Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 31, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00
Three Years 5.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months - .75
Single Copies - - .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Advance of Time.
tttITHIN a few hours 1936 will
VV have slipped hopelessly away.
and none may gainsay its events. At
midnight the new year will dawn,
and wrapped up in its cherubim fea
tures will be reflected all the hope
and ambitions of everyone every
where. The transition period brings
to mind again the passing of frus
trating moments, each of which
shortens the life of the individual;
and places renewed emphasis upon
the necessity for planning that the
moments of the new year may be
more fruitfully utilized ere they, too,
are beyond recall.
. ,
Nineteen thirty-six has seen some
individuals reach the apex of man's
highest ambitions, others to sink in
to the deepest depths of oblivion,
while between the extremes the hu
man race has experienced in varied
degrees all the feelings and emo
tions of which it is capable. About
the maelstrom's edges and upon its
surface at intervals have appeared
multitudinous faces and events,
some to be swept swiftly back in the
undertow while others were per
mitted to remain for longer inter
vals some, mayhap, indefinitely.
History will pay tribute to Frank
lin D. Roosevelt, the most popular
president of his country since Wash
ington, and to James Aloysius Far
ley, the keenest political-analytical
mind of the century. In its pages
will be reserved a place for another
historic love affair which shook a
nation yea, a world that of King
Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson.
It will mournfully relate the Span
ish revolution, the most heathenish
war of modern times.
The drama of 1936 is fraught with
incidents of strong emotion, of
clashes of wills, of shattering or real
ization of hopes and desires. It has
seen the strong grow stronger, the
weak become weaker, or vice versa,
as heredity and environment have
molded the course of each individ
ual. Man has faced misfortune and
disaster, and he has conquered or
succumbed. In some places he has
ignored the tools placed at his com
mand; in others, for want thereof,
he has created tools and gone ahead.
Throughout its course, however,
1936 has contributed but little to the
sum total of human knowledge. In
comparatively few places man has
made conquests and discoveries
which mark the frontiers of the fu
ture. But in these lie much of the
hope for 1937, for through them
man will expand and be provided
with the blood of life for life is
conquest, life is change.
Each individual has much power
to determine the course of conquest
and change within his own life, and
it is in the exercising of these pow
ers that he may find his share of
happiness. May it be the privilege
of this newspaper to record for ev
eryone within its field the greatest
share of happiness in 1937.
In High Place.
MORROW county may feel just
pride in her county school su
perintendent, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
who this week was given the high-
est position possible for state teach
ers to bestow, that of president of
Oregon State Teachers association.
Such an honor is not empty for it
carries the responsibility of guiding
the destinies for a year of a large
and effective organization. Neither
is the honor bestowed without show
of merit. In the state teachers fra
ternity are some of the best minds
in the state, and the association as a
whole represents the minds the peo
ple have chosen to guide the educa
tion of their children, in every case
the best obtainable. That Mrs. Rod-
gers has shown herself worthy of
leading this group is a high tribute
to her ability and intelligence.
Mrs. Rodgers is to be congratu
lated for proving herself capable of
the high position, and Morrow coun
ty may count herself fortunate in
having one so worthy at the head
of her schools.
Let's Pull Together.
T AST week Condon Globe-Times
JLtf editorialized in support of Hepp-
ner-Wasco secondary highway No
206 as an important road link which
ties up the county seats of Morrow,
Gilliam and Sherman counties, as
well as provides a shorter route to
market for produce of the Condon
section. The Condon paper's com
ment was immediately inspired by a
demand of farmers in the Ferry can
yon and Ajax sections of Gilliam
Like the Gilliam farmers, residents
along this route in Morrow ' county
have made frequent demands for its
improvement. As cited by the Con
don paper, the distance from Hepp
ner to Condon over this route 'is 47
miles as against 100 miles over the
only improved road, that by way of
Improvement of the road would
shorten the distance from Condon to
Portland by 16 to 20 miles, it was
cited. Heppnerites could reach
Portland by this route at a saving of
some thirty miles. However, until
the road is brought somewhere near
to the standard of the Oregon-Wash'
ington and Columbia river highways
it is doubtful whether it would be
so much used by people here.
