Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 18, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New Development
Era Pictured
For Northwest
Leading Engineer
Cited by Notson in..
Lions Club Address.
A new era of agricultural and in
dustrial development for the Pa
cific northwest was pictured before
the Monday Lions luncheon , by S.
E. Notson. His inspiring remarks
were premised upon an address made
recently before the Spokane chamber
of commerce by L. F. Livingston,
president American Society of , Ag
ricultural engineers. Dr. Livingston
and other workers in the Farm
Chemurgic council will take the
lead in discussions before the Pa
cific Northwest Farm Chemurgic
conference in Spokane, March 22
and 23, Mr. Notson reported.
One of the purposes of the conr
ference is to survey the variety of
farm products of the Pacific north
west which can be transformed into
raw materials usable by industry
and to encourage the joint coopera
tion of agriculture, industrty and
tion of agriculture, industry and
development nationally.
Completion of the Grand Coulee
project will see thousands of acres
of now desert land put under ditch,
and development of small farm sites
which can be operated part time by
owners who will also work part time
in the many factories to be run by
the hydro-electric energy which will
process the products of those farms,
Mr. Notson said. He made that pre
diction two years ago in an address
before the graduating class of Al
mira high school, and believed Dr.
Livingston's predictions bore him
While development from Grand
Coulee will take place mainly on
the Washington side of the river, the
same type of development is possi
ble on the Oregon side, including
the north end of Morrow county, if
and when a high dam is built at
Umatilla rapids.
Quoting from Dr. Livingston's ad
dress, Mr. Notson cited the growing
of wonderful crops in the next five
to ten years on the 1,250,000 acres
to be put under water in the Colum
bia Basin, but crops largely non
competitive with present farm pro
ducts. Flourishing farms will cover
the area, and here and there will be
small factories first processing
plants. Every twenty miles will be
another factory a chemical plant
which will take the results of the
first processing plants and bring out
finished products. The centralized
plant will need to be on a railroad
or good highway.
Dr. Livingston admitted some
dreaming in his picture, but was
willing to stake his engineering rep
utation on its becoming a reality.
Mr. Notson further quoted: ' 'Now
what will these planst handle? I
don't know that I can tell you all of
them. Some of them will be veg
etable fibers. I think certain types
of vegetables will be grown. The
roots will be used for one thing, the
tops for another, and the fibers ex
tracted, and twine and cloth made
of them. Soy beans may be another
Dr. Livingston recited the devel
opment in soy bean plastics, now
widely used in industry, also the
possibilities of soy bean oil with
prediction of a time when farmers
may grow soy beans for their own
fuel. Each year 36,000,000 gallons of
soy bean oil is used in and around
He cited possibilities of alcohol
from wheat and other grains, and
touching closer home, told of grow
ing Jerusalem artichokes on a com
mercial scale for extraction of finer
sugar than any now on the mar
ket. This plant was before known
only as a weed, and grows profuse
ly on the irrigated projects in the
north end of this county.
"We have a whole series of plants
that when grown and processed, are
going into tanning materials. There
are a host of other things," Dr. Liv
ingston was quoted. "I could go on
for a long time along that line. They
are coming and there isn't anything
that will stop it. I can see an in-
dustrial stomach which is going to
be as large as the human and animal
stomachs of today."
Reporting further that he had per
formed the task required of him in
making a statement on the needs of
this section for development of the
Columbia river to be presented at
a hearing before the army board of
engineers at Lewiston on Tuesday
last, Mr. Notson also pointed to this
as linking in with the entire de
velopment picture.
Alden Blankenship reported on
having secured a suitable trophy
which the club had voted to award
the wnining team at the basketball
tournament next week end.
Heppner FFA Boys
Out-Point Condon
In the most spectacular display of
boxing and wrestling seen at Hepp
ner for a period of years, Heppner
F. F. A. won a close decision from
the Condon chapter at the local gym
Friday evening.
Outstanding contest brought ' to
gether Howard Patto nand Dick
Montague, 155 pounders, in the main
event. Because of an unfortunate
foul in the first round, it was called
a draw, but Patton easily won every
Clayton Wright and Matt Cooney,
145 pounders, showed little science
in their match, and throughout the
battle both men opened up with
many deadly onslaughts. This was
a draw.
Floyd Williams and Donald Smith,
the two dreadnaughts, displayed
more brawn than science in their
bout, with Williams winning by a
decision. Smith put up a good bat
tle but was outclassed.
Coming from lower Willow creek
was Kit Mawyer, husky mule skin
ner, to tangle with Slaughterhouse
Bill Browning in a mixed bout. Five
minutes of grappling and boxing
brought the boys to a draw.
Lawrence Wehmeyer was out
classed by the Condon pugilist, Har
ry Stoltnow, both being in the 130
pound class. This was one-sided,
but was interesting because of the
happy-go-lucky way the loser went
after his opponent.
