Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 18, 1937, Image 1

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    H I STOT . . C A L SOC I ETY
AUDIT q 1 "J V
P 0 R T !. A
Volume. 52, Number 50.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Comfnittees Set
Under 1937 AAA
State Chairman N. E.
Dodd Explains
Set-Up at Meeting.
N. E. Dodd, chairman of the state
committee for the Agricultural Con
servation plan, explained in detail
the 1937 program at an all day meet
ing of the community committeemen
held at the I. O. O. F. hall in Hepp
ner Wednesday.
This year, Mr. Dodd said, an at
tempt should be made to fill out a
work sheet for every farm in the
county, regardless of whether all
farms comply for grants in 1937. Mr.
Dodd explained that the purpose of
the meeting Wednesday was to thor
oughly acquaint all community com
mitteemen with the working plan
and details of the new program so
that farm operators might work out
a program of action for their own
farm with their nearest community
Following the explanation of the
new set-up, an organization meeting
of the board of directors was held.
E. H. Miller, Lexington, was again
elected president of the county as
sociation and chairman of the coun
ty committee. George N. Peck, Lex
ington, was elected vice-president,
and Frank Saling, Lexington, was
elected the third member of the
county committee. H. D. Rutledge,
Irrigon, was elected alternate mem
ber of the county committee. Madge
Thomson was elected treasurer, and
Joe Belanger, county agent, was
elected secretary.
The community committeemen in
each district were elected at meet
ings held last week. Community
committeemen for the nine districts
in Morrow county are as follows:
Alpine: Frank Saling, chairman;
A. C. Lindsay, vice-chairman; L. D.
Neill, third member; William J. Do
herty, alternate.
Boardman: Paul Smith, chair
man; Ingvaard Skoubo, vice-chairman;
Albert Baker, third member;
Ralph Wasmer, alternate.
Eightmile: C. E. Carlson, chair
man; Henry Baker, vice-chairman;
Floyd N. Worden, third member;
Chas. Becket, alternate.
Irrigon: H. D. Rutledge, chair
man; Frank Brace, vice-chairman;
Jack White, third member; Chaun
cey Grimm, alternate.
lone: Lee Beckner, chairman; A.
A. McCabe, vice-chairman; Chas.
T. McElligott, third member; Louis
C. Bergevin, alternate.
Lexington: George N. Peck, chair
man; L. A. Palmer, vice-chairman;
Orville W. Cutsforth, third member;
Harvey Bauman, alternate.
Morgan: Omar Rietmann, chair
man; Henry Gorger, vice-chairman;
H. V. Smouse, third member; Victor
Rietmann, alternate.
North Heppner: E. H. Miller,
chairman; Harry Turner, vice-chairman;
Sam Turner, third member;
F. S. Parker, alternate.
South Heppner and Hardman:
Frank E. Parker, chairman; Alva
W. Jones, vice-chairman; Chas. N.
Jones, third member; Ray Wright,
Rebekahs and Oddfellows will in
stall new officers for the coming year
at their hall tomorrow night. The
evening's events include a 6:30 o'
clock dinner for all members of the
two orders and their families, an
nounces Mrs. Clara Beamer, Rebekah
noble grand.
The time of meeting of Heppner
lodge 69, A. F. & A. M., has been
changed from the first and third
Tuesdays of each month to the first
and third Saturdays, effective with
the first March meeting, which will
be March 6th.
Get results with G. T. want ads.
Sub-District Class B Basketball
Tournament Slated for Heppner
Next Week End With 6 Teams.
A bronze basketball player mount
ed on a base will be given the win
ning team in the sub-district class B
basketball tournament here next
week end by the Heppner Lions
club, and six individual metal tro
phies will be given those selected
for all-star berths by Heppner Elks.
Announcement of the awards was
made this week by Alden Blanken
ship, tournament manager.
Paul McCarty writes in his "Pin
to Points" for the Hehisch in another
column that the race in this sub
district has taken on some interest
ing aspects, what with Condon edg
ing out the unbeaten Arlington
Honkers by one point this week.
Condon will be seen here, while Ar
lington draws a bye in the sub-district
play by virtue of being host tb
the district toruney the next week
end with privilege to compete. Mc
Carty says Boardman and Heppner
appear to be the stronger of the six
teams. Hope is held for Heppner
getting into smoith running form
again. Lexington, lone and Fossil
are the others who will be in there
The presale of season tickets will
be pushed by students this week, and
townspeople are asked to give their
wholehearted support. All who can
possibly make it to the games will
get full value received in entertain
Elks Ball Saturday;
Special Meeting Set
The Elks annual Washington birth
day ball will be held at the' hall
Saturday night, with the committee
in charge reporting elaborate plans
for entertainment. The ball room
will begaily decorated in the Wash
ington motif with lodge colors. Mu
sic will be furnished by the Coluni'
bians of Irrigon.
