V HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1936. PAGE FIVE THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School Band News The band is working on a new piece: "The" Dawn," which they ex pect to use in some public appear ance in the future. ' : H.H.S.- An interesting assignment given the English VII class was to write a poem.. Twenty of more poems were handed in. The three that were chosen as outstanding are as fol lows: , A SLEEPING CHILD Like a picture is a baby, Sleeping in her little bed, With the blankets tucked about her and a pillow 'neath her head. Ouietlv sleeDS the doll-like infant, Lulled to sleep by her mother's song. All the family wait m silence, For she'll be awake 'fore, long. What ' one thine could ' be more lovely" . Than that precious little babe? For she is the richest blessing That our Father ever' gave. : Dora Bailey, DEATH MOANING LOW There came the scream of hissing lead. The thunder of powerful motors, The horrible sight of the dying and dead, , ' The boom of the mighty mortars Lightning flashes, guns boom, men die of horrible wounds. Children wail, women weep For the lost souls Who forever sleep. , From out of the night comes a ray 1 of hone. Vor the loyalists survived that miehtv stroke. o They no longer hear the scream of Viissintf lead. For they are leaving that horrible citv of Madrid. Leonard Gilman JUST AN ORDINARY BOY One would be able to find him, Walking lazilv on his way To the "old fishing hole" near the river On a hot midsummer's day His face was a mass of freckles; His hair was fierV red. He wasn't the kind to say,' "I'll hold ' ' your coat," But got in the fight instead. He's the picture of the average boy, With his big toe all tied up; . And when he tired of other joys, He'd tie cans to the tail of a pup nf course he was not always bad, Rut at times behaved quite well. You see he is just an ordinary boy, And folks all think he's swell. Harriet Hager. H.H.S. , Humor ' "The freshmen certain ly don't have any respect for old R. Munkes: "I should say not; some of them even laugh at these jokes." Popular Songs , "Nobody's Darlin' But Mine' ' "Tunnitn" R. S. . , ' - "You Gotta be a Football Hero" M. M. ' ' "Nohodv to Love" L. F. "Sweetheart, Let's Grow Old To wether" P. B. to K. P. "Tfc Tve I'm After" W.. S. to ' .T W. ' "Snoner or Later" J. H. to ? "All's Fair in Love and War" P. C. tn A. C. J'Papa Tree-Top Tall" B. G. to T. V M. . "I Can't Escape From You G. R. to D. B. . "One, Two, Button Your Shoe B. H. ' This Week's Divine Thought: " "School spirit is more than wear ing a school pin or ring." . ' Have you ever wondered Why Jessie Tinsley wants to go to Arlington? , Whom Gerald Cason brought home from Condon? ,-' . Norton Kng (racing down the street): "I want to get a -head." Mr. Peavy: "Do you need a new one: . , . Rosanna Farley: "Ruth, do you have any silk hose in your brother's store?" ' Ruth Green: "No, it's mostly rub ber." ' ' ' ' ' . . ' H.H.S.- . . - Local Pugilists The following boys from the local Smith-Hushes class went to Con don to assist the Condon organization present a smoker: Rufus Hill, Willie Stone, Riley Munkers, Andy Shoun, Clavton Wright and Howard Patton. Out of the six matches, three were won by Heppner boys, and one re sulted in a draw. This was a very good showing considering the small amount of practice the local boys have had. Condon has consented to help the local chapter put on a sim ilar exhibition in the near future. H.H.S. Feature It seems that a campaign for clean er dressing rooms and halls in the girls' section, of the gymnasium would be very effective in several wavs. Not onlv would it make more desirable conditions in the gymnast ic classes, but it would eliminate any nossibilitv of diseases. Many ot the X. students dislike gym classes because of these conditions and still they do nothing toward helping to keep suits, ; Gravely 111 t j VATICAN CITY . . . This por trait of Pope Pius XI was made in 1929, shortly after the signing of the Lateran Treaties with Italy, freeing the Popes from their vol untary imprisonment in the Vati can. Pope Pius XI is reported gravely ill. ' ' etc.. off the floor and thus help elim niate these