Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 17, 1936, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Fire of unknown origin razed the
building . recently vacated by the
Tum-A-Lum Lumber company last
Friday evening about 5:30. When
discovered the fire had made such
headway that no attempt was made
to save the building but efforts of
the volunteer fire "fighters were
turned to protecting surrounding
buildings from the blaze. It is un
derstood that all of the merchandise
of the lumber company had been
removed except some paint- and a
very little lumber. The loss to the
Tum-A-Lum was covered by insur
ance. They owned the building
though they were on a deal to sell it.
I. R, Robison went to The Dalles
last week where he, underwent an
operation for the removal of his ton
sils. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G- Balsiger de
parted Monday for the east where
they will spend the holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koehring and
children in Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs.
Koehring is their daughter, Arlene
In January Mrs. Balsiger will join
her sisters and brothers at the home
of their mother, Mrs. Mange, of Oak
Park, 111., at which time all members
of the family will be present for the
' birthday anniversary of their moth
er who is ninety years old.
W. A- Thomas has gone to Port
land where he will spend the holi
days with his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
George Tucker. They are uncle and
aunt 6f Mr. Tucker and had been
1 visiting ' a , daughter at Hermiston,
Thev will go from here to their
home in Louisiana.
A. M. Zink departed Sunday night
for t Portland where he will spend
the winter.
The turkey supper, bazaar,"' pro
gram and dance put on by Willows
grange in their hall at Cecil was a
decided success, everything being
disposed of and those present enjoy
ing ah exceptionally pleasant eve
ning. . V , '
On next Saturday night the grange
will initiate several. candidates. At
the close of the , evening the men of
the grange will entertain the ladies
with a program and supper. This is
the penalty .imposed on them for
losing in a recent- attendance and
membership contest held by the or
ganization. 4
Mr. and Mrs.- J. H. Blake stopped
here for. a short time Thursday en
route from Freewater to Kinzua.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe re
turned Monday evening from a ten
day vacation in Washington.
Frank Fraters of Eight Mile' was
in town Tuesday.
Carl W. Troedson returned Satur
day from a trip to Sweden.
. Bob Botts returned last Thursday
from Washington where he had spent
several months.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker were
business visitors in Pendleton last
Saturday. '
Mrs. Ted Smith and son . Phillip
and Harvey Smith returned home
from Portland Thursday where they
had been with Ted Smith who has
recently undergone a serious opera
tion on his hip. They report that
he is doing very nicely.
Mrs E. C. Heliker received a let
ter from Mrs. Verona Daniels re
, cently in which she tells of a trip
she is taking in the east. She has
been visiting a son' who teaches in
Harvard university and was to visit
in New York City Washington, D
C, Chicago and San Francisco be
fore returning to her home at Elk-
ton. Mrs. Daniels was in lone for
some time when her son Clarence
was a teacher in the local' high
Friends have received Christmas
erpptinffs from Mr. and Mrs. John
Draeer who are located in Indo
China where Mr: Drager works for
the Texas Oil company.
v Miss Eva Swanson wno is attend
ing 0. S. C. this winter was recent
ly pledged to Alpha Xi Delta, na
"tional women s social sorority
that campus. .
The Reno family have moved from
the Boyer ranch on Rhea creek into
the Grimes house here in town.
Norton Lundell returned Satur
dv evening from the Heppner hos
pital where he has been recovering
v from his recent accident. .Though
able to return home he will have to
be auiet for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Biddle spent a
day or two of last week in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland ' Swanson
have as their house guests, Mr. and
Mr. Win Hedlund of Salem. Mrs.
Hedlund was Clara Miller and is a
sister of Mrs. Swanson. The young
people were married a few days
ago at Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Viola Lieuallen, matron, and
Harlan McCurdy, patron, of Locust
chapter, O. E. S., . entertained the
officers and new members of the
chapter with a dinner at Lucas Place
in Heppner Tuesday evening.
The boys' basketball team suf
fered defeat at Boardman last Fri
day night
Frank Lundell was in The Dalles
Tuesday. ' ,
The December committee of the
Women's Topic club sponsored
Stunt Show which was given at the
high school gym last Friday night as
a benefit for the library. . A program
of skits and musical numbers was
greatly enjoyed by the audience and
a little over $50 was netted for the
library fund. The tumbling act put
on by the primary grade youngsters
was especially enjoyed. Vocal solos
by Miss . Helen Ralph, Mrs. Foster
Odom and Mrs. Ture Peterson, one
piano duet by Mrs. E. J. Blake and
Mrs. Cleo Drake and another by
Dorothy and Sybil Howell, guitar
solos by Frank Botts and Alexander
McDonald,, a piano solo by Miss
Lorraine Reed, a vocal duet by Lois
Ring and Bobby Drake, and an ac
cordion solo by Paul Rietmann were
musical ' numbers presented. The
sewing II class had a style show in
which the students modeled wool
dresses which they had made. Don
Heliker and Bob Botts pleased the
audience with their cowboy duets.
Skits were put on by the high school,
Willows grange, Rebekah lodge, Mis
sionary . society, Legion , auxiliary,
Women's Topic club and the Decem
ber committee of the, Topic club.
Mrs. Corson gave a reading and the
Legion exhibited a cartoon. Alto
gether the show was a good one and
the committee is grateful for the
support given them.
