Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1936, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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A Story Anent the First Thanksgiving
As it Might Have Been
That John Alden chap was no
slouch. At least he got Priscilla,
object of Miles Standish's affec
tions, and therefore no mean ob
jective. For Miles, we'll have it
known, was a power in himself
who was in the habit of having just
about anything his strong heart
It was Miles who
gave the orders, who
saw that the blunder
busses were loaded
and placed in the
hands of brave men
with truest eyesight so
that the wild turkey would be hung high at the least cost of precious gun
powder. He directed reaping of the maize, digging of the sweet potatoes
and roasting of the hazelnuts. In fact he was Plymouth's number one
citizen, and should have been the most present person in the solitary long
ings of any maiden. But not so in Priscilla's.
Priscilla liked John. He wasn't an aggressive sort, it's true. Yet he had
his points. He could read and write with the best Plymouth man. He was
dark and handsome, and though retiring and a bit bashful, he didn't have
bushy eyebrows or barrelled paunch, such as characterized the more ag
gressive Miles, and his teeth were gleaming pearls, whereas those of Miles
might have led one to suspect that good Puritan was addicted to the vice
that Virginia would soon give to the world.
John was lean, clean cut. More youthful, he was probably more virile
than the Mayflower skipper, though the latter certainly made a greater
outward show of it.
The turkey had already been hung high, the maize was in the granary,
the cranberries strained and laid by to chill, and the chestnuts were in the
coals for it was the eve of Thanksgiving when Miles called John into the
"John, my lad, ye are a smart chap with a ready tongue that knowest
the choicest words. Me, I've had little time for romance, what with my time
all taken up seeing that everybody is taken care of around here. I know
it's asking a deal of thee, lad, -but I wouldst thou would do me a favor."
Little did old Miles know that which he was about to ask would be the
hardest favor John Alden could attempt to grant. For in his own heart
John loved Priscilla and wanted her very much, indeed. But he had not
suspected that which Miles was to ask, and Miles blundered on.
"Ye know, lad, I've been denied much that a man should have, being
kept so busy for other folk all the time, and I feel now that everything is
in pretty good order and we're about to have Thanksgiving, I should see to
some of the things I've been neglecting; and I want you to help me, my
lad." Miles halted again, not knowing just how to get to his point but
finally blurted:
"John, I love Priscilla. I want thee to ask her to marry me!"
Whereupon, all the red wine in Plymouth lent its hue to suffuse the
countenance of John Alden. His tongue was locked within his jaws. His
eyes stared blindly. Then he became palsied as if by ague. A ghastly
white drove the crimson from his face, and all at once an ovewhelming
anger unleashed his tongue. He spake bold words and decisive.
"Miles Standish, you blithering old idiot. Priscilla is a chaste maiden
whom thou shalt never scourge with thy beastial embrace. Thou knowest
not words for romance, nor feeling for love. Neither shalt thou make
ternoon. Guests were Mesdames El
mer Griffith, Omar Rietmann, Fred
Mankin, Ture Peterson, Inez Free
land, Earl Blake, Roy Brown, E. G.
Sperry, Jack Farris, Ralph Harris,
Ernest Heliker, Walter Roberts, Vic
tor Rietmann, O. G. Haguewood, C.
F. Feldman, Lee Beckner, M. E. Cot
ter, Dixon Smith, Lee Howell and
Dan Long. Delicious refreshments
were served.
With a few exceptions elk hunt
ers from this section returned empty
handed. H. E. Yarnell and J. O. Kin-
caid were among those who had
good luck.
Harold and Bob Buchanan were
Sunday visitors here from their
home near Echo.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gulick of Grants
Pass spent Saturday and Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Blake. They departed Mondav for
Anton Holub passed away at his
home a mile above town Sunday
evening. Death came to him sud
denly as he was about his evening
work. Mr. Holub came to lone from
Scio about fifteen years ago, and
has engaged in farming on the ranch
near lone since that time. He is
survived by a son, Frank. Funeral
services were held Tuesday after
noon at the Christian church and
the remains were later taken to Scio
for burial.
The H. E. club of Willows grange
held an all day meeting at the home
of Mrs. Vernice Crawford last Fri
day. The day was spent in working
on articles to be sold at the bazaar
which the club is planning for Dec
12 in the Cecil hall. At noon a pot
luck dinner was enjoyed by the six
teen members and six visitors who
were present.
