HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1937, PAGE SEVEN Mr. Stork Leads Life's Race for First Half of Year 15 Couples Licensed In County, '36, 8 Divorces Granted. Births exceeded deaths by seven in Morrow county for the first six months of 1936, the only period for which records are at present avail able at the courthouse. Records for the last six months are still in the hands of the state health department and have not yet arrived for filing. In the January to July period, births numbered 31, deaths 24. Dan Cupid prevailed upon only 15 couples to obtain marriage licenses in Morrow county in the year, while eight couples were granted freedom from the ties of matrimony here. Contrary to accepted custom, June dropped out of the marital picture entirely, with no licenses issued in that month. MARRIAGES Marriage licenses issued by months were: January, Camilla Kilkenny and James Monahan; February, Ha zel Lorraine Hiatt and Philip Wil liam Mahoney; March, Marian Good and Jerry Brosnan; April, Helen May Christenson and Chester Allen Brown, Verna Helzer and George Legler; May, Roberta Ann Thomp son and Earle A. Bryant; July, El eanor Anne Hemrich and Edmond Edward Gonty; August, Valda E. Davenport and Glen B. Griffith, Ce celia M. Leick and Franklin Edward -Mason; September, Frances J. Troed son and Foster A. Odom, Jessica Winifred Thompson and William Lee Cox; October, Edna Elnora Piatt and Lee Vernon Pearson, Jane M. Simas and James Otis Allstott; December, Genevieve Morgan and Leon M. To torica, Vi Rae LaFore and Glen Rust. DIVORCES Decrees of divorce for the year were Rose V. from E. L. Kirk, Law rence W. from Sophrona Compton, Mary from Ernest Smith, Gorgia V. from Ross C. Langdon, Helen J. from George J. Salkald, Joseph W. from Jennie Sibley, Iris L. from Elmer D. Slavens, Gladys from Earl Sa ling. BIRTHS The following births were record ed up to July 1, date of birth pre ceding each name: Jan. 9, Beth Rhoine to Rho Fran cis and Louise Naomi Bleakman. Jan. 13, Girl to Alonzo Marion and Elizabeth Edwards, stillborn. Jan. 15, Barbara Lynn to Oral Clinton and Marjorie Louise Wright. Jan. 17, Leola Jane to Leo Edward and Ruth Jane Gorger. Jan. 27, Shirley Ann to Everett Oscar and Helen Marie Keithley. Jan. 24, Janet Adellie to Don God frey and Alva Janet Mason. Jan. 31, Virginia Catherine to Wal ter and Matilda Jepson. Feb. 1, Wilbur Francis to Wilbur Chas. and Lucy Marie Steagall. Feb. 6, Stacy Rae to Alfred Laur ence and Roxie Jane Lovgren. Feb. 10, John Otho to Alford John and Elsie Lovana Caldera. Feb. 22, Son to Harold Homer and Julia Mae Hill. March 3, Louise Ann to Angus Miller and Agnes Johon Huston. March 9, Beverly Jean to Millard Vern and Jean Irene Nolan. March 17, Frances Mae and Eliza beth Anne, twins, to Arthur Emitt and Frances Hazel Botts. March 17, Patricia Anne to Wm. Robert and Madge Thelma Reynolds, March 19, David Allen to Roland Allen and Vivian Lee Bean. March 11, Daisy Sharon to Harold Lee and Ruby Darlene Beckett. March 22, Julia Kay to Adrano Cummings and Una Mae Crowell. April 2, Marvelle Ilene to Marvin and Rosana Hazel Brown. April 8, Colleen Ann to Jas. Mc Namee and Loretta Ann Hollahan. April 14, Wildra Rene to J. J. and Eva Elsine Griffith. April 24, Allan Clair to Lloyd Cru sen and Vivian Victorina Aldrich. I May 5, John JDean to John Ward and Dorrts' Lorene Clraves:"i'i'- May 12, Son to Eugene Debs and Merle Oleta Wardwell. May 16, Violet Marie to Gilman Nathan and Myrtle Pauline Dolven. May 22, Jo Ann to Arthur Wm. and Elizabeth Ellen Alderman. May 17, Virginia Louise to R. D. and Dolly Augusta Allstott. June 1, Berdine Moline to Burvin Jos. and Elna Reta Corbin. June 20, Ralph Neill to Guy Ralph and Mary LeVonn Beamer. June 25, Asa Lee- to Daniel Jos. and Iva Elsa Way. DEATHS Feb. 4, Robert Lloyd Peck, 2 mo. 10 da. Feb. 7, Ronald John Swanson, 1 mo. 2 da. Feb. 11, Theodore Anderson, 68 yr. 3 mo. 2 da. Feb. 22, Eliza Crosby, 76 yr. 3 mo. 28 da. March 15, Shirley Ball, 7 yr. 6 mo. 3 da. March 18, Frances May Botts, 36 hours. March 23, John T. McCurry, 75 yr. 1 mo. 1 da. March 25,' John Molven Humph reys, 81 yr. 1 mo. 15 da. March 21, Harmon Montgomery, 74 yr. March 3, Lester Maurice McMil lan, 17 yr. 8 mo. 25 da. April 9, Olaf Bergstrom, 82 yr 10 mo. April 11, Sam Hughes, 81 yr. 2 mo. 12 da. April 15, Thomas E. Haslett, 69 yr. April 25, Rubina Florence Cris man, 43 yr, 6 mo. 21 da. April 26, William Patrick Mahon ey, 66 yr, 2 mo. 25 da. April 30, Henry Scultuck Crump, 54 yr. 11 mo. 3 da. April 30, Nels Magnus Johnson, 64 yr. 8 mo. 14 da. May 6, Edith Leulling Hastings, 69 yr. 1 mo. 14 da. May 12, Anson Evans Wright, 76 yr. 3 mo. 2 da. May 21, Adeline Howell, 92 yr. 3 mo. 8 da. June 5, Albert William Osmin, 77 yr. 1 mo. 19 da. June 17, Sadie Lewis, 80 yr. 5 mo. 12 da. June 18, Frank E. Mason, 65 yr. 1 mo. 1 da. June 22, James H. Helms, 73 yr. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 11, 1937. Pursuant to the provis ions of Rules for Administration of Grazing Districts approved March 2, 1936, by the Secretary of the Interior, and in compliance with the request of the Division of Grazing, notice is hereby given that an election 01 district advis ors for Oregon Grazing District No. 7, which has been established under the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269), as amended June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1976), commonly known as the Taylor Grazing Act, will take place at 10 a. m. Saturday, January 30, lysv, at Heppner, Oregon. Ballot boxes will be open Horn 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. and as much longer as may be necessary to permit qualified electors present at 6 p. m. to deposit their bal lots. W. F. JACKSON, Register. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'S SALE OF BEAL FBOFEBTY ON EXECUTION. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out 01 the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County on the 13th day of January, 1937, pur suant to a decree and order of sale duly issued out of said court on the 9th day of January, 1937, in a certain suit in said court wherein State of Oregon, a public corporation, plaintiff, recovered judgment against Alice Cochran, a widow, and Charles E. Cochran, a sin gle man, defendants, for the sum of $616.37, with interest thereon from the 30th day of July, 1933, at the rate of four per cent per annum, ttie farther sum of $80.00, attorney's fees, and S8.55, costs and disbursements, and directing me to sell the following described real property, to-wit: Lots five (5) and six (6) of Block one (1) Cluff's Fifth Addition to the town of lone, Morrow County, Oregon. Now, in obedience to said execution, I will on Saturday, the 13th day of Feb ruary, 1937, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day at the front door ot the Court House at Heppner, Oregon sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash all ot the above des cribed real property and apply the pro ceeds thereof in payment of eaid judg ment and accruing costs of sale. Dated and first published this 14th day of January, 1937. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'S SALE OF BEAL FBOFEBTY ON EXECUTION, Notice is hereby Riven that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, on the 13th day of Janu ary, 1937, in a certain suit in said court wherein state 01 Oregon, a public cor poration, was plaintiff and Minnie A, Cochran, a widow, also known as Alice Cochran, Charles E. Cochran, a single man. also known as Elmer Cochran, Walter Cochran, a single man, George Cochran, a single man, juunice JelKlns, and Emmons Jelkins, her husband, and Venice Ahalt and Harold Ahalt, her husband, were defendants, and in which suit plaintiff recovered judgment for the sum of $159.76, with interest from the 3rd day of May, 1936, at the rate of four per cent per annum, 'the Bum -of $au.uu, attorney a iee ana ws.ou cesi ana rilshursptnpnf.q ftnri which lildement find decree la dated January 9th, 1937, and directing me"te mil ine rouowing des cribed real property, to-wit: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) in Block three (3) in the town of lone, Morrow County, Oregon. Now, In obedience to said execution and order of sale, I will on the 13th day of February, 1937, at the hour of 10:15 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, sell the above des cribed real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of said judgment and accruing cost of sale. Dated and first published this 14th day of January, 1937. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. NOTICE OF ADMINISTBATOB'S SALE OF BE Ala FBOFEBTY. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle Rector LaRoche, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the Estate of Myrtle Rector LaRoche, deceased, will, on and after the 15th day of Jan uary, 1937, offer for sale, and sell the 1-10 interest of the said estate in and to the following described real prop erty, situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: SWA of NEi, SE 14 of NW14, W of SE14, SVfVt of Section 17; E of Section 19; all of Section 20; of Section 29; N and SE14 of Sec tion 30; all in Township 2 South, Range 27 East of Willamette Me ridian; also, the SW'i of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 28 East of Willamette Meridian; at private sale for cash in hand, said sale to be held at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon. Dated this 17th day of December, 1936. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. First publication December 17, 1936. Last publication January 14, 1937. