Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 31, 1936, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Eastern Oregon Wheat League
Report and Recommendations of the
Federal Agricutural Programs
Heppner, Oregon, December 4-5, 1936
We recommend that the Eastern
Oregon Wheat League request the
enactment by Congress of adequate
legislation to give American farmers
machinery by which they can ad
just production to effective demand
and by which they can control the
distribution of farm products in a
basis that will promote soil conser
vation, and which will assure the
American farmer adequate prices
and parity of income with the rest
of the nation.
We further recommend that such
legislation be based upon and include
the fundamental principles and ma
chinery that have been successfully
applied in the Agricultural Adjust
ment Act and the Soil Conservation
and Domestic Allotment Act.
We make these recommendations
for the following reasons:
1. Agricultural producers, particu
larly grain growers, have for many
years operated under the handicap
of selling in an unprotected world
market and buying in a protected
market " -
2. As a result of many years of
effort by. organizations of farmers,
the Agricultural Adjustment Act be
came a law on May 12, 1933. The
benefit payments made possible by
this Act were the first effective sem
blance of a protective tariff for ag
ricultural producers, bringing them,
in simple justice, benefits of the kind
other groups have enjoyed for over
100 years.
3. finder the Agricultural Adjust
ment Act great strides were made
in reducing the surplus of farm pro
ducts more nearly to effective de
mand and increasing farm income.
4. The conservation of the soil and
its fertility, which is the major ob
jective of the Soil Conservation and
Domestic Allotment Act, is funda
mentally sound and essential to the
welfare of the nations agriculture
We recognize, however, that this Act
is not the final answer to our prob
lem. Good as far as it goes, this leg
islation must be coupled with etfect
ive nroduction control and distribu
tion in order to assure us of parity
The committee is of the opinion
that in view of the unconstitutional
ity of the production control features
of the Agricultural Adjustment Act,
and the improbability of obtaining
legislation from all states permitting
nmduction control under state laws.
that the only practical method of
bringing about control of production
is through wider participation in the
agricultural conservation program.
This means that not only materially
higher navments for seeding of ad
ditional soil conserving crops but
also a substantial payment for main
taining soil conserving crops already
seeded must be made. We believe
that the simplified program recom
mended by the State Conservation
Committee fulfills these require
ments. We have given careful con
sirlpration to the reports of this com
mittee and, in general, approve of
The proposed 1937 program, which
we recommend, contains the tollow
incf noints:
1. That only one type of payment
be made in 1937 and that this pay
ment be made for carrying out soil
building practices. This is intended
to simplify the program throughout
so that any farmer might determine
just what his payments are going to
Vip hefore carrying out his practices.
2. That a definite soil building al
lowance be set up for each farm, to
he determined by multiplying the
number of acres on the farm by $1.00
and then multiplying by the adjust
ed farm rate.
3. That the minimum soil building
allowance be $25.00.
4. That the payment for soil build
ing practices on any farm to earn
the soil building allowance shall be
as follows:
Grasses and Legumes
(a) For planting crested wheat
grass after October 31, 1936, and be
fore October 31, 1937 $8.00 an acre.
A payment of $6 per acre for main
taining any crested wheat grass
planted in the fall of 1935 and be
fore October 31, 1936, and $3 for
maintaining any old plantings of
crested wheat grass where there is a
good stand.
(b) For the planting of perennial
grasses or legumes or mixtures
thereof, when planted straight af
ter October 31, 1936, and before Oc
tober 31, 1937, $6 an acre. For
maintaining any plantings made in
the fall of 1935 and before October
31, 1936, $5 per acre. For maintain
ing any old plantings where there is
a good stand, $3 per acre. When
either grasses or legumes are plant
ed during 1937 with a nurse crop,
that only $2 per acre be paid.
(c) For the planting of biennial
egumes or grasses in 1937, $5 per
acre, and for maintaining in 1937 the
acres planted to bienniel legumes in
1936, $2 per acre. When the biennial
legumes planted in 1937 are seeded
with a nurse crop, $2 per acre.
Control of Wind Erosion on
Critical Blow Areas
(a) $1.50 per acre for making and
maintaining furrows not less than
8 inches deep and 10 inches wide
and not more than 12 feet apart.
Furrows to be at right angles to the
prevailing winds. This should ap
ply only to critical blow areas.
(b) $2 per acre for the hauling
and scattering of organic matter at
the rate of not less than 2 tons dry
basis per acre with the organic mat
ter properly anchored.
Weed Control
(a) $7.50 per acre for practicing
clean cultivation on perennial nox
ious weeds.