conditions. If they are eliminated, the girls' gym classes will be better, but the danger of disease cannot be totally done away with unless ' each girl, who uses these rooms, does her part to keep them as clean as possible. The N. Y. A. boys have the instal lation of cement foot baths at the entrance of each shower room as a project for Christmas holidays. This will prevent any possibilities of "athlete's foot" since an effective disinfectant will be kept in these foot baths at all times.' With this added help, let's all do our share. H.H.S. High School Defeats CCC Team Bv Paul McCarty Displaying a much improved passing attack, the local high school sauad annexed its third victory in as many games by virtue of their 29-21 victory over the Heppner CCC five last Saturday night. The Fighting Irish held the lead throughout the game, with the ex ception of the first five, minutes. Hoskins led the Irishers in scor ing 10 points. Munkers was run ner-up with 8. Dean took scoring honors for the CCC hoopsters, mak ing three baskets. B . k ARTHUR GAY ILL. Arthur Gay was brought to Hepp ner by ambulance last Saturday from Albany, suffering from a ser ious illness. Cornett Green and Mrs Wm. French, sister of Mr. Gay, made the trip to bring him here. A for mer resident of this county, Mr. Gay has made his home in the Willam ette valley for many years. Give G. T. Want Ads a trial. America's Wealthiest CHICAGO . . . Here are the healthiest farm boys and girls in the U. S. and declared the winners in the Na'tional 4-H Club finals, held here.. Left to right, front, Charles Abbott, Jr., B lairs, Va., and Margaret Topovski of Woos ter, 0. Second row, Jerry Cowan, Rogersville. Mo., and Mary Sellers of Letchatchee, Ala. Rear row, Roy "Graves, Porter, Okla., and Martha Ekberg of Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Me mMjrt9 be thtrMtyj Here's the best All-purpose Lamp I The new semi-indirect I.E.S. floor lamps give . 100, 200, 300 watts of light from the same bulb, making it easy for . you to switch on the amount of light your particular seeing task requires. These hand some lamps make love ly, low-cost gifts. NEW TYPE BRIDGE LAMP IS VERY POPULAR The graceful new Better Sight Bridge Lamps not only give jgkreless light, but also send some light upward to soften shadows. A gift anyone will cherish for years to come! A Good Food Mixer Saves Work! Every woman longs for an electric mixer because , no other gift helps as much to simplify the preparation of meals. Considering their con venience, electric mixers are very reasonable. WHAT MOTHER REALLY WANTS IS A NEW ELECTRIC RANGE ! Mother likes to cook when things turn out the way she hopes. That's why she wants a new electric range. Then she will be sure of better results every day with one-third less time in the kitch en. The reasonable prices of electric ranges and P. P. & L's new low rates make electric cooking, more economi cal than ever before. Electric Waffle Irons Please! Because waffles are so popular, an electric waf fle iron makes a most useful and acceptable gift. Designs this year are outstanding in beauty and low prices. , Make Entertaining Easy! With an electric sandwich grill, you can bake hot cakes, toast sandwiches, broil steaks, fry bacon and eggs in fact, cook a complete meal without moving from the table. See this useful appliance today. Daily Insurance for Good Coffee! It's easy to make delicious, full-flavored coffee every day when you have an electric coffee maker. Because the coffee never boils, none of the bitter oils are extracted from the grounds. Attractively priced, and the elec tric plate maybe used ' for other purposes. Left: PinitupsLow in Cost, Useful There's a place in every home for one of these good-looking but inexpen sive lamps. Include several on your , gift list. Eight: 2New End Table Lamps Beautiful I These new Better Sight Lamps are ideal for low tables beside easy chairs and davenports. The standards are exquisite, and shades come in either parchment or silk. Other Gift Suggestions 1937-model Radios Electric Roasters ' Electric Clocks Electric Toasters Electric Pads Electric Percolators SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Service