A number of out-of-town mem
bers of the lodge are expected for
this and the special lodge session to
begin at 2:30 in the afternoon when
a large class will be initiated. Spec
ial entertainment for the ladies is
scheduled for the afternoon at the
Masonic hall dining room in charge
of officers' wives. ;
Floodwaters which came clear up
to the running board of his car were
encountered just the other side of
Blalock about 4 o'clock yesterday
evening by Marvin E. Dixon, Camp
Heppner CCC educational adviser,
as he was driving here from Port
land. Warm rains were reported to
have taken snow suddenly from the
hills, causing the deluge which de
layed traffic for several hours. Oth
er washes were encountered be
tween Arlington and Heppner Junc
tion, and lesser flows were encoun
tered on the lower end of the branch
where orders were being given for
traffic to be on the lookout. Mr. Dix
on was absent on leave, attending a
conference of CCC educational ad
visers in Vancouver on the 10th and
11th. Mrs. Dixon, who accompan
ied him, remained for a longer visit
at the home of her parents at Mo
Misses Leta Humphreys and Rose
Leibbrand plan to leave a week
from Sunday on a motor trip into
Mexico, going as far as Mexico City.
They expect to be gone for several
weeks, and Miss Leibbrand has
promised Gazette Times readers a
letter or two while on the road, tell
ing of their experiences, "that is,"
she said, "if not too much overcome
by that manana feeling." Miss Leib
brand has been in Morrow county
for several months digging out his
torical material for Writers Guild, a
WPA project. Her latest work is on
incorporated cities in the county.
She received a new asignmcnt this
week to "do" the courthouses at
Prineville, Moro and Fossil.
Street Surfacing
Plans Amended;
Give More Work
Application for PWA
Funds Will be Made
In Next Few Days.
Plans for Heppner's street sur
facing project were amended by the
council Monday evening to include
more work than formerly planned.
Frank Hayes, Pendleton engineer,
was present with the plans as ten
tatively drawn. His estimates showed
that should the project be approved
by PWA for the amount to be asked,
sufficient money would be available
to include the additional work. He
is expected back in the city within a
few days with a completed draft of
the plans as amended for incorpora
tion in the application for a PWA
Under the PWA grant, if given,
45 percent of the cost of the pro
ject will be paid by the federal gov
ernment. The city's 55 percent, or
$8,000, has been provided for in this
year's budget.
The amended plans call for grav
elling up the hill to the end of the
streets on Center and Baltimore
streets, and gravelling on Riverside
Drive to the stockyards and on Mor
gan street. Blacktop surfacing is
planned for all other principal
streets. Surfacing will be laid to a
width of 30 feet on the wider streets,
and not so wide on narrower streets.
The type of surfacing called for
consists of two layers of crushed
rock rolled down with a top dress
ing of fine gravel and asphalt. The
same type of surfacing was Used at
the Pendleton airport, Hayes said.
With a good natural base existing on
most city streets to start with, he
believed this surface would hold up
City dads are hopeful that the pro
ject can be put through in time to
start work in the spring.
When Man Charges
For Helping Himself,
What is It?
When a man charges $5 cash on
the line before assisting a rig in
getting out of the mud, which rig
is attempting to clear the road
beside that man's farm, it is the
height of something or other. That
is the belief of county officials who '
reported just such an incident this
It happened to the CCC bulldo
zer which was assisting the coun
ty in freeing roads of snowdrifts.
The bulldozer got stuck in the mud
by a man's farm. The boys sought
help from the man, who asked $5
cash before proceeding. The mon
ey was paid, and the CCC boys
compensated by the county.
County officials said they had
been stuck many times in getting
through the recent road emer
gency, and had sought help many
times, which in every instance ex
cept that cited, was freely given.
Generally, wholehearted coopera
tion was received from everyone.
R. Allen Bean, bookkeeper at the
local branch First National Bank of
Portland since it opened, yesterday
departed for Enterprise where he
will be connected with the branch
of the Portland institution there as
result of the transfer. His transfer
comes as a promotion in recognition
of his good services. Mr. Bean and
family have the regrets of many
friends on leaving this city, accom
panied by well wishes for success
and happiness in their new location.
J. P. Clancy, Boston wool buyer
for Draper & Co., arrived at Hotel
Heppner the first of the week and
has been busy interviewing local
Snowfall Saturday Night Brings
Four Inches; New Storm
Hits County Yesterday.
Just as zephyrs with a hint of
spring and Old Sol's smile had near
ly eradicated a 4-inch snowfall of
Saturday night, and local folks be
came encouraged to the point of be
ginning to unload heavy undies, the
weather concocter handed out an
other rare dish yesterday. Driven by
a high wind it came first in the form
of mixed snow and rain ,then re
solved itself into a heavy fall of big
flakes, still wind-driven, to whiten
again the murky landscape.
A heavy wind blew from the south
Tuesday night and yesterday until
the downfall began, apparently hav
ing shifted more into the west to
bring the storm.
