PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1936. WHEAT LEAGUE Continued from First Page the dance steps as the large gentle man moved his shoulders in time to the music. Lions quartet, Joe Belanger, F. W. Turner, Dr. R. C. Lawrence and Blaine E. Isom, dressed as waiters with long mus taches, amused with their songs, The trio of Heppner unit, American Legion auxiliary, Mrs. E. L. Morton, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and Miss Juan ita Leathers, acompanied by Mrs. J. O. Turner, sang two numbers Lexington grange prepared and served the meal. No visiting dig nitaries were overlooked in the in troductions and after-dinner humor was liberally supplied. Convention sessions proper were opened each morning with numbers by Heppner school band, last year's class B state champions, directed by Harold Buhman. Solos by Mrs. E. L. Morton accompanied by Mrs. J. O. Turner opened the Friday afternoon session, and tap dance by Jacqueline Tetz and Mary Lou Ferguson ac companied by Mrs. Alden Blanken ship opened the Saturday afternoon session. C. B. Cox, mayor-elect, welcomed growers, and Chas. Nish, vice-president, responded, at the opening. Principal speaker was Dr. E. J. Bell, -assistant chief of western area AAA, who Friday afternoon ex plained the world wheat situation and told some of the things which may be expected from the 1937 crop adjustment program. Other speak ers included L. E. Williams, assist ant cashier U. S. National bank of Portland in charge of foreign ex change; H. G. Avery, Union county agent; D. E. Richards, superinten dent Union experiment station; W. S. Nelson, secretary The Dalles chamber of commerce; Rin Kenne dy, Pacific Northwest Grain Grow ers assn.; Wm, A. Schoenfeld, dean and director of agriculture, 0. S. C; S. T. White, state department of ag riculture; D. E. Stephens, superin tendent Moro experiment station. E. Harvey Miller, president, in his opening address told forciblv aims and purposes of the league, ana outlined some ot tne conditions facing the wheat industry that need ed the league's attention. Charles W. Smith, secretary, gave a campre hensive report of the league's activ ities for the last year. A record to tal membership for its nine years of existence, more than 800, was shown. Paid memberships at this year's conference exceeded those received at any previous conference, totaling 175. iiiiiuimiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiimmimtifi At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Services 11:00 a. m. C..E. Society ....... 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Midweek Service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Morning sermon, "Where the Bi ble Speaks," Universal Bible Day sermon. Evening sermon, "Where is Amer ica Headed?" METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Ep worth League 6:30 p. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, Boy's Club 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Fellowship Meeting, 7:30 p.m. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD. Rev. E. D. Greeley, Pastor. Sunday services: Bible School 9:45 a. m. Preaching service 11:00 a. m.' Evening service 7:30 p. m. Midweek meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. IONE NEWS (Continued from Page Five) Mrs. J. E. Swanson returned on Sunday fom Salem where she had spent ten days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMillan. She was met at Arlington by Mr. Swan son. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake and Want Ads FOR SALE. Fordson Tractor with Fordson plow. New motor, new gears and high tension magneto last year; price reasonable. See J. O. Turner, city. Hay chopping $1.25 per ton. I furnish one man and outfit. Chas. Wilcox, Heppner. 40-43p. For sale or rent to responsible parties, house and about 2 acres of ground, good well, house wired, sit uated in south Heppner. If inter ested see Mrs. A. W. Gemmell or phone 9F3. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. ORL-84-SA, Oak land, Calif. 39-41 For' sale or trade Ford car, trail ers, harness, collars, auto parts. Max Schulz, Heppner, Ore. 38-39p Christmas Cards for Sale Beauti ful assortment, 21 for $1. Mrs. Archie Padberg, Lexington, Ore. 38-39p Registered Hereford bulls for sale. D. L. McCaw, Linden, .Wash. 38-10p Maternity and convalescent cases cared for in my home. Mrs. J. B. Cason. tf. family have moved to the ranch re cently vacated by Timm Bros. Louis Maquardt of Lexington was a Tuesday business visitor here. Dean Engelman of Fossil was over on Sunday. Willows grange will have a public supper and bazaar followed by a program and dance at their hall next Saturday night. A special school election has been called for Saturday, Dc. 19, to elect a director to fill the unexpired term of E. J. Blake. Mr. Lemon, representative of the World War Veterans State Aid com mission, has been in this vicinity for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman spent Sunday at The Dalles and Hood River. Due to the new system of grad ing in the grade school no honor roll is made up for it as in years past. High school students whose names appear on he honor roll for the second six weeks are as follows: Freshmen, Thelma Nelson; sopho- MEN NEEDED to train for ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Let