The immediate need is to provide
a good all-year market road over
the route. This would reflect bene
fits to all cities on the road, includ
ing Heppner, and therefore should
have wholehearted support here.
Latest word is that a project has
been outlined for completing the
grade and surfacing between Hepp
ner and Condon, and that this has
been approved by the state highway
commission and submitted to PWA
with hope that it can be made a fed
eral-aid project under the public
works act.
Now is a go dotime for all people
immediately interested to get to
gether and pull for the road's com
pletion. Hardman Students
To Present Play
Hardman high school will present
"Speed," a three-act farce comedy,
at the school auditorium Jan. 2, be
ginning at 7:30. Mrs. Marie Clary,
the high school teacher who has
given many fine plays at Hardman,
is directing the production.
The cast follows: Mrs. Emma Lam
bert, who runs "Barge Inn," Loes
Stevens; Emil Lambert, her charm
ing daughter, Pat Bleakman; Slim
Williams, who is in love with Enid,
Marvin Saddler; Idora Evans, who
is maid of all work at the inn, Fran
ces Inskeep; Harold Orr, a publicity
man, Donald Robison; Marlene Orr,
his wife who is given to exaggerat
ing, Opal Hastings; Miss Ivy Trask,
a guest at the inn, Delsie Bleakman;
Rollo Jones (Speed), who gets into
hot water and can't get out, Roland
Farrens; Zella Fiery of the Daily
Bugle, Dolly Farrens; Emery Jones,
who is accustomed to having his
own way, Raymond McDonald.
Come and laugh and dance after
wards at the I. O. O. F. hall to the
tunes of Harry Peterson's orchestra.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the kind Mends who as
sisted us at the time of our bereave
ment, and for the expressions of
sympathy. We especially thank the
Rebekahs for their thoughtful help.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Wyland,
Eppler Dickey.
Long awaited moisture in the form
of snow fell around lone the day af
ter Christmas. About two inches
here with a heavier blanket north
and west of the town makes every
one hope that more is just around
the corner. The ground was in ex
cellent condition to get the full bene
fit of what fell.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Padberg had
their sons Earl and Cecil of Port
land with them on Christmas day,
Clarence Linn of Vernonia spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Linn, returning to his work
immediately afterward.
Miss Virginia Griffith has been
quite ill at her home.
G. A. Yarnell and Mrs. Glen Yar
nell and her daughter and son, all
of Bickleton, Wash., spent Christ
mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H,
E. Yarnell.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. ' Rankin and
sons. Fred, Stewart and Marvin
spent last Sunday at the E. C. Heli
ker ranch.
At the meeting of Willows grange
last Saturday night at Cecil two res
olutions were approved, one asking
that 35 of the gasoline tax money
be used to improve roads used for
school bus and rural mail routes,
the other for agricultural and horti
cultural protection from strikes. .
J. O. Kincaid was recommended
for fire insurance agent for Wil
lows grange for 1937, and George
Krebs was apopinted chairman of
the agricultural committee for the
coming year.
A program of Christmas carols,
musical numbers, tableaux and read
ings was given after which Sana
Claus arrived and entertained the
little ones while his helpers distrib
uted treats to all.
An officers' round table confer
ence will be held at the Cecil hallj
on New Year's eve, about 8 o'clock.
Following the conference a watch
party will be the order of the eve
ning. Grangers with their families
and friends will enjoy a social time
and a clam chowder feed will be
served at midnight. Ladies are
asked to bring the "makings" for the
Clifford Yarnell of O. S. C. is at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Yarnell.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin mo
tored to Gibbon for Christmas to
attend a family reunion at the home
of Mr. Bergevin's parents.
Miss Harriet Heliker is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Heliker. She will
IZgvielving 1936
Goo swill XT 1 I ' making Ponx,
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resume her studies at Northwestern
Business college in Portland on Jan
uary 4.
