Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 11, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Alex Gibb arrived this week from
Ontario in aiswer to word of the
serious illness of Mrs. Gibb. Mrs.
Gibb has been confined at home by
poor health for some time and this
week complications were manifest
ed. Mr. Gibb had been at Ontario
for several weeks plying his trade
as plumber, finding plenty of work
in the course of a young building
boom in the Malheur city.
Mrs. B. R. Patterson sustained
painful injuries Saturday night when
she fell in front of the Jones apart
ments as she and Mr. Patterson
were on their way to visit Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Mahoney. Her head
struck the concrete pavement forci
bly enough to knock her uncon
scious and she was confined to her
bed for several days though no con
cussion was revealed.
Randall Grimes and Miss Dorothy
Mitchell of the high school faculty,
Frank Alfred and Scott McMurdo
motored to Portland and Eugene the
end of the week. Mr. Grimes and
Scott took in the O. S. C.-U. of O.
basketball game at Eugene Satur
day night, reporting a one-sided
game in which Oregon boosted its
chances for the north conference
Burton H. Peck, up from the farm
near Lexington Tuesday, reported
the snow still hanging tight. While
present conditions seem favorable to
the growing wheat crop, he believes
unusually favorable conditions from
now on will need to prevail to make
a normal yield. The new season
was entered with subsoil moisture
much below normal, he said.
Adam Knoblock was up from the
Boardman farm Monday, coming
across the Boardman-Ione road
which had just been opened from
snowdrifts. He is not trapping at
present, as the biological survey ap
propriation under which he was
working has run out, and the weath
, r also has hindered such operations.
Mrs. Alta Brown was in the city
yesterday from the farm after hav
ing been snowed in for more than
a week. She had decided against
attempting to continue with the plan
of trying a test of the old age re
volving pension such as has been
under way at Chelan, Wash.
Ralph Benge and son Terrel were
in the city Tuesday morning from
the Social Ridge section. While the
Clarks canyon road had been open
ed, the plow hadn't been able to re
move the crust of ice on the bottom
and travelling was treacherous.
Mrs. Marvin R. Wightman and
children departed yesterday for Cor
vallis to join Mr. Wightman who is
doing post graduate work at Ore
gon State college. On the way they
expected to visit at Portland and
C. W. Smith, state assistant coun
.ty agent leader, was in the city Fri
day evening and Saturday from his
home in Salem. He greeted many
old-time friends while looking in on
the local county agent's office.
Mr. and Mrs. Dillard French were
in the city Tuesday morning for the
first time in several weeks. The
Gurdane section has been snow
bound for about as long a time as
any part of the county.
Mrs. Anice Knepper was taken to
Arlington yesterday by Cornett
Green on her way to her home in
Montana after a several weeks visit
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alex
R. C. Banister and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Milsom arrived from Weston
Tuesday afternoon. They will be
connected with management of the
Ford agency here in the future.
Jack Dennis, manager of Dennis
Motor company of Pendleton, was a
visitor in the city Tuesday evening.
He was accompanied by Pirl Howell,
formerly of this city. '
Mrs. Edward Green returned to
her home in Portland this week
after visiting at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Agnes Curran.
Joe Brosnan made a trip out to
the ranch on Butter creek Tuesday,
being accompanied to town in the
afternoon by his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McGuire.
Fred Hoskins is already making
plans for Heppner's baseball team.
He managed the aggregation last
year. There is promise of a good
aggregation, he says.
George McDuffee is showing
some improvement in his illness at
a hospital in The Dalles. He was
able to sit up for an hour and a
half Sunday.
World Day of Prayer will be ob
served by a union meeting of all
churches at the Episcopal church to
morrow afternoon beginning at 2:30.
Walter Becket was a visitor in
the city yesterday from the Eight
Mile farm, the road out his way
having just been cleared of snow.
Mr. and Mrs: Glen Hadley were
among folks of the Boardman pro
ject transacting business here for the
first time in several weeks.
Bill McRoberts has taken over
the Patterson paper route, succeed
ing Ray Massey. - Massey is still as
sisting at the store.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY, FEB. 17th.
Al Massey who has been spending
some time at Oakland, Cal., arrived
this week for a visit with family
and friends.
Frank Monahan and son James
were among sheepmen hauling out
sheep cubes this week to assist with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoskins were
business visitors in the city the first
of the week from the Rhea creek
Mr. and Mrs. Salter from the Salt
er hatchery, lone, were transacting
business in the city Tuesday morn
ing. Fred Akers was among farmers of
the Eight Mile section making it to
town Tuesday for supplies.
Victor Rietmann was among far
mers of the north lone section in
the city Monday on business.
Mike Kenny, Butter creek pioneer,
was in town Tuesday morning, greet
ing old-time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
were in town Monday from lone,
transacting business.
John Padberg was up Monday
from the farm in the Lexington dis
trict. Window sale, Saturday, 10:30, by
the Episcopal ladies, at Hughes'
Earl Warner was in town Tuesday
from Lexington, transacting business.
that far on her way to her home in
Portland. She has been visiting at
Morgan for several weeks.
Ernest Christopherson broke road
for four miles Saturday, with his
automobile hooked on behind the
tractor, in order to make his first
trip to lone since the roads were
blocked by snow.
Mrs. Herbert Hynd of Cecil had as
her week-end guest Miss Freda An
derson of Morgan.