us help you get a good paying job as we have helped hundreds of others. Openings right . now for thousands of trained men in world's fastest growing industries. Prepare for your opportunity by spare time, low cost, easy-pay plan. Actual shop practice also in- eluded. Learn by system suc cessful in helping men quali fy for jobs for the last ten years. Fair education and me chanical inclination necessary to qualify for training. Write, giving age, present occupation. UTILITIES ENGINEERING INSTITUTE 404 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. mores, Lola Cannon and Helen Lun dell; juniors, Bertha Akers and Jane Huston; seniors, Wallace Lundell. Thelma Nelson and Lola Cannon each carry five subjects and receiv ed straight l's. The high school played a double header basketball game here with Stanfield high last Friday night. Miss Gladys Brashears refereed the girls' game which went to the vis itors 23 to 7. Girls who played on the lone team were Jane Huston, Ruth Crawford and Mignonette Per ry, guards; Sibyl Howell, Bertha Akers and Helen Lundell, centers, and Dorothy Howell, Charlotte Mc Cabe, Bernice Ring and Helen Lun dell, forwards. The boys' game was won by lone 40-18 with Dorr Mason as referee. Boys playing were eHr bert Davidson and Phil Emert, guards; William Davidson, center, and Harry Ring and Claude Petty john, forwards with Norman Berg strom as substitute. The seventh and eihgth grade room held its second election of officers last week. Earline Farris was elected president, Melvin Bra dy, vice-president, Mary K. Blake, secretary and Eileen Sperry, treasurer. The Ladies Missionary society of the Gooseberry Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. Claude Huston on Sunday after noon, Dec. 13. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Outstanding warrants of School EAT SEA FOODS Oysters, Shell Fish the pick of marine delica cies served FRESH o You'll find our stock of WINES complete Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. For Christmas How about that HEATER for your car? Good saving on installation charges. U. S. Ti res, Tubes, Batteries & Heaters MOBILOILS and GREASES DEPENDABLE CAR GREASING MOBIL STOP LEAK for Leaky Radiators Try These MOBIL Products TOP DRESSING - WINDOW SPRAY - SPONGE CLEANERS FAN BELTS - WAX CLEANERS - TIRE REPAIRING Clean Rest Rooms We Solicit Your Patronage HAYES SERVICE STATION Free Air and Water Phone 103. District No. 1, Morrow County, up to and including Warrant No. 3906, will be paid on presentation to the District Clerk. Interest on said war rants not already called ceases De cember 11, 1936. LOUISE BECKET, District Clerk. STAR TO ENJOY DINNER. Pot luck dinner at 6:30 followed by initiation and election of officers is scheduled for the regular meet ing of Ruth chapter, Order of East ern Star at Masonic hall tomorrow evening. All members are request ed by Mrs. Lena Cox, worthy ma tron, to come and bring something, for the dinner. Annual election of officers of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. &. A. M., will be held next Tuesday eve ning, December 15, at Masonic hall. All members are urged to be present. JJU4'TA FRI.-:-SAT.-:-MON. It jI T ti ll LritfSfl lltllllllHtllllllllllllllllMIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllli JELLWELL .... Pkg. 5c Genuine Cube Flavor Mincement, 2 lbs. 22c Kerr Delicious Quality Raisins, 4 lb. pkg. 30c DATES 2 lbs. 19c Fresh Hallowi aiiHttttaiiiiitiiiiitiiitiitiitiiiiiiiif ititaiiiaiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiititiiiitiitft iiiiiiiiimttiiiiaiiiitif mtiiiifi I TOMATO SAUCE 6 for 25c I Tastetell 7 oz. tins f POPCORN, 10 oz. Jollytime, 2 tins 27c Bulk Pearl, 2 lbs. 19c ! SHORTENING ... 4 lbs. 50c; 8 lbs. 98c I f CHOCOLATE 3 lb. tin 65c j I Guittard's Old Dutch i SODA, Arm r Hammer 3 pkgs. 25c j TlllllltllllllllltllllllllMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllMlllllUliitlllllllllilltMlliC DATES, pitted 2 lbs. 25c LARD, pure hog, 4 lb. carton 65c 8 lb. pail $1.28 COFFEE Airway ..... 3 lbs. 49c Mild and mellow CURRANTS, 2 pkgs. 35c Grecian fancy PEELS, assorted fruit, per lb. 30c ORANGE LEMON CITRON 'JlllllllllllllllfHIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIHIlMllltMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL' BACON, fancy dry cure per lb. 31c i r O J: : I l l r I Cracked Wheatlets 4 lb. bag 23c f I The New Cereal ! SALMON, tall pink each 12c I I WALNUTS 2 lbs. 39c 5 Oregon Franquettes No. 2 , I PEANUTS, fresh roasted 2 lbs. 25c I ALMONDS, fancy Drake brand, lb. 33c J llllllllllllllllllllllHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiitti!, COFFEE, Dependable 2 lb. tin 47c COCOANUT, moist shredded, per lb. 19c SHRIMP, wet or dry pack 2 tins 29c MILK, tall Federal or Oregon, 12 tins 93c STRING BEANS, No. 2 tins 3 for 29c Mill Race quality COFFEE, Nob Hill, 4 lbs. 85c CUOD ": CANDY :- jnUr a Chocolates . .. 2 lb. box 59c Ultra fine Cremes, Nougats, A 11 kw QQ. F A I? I Y Caran eis lAKLT Gum Drops, Chocolate Drops, Cream Mix, Satin Mix, 2 lbs. 23c All very finest quality made PEAS, Garden Grown 3 No. 2 tins 33c TOMATOES , solid pack, 3 No. 2Vz tins 33c Couer d'Alene brand BAKING POWDER, K. C. qual., 50 oz. 35c -: FRESH PRODUCE :- o ORANGES, medium size 2 doz. 35c o CELERY, large stalks 13c