Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 18, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00
Three Years 5.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies 05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Can There Be Another
ANY people still living in Mor-
. row county have aching hearts
caused by the loss of relatives or
friends in the Heppner flood disas
te of 1903. Still so vividly impressed
upon their memory is the picture
that they do not care to be remind
ed of the shocking experience. But
these people would gladly welcome
any measure which might reasonably
be employed in preventing a recur
rence of that debacle.
While some of the factors which
contributed to the heavy loss of life
and property in that disaster have
been eliminated, such as the lack
of communication facilities and the
prevalence of residences on the
banks of the creek, still there is no
certainty that as much or more wa
ter may not descend upon the Wil
low creek valley at some time in the
future. If and when it does there is
no guarantee that it will not take
another toll of life.
This is a fact which any thinking
person must admit, whether he be
lieves that nothing but ill can come
from saying it. Heppner has suf
fered an ill reputation because of the
1903 calamity, and has lost numer
ous prospective residents because of
the fear it instilled. The flood un
doubtedly caused others to move
away, in all reflecting an economic
loss greater than that from imme
diate flood damage, not counting the
irreparable loss of life and resultant
Next to the Willow creek valley,
the Rhea creek valley has been
harder hit by floods than any other
section of the county. In the flood
of April 29, 1934, thousands of dol
lars in losses were sustained by far
mers on that creek, while a large
volume of water also swept through
Heppner, doing much damage.
George Peck, county commissioner,
is authority for the statement that
had the whole storm hit less than a
mile farther over on the Heppner
side of the divide, the Rhea creek
water would have been added to that
coming down Willow creek to make
a volume much larger than that in
the disastrous flood of 1903.
In many cases, those who have
experienced floods before know how
helpless man may be in their path.
There now seems a good oppor
tunity to minimize flood dangers on
Willow and Rhea creeks if everyone
will cooperate in the attempt to
bring about construction of control
dams at sites already recommended
by army engineers.
Tentative plans and specifications
are already on file with the board
of army engineers in Washington,
The need now is for establishment
of a flood control district to provide
the necessary sites and take over
maintenance of the dams, if and
when completed; and to convince the
powers that be in Washingtin that
the dams are necessary and justi
In another column Judge Bert
Johnson asks for the cooperation of
everyone. Can there be any doubt
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14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23 24 25 26
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of the justification?
The Ladies Aid of the' Congre
gational church met Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Laxton McMurray.
Ladies present were Mrs. Paul G.
Balsiger, Mrs. Edward Keller, Mrs.
Harvey Ring, Mrs. J. E. Swanson,
Mrs. Charles Reno, Mrs. Harry Yar
nell, Mrs. Eugene Van Horn, Mrs.
Bert Mason and Miss Emmer May
riard. The society will meet next
week at the home of Mrs. Garland
Laxton McMurray has purchased
the Cochran building, occupied by
the Allyn barber shop and pastime,
from the World War Veterans' State
Aid commission.
Mrs. Ella Davidson, who has been
spending the winter in Heppner with
her daughter, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy,
returned to her home in lone Thurs
A party composed of Misses Anita
Baumgartner and Lorraine Reed, and
Joe Engelman, Donald Heliker and
Norman Everson drove to Portland
for the week end in the Everson car.
They returned Sunday in a new car
which Mr. Everson purchased while
in the city.
Three inches of snow, containing
.32 inches of moisture, fell here Sat
urday evening in a short time. Wind
which blew later in the night drift
ed the snow in places. School busses
experienced considerable difficulty
in getting to town Monday morning,
due to drifts in the roads.
Mrs. Robert Smith, who has been
a patient at the hospital in Pendle
ton for the last week, was brought
home Sunday. She is feeling better,
but is not fully recovered from an
attack of influenza.