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor of the Estate of Mary A. Bartholomew, deceased, has filed his Final Account with the County court ol the State ol Oregon tor Mor row County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for settle ment of said account, Monday, the First day of February, 1937, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. in the court room of said court in Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said Final Account must file the same on or before said date. CHARLES H. BARTHOLOMEW, Executor of the Estate of Mary A. Bartholomew, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF BEAL FBOFEBTY. ' IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles Rector, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Charles Rector, deceased, will on and after the 15th day of January, 1937, oner ror sale ana sen the l-btn interest of the said estate in and to the following described real property situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: SW of NE14, SE Vi of NW, W14 of SE',4, SWy4 of Section 17; E of Section 19; all of Section 20; W of Section 29; N14 and SE14 of Sec tion 30; all in Township 2 South, Range 27 East of Willamette Me ridian ; also, the SW14 of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 28 East of Willamette Meridian; at private sale for cash in hand, said sale to be held at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon. Dated this 17th day 01 December. 1936. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. First publication December 17, 1936. Last publication January 14, 1937, NOTICE OF SHEBIFF'S SALE OF BEAL FBOFEBTY. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County this lbtn day ot December. 1936. upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said uourt this 15th day of December, 1936, in a suit pending there in in which Charles H. Bartholomew was plaintiff and E. O. Neill and Anne Neill, his wife; Ollie M. Neill; Chas. H. Latourell; L. F. Duvall; S. E. Notson, Trustee; Isabel F. Corrigall, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of M. S. Corrigall, deceased, and The First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges in said decree specified, I will on the 16th day of January, 1937, at the hour of iu:uu o ciock A. m. or said day at the front door of the County Court House in neppner, Morrow county. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as pro vided py law, an 01 me rignt. title and interest of the defendants in said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them since the 1st day of June, 1921, in or to the following described real property, to wn: The South Half of the South Half of Section 30 in Township 1 North Range 28 E. W. M. Dated this 16th day of December, C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. 41-45 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF BEAL FBOPEBTY. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Rector, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the Estate of Frank Rector, deceased, will, on and alter tne l&th dav of January. 1937 offer for sale and sell the l-5th interest or the said estate in and to the follow ing described real property, situated in morrow county, Oregon, to-wlt: SWVi of NE14, SE 14 of NW'i W of SE'i, SWIi of Section 17: EM, of Section 19; all of Section 20; WVi tr- oi becuon wtt and SJiitt ol Sec tion 30; all in Townnhip 2 South, Range ,27 Bast of Willamette Me-x ridianr also, the SW4 of Section 13, ' . Township. South Range 28 Bast " of Willamette Meridian; at private sale for cash in hand, said sale to be held at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon. Dated this 17th day of December, 1936. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. First publication December 17, 1936. Last publication January 14, 1937. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF BEAL FBOFEBT7. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of Martha McKennon and Dallas McKennon, Minors: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, guardian of the estates of Dallas and Martha McKennon, minors, will, on and after the 15th day of Jan uary, 1937, offer for sale and sell the l-48th interest of each of the estates of the said minors in and to the follow ing described land, situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: , SW14 of NE14. SE 14 of NW14, W of SE',4, SW14 of Section 17; E of Section 19; all of Section 20; W4 of Section 29; N and SE!4 of Sec tion 30; all in Township 2 South, Range 27 East of Willamette Me ridian; also, the SW14 of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 28 East of Willamette Meridian; at private sale for cash in hand, said sale to be held at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon. Dated this 17th day of December, 1936. J. O. TURNER, Guardian. First publication December 17, 1936. Last publication January 14, 1937. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE . INTERIOR. Serial No. 030469. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. Dec. 10, 1936. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W. H. Cleveland of Heppner, Oregon aid today maite application under the Act of Mar. 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465) to se lect the S SW14, Sec. 2, NW NW14, Sec. 11, T. 6 S., R. 25 E. W. M., and cer tain timber from portions of the SEV4, Sec. 9, T. 20 S., R. 4 E., W. M., Willam ette National Forest,' Oregon, in ex change for Lot 4, SWIi NW14, WVi SWIi, Sec. 1, NWIi NWy4, SWy4 NW'4, W SWIi, Sec. 12, E W, NE14. SE!4, Sec. 13, T. 6 S., R. 28 E., EijSWy4, Sec. 17, Lots 8, 9, 10, and 16, Sec. 19, T. 6 S., R. 29 E., W. M., Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, Serial 030469. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide ob jections to the exchange should file their protests on or before the 2nd day of February, 1937. W. F. JACKSON, Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. Zetta Brosnan, Plaintiff, vs. O. J. Franklin and Jane Doe Frank lin, husband and wife; The Un known Heirs of O. J. Franklin, de ceased; Robert S. Clark and Mary F. Clark, husband and wife; The Unknown Heirs of George B. Clark, deceased; Matthew E. Clark and Mary Roe Clark, husband and wife; The Unknown Heirs of Matthew E. Clark, deceased; Also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described in the amended complaint herein, Defendants. SUMMONS. TO: O. J. Franklin and Jane Doe Franklin, husband and wife; The Unknown Heirs of O. J. Franklin, deceased ; The Unknown Heirs of George B. Clark, deceased ; Matthew E. Clark and Mary Roe Clark, hus band and wife; The Unknown Heirs of Matthew E. Clark, deceased; and Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the amended complaint herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the amended com plaint filed against you in the above en titled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons and lr you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the said Court tor relier as prayed ror in the said amended complaint, to-wlt: for a decree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property: Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter, West Half of Northwest Quarter and Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section 19, ALSO, commencing at the NE cor ner of the SE14NE14, Sec. 32, Twp. 2 S. R. 29 E. W. M., running thence S. 34 deg. 00 min. West 42 rods 4 and 7-12 feet to a point 35 rods south of the North line of said SENEIi, Sec. 32, thence north westerly to the NW corner of the SW'ANEIi of said Sec. 32, thence E. 160 rods to the place of begin ning, containing 17 acres more or less. All in Township 2 South, Range 29 E. W. M. And that the plaintiff is the owner in tee simple 01 tne said land tree or any right, title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you and that you or any one 01 you nave no rignt, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land or any part thereof and perpetually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your' neirs ana assigns, rrom as serting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land or any part thereof, adverse to plain tiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, by order of Honorable Calvin L. Sweek, Judge of this court, which said order was made and entered the 15th day of December, 1936, and the first date of this publication is the 17th day or December, r.ub. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofflce Address: Heppner, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, ,,a corporation, -' v J Plaintiff, "i - - vs. Harvie E." Young and Gladys Cox !. Si Young, husband and wife; R. R. t McHaley, Trustee; Estate of James i 5,:H. McHaley, deceased; R. R. Mc- J Haley, Admisistrator de bonis non i '-of the estate of James H. McHaley,"'' deceased; V. C. Belknap and Annie Belknap, husband and wife; Rod erick R. Belknap and Jane Doe Belknap, husband and wife; Virgil V. Belknap and Mary Roe Belknap, husband and wife; Janis A. Belknap and Sally Roe Belknap, husband and wife; Nettie Blinn and Earl Blinn, wife and husband; Dempsey Boyer and Nora Boyer, husband and wife; Lizzie Coates and J. E. Coates, wife and husband; J. H. Fell and Jane Doe Fell, husband and wife; George E. Fell and Mary J. Fell, husband and wife; George W. Gibson and Hettie Gibson, husband and wife; Adolph Gibson and Jane Doe Gib son, husband and wife; Rex Gib son and Mary Roe Gibson, husband and wife; Calvin G. Gibson and Musa E. Gibson, husband and wife; Mattie Huston, a widow, formerly Mattie Edmundson; Stella Miller, also known as Estella Miller and Thomas M. Miller, wife and hus band; Glen Miller and Jane Doe Miller, husband and wife; Zelda