage business at Weston. Nat Kimball is a business visitor in the city today from Pendleton. He reported a heavy storm in the Blue mountain section between Pendleton and La Grande. It was reported in Pendleton that a foot of snow fell at La Grande yesterday, he said. Harlan McCurdy departed yester day morning for Baker on business. He was accompanied as far as La Grande by Allan Bean who was on his way to Enterprise to assume his new duties with the branch of First National Bank of Portland. Erick Bergstrom in the city yester day from the Gooseberry section re ported sides of roads piled so high with snow in places that the tops could not be seen from the car, giv ing the appearance of traveling through a deep cut. W. A. Baker, Paul Smith, R. Was mer and I. Skoubo composed a party from Boardman yesterday who worked further in the interests of locating a dock on the river at their town to accommodate boat traffic. The annual George Washington's birthday pie sale of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held at Dix's store Saturday, Feb. 20, at 11 a. m... All members are asked to contrbiute pies or cakes to be sold. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer were in town from Morgan Tuesday. The thaw had not hit his section as strongly at it had about Heppner, and winter was still with them, he said. Josephine Mahoney, was hostess Friday and Saturday nights to two large parties at her home. The first group of ladies was entertained at Monopoly and the second at bridge. R. A. Thompson came in this morning from the Sanford canyon farm, reporting the snow still hold ing well in his section with no sign of run-off to date. The sewing and social meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 24, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Da vid Wilson. Jack Hynd, Jr., was a caller in the city Monday from Butterby Flats farm, Cecil, where he was visiting with Mrs. Hynd from their home at Weston. H. J. Biddle was a business visit or in town Tuesday from the Rhea creek farm. The snow was pretty well gone at his place. Mr. and Mrs. John Padberg were in town yesterday from the farm home in the Lexington district. Claude Derrick, horse buyer, de parted this week for La Grande af ter spending several weeks here. Ralph Jones, Butter creek sheep man, was a business visitor in town Monday. Mrs. Mary Thomson returned home this week from a visit of sev eral months with relatives and friends in California. Henry Smouse braved the storm yesterday, coming to town from the farm north of lone. Adolph Majeski was a visitor in the city Tuesday from his farm north of Lexington. William Doherty was a business visitor in the city Tuesday from Jhe Alpine ranch. Fred Mankin was a visitor in the city yesterday from the farm in the lone section. BOARDMAN By LA VERN BAKER Mrs. Charles Dillon and son War ren motored to Seattle Sunday where they will visit Mrs. Dillon's daugh ter, Mrs. Nellie Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell of Lex ington were gueses at the Ed Ingles home over the week end. World's Prayer Day was held at the home of Mrs. Messenger last Fri day and was very interesting. Mrs. Messenger, who was a missionary in Buck Horn, Kentucky, for four years, gave a short talk on her experiences there. The Boardman high school basket ball team played three hard games this past week. They played Hepp ner on Boardman's floor Wednesday evening, Boardman taking the game. They played Umatilla on Umatilla's floor Friday evening and Boardman won. However, on Saturday night they didn't play as well against the Arlington team on Arlington's floor and were defeated. Mr. and Mrs. Gorham motored to Pendleton last Friday where Mr. Gorham had his eyes treated. Tom McEntire and wife were on the project unday. They were mov ing to their new home about three miles from Pendleton. A dance was held in Hermiston last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mackan. Several families from Boardman attended. There was a wreck on the Colum bia highway about a half mile west of Boardman Saturday evening. Mr. Edwards was the owner of one car and he was going to Arlington to referee the game. One lady in the other car died a few hours after be ing rushed to the hospital. Mr. Ed wards is the 7th and 8th grade teach er in the Umatilla school. The Boardman town team attend ed a tournament in The Dalles last Saturday. They won their first game with Hood River and played for the championship against The Dalles in the evening but were de feated. It was the first time tne Boardman town team had been de feated this year. Miss Jeanette Turner of Colton stopped in Boardman a short time while enroute to her home in Hepp ner. Miss Turner is a former teacher in the Boardman high school. A mother and daughter party was held in the school house last Satur day evening. It was the first party the girls had ever given their moth ers and is intended to be an annual affair after this. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. Young, both of Heppner, were guests of the evening. A pro gram, which included a short play, was given and refreshments of ice cream and cake served afterwards. Mrs. Rodgers . honored us with a short talk during refreshments. The talk was enjoyed greatly by all and was very fitting to the occasion. A card party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bates Mon day evening. It was an H. E. C. party and very well attended. The church services held Sunday evening were handled by the young people. It was very interesting as well as a new thing. Mrs. Blanche Jones and family were guests for Sunday dinner at the A. B. Black home. Mrs. McCutcheon left Sunday eve ning for Vancouver where she will visit her husband for a few days. There are more than 6000 stars visible to the human eye under or dinary circumstances. PINE CITY By BERNICE WATTENBURGER Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bergg and daughters of Hermiston and Robert Smith were callers at the Burl Wat- tenburger home Friday. Mr. Bergg and Mr. Smith made a business trip on to Heppner. H. E. Young and Marion Finch were Heppner visitors Friday. Jack Healy was a week-end vis itor in Heppner. Miss Isabella O'Brien is spending the week end with her mother, Mrs. Lucy O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wigglesworth of Echo were callers Sunday at the John Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill and son Guy and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay attended church in Hermiston Sun day and a basket dinner at noon. It was an all-day meeting. Sunday dinner guests at the C. H. Bartholomew home were Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thompson and daughters Susan and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Finch and daughters, Betty, Frances and Patty. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coxen and sons, Gerald and Floyd, and Gerald Rood were callers at the Clayton Ayers home Sunday. Tom and Cecelia Healy and Joe Kenny were Heppner visitors Sun day. Mrs. Lucy O'Brien purchased a new Dodge while in Pendleton Mon day. Miss Dora Moore spent the week end in Irrigon with Mrs. Robert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and children were Heppner callers Sat urday. Mr. Ayers has recevied word that his brother, Frank, is very ill. He is at Hot Lake sanitarium with inflammatory rheumatism and has taken the flu and double pneumonia. His sister, Mrs. Burl Coxen, and Bud Ayers spent Wednesday and Thurs day with him. AS SEEN BY A LEGISLATOR By GILES L. FRENCH. The very best argument that could be made for organization among far THE: STAR Reporter SUNDAY AND MONDAY in addition to "AFTER THE THIN MAN" we have a short subject GIVE ME LIBERTY specially recommended. o One of our sailor boys should have been home on leave Tuesday night ? Disney Cartoon and Major Bowes Amateurs of the Screen Feb. 24-25. Star Theater Heppner, Oregon Don't Neglect Them ! Nature designed the kidneys to do marvelous job. Their task Is to keep th flowing blood stream tree of an excess of toxic impurities. The act of living lie Uielf is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good health is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Nature intended, there Is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache.attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffinesa under the eyes feet tired, nervous, ail worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages may be further evidence of kidney or bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment Is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys get rid of excess poisonous body waste. Use Doan't Pillt. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist on voan t. sold at ail drug stores. mers has been made in Salem within the past week. The bills making it possible for the public to control strikes were sent back to committee after it was determined that there were not enough votes in the house to carry them. The reason is simple enough. La bor is well organized into small groups with active officers and a co hesive leadership. The farmers are not. Members who come from dis tricts where there is both agricul ture and labor hear more vocifer ously from their labor constituents than from their farmer friends and are told in more certain terms what will happen if they oppose the de mands. The result has been that la bor with not to exceed a third of the voters of the state have so far been able to block legislation con trolling strikes. When the house will adjourn and what it will do before that happy day is still in the laps of the gods. The division between the conserva tives and the radicals is so close that neither side dares to bring any con troversial measure to a vote and the committees still have the bills. One group or another may be able to organize a majority and put their ideas through, there may be com promises and it may be that nothing will be done at all. The senate will WE PAY SPOT CREAM MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. The Heppner Gazette Times One Year and CROUPA Check 2 megavnes thus (X) O American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. Capper's Farmer - 1 Yr. Household Magazine 1 Yr. Needlecraft - 1 Yr. Successful Farming I Yr. Woman's World - - 1 Yr. The Country Home 2 Yr. Farm Journal - - 2Yr. Pathfinder - (26 issues) Breeder's Gazette I Yr. GROUP-I Check 2 megdzinei thus (X) American Boy 1 Yr. Better Homes fir Gardens I Yr. Christian Herald 6 Mo. Flower Grower . 6 Mo. McCall's Magazine . 1 Yr. Motion Picture Magazine 1 Yr Parents' Magazine 6 Mo. Open Road (Boys) - 2Yr. Opportunity Magazine 1 Yr. Pictorial Review - . 1 Yr. Pathfinder (Weekly) . I Yr. Romantic Stories . I Yr. Screen Play 1 Yr. Sports Afield ' . 1 Yr. Q True Confessions 1 Yr. Q Household Magazine 2 Yr. Woman's World 2Yr. Gentlemen: I enclose Please fiOonal Reyiew THE ECOHOMY OFFER (3) DTK S0PER IALDE OFFER I am checking above the four magazines desires st) yWl saaWriotiM to yen newspaper. Nam 1 : Post Office. tP.D block final passage of any wild legis lation in any event which may as sure the citizen who fears great change. For the mid-Columbia district some legislation has been sent well on its way. The bill allowing farm ers to organize into erosion control districts has passed the house with out a dissenting voice and is now in the senate where it will be handled by men, who are respected for their wisdom. The bill, if passed and siined by the governor, will make it possible for neighbors to stop dan gerous soil blows before they reach the dangerous stage and it is ex pected to stop wind erosion such as damaged many hundred acres last spring. More citizens are dropping in each day now and it takes several min utes each session for the speaker to grant requested "Courtesies of the house" to visiting friends from other sections of the state. The lobbies of the Marion hotel are full each after noon with those who come to con fer with and advise their legislators. Groups of school children file into the gallery and listen with expres sions of awe at the process of dem ocratic government. Read G. T. Want Ads. You way find a bargain in something needed. CASH FOR and EGGS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr. AND 2 Magazines From Group A 2 Magazines From Group B GROUPD Check 2 magmmei thiu (X) American Poultry Journal 1 Yr. The Country Home 1 Yr. Farm Journal Gentlewoman Magazine Good Stories . . Illustrated Mechanics Leghorn World Mother's Home Life I Yr. I Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. Plymouth Rock Monthly 1 Yr. Rhode Island Red Journsl I Yr. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr. aun Magazines From Group 1 Magazines From Group 2 GROUP-2 Check 2 magtthut tkmt (X) American Poultry Journal I Yr. American Fruit Grower I Yr. The Country Home 1 Yr. Farm Journal I Yr. Gentlewoman Magazine 1 Yr. Good Stories I Yr. Illustrated Mechanics 1 Yr. Household Magazine I Yr. Leghorn World . . 1 Yr. Mother's Home Life . 1 Yr. S Needlecraft . . . I Yr. Pfymoarn Rock Mo rah 1 Yr, Rhode Island Red Jo-raaJ I Yr. Successful Farming 1 Y Women's World . . I Ye, Capper's Fanner I Yi Breeder's Gazette . . 1 Yr. send me Jttte THIS