Mrs. John Osteen and little son
Alfred of Heppner are visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Minnie
Mrs. Herbert Hynd of Cecil went
to The Dalles Sunday in company
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buhman
of Heppner who visited their father,
George McDuffee, who is a patient
at the hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd, Jr., of
Weston were Sunday guests of Mr.
Hynd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hynd, at Cecil.
While not so well attended as was
hoped for, the dance given by the
Willows grange at Cecil Saturday
evening was a very pleasant affair,
and much enjoyed by those who
braved the storm to get there.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind
and family spent Sunday at Board
man where they visited at the Elvin
Ely home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson are
in Seattle where they are visiting
Mr. Swanson's sisters. Mr. Swanson
is receiving medical attention, and is
reported to be somewhat improved.
Six tables of cards were in play at
the benefit party given by the junior
class Friday evening. Prizes were
won by Mrs. J. E. Swanson and Mrs.
Carl Allyn at bridge and by Lee
Howell and Mrs. Roy Brown at pi
nochle. R. E. Jones of Ukiah was a busi
ness visitor in lone Saturday.
Miss Jeanne Huston was a visitor
at the high school Friday.
J. V. Blake, principal of the school
at Canyonville, was a visitor here
Mrs. George E. Tucker and Mrs.
Cleo Drake attended a birthday din
ner in honor of Mrs. Kenneth Blake
at Heppner Friday. Mrs. Victor G.
Peterson and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy
were hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn were din
ner guests at the home of their son,
Elmer Griffith, Sunday.
Norton Lundell, who was so ser
iously injured in an automobile ac
cident in November, has so far im
proved that he is able to ride down
town in a car, and spend some time
at the garage.
Walter Bristow and his uncle,
Roland Wade, are in Nampa, Idaho,
where they are visiting at the home
of Mr. Bristow's brother, Edmond
Lee Howell came over from Walla
Walla to spend the week end with
his family. He expects to be located
at Pomeroy, Wash., after the first of
March. Mr. and Mrs. John Botts
and Mrs. Botts' little child came over
from Pendleton with him.
A shower was given at the Legion
hall Saturday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Stefani, who recently lost
their household goods by fire. They
were presented with many handsome
and useful gifts.
Mrs. Pauline Boyer is working at
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell were
visitors in Heppner Saturday where
they called on Mr. Howell s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell, and on
Mrs. Kenneth Blake.
Harold Kincaid and Louis Buschke
made a trip by truck to Portland
the last of the week.
The I. O. O. F. lodge at Morgan
installed the following officers on
Thursday evening: E. G. Miller, N.
G.; W. G. Palmateer, V. G.; Martin
Bauernfeind, secretary; J. A. Troed-
son, treasurer. W. T. Lowe was in
stalling officer.
Miss Juanita Odom spent the week
end with Miss Katherine Griffith
and attended the Cecil dance.
Jack Ranks, "one man dramatist,"
presented a program at the school
house Saturday evening.
The cooked food sale, conducted
by the freshman and sophomore
classes Saturday, realized the sum of
$11.45 for the high school.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward passed
through town Tuesday enroute to
their home in Heppner from Port'
land where they spent several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tachell
have moved to Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake who have
spent the past three weeks visiting
relatives here returned to Freewater
Sunday. Mr. Blake is employd on
the construction of a school gymna
sium near there and had been un
able to work during the recent bad
Clarence C. Rogers and Virgil
Crawford of Kinzua were guests at
the Park hotel Saturday night.
Garland Swanson is driving a new
Mrs. E. J. Blake returned Tuesday
from Portland where she had spent
the past two weeks near her father,
Rev. J. L. Jones, who is seriously ill.
Rev. Jones was making satisfactory
progress toward recovery.
Relatives have received word that
Joe Mason, a former resident, has
been quite ill at his home in Prine
ville and was taken last Friday to
the Veterans' hospital in Portland
for medical care.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shuirman of
Flint, Mich., arrived Monday night
for a visit with Mrs. Shuirman's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman.