MrHalou a aincrla wnman T? I r n TP McHaley and Elizabeth A. McHaley, husband and wife; Rodney McHaley and Nelle McHaley, husband and wife; G. V. McHaley, same person as Volney McHaley and Nevada McHaley, husband and wife; Ruth O'Neil and Wm. O'Neil, wife and husband; Pearl Peery, same per son as Pearl Peary and Edward Peery, wife and husband; Edria Poti, formerly Edris Peery, end William Poti, wife and husband; Adeline Pierce, same person as De lila Adeline Pierce, and Benjamin Pierce, wife and husband; Francis Putnam, same person as Frankie Putnam and Irvin E. Putnam, wife and husband; Annie Wood, same person as Anna Wood and Wells W. Wood, wife and husband; The un known heirs of Mary D. McHaley, deceased; The unknown heirs of Clara Belknap, deceased; The un known heirs of Amie McHaley, de ceased; The unknown heirs of Inez Fell, deceased; The unknown heirs of D. E. Gilman, deceased; The un known heirs of Bertha O. Gilman, deceased; the United States of America; J. L. Gault, as Receiver of The First National Bank of Heppner, an insolvent National Banking corporation; F. M. Miller; Fred H. Deshon and Fred Rood, as executors of the last will and testament of Fannie O. Rood, de ceased; lone National Farm Loan Association, a corporation; Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate des cribed in the complaint herein, Defendants. SUMMONS. TO: V. C. Belknap; Virgil V. Belknap and Mary Koe selKnap, nusband and wife; Zclda McHaley; Edris Poti and William Poti, wife and hus band ; The unknown heirs of Mary D. McHaley, deceased; The un known heirs of Clara Belknap, de ceased; The unknown heirs of Amie McHaley, deceased; The unknown heirs of Inez Fell, deceased; The unknown heirs of D. E. Gilman, de ceased; The unknown heirs of Ber tha O. Gilman, deceased; and Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, ttile, es tate or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and ir you tali to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in its complaint as follows, to-wit: For a decree ordering that the sum of $475.00, being the par value of ninety-nve snares o stock in The Fed eral Land Bank of Spokane, pledged by the lone National Farm Loan Associa tion as additional security tor the loan made by the plaintiff herein, be applied to the payment of the amount secured by plaintiff's mortgage; and that the plaintiff have judgment against Harvie Ji;. young and Gladys Cox Young, hus band and wife; R. R. McHaley, Trustee, and the Estate of James H. McHaley, deceased, and against each of them, for the balance then remaining unpaid of said indebtedness, to-wit: The sum of $10,504.92, with interest at B'a per cent l't;i duiiuiii uii fuuoi.11 luci cui 11 um July 15, 1936 until paid, and with in terest at 5 per cent per annum on $3697.90 thereof from July 15, 1936 un til paid, and for the further sum of $500.00, or such other sum as the Court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees herein, together with plaintiff's costs and disbursments; that the mort gage described in plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed and the mortgaged prem ises be sold in one parcel in the man ner prescribed by the laws of the State of Oregon and the practice of this Court; that the proceeds thereof be ap plied towards the payment of plaintiff's decree, costs and accruing costs; that at said sale plaintiff be permitted to become a purchaser; that plaintiff have a deficiency judgment against the de fendants Harvie E. Young and Gladys Cox Young, husband and wife; R. R. McHaley, Trustee, and the Estate of James H. McHaley, deceased, and agaist each of them, for any portion of said decree remaining unpaid; that the defendants above named, and each and all of them, be foreclosed and barred of all right, title, claim or interest in the premises described in plaintiff's mort gage except the right of redemption allowed y law, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as is meet and equitable. That the lands covered by the said mortgage which will be sold under fore closure are as follows, to-wit: The West Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty; the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion Twenty-nine and all of Section Thirty, all in Township Three South, Range Twenty-five, East of the Willamette Meridian and con taining 940 acres, and being situated in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, Together with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner, Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Calvin L. Sweck, Judge of this Court, which said order was entered the 15th day of De cember, 1936, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 17th day of Deoember, 1936." 1 1 11 - P. W. MAHONEY, ) Postofflce Address; Heppner, Oregon. One of the Attorneys for the Plain tiff. 41-45