Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 03, 1936, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Mrs. J. W. Stevens and Miss Lqis
spent Thanksgiving in Portland, vis
iting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Bud Fisk and daughter spent
the Thanksgiving holidays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc
Daniel here.
Mrs. Earl Redding spent last
"week at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bleakman. .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and
sons of Newberg visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Adams Friday.
Mrs. Carey Hastings and baby
daughter returned to their home
from Heppner Sunday.
Mrs. Wilbur Lee and children of
Walla Walla spent Thanksgiving at
the home of Mrs. Lee's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Gallagher.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel, Her
man Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. James
Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burn
side and Beverly Ann and Mrs.
Walter Farrens and Dolly and Ro
land attended a family reunion din
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Clyde Swift at Lexington Thanks
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barnard and
Mrs. Ada Osborn motored up from
The Dalles and spent Sunday visit
ing B. F. Devore.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDon
ald, Miss Delsie Bleakman, Miss Pat
Bleakman and Richard Robison at
tended a dance at Monument Thtvs
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown have
moved here for the winter.
Lewis Batty was transacting bus
iness in Heppner Saturday.
Ray Robison was attending to
matters of business here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steers were
shopping in Heppner Saturday.
Virgil Crawford of Lonerock spent
the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Craber.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Johnson were
transacting business in Heppner one
day last week.
Clarence Rogers of Lonerock spent
the week end at the home of J. B.
Miss Gladys Lovgren and Miss
Mary Lovgren visited a few days
this week with Mr. and Mrs. Al Lov
gren at their mountain home.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens were
shopping in Heppner Saturday.
Now Only a
Penny a Tablet
for Fast
Get Quick-Dissolving Bayer
Aspirin Now Without
Thought of Price
In 2 Seconds by
Stop Watch
In 2 seconds by stop
watch a genuine
BAYER Aspirin tablet
starts to disintegrate
and go to work. Drop a
Barer Aspirin tablet in
to a glass of water. Br
the time It hits the bot
tom of the glass It Is
disintegrating. What
happens In this glass
. . . happens In your
You can now get Genuine BAYER
ASPIRIN for virtually 1? a table),
at any drug store in the U. S.
Two full dozen now, in a flat pocket
tin, for 251 Try this new package.
Enjoy the quick action and known
quality of the real Bayer article
now without thought of price.
Do this especially if you want
the means of quick relief from a bad
headache, neuritis or neuralgia
pains. Remember, BAYER ASPI
RIN works fast. (Note illustration
And ask for it by its full name
BAYER ASPIRIN not by the
name "aspirin" alone when you
buy. Get it next time you want
qmcK reucj.
lea tablet
When John G. Odell first came to
Heppner eight years ago in his ca
pacity of traveling sales manager
with Tum-A-Lum Lumber com
pany, he met the late James H. Cox
whose trade of carpenter took him
many times to the building con
cern. "Odell? Any relation to Alex
Odell?" quizzed Mr. Cox. "Well,
yes, that was my father's name,"
was the reply. Whereupon, Mr. Cox
told of working with the elder Mr.
Odell, also a carpenter, many years
before at Dayton, Wash., the Odell's
home town. The incident was re
called by Mr. Odell when in the city
yesterday from Walla Walla.
Barney Doherty and Bruce Lind
say were business callers here Mon
day from the Alpine section.
Notice is hereby given that the
County School Superintendent of
Morrow County, Oregon, will hold
the regular examination of appli
cants for state teachers' certificates
at her office at the Court House in
Heppner as follows: Commencing
Wednesday, December 16, 1936, at
9 o'clock A. M. and continuing until
Friday, December 18, 1936, at 4 o
'clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon U. S. History,
Writing, Geometry, Botany.
Wednesday Afternoon Physiology,
Reading, Composition, General
Thursday F o r e n o o n Arithmetic, 1
History of Education, Psychology,
Thursday Afternoo n Grammar,
Geography, American Literature,
Friday Forenoon Theory and Prac
tice, Spelling, Physical Geogra
phy, English Literature.
