Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 28, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Eastern Oregon Wheat League
rt and Recommendations of the
Production, Handling and Mar
keting Committee
Heppner, Oregon, December 4-5, 1936
Oregon is far in the lead in stand
ardization upon better wheat varie
ties. We believe that we are grow
ing some inferior and low producing
ones to our disadvantage. Our han
dling, storage, and marketing prob
lems will be simplified and our prof
its increased by eliminating some of
them and standardizing on a few
of the better ones. Forty Fold and
Red Hybrid seem to have few if any
advantages for eastern Oregon, and
under present marketing conditions
Hybrid 128 is outliving its useful
ness. We recommend the replacement of
ordinary varieties of Turkey and the
Ridit with the smut resisting Oro and
Rio. Soft Federation is an out
standing wheat where winter killing
is not serious. Where there is dan
ger of winter killing or serious smut
ting we recommend serious consider
ation of replacement of both Feder
ation and Albit with the new smut
resisting variety of Rex. For light
er and dryer soils we recommend
White Federation for spring plant
ing. Soft Federation is best on aver
age soils. Attention is called to two
new and outstanding varieties test
ed at the Eastern Oregon Branch Ex
periment station at Union. The For
ty Fold-Hybrid 128 cross is a stiff
strawed upstanding wheat topping
the yields of winter wheats that are
suited to the better rainfall and
heavier soil sections in northeastern
Oregon. The new Union wheat has
outyielded all spring varieties in this
same region, even exceeding Feder
ation by 20 prcent. It is probably
not suited to the lighter rainfall
areas or the early frost sections as it
is a few days later in maturing than
We particularly urge the use of
the smut-resisting varieties in those
areas where smut control is difficult.
Good seed free from damage and
disease is essential to success. Bro
ken or cracked seed is a waste and
does not produce good stands in the
fields. Dangerous weeds, like morn
ing glory, fan weed and cockle have
become distributed widely through
seed supplies.
We recommend greater care in
threshing seed wheat to avoid crack
ing and injuring the grain. Cylinder
adjustment to eliminate play, use of
fewer concaves and sharp cornered
grate bars, and adjustment of grain
augers will do much to correct this
All seed wheat should be thor
oughly cleaned to eliminate weed
seeds, dockage and cracked grain
and smut balls and to provide only
sound well filled seed for planting.
Smut is probably the most ser
ious source of loss in the produc
tion and marketing of the Oregon
wheat crop. It causes most serious
yield losses, creates a bad explosion
hazard in threshers and elevators
and brings discounts and dockages
all out of proportion to the amount
present. The only way to beat the
smut discount and dockage racket
seems to be to take greater pains and
to organize methods of complete
smut elimination.
From 15 to 69 per cent of the
wheat reaching Portland grades
smutty. Certain of the dusts used
in seed treatment have not always
been effective at normal rates, and
when used in sufficient quantities to
control the smut have been too ex
Research investigations at the Ore
gon Experiment Stations by the U.
S. Bureau of Plant Industry, Division
of Cereal Crops and Diseases, has
proved that certain new dust treat
ments properly used make effective
control and that there is no occasion
to return to the old wet treatments
with the general loss of stand re
sulting from seed injury.
We recommend the use of smut
resistant varieties and seed as free
from smut as possible.
, We recommend that all seed wheat
whether smut resistant or not, be
treated preferably with New Im
proved Ceresan, Basic Copper Sul
fate, or as a third choice, Copper
Carbonate; and that in the case of
Basic Copper Sulfate or the Copper
Carbonate that only brands contain
ing in excess of 50 per cent copper
be used. Low grade copper com
pounds are not recommended.
Directions for using New Improved
Ceresan and Basic Copper Sulfate
should be secured from the county
The following summarizes infor
mation on these three dusts:
Summary of Data on Control of
Stinking Smut of Wheat by Seed
Treatment in Oregon
Relative effectiveness? New Improv
ed Ceresan: Very good; Basic Cop
per Sulfate: Very good; Copper
Carbonate, 50 Copper: Fair to
very good.