Saturday night's snow was drifted
by wind to close again the Heppner
hill road, and yesterday's storm was
certain not to improve the situation.
Some sheepmen were being forced
to buy $18 to $20 per ton hay this
week, and relief still is uncertain.
A basketball game between Hepp
ner and Fossil high schools to have
been played here tomorrow night
was cancelled yesterday because of
the uncertain road situation. Fear
is feeing felt that outside attendance
at the sub-district class B basket
ball tournament here next week end
will be adversely affected for the
same reason.
Minor landslides onto the tracks
of the branch railroad were also re
ported the first of the week, but
while necessitating slow orders had
not proved serious.
Take Applications
For District Range
The board or advisors for Oregon
Grazing district No. 7, and Marvin
Klemme, regional grazier of the
grazing service, with headquarters
at Burns, are meeting at the county
agent's office today and tomorrow
to pass on applications for permits
to graze on public domain land ly
ing within the grazing district.
The board of advisors for this dis
trict was recently appointed by the
secretary of interior. These five
men were nominated for this ap
pointment at the January 30 meet
ing of range users which was held at
the court house in Heppner. The
men are William Kilkenny, Heppner;
John Krebs and Jack Hynd, Cecil;
L. D. Neill and Chas. Bartholomew,
High Water Floods
Lower Creek Road
Warm rains removed the snow
rapidly in the hills in the north end
of the county yesterday, bringing
flood waters which covered the
highway and railroad tracks in
places. The highway, bridge at the
Jim Farley place was reported as
completely inundated, and traffic
was held up for fear that its under
pinning might give way.
The train was not expected in be
fore noon today because of the flood
waters and minor slides which slow
ed progress.
Ray P. Kinne, manager of the lo
cal office of the Pacific Power &
Light company was the recipient
this week of a service pin denoting
15 years of continuous service with
that company. Mr. Kinne has been
employed by the comnanv for a total
of twenty years of which the past
fifteen years have been continuous.
he having been in business for him
self for a short period after his first
employment with the company. For
the past five years he has been man
ager of the local office.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Pie
pere at the home of Mrs. George
Allyn in Lexington, Feb. 15, an 8
pound son, Delbert Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott left Tues
day for Portland.
Flood District
May be Organized
Under New Law
Mahoney Brings Re
port from Salem;
Judge Urges Action.
Organization of a flood control
district, a necessary procedure if
Morrow county hopes to prevail up
on Uncle Sam to construct flood
control dams here, may be effected
under a new voluntary organization
law, reports P. W. Mahoney, repre
sentative of the county court who
returned the end of the week from
Salem where he attempted to lay
such wires as may help protect this
county against future disastrous
floods such as that which occurred
at Heppner in 1903. That flood cost
223 lives and is listed among major
disasters in the history of state and
The new law is incorporated in
house bill 348 which passed the
house Monday.
Mr. Mahoney learned of the pro
posed measure from State Engineer
C. E. Stricklin, and with him ap
peared before the house committee
on irrigation, drainage and flood
control in obtaining thSt group's
sponsorship. The local man antici
pated little opposition to its passage.
Senators and representatives of this
section all rallied to its support.
The old law for organization of
flood control districts called for
elections to be paid for from funds
in the hands of the state engineer, "if
such funds be available," and
brought into the district all lands
within the stated area on a two
thirds favorable vote of landholders
therein. It was to assist in obtaining
funds for the state engineer to call
such an election that Mr. Mahoney
went to Salem.
On learning of the new bill, how
ever, which appeared acceptable to
Mr. Stricklin and also to the U. S.
army engineers, Mr. Mahoney
thought it would probably meet the
local need. It empowers three or
more landowners to incorporate vol
untarily into a local "improvement
district" as a non-profit organization
with privilege o public domain.
Only such landowners as desire to
sign the by-laws are included in
the district, membership being with
the land rather than the individual.
The by-laws, prepared and signed
by two or more landowners, become
effective upon additional signers af
ter being filed with the county clerk
or corporation commissioner. All
rights to own property, make con
tracts with the federal government
and individuals, such as may be
necessary to proceed with the local
project, are provided for, also the
right to issue bonds, warrants or
other obligations within stated lim
itations. A board of directors chos
en from the membership is empow
ered to transact all business.-
Before any assessments can be
collected, which assessments are
made liens against the property, a
maximum sum per acre which may
be collected from any property is
set; also notice of each landowner's
assessment must be posted in the
clerk's office a stated length of time
ahead of the collection period. Right
is given to apply for judicial review
in a court of competent jurisdiction
to test legality of the organization
after it is set up and before it starts!
The new law repeals only so much
of the old law as conflicts with its
Judge Bert Johnson expressed sat
isfaction with Mahoney's report, and
urged everyone within the county
to give serious consideration to pos
sibility of forming the district under
the new law. He believed it can be
worked out without great difficulty.
Organization of the flood control
district is not the onyl necessary step,
however, he pointed out. To ac
Contlnued on Page Eight