PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 1937. LEGISLATIVE HIGHLIGHTS By A. L. LINDBECK. Salem. Old age pensions continue a major source of worry for the Ore- . gon legislators as the session grinds on toward the end of the 40-day per iod for which the lawmakers can draw their $3 per diem. Governor Martin's budget makes provision for pensions only to needy persons 70 years of age or over. There is, however, much sentiment, especially among House members, favorable to reducing the age re quirement to 65 years. This would increase the cost to the state and the several counties by more than $3. 400,000 for the biennium. Savings resulting through removal of the needy aged from direct relief would amount to approximately $1,000,000 tor the biennium. i This would still leave a net increase of $2,400,000 in the relief-pension burden. One-half ot this increase, or approximately $1,200,000, would fall on the state. The other half would be borne by the counties. Without additional rev enue than that now available, such a program would plunge the state deeply into the "red." Several di-o posals for new revenues to cover pension needs are also before the session, including an increase in in come tax rates, taxes on fuel oils etc. But Governor Martin has warned against new tax laws as well as against any deficit in the eenern fund and any measure involving either of these programs would prob ably encounter his veto. The House, stronelv nro-Town send in its sentiments, might pass a bill reducing the age requirement in spite of its financial asoect in ful fillment of the pre-election promises of many of its members. The Sen ate, however, more conservative in its make-up, could be expected to block any such program or at least to uphold the governor's veto if it should reach that point As a compromise it is now being proposed that this session content it self with reducing the age of pension beneficiaries to 68 years with a grad ual reduction to the 65 year mini mum effective January 1, 1940, when this provision will be necessary in order to conform to the federal requirements. A bill by Senator Balentine which would have made the school super intendents in Hood River, Lincoln, Crook and Klamath counties elective was defeated in the senate Saturday. These four counties operate under the county unit system of school ad ministration and under the present system the superintendent of schools is employed by the school board whose members are elected by the voters ot the county. It now appears as though the vot ers ot Uregon would have to pass on the milk control act regardless of what the legislature might do about that problem. C. A. Townsend of Portland is understood to be head ing a movement to refer to the peo ple an amendment to the milk con trol act which would take from the control board the authority to fix tne retail price of milk. The State Fair, Pacific Internation al Livestock Exposition and state association of county fairs are lined up in opposition to the. proposal to increase the state's "take" from pari mutuel betting and let in a number of additional fairs and rodeos on the "cut." The proposal was originally made by the Portland Rose Show which wants to be cut in on the spoils to the extent of $10,000 a year. In order to make the "pot" big enough to go around it is proposed that the state take five percent out of the bets placed on dog and horse races instead of the present two and one-half percent. The Astoria Re gatta, Lakeview Round-Up and Red mond Potato Show have joined in the demand for a share of the spoils and it is understood that others are willing to participate including the Independence Hop Fiesta, Molalla Buckaroo, Siletz Rodeo and Taft Red-head Round-Up. Present bene ficiaries of the betting money, how ever, are fearful that if the state's "take" is increased it will discourage betting. First 1 936 AAA Money Sent- Out to Counties Checks for the benefit payments earned under the 1936 agricultural conservation program are now being mailed daily from the branch dis bursing office in Portland and will probably continue for a couple of months, according to N. C. Donald son, secretary of the state AAA com mittee in charge of the state office at Oregon State college. The first checks, totalling more than $70,000, went to 233 farmers in Sherman and Baker counties. They varied in amount according to the acres diverted from soil depleting to soil building crops and the extent of soil building practices carried on last season. Through a coincidence, the first checks were distributed the same week that the first communi ty meetings to organize for the 1937 program were called. The state office at Corvallis has been busy since the close of last years cropping season carrying on the detailed clerical work that is re quired where federal payments are involved. Every application has been closely checked with the re port of compliance and with all data concerning the farms involved. At that payment was greatlv speeded up compared with former years be cause of a branch of the general ac counting office which was estab lished at Corvallis to audit the claims which were then turned over to the branch disbursing office in Portland hereby avoiding the lone delav when claims were handled through Wash ington, D. C. Three Oregon men were invited bv - .. Secretary Wallace to go to Wash ington, D. C, to take Dart in the na tional farm leaders' conference called early in February to consider and make recommendations concerning an ever-normal granarv plan and other proposals and policies affect ing agriculture. The men invited from Oregon to take part are Ray W. Gill. Portland. master of the Oregon State grange; William H. Steen, Pendleton, mem ber of the state AAA committee; and A. R. Shumway, Milton, head of the Worth Pacific Grain Growers' cooperative. The American Federation of Labor has its headquarters in the A. F. of