Friday Afternoon School Law, Al
gebra, Civil Government, Book
keeping. No further teachers' examinations
will be held in this state after the
one given on the above mentioned
dates. All teachers needing certifi
cation in this manner must take the
examination at this time. Otherwise
no certificate will be granted them
except upon graduation from an ac
credited normal school, college or
university, or teachers' college.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned surviving executor of the last
Will and Testament of David McCul-
lough, deceased, has filed with the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, his final account of
his administration of the estate of said
deceased, and that said Court has fixed
Monday, the 4th day of January, 1937,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day in the County Court
room at the Court House at Heppner,
Oregon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate and all
persons having objections thereto are
hereby required to file the same on or
before the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 3rd
day of December, 1936.
Surviving Executor.
In the Matter of the Estate of Anton
Holub, Deceased.
The undersigned having been appoint
ed by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Anton Holub,
deceased, notice is hereby given to the
creditors of, and all persons having
claims against said deceased, to present
them verified as required by law, with
in six months after the first publication
of this notice to the undersigned at the
law office of W. Vawter Parker, in
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of An
ton Holub, deceaser.
Dated and first published this 3rd
day of December, 1936.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, dated October 19, 1936,
in that certain suit wherein The Feder
al Land Bank of Spokane, a corpora
tion, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment
against the defendant, carl J, .Peterson,
a bachelor, for the sum of $4803.09, with
interest at hxk per cent per annum on
$3915.79 thereof from October 15. 193,
until paid, and with interest at 5 per
cent per annum on $819.60 thereof from
October 15, 1936, until paid; and the
further sum of $24.10, plaintiff's costs
and disbursements in this suit, and a
decree of foreclosure against the de
fendants, Carl J. Peterson, a bachelor;
Harold Anderson and Alma Anderson,
whose true name is Alena Anderson,
husband and wife; lone National Farm
Loan Association, a corporation, I will
on the 19th day of December, 1936. at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
at the front door of the County Court
House in Heppner. Morrow county,
State of Oregon, offer for sale and seli
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
the following described real property
situated in Morrow County, State of
Oregon, to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of Section
Four and the Northeast Quarter of
Section Five all in Township Three
South, Range Twenty-three, East
of the Willamette Meridian, the
Northwest Quarter of the South
east Quarter; the North Half of the
Southwest Quarter; the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
of Section Four, all in Township
Three, South, Range Twenty-three,
East of the Willamette Merdian,
and the Southeast Quarter and the
Southeast Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section Five in
Township Three South of Range
Twenty-three, East of the Willam
ette Meridian, and being situated in
Morrow County, State of Oregon,
Together with the tenements, heredit
aments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining,
or so much of said real property as
may be necessary to satisfy the plain
tiff's judgment, costs and accruing
costs of sale.
Sheriff of Morrow County,
State of Oregon.
Date of first publication, Nov. 19, 1936.
Pursuant to the order of the Secretary
of the Interior, dated August 29, 1936,
and to the provisions of section 15 of
the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269),
commonly known as the Taylor Grazing
Act, as amended by the act approved
June 26, 1936 (Public, No. 827, 74th Con
gress), notice is hereby given that all
of the vacant, unreserved, and unap
propriated public lands located within
Morrow County, Oregon, are hereby of
fered for lease for grazing purposes on
such terms and conditions as may here
after be prescribed. Any and all per
sons having adverse or conflicting
claims to such lands or desiring to lease
any part thereof for grazing purposes
under authority of said act, must file
notice of their claims, or proper graz
ing lease applications in the United
States district land office at The Dalles,
Oregon. Any one desiring to assert a
preference right to lease isolated or
disconnected tracts of 760 acres or less
in accordance with said act as amend
ed will be allowed 90 days from date of
the first publication of this notice with'
in which to file a proper application for
Acting Commissioner, General Land
Date of first publication, November 26.
IMijtj. 38-41
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon lor Morrow county.
In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel
Rice, Deceased.
