Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1936, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year t S2.00
Three Years 6.00
Six Months ...... 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies ,05
Official Paper for Morrow County
This Day of Thanks.
yE PAUSE today to invoke di
vine blessing upon a nation
whose bounties surpass those en
joyed by any other nation on earth.
We express gratitude to our wise
forebears who made such a nation
possible; but mindful of their trust
in an all-seeing and divine provi
dence, without which their labors
would have been for naught.
We live today in a world torn by
passion and prejudice. Human blood
is being shed on battlefields dedi
cated to human greed and lust for
power. . Such conflicts today cast
their shadow on this free and fa
vored land.
As we sit today around the festive
board, with plenty of good things
to eat, let us not be unmindful of
those less fortunate, wherever they
may be. May the power of divine
aid give them succor, and may the
blessing of divine love lead all to
"forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against
us. to the end that peace will truly
reign on earth and every man will
be imbued with naught but love for
his fellow men.
Your Newspaper in
New Dress.
A FTER you get over the first shock
on seeing your copy of this edi
tion of your family newspaper, your
first idea may be that it dwindled
in size as the result of getting its
ears knocked down in the recent
election. This really is not the case
ml ... . .
ine miniature newspaper (it so
you wish to view it) which greets
your view this week is in fact
malice aforethought, produced with
the thought of giving you a more in
teresting, more readable paper.
To accomplish this, The Gazette
Times has added several hundred
dollars worth of new equipment, in
1 1 t Mil
ciuaing a new dress or body and
head types. These types were cho
sen especially for their attractive
ness and readability, and we believe
you will agree, the appearance of
the new paper is more pleasing with
their use.
The smaller page size, known in
journalistic circles as tabloid size,
has been adopted to facilitate hand
ling of the paper by readers, to give
more preferred space for advertisers,
and to aid production within the
plant. Your eight-page edition this
week contains more news and ad
vertising than the four-page paper
of the old size. Flexibility in pro
duction is attained by the greater
ease with which additional pages
may be added as demand requires.
In reading your paper from now
on you must not look for all the
important local news on the front
page. It will be spread liberally
throughout the paper, and it is the
intention of the publishers to give
the readers more, not less, local
news. The paper will continue to
be departmentalized in a manner to
facilitate its reading, and we hope
after you have become accustomed
to the new size you will agree with
us that the step is one of progress
thoroughly in tune with the spirit of
the times.
It is the purpose of the publishers
to serve Morrow county with as
good a newspaper as we possibly
can. Your cooperation may be ex
pressed by reporting news events,
sending in your opinions or in any
other manner in which you feel a
local newspaper should serve.
A Thought for
By Mrs. Editor
TN SPITE of the new deal we are
A still looking for S. Clause to come
thundering over the housetops in
his V-8 at the regular time. Even
the maritime strikers wouldn't have
the heart to stop him. They, too,
probably have little boys rushing in
looking as if they had emerged from
an enclosure for swine (as the X-
word puzzleists say) to inquire about
how many more days."
Every year one hears exaggerated
sighs from the adults of one's ac-
quaintance when the Yuletide draws
near. These same people, however,
will be noted rushing around to
shops to buy tree ornaments, dis
guised with false mustaches to hide
ye old Christmas spirit. They will
be seen peeking from behind a tier
of bundles resembling the Wool
worth building (if you've seen it,
we haven't) and going to the post
office to harass an already wild'
eyed force of employees.
We have decided to go around with
a grin on our face and a list in our
hand and be open and aboveboard
about it.
Turkeys Off 10c;
Strike Has Bearing
Oregon farmers will collect about
ten cents a pound less for their tur
keys this Thanksgiving than they
did last according to a survey made
in Portland Monday.
This survey showed movement of
some 30 carloads of birds delayed by
strike conditions and the price for
wholesale shipments averaged 19
cents a pound as compared with 29
cents a year ago. There has been no
shipment of turkeys to Alaska this
Other produce affected by the
strike includes apples and pears now
paying extra freights to reach water-
borne commerce at British Colum-
bia points with strikes there threat-
ening to further depress these prices,
Wheat prices have held up in the
face of curtailed movements with
Japan switching from Columbia riv
er and Puget Sound points to Ar
gentine for supplies. Heavy flour
orders to the Philippines placed for
January and February delivery will
depend upon a change in strike con
Jack McMillan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. McMillan of this city, is
in St. Vincent s hospital in Port
land where he is being treated for
injuries which he received while at
work in a lumber mill at Carlton.
School was dismissed Wednesday
afternoon and no further classes will
be held until Monday following
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and
sons, Kenneth and Ellwynne, are
spending the week with relatives
and friends in Corvallis and Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell
and daughter Patsy spent the week
end in Beaverton and Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson were
business visitors in Pendleton Fri
The W. F. Barnett & Co. store is
receiving a new coat of paint on the
Harry Dinges and son Danny spent
the week end in Corvallis and took
in the football game between Ore
gon State and the University of Ore
gon Saturday afternoon.