The Shuirmans have been visiting
relatives in California.
Oscar Bergstrom came up from
his home in Portland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers who have
been quarantined at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely with scarlet
fever, have recovered and returned
to their farm home in Gooseberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiger re
turned recently from an extended
visit in the east with their daughter,
Mrs. Paul Koehring and family, in
Indiana, and with Mrs. Balsiger's
mother in Illinois.
The dance at Willows grange hall
Saturday night was well attended
and all report a good time.
The lecturer's program at Cecil,
Saturday night, Feb. 27, will be a
birthday party for historical and
poetic characters including Wash
ington, Lincoln, Longfellow, Lowell,
Dickens, Daniel Boone, and many
others whose birthdays occur in
February. After the program there
will be a social evening. The public
is cordially invited to the program
to begin at 9 p. m. All who wish may
come in old-fashioned attire as
grangers plan on wearing old-fashioned
costumes for this meeting and
for the entire evening.
Governor Martin has called a
meeting of interested persons over
the state to be held at Salem next
Tuesday for the purpose of discuss
ing the handling of state-owned
grazing lands. The meeting is ex
pected to affect the future policy of
handling grazing on state-owned
Ralph Jones, connected with the
former Blackburn-Jones Motor com
pany, was a business visitor in the
city Saturday, accompanied by Mrs.
Jones. They now live in Ukiah where
both are employed in the school.
They drove to Heppner over the
lower route from Pendleton by way
of Echo, staying Friday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stan
field, parents of Mrs. Jones.
Miss Jean Crawford was ill at the
home of Mrs. Roy Johnson last week.
The pupils of the 7th and 8th
grades held a valentine party Thurs
day evening in the gymnasium.
Games were played and refresh
ments served later in the evening.
The high school basketball team
played two practice games with the
Heppner CCC team last Wednesday.
The CCC team won both games.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Ingles at Boardman.
Mrs. Alta Brown of Heppner vis
ited at the home of her sister, Mrs,
Roy Johnson, last Friday.
The Lexington high school bas
ketball team motored to Fossil Fri
day evening, coming home with a
victory of 22 to 14 over the Fossil
Mrs. Arnold Pieper left Monday
morning for Portland to visit rela
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer of
lone were visitors in Lexington last
Mrs. Lee Sprinkel, Mrs. Fred
Wehmeyer and two grandchildren
of Heppner were visiting in Lexing
ton last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lasich, Jr., and
baby daughter left this week for
Tigard to make their home.
Dr. Clyde Dunham of Portland is
a guest at the Roy Johnson home.
Archie Padberg underwent a ma
jor operation at the Heppner hos
pital last week.
Mildred Hunt has returned to her
home from the Heppner hospital.
W. B. Tucker returned home on
Thursday from Portland, where he
has been with his daughter, Beulah
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Nolan moved
to Heppner Saturday to make their
Lyle Allyn, Jack Van Winkle,
Kenneth Peck and Kenneth Palmer
were in Arlington one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl returned
home from Portland Sunday. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Rose Es
kelson of Medford.
Lester White returned home Sun
day from McMinnville where he has
been employed.
Mrs. Myles Martin returned home
Sunday from the hospoital at The
Dalles where she recently under
went a major operation.
The Home Economics club of the
Lexington grange met Thursday af
ternoon at the grange hall. Only
four members were present.
Word was received here last week
of the death of Frank Gentry in
Portland from a heart attack. Mr.
Gentry was a former resident of this
McCoy remained to visit her moth
Walter Cochran of lone had an
accident last Thursday afternoon
in front of the service station when
he ran into a telephone pole to avoid
hitting children crossing the high
way. John Carroll of Pendleton was
here on business Friday.
Mrs. A. M. Edwards left Wednes
day morning for Spokane to visit
(Too late for last week)
The high school students have
started publishing a student body
newspaper. Each class is taking
turns and the edition is to come out
every two weeks.