The undersigned having been appoint.
ed by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County, executrix
or tne estate or .Darnel Kice, deceased,
notice is hereby given to the creditors
of, and all persons having claims against
said deceased, to present them verified
as required by law, within six months
after the first publication of this no
tice to tne undersigned at tne law of
fice of W. Vawter Parker in Heppner,
Executrix of the estate of Daniel
Rice, deceased.
Dated November 4th, 1936.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
Mary Brosnan, deceased, has filed his
final account of his administration of
said estate with the County Court of
the state of Oregon for Mornw County,
and that said Court has stE Monday.
the 7th day of December, 1936, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day as the time and Dlace for hear
ing objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate, and all
Eersons having objections thereto are
ereby required to file the same with
said court on or before the time set for
said hearing.
Dated and first published this 5th dav
oi iNovemDer, ian.
HUGH CURRIN, Executor.
Department of the Interior. U. S,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov,
10, 1936.
NOTICE Is hereby given that Lee
Cameron, of Ritter, Oregon, who, on
Nov. 28, 1930, made H. E. 027518 and on
August 18, 1933, made H. E. No. 028039,
both under Act. Dec. 29, 1916, for Lots
11 and 14, Sec. 30. Lots 13, 14, 22, 23,
and 24. Sec. 31. T. 7 S.. R. 29 E.. SW
SW, Sec. 4, SSEi4, NWWSEVi, See.
5, Lots 2, 3, 4 SV&NKfc, Sec. 6, Town
ship 8 South, Range 29 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make final Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before J. H. Allen. Notary Public, at
Long Creek, Oregon, on the 2nd day
or January, lysv.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Earl Burnette, Benj. Burnette, Chas.
Schoene, Roby Burnette, all of Ritter,
W. F. JACKSON, Register.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
or an execution issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, dated November 23,
1936. in that certain suit wherein The
Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor
poration, as plaintiff, recovered a judg
ment against the defendant, West Ex
tension National Farm Loan Associa-
tion, a corporation, for the sum of
$2393.65, with interest at 5 per cent
per annum on - $t-i.tu tnereor rrom
August 21, 1936 until paid, and with in
terest at 6 per cent per annum on
$727.49 thereof from August 21, 1936
until paid, and for the further sum of
$82.20, plaintiffs costs and disburse
ments in this suit, and a decree of
foreclosure against the defendants,
Francis M. Watkins and Lina Watkins,
husband and wife; Dale R. Watkins
Dale R. Watkins, as Administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of
Blanche P. Watkins, deceased: The un-
known heirs of Blanche P. Watkins,
deceased ; Ernest A. Stephens and Marv
W. Stephens, husband and wife; West
Extension National Farm Loan Asso
ciation, a corporation; Also all other
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, I will on the 26th day of
December, 1936, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock A. M. of said day at the front
aoor or tne county court house in
Heppner, Morrow County, State of Ore-
gon, offer lor sale and sell to the high
est bidder for cash in hand the follow
ing described real property situated
in Morrow County, State of Oregon,
Commencing at the Southeast Cor
ner of the Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty
seven, in Township Five, North of
Range Twenty-six, East of the Wil
lamette Meridian, thence West par
allel with South line of Section,
1371.9 feet, more or less, to the cen
ter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-seven, thence North
769.3 feet, more or less, thence
North 89 deg. 43 min. East 711.9
feet, more or less, thence North
550.7 feet, more or less, to the North
line of Section Twenty-seven, thence
East along North line of Section
Twenty-seven 660 feet, more or less,
to the Northeast Corner of Section
Twenty-seven, thence South along
East line of Section Twenty-seven,
1320 feet, more or less, to the point
of beginning, containing 32.42 acres,
more or less, said property being
further known and described on
the maps of the Oregon Land and
Water Company as Lots One, Two,
Five, Six, Seven and Eight, and the
South 1.71 acres of Lots Three and
Four, in Block Fifty-two, West.