Miss Margaret McDevitt of Bend
is at the home of M. J. Fitzpatrick.
Members of the lone post of the
American Legion and Auxiliary with
their families enjoyed a pot luck sup
per in the club rooms of the Legion
hall last Wednesday evening. About
forty persons enjoyed a fine supper
and later a program and games.
Mrs. Fred Zielke and son Freder
ick went to Enterprise on Monday
night and will visit relatives there
until Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Farrens has gone to
California to visit a son and daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Blake and
daughter of Kinzua spent two days
of last week at the Earl Blake home
Miss Minnie Normoyle, who
teaches in Athena, arrived, at the
home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Beckner, for the holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Martin and
sons of Moro are visiting relatives
here and at Lexington.
Huston Bryson spent Christmas
eve with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
J. H. Bryson, returning to his work
at Stiles on the Deschutes Christ
mas afternoon.
W. F. Palmateer who has been un
dergoing medical treatment in the
hospital at Heppner was brought
home to his daughter, Mrs. H. O
Ely, Tuesday.
W. A. Hayes departed last Friday
night for Texas to spend a few
weeks at his old home with his
Mrs. A. W. Lundell has returned
from La Grande where she has been
attending E. O. N. S. She will not
return to school until next fa.ll.
Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peterson re
turned from Astoria Monday eve
Donald McElligott is home from
school near Portland.
Mrs. Lana Padberg had as guests
for the holidays her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Kruse and their daughter Karen
Lee of Oswego, also her daughter,
Mrs. Opal Cason and her children,
Bobby and Guyla May, of Port
land. Norman Swanson spent several
days of last week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson, return
ing to his work in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs! Dwight Misner of
Thornton, Wash., were at the Fred
Mankin home for Christmas, return
ing to their home Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Holmes Gabbert and children,
Dwight and Patty Ann, were also
Biggest vacation in years
guests of the Mankins. Mr. Gab
bert went on to Chicago on Friday
night, taking the streamliner from
Pendleton. Mrs. Gabbert and the
children remained until Monday
when they returned to their home
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason enter
tained at their home Sunday with a
dinner in honor of Mr. Mason's sis-
ter, Miss Ella Mason of Portland,
who has been their guest during
the holidays. Miss Mason returned
to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker went
to Portland for a few days last Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and
family spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Howk at Condon.
Miss Dot Crabtree of Salem is vis
iting friends here.
Leora K. Wyland
Funeral Rites Held
Funeral services were held from
Phelps Funeral Home chapel in this
city at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
for Leora K. Wyland, who died at
the home of her son, E. K. Wyland,
at Grandview, Wash., the Wednesday
previous. Rev. E. D. Greeley, Church
of God minister, conducted the ser
vices, attended by many relatives
and friends of the deceased. Inter
ment was in Masonic cemetery.
Mrs. Wyland was a pioneer of this
county. Born Leora Keen Keithly
at St. Louis, Mo., in 1867, she came
to Morrow county with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keithly, when
six years of age. She was married
to James Huston Wyland at Hard
man on November 6, 1884. To them
were born Ernest Keithly, James
Stewart, Wyland, Eppler Dickey and
Naomi Saling, two of whom, Ernest
Keithly and Eppler Dickey, survive.
Three grandchildren, two great
grandchildren and one brother, Ster
ling Keithly, of Ono, Cal., also sur
vive, i
Mrs. Wyland was early converted
to Christ and was a charter, mem
ber of Church of God at Heppner.
She was aged 69 years and 21 days.
Misses Leta and Evelyn Humph
reys and Rose Leibbrand left by
motor Saturday for Eugene, from
where Miss Evelyn expected to go
on to Los Angeles to resume her
work after spending Christmas here.
Dr. J. H. McCrady went to Cle
Elum, Wash., to spend Christmas
with his parents. He returned home
Sunday, reporting some six inches
of snow about Cle Elum.
by A. B. CHAPIN,