About $40 was netted for the hot
lunch fund from the program and
carnival which was given at the
school gym by the grade school Fri
day evening. A clever minstrel was
presented with singing, jokes, turn
bling and dancing acts as the main
part of the program. This affair is
an annual event and is looked for
ward to each year. Patrons who
attended were not disappointed and
it is to be regretted that due to con
flicting events a larger crowd was
not in attendance.
Priscilla thy bounden
slave. By all that is
holy, if need be every
man in Plymouth may
tread my lifeless car
cass before any shalt
take her from me."
Thus boldly did John
speak. And when he
had finished, it was
Miles whose tongue
became locked; not
from speechless anger,
nor resentment. He
was simply nonplused,
Then he gained reali
zation or his senses
and noble was his re
"John, my lai, I'm
sorry. I did not real
ize. You should be
more forward hence
forth. Go now and tell
Priscilla, for tomorrow
is Thanksgiving. We
shall ask God's bless
ing on thee."
Frank moved to Stanfield Friday
where they have rented a place for
the coming year.
Betty McKenzie visited at the
Compton home last week end.
Mrs. McDermott, with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs: Bevis. left recent
ly for a trip through California.
Mrs. George Nowell of Alaska is
visiting at the Ed Johnson home.
Mrs. Johnson is Mr. Nowell's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown left for
a visit in Walla Walla lhursday.
They attended the 60th wedding an
niversary ol Mr. Brown s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown. There
are six children in the family and
all were expected to attend. This
will be the first time all had as
sembled together since the 50th anniversary.
Mrs. E. T. Messenger is visiting in
Portland with the Uram Messengers
for a short time.
Echo Coats, Clara Mae Dillon,
Marietta Thomas, Mardell Gorham,
and La Vern Baker attended the C.
E. convention held at Hermiston on
Nov. 20, 21 and 22. H. B. Thomas
attended part of the convention. The
ones who attended reported a good
time as well as learning many things
that will help them.
Swan Lubbes who has been work
ing in Klamath Falls returned home
The high school and town teams
played a practice basketball game
last Thursday night in the Board
man gym. The high school team
was defeated by three points.
T. J. Mahoney, former cashier of
the First National bank of Heppner,
and a resident of Portland for the
last several - years, was recently
elected to membership on the board
of directors for Portland Union Stock
Yards association.
Archie Ball was in the city Tues
day morning from the mountain
foothill ranch. He has delayed his
fall wheat seeding, believing there
is no use putting seed in the ground
this kind of weather. It is too dry
and cold to suit him.
Mrs. Archie Padberg of Lexing
ton was a business visitor in the city
Boardman now has a golf course
which is situated two miles east of
the town at Messner. It has been
here at Boardman for quite some
time, but has just recently been open
for use. This course is a real com
fort to many of the teachers who
enjoy playing golf.
Mr. and Mrs. Y. P. Rutherford and
Located on highway block west
of Court House
Handling General Petroleum Products
Modern Equipment
Quick Service
Tire Repair - Greasing Lubrication
Hot and Cold Water in Rest Rooms
Norton Lundell was very serious
ly injured Friday night when the
car in which he was crossing the
highway near Robison's garage was
struck by a car going toward Hepp
ner. The car which struck him was
going at a very high rate of speed
and his car was knocked off the
highway and through the fence into
the nearby field. Norton received
a fracture of the skull and severe
cuts about the head and was taken
as soon as possible to the Heppner
hospital where he is now showing
satisfactory improvement, though
still in a serious condition.
Roy Stender of Salem was here
for a short time Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison drove
to Clarkston Saturday for a week
end visit with Mrs. Robison's sister,
Mrs. Hiram Werst. They returned
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin and
son Buddy were Pendleton visitors
last Thursday.
Mrs. Ella Davidson is ill and has
been taken to Heppner for medical
care. She is at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy. .
Mrs. Laxton McMurray enter
tained members of the Auxiliary of
lone post of the American Legion
and other friends with a "cobweb"
party at her home last Saturday af-
November 26
Elks and Invited Guest
75c the couple
1 . -Mmh
Good Season
or Bad
THANKSGIVING has brought solace and joy
to the heart of him who has applied his best ef
forts to gain the most of nature's bounties. . . .
We acknowledge our debt of gratitude to the
men of the soil in helping us to enjoy this Thanks
giving and to a benevolent Providence that has
rewarded his labors.
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