In the 145-pound class, a scientific
fight was fought to a draw between
Andy Shoun of Heppner and Jack
Reiser of Condon.
Keith Williams of Condon, 130,
and Earl Crisman of Heppner, 130,
fought a scientific draw, both boys
trying hard to win.
Rufus Hill and Donald Edwards,
125 pounders, fought to a draw.
Though Hill beat Edwards at Con
don, he was unable to out-point him
in the Heppner ring.
A wrestling battle royal was
staged between three Heppner boys
and three Condon boys. This was
brief and ended with Dean Gilman
of Heppner as the champ grappler.
Between bouts, the local CCC boys
put on two good boxing and one
wrestling exhibition. These boxers,
and grunt and groan artists fur
nished much entertainment.
Referee was Geo. Gillis of Lexington.
Corvallis. Children of the T. H.
Fraser family of Moro have been so
outstanding in their 4-H club work
that they have held a monopoly for
four years on the annual Union Pa
cific scholarships awarded to the
best club member in each county
served by the railroad. For the last
four years the four ,Frasers have
won the award and now all four are
attending Oregon State college, one
in each class. The three boys are
Tom, Jr., Paul and Gordon, senior,
junior and sophomore in agriculture,
and Dorothy, a freshman in home
Corvallis. For the sixth consecu
tive year the repesentatives from
Oregon State college won the state
intercollegiate peace oratorical con
test held to select Oregon's entrant
in national competition. The win
ner this year was John McCormick,
a junior in agriculture from Port
land, who last year won first place
in a Pacific coast speaking contest.
The winning oration dealt with the
need of changes in the foundations
of society as a forerunner of world
peace. First prize was $50 cash from
the Intercollegiate Peace association.
Water Resources
Projects Slated
For Big PWA Sum
State Planners Give
On Priority Basis.
When actual distribution of funds
to carry out President Roosevelt's
$5,000,000,000 public works program
gets under way, Oregon is expected
to receive several million dollars
for development of its water re
sources, and the section of the state
in which Heppner is located contains
a number of proposed projects, re
ports now on file at the Oregon state
planning board office show. Plan
ning board staff members and ex
perts on committees completed in
time for inclusion in the president's
program a thorough survey of all
projects in all drainage basins of
the state.
Under the direction of V. B. Stan
bery, planning consulant and execu
tive secretary of the board, and C.
A. Mockmore, Corvallis, the board
staff has been quietly working for
several months, gathering all avail
able data, carefully weighing the
worth of each project, and setting
up, not only an immediate program,
but an outline of future develop
ment for many years to come.
More than 120 projects for the
state are listed in the findings, and
should only those deemed of in
mediate importance be completed,
the state will be able to take care
of thousands of new settlers who are
expected to come here from other
sections of the country, the reports
Oregon, for purposes of the na
tional water resources study, has
been divided roughly into seven re
gions, some of which also include
parts of Washington, California,
Idaho and Nevada. These are desig
nated as Willamette-Columbia west
of the Cascades, Middle Columbia,
Oregon Pacific, North Pacific-Klamath,
North Minor Great basin, Snake
river, and Sacramento river. Hepp
ner is located in the Middle Colum
bia basin.
In the Middle Columbia basin the
priority is given to the construction
of the combined navigation and pow
er dam, work on which is already in
progress, estimated in the report to
cost $2,650,000. Second choice goes
to the extensive and highly regarded
stock water development in the east
ern part of the basin, estimated at
$179,800. Construction of a seven
foot navigation channel from Celilo
to Umatilla is listed third, with a
cost estimated at $250,000. Flood
channel improvements in the Uma
tilla at Pendleton, to cost $200,000
are put in fourth place, fifth and
sixth priorities are construction of
flood control works and channel
improvements north of Walla Walla,
estimated to cost together more than
$2,237,000. Projects calling for con
struction of stock water and irriga
tion storage dams near Mitchell,
Bend and Sisters call for more than
$72,000. Projects listed in this basin
total 26, and in addition, some 20
other projects described as "de
ferred" are included.
Each basin report gives a wealth
of data on the region it covers, in
cluding population, need for the
projects, and definite data should
projects be included immediately.
Many of the projects have already
been suggested in previous plan
ning board reports, and others will
be further described in reports now
under way, planning board officials
Corvallis. Work projects totaling
37,998 hours were furnished 363 stu
dents at Oregon State college thru
the National Youth administration
during the fall term, a report just
issued by E. B. Lemon, registrar,
shows. Scores of different kinds of
tasks were assigned the students,
ranging from technical research and
helping instructors to outdoor man
ual labor on the campus. Work was
given 239 men and 124 women in
amounts averaging $12.99 a month.
Students on the NYA rolls main
tained a grade average of 2.74 for
the term compared with a general
student body average of 2.35.
Give G. T. Want Ads a trial.
The Heppner Gazette Times
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