(b) $30.00 per acre for the treating
of perennial noxious weeds with
recommended chemicals. Ten dol
lars per acre was paid in 1936. It
was felt that this payment should
be increased due to the fact that all
records available indicate that it
costs at least $50 per acre to treat an
acre of perennial noxious weeds with
chemicals and that more farmers
would be encouraged to treat their
weed patches if they were allowed
at least 50 percent of the cost of it.
Crop Residues
(a) $1.50 per acre for returning
all of the crop residue from any
small grain crop to the soil and add
ing a nitrogen carrying fertilizer in
accordance with recommendations
of the Oregon Experiment Station.
No straw to be burned on the farm.
(b) $1 per acre for returning all
of the residue from a leguminous
crop to the soil. No straw to be
burned on the farm.
(c) $50c per acre for making an
acre of trashy summerfallow. By
trashy summerfallow we mean that
enough residue must be present on
the surface of the soil at all times
during the season to effectively pre
vent wind or water erosion to the
satisfaction of the county commit
tee. Provided, however, that if any
farmer leaves all of the crop residue
except the chaff on the fields and
tills his fallow according to practices
recommended by the county com
mittee for the community involved.
he would be in line to receive a
grant even though wind and water
erosion are not completely con
Strip Farming
$2.50 per acre for strip farming
when carried out on the contour of
the slope or at right angles to the
prevailing winds, with crop strips
not more than 20 rods apart.
Green Manures
Annual legumes, when turned un
der as green manure, $3 per acre
small grains, when turned under as
green manure crops, $2 per acre,
Mixtures of legumes and small
grains, when turned under as green
manure, $2.50 per acre.
Seeding Winter Wheat or Rye
In Spring
The seeding jf winter wheat or
rye in the spring and none of the
crop utilized, $2 per acre.
Straw Checks in Gullies
Fifteen cents per linear 100 feet
for the construction of straw checks
in gullies where the slope of the bot
tom of the gullies is two per cent or
more, with checks at least 4 inches
deep and not more than two feet
apart and the straw properly packed.
We recommend that the state com
mittee give consideration to the in
clusion of chiseling of crop land in
the Oregon docket, payment to be
based on a portion of the cost of op
eration. 5. That no requirements as to the
minimum number of acres on which
soil building practices are carried
out should be made.
6. That each farming unit be han
dled separately with no multiple
farm rulings.
7. Payment for soil conserving
practices carried out other than for
seeding or maintaining soil conserv
ing crops to go to the operator, pro
vided that if the owner furnishes
any materials or pays any labor
costs in connection with any other
soil building practice that he should
receive a portion of the payment
earned on the farm in accordance
with the percentage of the total cost
he contributes.
8. We believe that payments for
performance of soil building prac
tices listed above should be consid
ered as the minimum payment pos
sible to accomplish the desired re
sult of both soil conservation and
production control. We recommend
that if such payments, as outlined
above, do not bring about produc
tion control to effective demand that
additional appropriation by Congress
be made to permit their increase.
The committee discussed the prop
osition of crop insurance thoroughly
In view of the fact that this subject
is under consideration by a group
of grain gowers called to Washing
ton, D. C, for that purpose by the
Secretary of Agriculture, and fur
ther, in view of the fact that this
committee's report is not available,
we recommend that the Eastern
Oregon Wheat League take no action
on the subject of crop insurance at
this time.
Wheat Shows Well
In Livestock Tests
One reason that wheat has been
the subject of so much controversy
regarding its value in feeding live
stock is that it varies widely in com
position according to the conditons
under which it is grown, D. E. Rich
ards, superintendent of the livestock
branch experiment station at Union
told members of the Eastern Ore'
gon Wheat league at its recent con
"Wheat is the most variable in
composition of any of the cereals
and is profoundly influenced by cli
mate, especially as to its protein
content," Richards explained.
"Corn, if the crop is mature, has
a very constant feeding value and
its composition is little affected by
climatic conditions. Wheat grown
in the northern plains states on the
other hand, averages 13.5 per cent
protein, while wheat from the At
lantic coast states 11.7 per cent, and
that from the Pacific coast states
only 9.9 per cent protein."
In his investigation of feeding
wheat to livestock, Richards has
found that it is satisfactory for all
kinds of livestock if properly fed,
The fact that it has usually been
higher in price than other grains has
led to a common opinion that it is
not adapted for livestock feeding
As early as 1892, however, the Ore
gon Experiment station published a
bulletin in which wheat was spoken
well of as a feed for pigs. Three
years later a second bulletin was
published showing that gains made
by steers fed wheat compared favor
ably with those made by feeding
corn, and that good returns could
be realized by feeding wheat to cat'
tie. Late experiments carried on
by Richards at Union confirmed
earlier trials showing that wheat
Judge Threatened
f r
KANSAS CITY . . . Judge A. L.