Reserving therefrom that portion
thereof which has been or may here
after be reserved for roads in the
deeds from the Oregon Land and
Water Company and R. S. Howard,
Jr., Receiver of the Title Guarantee
and Trust Company .... Situated
in Morrow County, State of Oregon,
Together with the tenements, here
ditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise ap
pertaining, and
Together with all water and water
rights used upon or appurtenant
to said lands and however evidenced,
or so much of said real property as may
be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's
judgment, costs and accruing costs of
Sheriff of Morrow County, State of
Date of First Publication, November,
2o, iy3b.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by tha
county court or the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
last Will and Testament of Eph Eskel
son. deceastd. and that all nersons hav
Ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to pre
sent the same with the proper vouch
ers 10 saia execuirix at tne law omce
of Jos. J. Nvs. at HeDDner. Oregon.
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated ana nrst published this 26th
day of November, 1936.
ttUSA HiS.ltttl-.SUJN,
Charles H. Bartholomew, Plaintiff,
E. O. Neill and Anne Neill, his wife;
Oilie M. Weill; Ada Wigglesworth;
Chas. H. Latourell; Alexanders, a
corporation; L, F. Duvall; S. E.
Notson, Trustee; Isabel F. Corri
gall, Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of M. S. Corrigall, de
ceased, and The First National
Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a cor
poration, Defendants.
TO: L. F. Duvall:
OREGON you are hereby required to
appear and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled court
and Cause within four weeks from tho
date of the first publication of this
Summons, and if you fail to appear and
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in his Complaint as follows,
to-wit: That the plaintiff have judg
ment against the defendants, E. O. Neill
and Oilie M. Neill, for $1360.00, with
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from June 1, 1926, and
for the sum of $200.00, attorney's fees
and plaintiff's costs and disbursements
in this suit, and that the mortgage
described In plaintiff's Complaint be
foreclosed and the mortgaged premises
be sold in the manner provided by tha
Laws of the State of Oregon and the
practice of this Court. That the pro
ceeds thereof be applied towards the
payment of plaintiff s decree, costs and
accruing costs of sale. That at said
sale plaintiff be permitted to become
the purchaser and that the defendants
above named and each and all of them
be foreclosed and barred of all right
title, claim or interest in the premises
described in the plaintiff's mortgage,
except the right of redemption allowed
by law, and that the plaintiff have such
other and further relief as to the Court
may seem equitable.
That the lands covered by the said
mortgage which will be sold under
foreclosure are as roiiows, to-wit:
South Half of South Half of Section
Thirty, Township One North, Range
Twenty-eight East of Willamette
This Summons is served upon you by
publication thereof for four consecutive
weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by
order of the Honorable Wm. T. Camp
bell, Judge of the County Court for
Morrow County, State of Oregon, which
said Order was entered the 12th day of
November, 1936, and the date of the
first publication of this Summons is
the 12th day of November, 1936.
Postofflce Address: Heppner, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, No
vember 10. 1936.
NOTICE is hereby given that Earl
M. Burnette, or Hitter, Oregon, who,
on May 22, 1931, made Homestead En
try under Act December 29, 1916, No,
027520, for SWV4SW4 Sec. 17; SE',SEV4
Sec. 18: SE'iSW'i, section 2). Town
ship 7 South, Range 29 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore J. H. Allen, Notary Public, at Long
Creek, Oregon, on the 2na day or Jan
uary, 1937.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Robey Burnette, Lee Cameron, W. B,
Anthony, Sid Burnette, all of Ritter,
W. F. JACKSON, Register,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator has filed with
the County court or the state 01 Ore
gon for Morrow county, his final ac
count of his administration of the es
tate of L. P. Davidson, deceased, and
that said court has set Monday, the
7th day of December, 1936, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day in the County Court room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing objections-
to said final account and the set
tlement of said estate, and all persons
having objections thereto are hereby
required to rile such objections with
said court on or before the time set for
said hearing.
Dated and first miblished this 5th
day of November. 1936.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Frank
Rector, deceased:
To Pearl Leuty, Osbert Rector, Ruby
Hustler, MHes C. Carter, Edward R.