Mrs. Roy Hurst of Cecil is recov
ering from a week's illness, due to
Wm. Hynd and David Hynd who
have been snowbound on the Sand
Hollow ranch, visited at the home of
their brother, Jack Hynd, at Cecil
Sunday and Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Feldman were
able to get to lone Tuesday for the
first time in three weeks. They are
expecting the arrival of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Shuirman of Flint, Mich., the last
of this week. The young people are
now visiting relatives in California.
Miss Hazel Padbereg departed on
Tuesday evening for Portland, to
visit her sister, Mrs. Opal Cason.
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox is at Gresham,
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Currin. She made the trip
Mrs. Charles Botts is quite ill with
influenza and other troubles. A
physician was called from Heppner
Monday to see her.
Contributions by lone people for
the Red Cross have reached the sum
of $133.80 so far.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and family
of Boardman were visitors at the
Dean Ekleberry home at Morgan
Monday. The ladies are sisters.
The junior class will sponsor a
card party at the I. O. O. F. hall Fri
day evening.
Three interesting games of basket
bail were played at lone Friday eve
ning, when lone lost to the Irrigon
high school boys by a score of 17-16,
and the grade school boys also lost
to the Irrigon boys by a score of 10-4.
Following the school games, the town
team played the Boardman town
team. TMs resulted in a tie at the
end of the fourth quarter. It was
decided to play five minutes more,
and in that time Boardman made an
other score, with the final score
standing at 26-24 in favor of the vis
itors. Mr. and Mrs. A.JS. Stefani had
the misfortune to lose all their
household furniture and all their
clothing except what they wore,
when fire destroyed the house in
which they were living on the
Schriever ranch seven miles from
lone, Wednesday afternoon. Fire
started upstairs from some unknown
cause and the upper story was ready
to collapse before the fire was dis
covered by the Stefanis and Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Beckner who were visit
ing there. The house was the prop
erty of W. F. Honey of Gresham
whose ranch Mn Stefani has" leased.
Mrs. E. J. Blake is in Portland,
visiting her father, Rev. J. L. Jones,
who is a patient in the hospital
Miss Rose Leibbrand, with WPA
writers guild in Morrow county,
gave first hand information from a
several-years sojourn in China as a
background for the Bookworms' dis
cussion of "Yang and Yin," by Mrs.
Hobart, at the home of Mrs. Madge
Thomson Monday evening. All mem
bers were present except Mrs. Mar
vin Dixon who was absent from
the city.
Eighteen members of Willing
Workers met at the Church of
Christ Tuesday afternoon for quilt
ing and luncheon. They will enter
tain the boys class at a dinner at
the church Saturday night.
The biggest bugaboo this country
has is fear and the quickest way to
bring on fear is to fear fear.
Eight members of the Women's
Topic club and one guest attended
the study meeting held at the home
of Mrs. George Tucker on Saturday
afternoon. The topic for the day
was "Days of Gold," and interesting
extracts were read by Mrs. Tucker
and Mrs. Walter Corley from Hor
ner's "Oregon," Kennedy's "Pioneer
Campfires." Hough's "Covered Wa
gon," and the quarterly of the Ore
gon Historical society. At the close
of the meeting a "miner's lunch"
was served. Mrs. C. W. Swanson
was hostess with Mrs. Tucker and
Mrs. Corley. Mrs. Henry Gorger,
the fourth hostess, was unable to
attend because of the bad weather.
Mrs. Robert Smith was taken to
Pendleton to the hospital Sunday.
She is suffering from influenza.
Mrs. Berl Akers is up and around
after an attack of scarlet fever. Her
husband is now ill with a mild case
of the same disease.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely drove
to Arlington Sunday to take Mrs.
Ely's mother, Mrs. L. D. Pierrott
W (D) m ED
It has never occurred before in auto
mobile history that 25 million cars of
one make, bearing one name, have
been manufactured under one man
agement. The 25,000,000th Ford car
rolled off the Ford Rouge Plant pro
duction line on January 18, 1937.
25 million cars since 1903 . . . more
than one-third of all the cars ever
built , . . enough cars to transport the
entire population of the United States.
The figures represent a remarkable
contribution to the social welfare, the
industrial stability and the general
progress of our country.
People respect Ford efficiency. They
know Ford uses fine materials, the
best workmanship at good wages, the
most exact precision measurements.
They know these things are passed
along to purchasers in the form of
extra value. Naturally, they like to
do business with such a company.
That is the only reason it has been
required to produce 25 million cars.
Naturally, too, they expect
more of a Ford car, more this
year than last year more
each year than the year before. They
have every right to. The experience
gained in building 25,000,000 cars en
ables Ford to produce today a really
superb motor car at a really low price
with the Beauty, Comfort, Safety
and Performance of much more ex
pensive cars.
The 1937 Ford V-8 combines ad
vanced design, all-steel construction,
extra body room, and brilliant brakes
with a choice of two V-type 8-cylin-der
engines the most modern type
of power-plant on land, sea, or in
the air.
The 85-horscpower engine provides
top performance with unusually good
economy for its high power.
The 60-horsepower engine gives
good performance with the greatest
gasoline mileage ever built into a Ford
car and wears the lowest Ford
tag in years.
People expect more of a Ford car
because it's a Ford and they get
more, for the same reason. It
IJjfyOj) " undeniably the quality car
in the low-price field.