Reeves (above), was told over the
'phone, "We're going to get you
for this,1 a few hours after in
structing a 'Grand Jury to reach for
high as well as .low in the alleged
election' frauds, November 3rd.
can be used satisfactorily if prop
erly fed.
Under eastern Oregon conditions
a weaner calf weighing 400 to 500
pounds can be changed into a prime
market animal weighing 700 to 800
pounds by feeding about 1000 pounds
The Heppner Gazette Times
One Year and
(OUiEU- cjfc od iqaaraff) cut i.nijr-ii; oca asp se
GUP irrtMini rlfrri -pffTnflllb rtjj Gimp rmrfflh
tjimrpTjJjmi TTffiTf lwTt njh-232 a 'EI
ffi,ncrnnKi caEtft (23J dT ennui t3hi
J3 ci) cHF m itV oiimii
Check 2 meg'l'mn thin (X)
American Fruit Grower 1 Yr.
Capper's Farmer 1 Yr.
Household Magazine - 1 Yr.
Needlecraft - - 1 Yr.
Successful Farming 1 Yr.
Woman's World - - 1 Yr.
The Country Home - 2 Yr.
Farm Journal - 2Yr.
Pathfinder - (26 Issues)
Breeder's Gazette - - I Yr.
Check 2 magazmei ihut (X)
American Boy 1 Yr.
Better Homes & Gardens I Yr.
Christian Herald 6 Mo.
Q Flower Grower ... 6 Mo.
McCall's Magazine 1 Yr.
Motion Picture Magazine I Yr
LJ Parents Magazine
Open Road (Boys)
Opportunity Magazine
Pictorial Review
Pathfinder (Weekly)
Romantic Stories
Screen Play ...
Sports Afield
True Confessions
Household Magazine
Woman's World
6 Mo.
1 Yr.
1 Yr. -"X-X
LJ'IH7eH4J:l HIHK7 MlMiMlhssm
Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me
I am checking above the four magazines desired with year's subscription to your
Name ' ;
Post Office.
of wheat with 1700 pounds of alfalfa
hay over a period of 140 days. Year
ling steers require a little more hay,
from a ton to 2500 pounds, with the
1000 pounds of wheat to get in top
Range Program Meets Favor.
Livestock operators in Morrow
county are hailing the range im
provement program under the Agri
cultural Conservation act as the most
beneficial and practical program
ever offered for livestock men. and
applications for improvements on
more than 200,000 acres of range
land were made, according to Joe
Belanger, county agent. Range own
ers have been able to do a great
deal of work on their land that they
have been wanting to do for years,
but have been forced to forego, Mr.
Belanger says. Spring and water
hole development probably leads
the list of practices carried out un
der the 1936 program, he believes.
We wish to sincerely thank the
kind friends and neighbors for their
help and expressions of sympathy at
the time of the bereavement of our
beloved husband and father, Thomas
J. O'Brien.
The Family.
and EGGS
IV 2 Magazines From Group A
2 Magazines From Group B
Check 2 mttgaiinet ihul (X)
American Poultry Journal t Yr.
The Country Home
Q Farm Journal
Gentlewoman Magazine
Good Stories
Illustrated Mechanics
Leghorn World
Mother's Home Life
1 Yr.
1 Yr.
1 Yr.
1 Yr.
I Yr.
1 Yr.
1 Yr.
Plymouth Rock Monthly 1 Yr.
Rhode Island Red Journal 1 Yr.
Magazines From Group 1
Magazines From Group 2
Check 2 mdfutinei ihul (X)
American Poultry Journal 1 Yr.
American Fruit Grower 1 Yr.
The Country Home 1 Yr.
Farm Journal - - I Yr.
Gentlewoman Magazine 1 Yr.
Good Stories 1 Yr.
Illustrated Mechanics 1 Yr.
Household Magazine 1 Yr.
Leghorn World - 1 Yr.
Mother's Home Lift 1 Yr.
Needlecraft . . . J Yr.
Plymouth Rock Monthly 1 Yr.
Rhode Island Red Journal 1 Yr.
Successful Farming 1 Yr.
Woman's World 1 Yr.
Capper's Farmer 1 Yr.
Breeder's Gazette 1 Yr.