Cost in materials per bu. New Im
proved Ceresan, Vzc to 3c; Basic
Copper Sulfate, 2c (2-2c); Cop
per Carbonate, 50 Copper, 334-5c,
Rate of application in ounces per
1. Winter wheat: In the more moist
parts of northeastern Oregon or
where the grain is very smutty
Ceresan, 1 oz.; Copper Sulfate,
2 oz.; Copper Carbonate, 4 oz.
In Gilliam, Morrow, Sherman,
Wasco counties and central Or
egon or where the grain is com
paratively clean Ceresan Vz oz.;
Copper Sulfate 2 oz.; Copper
Carbonate oz.
2. Spring - sown wheat Ceresan
Vz oz., Copper Sulfate 2 oz.,
Copper Carbonate 2 oz.
3. Barley smut Ceresan -l oz.,
Copper Sulfate ?, Copper Car
bonate No.
Effect of treatment on the treater-
operator? Ceresan, Slight head
aches; Copper Sulfate, Slight nau
sea; Copper Carbonate, Severe
Effect on the driller? Cersan, None;
Copper Sulfate, Slight; Copper
Carbonate, Fogging with resultant
Effectiveness on grain emerging in
cold, wet, late fall weather? Cere
san, Less effective; Copper Sulfate,
Fairly effective; Copper Carbon
ate, Ineffective.
Equipment needed Ceresan, 1. Ac
curate ratchet control on rotary
treater, (2) Gravity treaters (less
desirable); Copper Sulfate, Stand
ard rotary treater; Copper Carbon
ate, Standard rotary treater.
Length of safe storage period after
treatment? Ceresan (10 days
(several months with some injury) ;
Copper Sulfate, 1 year; Copper
Carbonate, 1 year.
Best length of time after treatment
and before sowing? Ceresan, 2-3
days; Copper Sulfate, Seed at con
venience; Copper Carbonate, Seed
at convemence.
The improved Ceresan treatment
appears best for barley and oats. It
is important not to use too strong a
treatment as germination may be
Trashy summer fallow now being
widely recommended for erosion
control does not differ in fundament
al principle from the moisture and
nitrate-saving methods of fallowing
recommended for years by our ex
periment stations. It should be em
phasized that the trashy fallow
should be just as free from weeds,
and that the cultural operations
should be done just as early in the
spring as in the methods which have
long been used so effectively. The
need for the maintenance of soil
nitrates and the conservation of soil
moisture is just as great as ever.
These still depend upon early plow
ing and prevention of weed growth.
Formerly it was necessary to turn
the stubble and straw under so that
cultivation could be done above it.
With the trashy fallow, cultivation is
below the straw and stubble which
is incorporated in the surface layer.
The use of the straw spreader on the
combine prevents the troublesome
straw rows and makes possible the
return of more organic matter to the
soil under this plan, prevents runoff
and causes more moisture to pene
trate the soil during the winter
months. The development of new
and improved machinery has made
this possible.
The use of new type implements
and new methods has also intro
duced new problems. The produc
tion of a good trashy fallow is in
fluenced by the depth of disking, the
amount of straw and stubble on the
surface, the texture of the soil, and
the size of the disk. In general, the
disking should be as shallow as pos
sible so that the rod weeder may
work under the trash rather than
through it. Shallow disking lowers
the cost of seed bed preparation in
addition to making cultivation easier.
The furrow drill offers some pos
sibilities on light soils and in dry
sections where the slopes are not
too steep. Following the trashy fal
low, stands can often be obtained
earlier in the fall on less rainfall
than by other methods. It now ap
pears that there is less danger of
winter killing of wheat sowed with
the furrow drill or on a trashy fal
low. The proper use of the one-way
disk, the shallow trashy fallow, and
other improved equipment and
methods often make possible sub
stantial savings in production costs.
They may, therefore, be the means
of successful wheat production in
some of the low-yielding, less prof
itable regions.
Field mice and other rodents, wire
worms, and other insect pests are
serious problems, reducing yields
and increasing production costs. We
urge state and county cooperation,
more research in the control of these
pests, and organization of the forces
of the Extension Service, Experiment
Station, Biological Survey, and the
Bureau of Entomology in the control
of outbreaks and in educational work
to prevent losses of crop.