A large concourse of friends gath
ered at the Christian church last
Friday afternoon to' pay last respects
to Mrs. Olive Sparks whose untimely
death at The .Dalles last Tuesday
afternoon came 'as a shock to the
community. Alvin Klenifeldt of
Heppner conducted the service and
interment was made in the Heppner
Masonic cemetery.
Mrs. Adolph Newlin is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Paul O Meara.
D. 0. Deulin of Heppner was a
business visitor here Tuesday.
for the past week is reported im
proving. '
The Ledbetter boy has been able
to return home from , The Dalles,
greatly improved.
Mrs. Mabel Ranney who has been
visiting her brother, E. Ash, is re
turning to her home ' in Wichita,
Kansas, on the new streamline train.
Mrs. Victor Myers is visiting at
Kinzua where her husband is em
ployed in a saw mill.
Miss Marie Ledbetter spent Sat
urday in The Dalles.
on by nearly 360 National Farm Loan
associations in the four northwest
states. The ballots were counted in
Washington, D. C, and the result
announced by Land Bank Commis
sioner A. S. Goss last week.
Mr. Shoultes succeeds B. D.
Thompson of Granger, Wn., and will
also serve as ex officio director of
the 12th district Intermediate Credit
A large group of friends was en
tertained at the home of Ad Inskeep
Friday evening, the occasion being
the 16th birthday anniversary of
Francis Inskeep. Delicious refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. George Samuels arrived here
Saturday for a week's visit with rel
atives and friends. Mrs. Gladys
Corrigall drove over with her, re
turning to Echo the same day.
Mrs. J. B. Adams spent a few days
in Heppner this week.
4 Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDaniel mo
tored to Heppner Monday. '
W. H. Gallagher made a business
trip to Portland over the week end.
Mrs. Roy Robison spent the week
end at her home near Lonerock. The
children stayed at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond McDonald while
she was away.
Leon Chapin, Case Adams and Ed
Warren were . visiting in Heppner
Mrs. Tom Mclntire and Mr. and
Mrs. G..A. Farrens were transact
ing business in Heppner Friday.
i Archdeacon rimkle held services
at the local church Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraters visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim,
Brannon Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and
Lewis Batty motored to Pendleton
Duff McKitrick spent the week
end with home folks. He is working
for the Wright brothers on Rhea
creek. ,
corporation and Bank for Cooper
atives. One member of the joint
board is yet to be appointed by the
governor of the Farm Credit admin
istration, also for a three-year term
beginning January 1. The board is
composed of three elective members
representing the three divisions of
FCA borrowers and four who are
Funeral services were held at the
community church Sunday for Mr.
George Blayden. He died after an
illness of a few weeks, at his home
Friday, December 11. Interment was
in the Boardman cemetery.
'W. A. Baker was called to Baker
last Wednesday morning where his
father was not expected to live. W.
C. Baker passed away at the Baker
hospital Thursday, Dec. 10. Mrs.
Baker, Willard and La Vern went
to Baker for the funeral which was
held Sunday. Interment was in the
cemetery there. Mr. Baker was an
old G. A. R. veteran.,
A basketball game between Her
miston and Boardman high schools
was played last Tuesday at Her
miston. It was an overtime game
and proved very exciting. Hermis
ton won with a score of 26-22. The
grade school teams also played, with
Hermiston winning. In the town
team game, Boardman won by a
large score. '
A shower was held at the Ed In
gles home last Thursday, honoring
Mrs. Ed Barlow. A large crowd at
tended. Mrs. Harvey Ide, a sister of
Mrs. Barlow, was here for the oc
casion. A basketball game between lone
and Boardman high school and grade
school teams was played Friday eve
ning. Boardman was victorious in
both games.. .
The F. F. A. boys' play was pot
poned until Wednesday, Dec. 16.
The town team met the lone town
team on the Boardman floor Mon
day evening, the local team winning
by a score of 28-22. ,
Adolf Skoubo is planting trees at
the state parks. ,
Herman Bush, the small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bush who, has
been ill at the Hermiston hospital
Shoultes Elected
Land Bank Director
Of interest to local farmers who
are National Farm Loan association
members is the announcement that
Harvey R. Shoultes of Chehalis, Wn.,
has been elected as a director of
the Land Bank of Spokane for a
three-year period beginning Janu
ary 1. He received the highest num
ber of votes among five candidates
recently nominated and balloted up-
Add Joy to Motoring
Horns, heaters, radiator covers, orna
ments and other fine accessories to add
to the pleasure and comfort of motor
ing await you here, : Gifts of thought
fulness and utility.
Twin Horns, electric : $9.95
Defrosters $2.00 up
Hot-water Heaters $6.95 to $14.95
Spotlights, inside control $3.10 up
Ferguson Motor Co.
Special trade-in allowance on your old
tires this week only
M Box after box of
beautiful things. All
fresh and lovely . . .
just out of their tis
sue wrappings. .
Gowns be-laced and be-ribboned, with long
sweeping lines. . Slips ... tailored and lacy
and "just so." Panties and combination
sets of rayon and silk ... Pajamas, two-piece,
Chenille hostess and Balbriggan. Briefs,
Hosiery, smart side out, chiffon and service.,
All in late popular shades and reasonably