L. building, Washington, D. C. Much County, State Land Off Tax Rolls Tax reverted lands in Oregon now compose 1,195,675 acres, valued at the time of foreclosure at $12,475,024, it was revealed in a report iust com pleted by the Oregon State Planning board, entitled "Statistics of Tax Reverted Lands in Oregon." The information, which includes complete details on tax reverted lands tor every county in the state, was compiled for the special com mittee on timber taxation, appoint ed by Governor Martin in 1936. The data formed the basis for legislative recommendations made by this group. Material for the report was gathered by N. S. Rogers, of the state tax commission, and J. E. Bad- ley and Warren P. Smith of the planning board s research staff. Reverted lands now total 2.95 ner . . i cent of the total rural area of Ore gon, the report shows. The ratio of privately owned lands to the tax- reverted area is approximately 14 to one. Tax reverted lands in Morrow county total 70,500.27 acres and 1,032 city" lots. The total assessed value of this property is $180,820. Charges against the property total $28,581.72. Of the total value of $12,475,024 of tax reverted lands in Oregon, rural real estate is valued at $8,684,134. nn average assessed valuation of $4.84 per acre. The total assessed valua tion of city lots amounted to $3.790.. 890, an average of $24.65 per lot. ihe total taxes, penalty, interest and other costs due the counties on the rural lands at the time of for.. closure amounted to $3,558,705, an average of $1.98 per acre. The total of taxes, penalty, interest and other charges standing against the city lots at the time of foreclosure amounted to $3,592,669, an average of $23.36 per lot. The grand total of delinquent taxes, penalty, interest and other costs resting against all these tav reverted lands as of time of foreeln. sure is approximately $7,151,374. J. here is not yet any adequate ciassmcation of the rural acreage, the report points out, but estimating from the data which could be se cured, it was found that approxi mately 19,987 acres had at one time been assessed as tillable. About 326, 054 acres contain timber of mer chantable quality, and 116,178 acres are listed under reforestation. Of the remaining acreage listed as non tillable, there is doubtless a large area which is unsuitable for agricul tural use or for otherwise returning to private ownership, says the re port. Bridge Souvenir Coins Available Silver half dollars, minted to com memorate the completion of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge, can be secured this week at The First National Bank of Portland and may be ordered through any branch of this bank. The coins sell for $1.50. Only 100,000 were minted and all unsold by February 15 will be re turned for re-melting. Jacques Schneider, famous young California sculptor, designed the coin with the grizzley bear, emblem of California, on one side and on the other the great bridge, which opened last November and is reputed to be the longest bridge in the world. Minting of the commemorative coin was authorized by Congress in a bill introduced by Senator Hiram W. Johnson of California and was ap proved by President Roosevelt on June 6, 1936. State Owned Radios Help During Big Snow Corvallis. Both KOAC and the short-wave station , operated by the physics department at Oregon State college were active during the re cent snow storm which disrupted other forms of communication and traffic throughout western Oregon. In accordance with the amateur station rules an operator stood by on the short wave set throughout the critical period of the storm and re layed messages to localities otherwise isolated. Press reports were taken by short wave and rebroadcast over KOAC and turned over to local newspapers. A message relayed by the local station, operated by E. A. Yunker, was the first to get into Eugene after wire communication was down. KOAC broadcast all news that could be obtained for the benefit of those otherwise out of touch with the world, sent out pleas from the bureau of biological survey for help in feeding game and song birds, and kept all listerners informed as to the progress of opening roads and highways. Linn 4-H Work Grows Fast. Albany The enrollment in 4-H club work in Linn county has grown from 51 boys and girls in 1920 to 1,114 in 1936, records in the office of County Agent F. C. Mullen show. Oscar Mikesell is now 4-H club agent in Linn county. LEGISLATURE SHORTS The measure intended to close all coast streams except the Columbia to commercial fishing has been def initely postponed by the senate. The fishing committee disapproved it. There will be no coloring matter in sausage permitted in Oregon, if the senate approves a bill adopted by the house. Tenants must still give 30 days notice to landlords that they are giv ing up their tenancy. The house has killed by indefinite postponement a measure to cut the time to 10 days. House joint memorial No. 2, pe titioning congress to provide for amortization of land bank commis sioner loans over longer periods of years and at reduced interest rates, has been approved by the senate. PORTLAND MARKET. Termination of the Pacific coasf s longest maritime strike had a ten dency early this week to bolster market prices and demand. Abnor mal weather conditions had some thing to do with prices, but move ment was the controlling factor. Meat prices were firm with fancy veal selling at 15 and 16 cents. Fancy block hogs moved at 14 cents and lambs at 15. Poultry was ac cepted by the urban housewife as the best buy in meats. The butter market was firm and a good shipping demand noted for 90 and 91 score. All grades of eggs declined one cent. Prunes lead the fruit market. Give G. T. Want Ads a trial. A RARE OFFER TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS FIVE MAGAZINES and The Heppner Gazette Times Here's What You Get! 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