We recognize that the production
of wheat in Oregon and the Pacific
Northwest is far in excess of local
and Pacific coast needs and that
drouth conditions and short crops
east of the Rockies are primarily re
sponsible for present demand.
It appears that since foreign de
mand is not certain or dependable
we, as a state, should look forward
to adjustment of our agricultural
program, to grow less wheat and
more of other feed or cash crops for
which there may be a demand. We
urge every possible diversion from
wheat for market on present wheat
farms to other crops. We further
urge growers in irrigated and heav-
rainfall areas to change from
and Baker counties, and relieve some
of the wheat acreage. A steady de
mand exists in Portland for flax and
other oil seeds at Chicago or Du
luth prices with no freight differen
tial as in the case of wheat
"A state committee on revision of
the Oregon warehouse law was ap
pointed and authorized to cooperate
with similar committees representing
the states of Washington and Idaho.
This committee has met several times
and seems unable to reach effective
agreement on much except the need
for a uniform, warehouse receipt.
We feel:
(a) That the present Oregon ware
house law and its facilities for en
forcement do not afford adequate
protection to depositors of grain, and
(b) That the present form of the
proposed bill in the hands of the
State Department of Agriculture is
also complicated, confusing, inade
quate, and in need of substantial revision.
We therefore recommend the
strengthening of the Oregon ware
house law along lines providing for:
(1) Licensing of all warehouse
handling and storing grain and for
the cancellation of licenses for cause.
(2) Bonding individually or col
lectively to afford adequate and con
tinuous protection for the depositor.
(3) Inspection and checking of
state licensed warehouses.
(4) Uniform warehouse receipts
with definite specifications described
in the law to be issued to warehouses
by the State Department of Agricul
ture. (5) Waiving of bonding require
ments for municipal or state owned
and operated warehouses.
(6) Waiving of bonding and in
spection requirements for ware
houses federally licensed for han
dling grain.
(7) Authorizing the Director of
Agriculture to establish fees within
certain limits and collect same for
carrying out the provisions of the
(8) Issuance and cancellation of
official receipts under rules and reg
ulations of the Director of Agricul
ture. (9) Access to grain in the ware
house and prompt delivery of all
grain upon presentation of receipts
by the owner.
(10) Keeping of records accept
able to the State Department of Ag
riculture. (11) Authorizing the Director of
the State Department of Agriculture
to make and enforce rules and reg-
Continued on Page Seven
When you buy Insurance, do you
know the company or only the
We have in our files the Insur
ance Commissioner's reports on
all companies. Get information
without obligation.
A. Q. THOMSON, Phone 202
wheat to other crops for which such
regions may be better adapted and
thus secure a better utilization of
land resources of Oregon.
We recommend careful study of
feeding of wheat to livestock, both
by growers of wheat and feeders of
hogs, sheep, and cattle.
Present prices, as well as experi
mental results, indicate better re
turns for the wheat fed to livestock
than sold as a cash crop.
We recommend seeding of more
marginal and scab land and eroding
areas to crested wheat grass, bulbous
blue grass and other permanent
grasses. We also recommend the
use of Ladak alfalfa and sweet clo
ver and other permanent meadow
and hay plants on some of the lower
areas subject to washing and where
wheat tends 'to lodge.
We recommend diversion of wheat
land adjacent to suitable canning
factories to canning pea. production,
the pea crop to be followed by spring
grain. Where canning peas are
grown, we recommend that no peas
be grown for seed in order to pre
vent the increase of pea weevils.
We call attention of wheat grow
ers to the possibilities of growing
canning peas for seed in areas where
no green pea production for canning
is contemplated.
Very successful flax seed produc
tion has been proved at the Eastern
Oregon branch experiment station at
Union. We believe more flax seed i
might be grown in Wallowa, Union
TD-35 Diesel Trac-Tractor
An economical tractor at an
amazingly low price.
showing the latest developments
in the manufacture of up-to-date
farm machinery.
Designed to prevent soil erosion
and also to retain sqil moisture.
Lexington, Ore.
SAT., Jan. 3037
10:00 A. M.
Jackson Implement Co.
Dealers for