Beulah Nichols is recovering slow
ly from her recent operation in the
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land. The Lexington high school bas
ketball team met defeat twice last
week on their home floor. Tuesday
night they met the Boardman Yel
low Jackets and were defeated by a
score of 48-10. Friday night Ar
lington won their game by a score
of 28-20.
Charles Breshears slipped on the
ice Friday morning at his home and
sprained his ankle.
Henry Rauch, Jr., has returned to
school after his recent illness with
The busses are all able to get in to
school now and the attendance is
back to normal again.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles of
Boardman were week-end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
D. Campbell.
Joyce Biddle is spending the week
with Wilma Tucker.
Mrs. Vernon Scott and baby visit
ed her mother, Mrs. Lee Sprinkel, in
Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst
and daughter visited in Stanfield last
Edna Rauch spent Monday night
with Wilma Tucker.
Joyce Biddle was ill at her home
last week.
The people of Lexington are skat
ing around on the ice this week, as
the snow has practically all melted
and frozen.
Heppner grade and high school
basketball teams defeated the Lex
ington teams on our home floor last
Monday evening. The grade school
game was a very close one with the
final score being 14-13 in Heppner's
favor. The Heppner Mustangs de
feated the Lexington Jackrabbits by
a score of 23-7.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl left Tues
day morning for the valley. Mr.
Ruhl will go on to Medford while
Mrs. Ruhl will visit her mother in
Doris and Grace Burchell of Cor-
vallis arrived Tuesday morning for
a visit with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Johnson.
Wayne Caldwell, who is now in
the employ of his brother, Verni
Caldwell, at Portland, visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell,
as he was passing through town on
a business trip into Idaho the last
of the week. Bobby Brace accom
panied him on the trip.
The basketball games between the
grade and high school teams of Ir
rigon and Stanfield were played on
the home floor Friday night. The.
score for the grade game was 4 to 6
in Irrigon's favor and the high school
score was 24 to 28 in favor of the
home team.
P. C. Bishop who has been quite
ill with an attack of flu is improving
Mrs. Lyle Eddy was substitute
teacher in the intermediate grades
at Umatilla Monday, taking Miss
Christenson's place, the latter being
indisposed from shock as a result of
the auto wreck she was in near
Boardman the last of the week.
Mrs. Stella Paulson is visiting rel
atives in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Rev. Koontz will begin a series
of revival meetings at the Pente
costal church Sunday, Feb. 21, to
which the public is cordially invited.
Clara Louise Caldwell is absent
from school this week with an at
tack of pink eye.
Mrs. Eisman of Portland, who has
bene visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry
Smith, for some time, returned home
the last of the week.
Jas. Arnsburg and Ray Lamoreaux
were business visitors in Hermiston
Benny McCoy and mother motored
down from Imbler Sunday. Benny
returned home Monday and Mrs.
McCoy remained to visit her moth
er, Mrs. J. A. Grabiel, and other rel
atives. R. V. Jones had the misfortune to
lose a valuable horse last week from
some form of throat trouble.
Mrs. W. C. Isom visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Suddarth Monday.
Mrs. Earl Isom and little daugh
ter Donna Joan were dinner guests
of his grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Gra
biel Monday.
Mr. Haberline moved to his own
place this week.
Mrs. Minnie Elder of Auburn,
Wash., is visiting her son, Rev. Claud
O. Coryell had a workman up
from The Dalles Monday working
on his Frigidaire.
Mrs. Chas. Steward of Walla Walla
visited friends here a short time
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Warner were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Caldwell Sunday.
In June the north pole is tilted 23
degrees 27 minutes toward the sun
and the days in the northern hemis
phere are longer than the nights; at
the same time the nights in the
southern hemisphere are longer than
the days.
Twenty-three bills enacted by con
gress in favor of organized labor
were signed by the president in 1936.
Customers of American banks in
1936 paid the lowest average interest
charges this century.