Carter, Delbert Rector, Leonard Sam
ple, Blanche Daugherty, Pearl Tracy,
Carl Haydon, Dan Haydon, Guy Haydon,
Minnie urion, jean nasseu, Manna mc
Kennon, Dallas McKennon, and all un
known heirs of Frank Rector, deceased:
You are hereby cited to appear within
ten days from the date of the last pub
lication of this citation hereinafter set
forth, to show cause, if any exist, why
an order should not be made, author
izing and licensing the administrator
of the estate of Frank Rector, deceased,
to sell the following described real
property at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, for the
purpose of satisfying the debts and ex.
pensess of administration of the estate
of the above named deceased:
An undivided one-fifth interest in
and to the Southwest quarter of the
Northeast quarter, the Southeast
quarter of the Northwest quarter,
the West half of the Southeast
quarter, and the Southwest quarter
of Section Seventeen; the East half
of Section Nineteen; all of section
Twenty ; West half of section Twenty-nine;
the North half and the
Southeast quarter of section thirty,
all in Township Two South, Range
Twenty-seven East of the Willam
ette Meridian in Morrow County,
Oregon; also, the Southwest quar
ter of Section Twelve in Township
Four South, Range Twenty-eight
East of Willamette Meridian in
Morrow County, Oregon.
The above being real property of
which said deceased, Frank Rector,
died seized of an undivided One-fifth
Dated this 2nd day of November,
(Seal) C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk.
Date of first publication, November
5, 1936.
' Date of last publication, December 3,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator de bonis non
of the estate of Annie Williams, de
ceased, has filed with the County Court
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County, his final account of his ad
ministration of the estate of said de
ceased, and that said court has set
Monday, the 7th day of December, 1936,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day in the County Court
room at the Court House at Heppner,
Oregon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate and all
persons having objections thereto are
hereby required to file the same with
said court on or before the time set for
said hearing.
Dated and first published this 6th dav
of November, ig36 .
Administrator de bonis non.
Department of Probate.
In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred
G. Freiwald, Deceased.
pursuant to order duly made and en
tered in the above entitled court and
cause on November 5, 1936, the under
signed administratrix of the above en
titled estate shall and will, from and
after December 3, 1936, proceed to sell,
at private sale, for cash, according to
law, at the office of Theodore Opsund,
409 Terminal Sales Building, Portland,
Oregon, all of the following described
real property belonging to the estate of
said deceased, to-wlt:
An undivided one-third interest In
and to the Southwest (SW',4) quar
ter of Section 1 in Township 1 North
of Range 24 East of the Willamette
Meridian in Morrow County, Ore
gon, or so much thereof as shall be necessary
to pay and satisfy the unpaid claims
against said estate and the expenses of
administration therein, as prayed for
in the petition of said administratrix
on file with the the clerk of the above
entitled court. .
Dated and first published November
5, 1936.
Last publication December 3, 1936.
Administratrix of the estate of Al
fred G. Freiwald. deceased.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore
gon, October 23, 1936.
Notice is hereby given that on Octo
ber 23, 1936, Louis Fluhrer, of Mayger,
Oregon, filed application No. 021963 un
der the act of March 20, 1922, (42 Stat.,
465) also Act of March 4, 1935 (43 Stat.,
1279), to exchange the EijSE'4. SW4
SEVi, ENwy4Nwy4SEy4, EV&Nwy
SEV4, SW4NW14SE14 of Sac. 26, T. 6
S. R. 25 E W. M., and SMSW Sec.
35, T. 6 S., R. 25 E., W. M. and Lots 3
and 4, Sec. 2. T. 7 S., R. 25 E., W. M.,
within or adjacent to Umatilla National
Forest, for the timber on portions of
Sections 19 and 20, Township 32 South,
Range 12 West, W. M., within the Sis
kiyou National Forest.
The purpose of this notice is to allow
all persons claiming the lands selected,
or having bona fide objections to such
application, an opportunity to file their
protests with the Register of the United
States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
Any such protests or objections must
be filed In this office within thirty days
from the date of first publication of this
notice, which first publication will be
Nov. 5th in the Gazette Times at Hepp
ner, the Curry County Reporter at Gold
Beach, and the Herald at Myrtle Point,
and on Nov. 6th in the Journal at Fos
sil, Oegon,
, Register.