Joseph Eskelson and daughter,
Mrs. Ernest Frederickson, of Salem
were here last week for the funeral
of Mr. Eskelson's brother, Eph Es
kelson. Mr. and Mrs. James Pointer of
Silverton are visiting relatives in
this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson and
Beulah Nichols spent the week end
in Corvallis at the home of Mrs. Mae
Mrs. Arthur Hunt and daughter
Shirley visited relatives in Oregon
I Ethel du Pont to Wed F. D. R., Jr., President's Son
VJji f
T 1 1 ' T ' I ' I I t . - -r . . . . .
City and Portland over the week
Mrs. Cliff Daugherty of this city
is a patient at the Heppner hos
pital this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell
and daughter Patsy have gone to
Boise, Idaho, to spend the Thanks
giving holidays with relatives.
Woodrow Tucker spent a few days
of this week in La Grande at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Paul Mortl
more. When he returned he was ac
companied by Edith and Elsie Tuck
er who will spend the Thanksgiving
holidays at the home of their par
ents Mr- an- Mrs. W. B. Tucker,
Mrs. Elsie M. Beach has gone to
Portland to spend Thanksgiving
Wltn her son, Laurel.
The high school boys defeated the
Ss in two out of three games of
volleyball at the school Friday af
A meeting of the Lexington Home
Economics club will be held at the
grange hall Friday afternoon. All
members are asked to be present.
A harmonica band is being or
Yu ? yxCl' utu tnel du lJont and f ranklin D. Roo-.evelt Jr.
(above), are going to be married next June. Their engagement was
announced in late November by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene du Pont, parents
of the bride-to-be. -The President's son and the du Pont heiress good
humoredly posed for news photographers, string up and down the
sun room and seated side by side before the mei7lart. They laughed
each time they were told to look at each other . . . but refused to hold
hands. "It is to be a small church wedding," savs Miss du Pont.
t&he cVacant Qhair
AW ' "CIC44 EATIN ' ! !
STRUTTIN' around so mucu
WlM FOR A RIPE. - ! ! !
Winn. 1 NMOflMWWirA-!
ganized in the high school under the
direction of Miss Mary Alice Reed
Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle, Episcopal
archdeacon from Pendleton, will
hold services at the Congregational
church at 11 o'clock Sunday morn
You commonly se news items
such as: "John Jones was charged
with reckless driving following a
collision betwene his car and an
other vehicle. Jones stated that his
steering gear failed. Both cars were
badly wrecked, the occupants sus
taining minor injuries."
Sometimes the item has a grim
mer sound, when people are badly
injured or killed. But the "broken
steering gear" is one of the com
monets defenses put up by drivers
responsible for accidents and, cur
iously enough, the more influential
the driver, the oftener it is used.
As a matter of fact, it is doubtful
if any part of a modern motor car
is structurally stronger than the
steering gear. Exhaustive tests by
manufacturers show that real steer
ing gear failures are practically un
known. But John Jones is always
having them.
Maybe John is drunk and weav
ing his way home when the crash
comes. He sees that the front end
of his car is completely mangled
and so he calls upon the ghost of
his steering gear which "broke" for
some reason just as he was making
the turn. Maybe he was speeding
on a slick pavement and went into
a skid well, the steering gear is
blamed again. Maybe he was doz
ing and didn't even see the vehicle
he hit blame it on the steering
gear, it can't talk back!
It's time we stopped listening to
the steering gear alibi and similar
alibis which are false 999 times out
of 1,000. John Jones may escape
jail but the fact remains that some
35,000 people are being killed each
year in preventable accidents. The
reckless and incompetent motorists
must be punished and their alibis
laughed out of court, if that ghastly
toll is to be curbed.
Whereas it has pleased our Heav
enly Father to call to her Eternal
Home our beloved ' Sister Jennie
Dempsey, who was a faithful mem
ber of Ruth Chapter No. 32, Order
of Eastern Star, and
Whereas, there is a vacancy in our
Chapter and in the homes of her
loved ones, that will never more be
Be it resolved, that Ruth Chapter
extends its sympathy to the family
of the deceased and her relatives in
their hour of bereavement, and re
cords its sorrow in the loss of a sis
And, be it further resolved, that a
copy of these resolutions be present
ed to the family, and copies be given
the local newspaper for publication,
and spread upon the minutes of our
Eastern Oregon Normal School.
La Grande, Nov. 25. Jennie Swen
dig of Heppner was this week init
iated into Phi Beta Sigma, honorary
education fraternity. Miss Swendig
is a second year student in teacher
training, and has been active in stu
dent affairs.
Antone Cunha of Butter creek
was transacting business in the city
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