Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1936, Image 1

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    . i. I c t o R ! A L SOCIETY
mtttt Ctmes;
Volume 52, Number 38.
"Fighting Irish"
Feted by Lions;
Tetz Gives Talk
H. S. Pigskin Tossers
Make Good Record;..
O'Reilly Speaks.
Heppner's Fighting Irish football
squad, defeated but once in two
years and who made 162 points to
opponents' 39, with Henry Tetz,
coach, were feted at the Monday
Lions luncheon at Hotel Heppner.
For the occasion Mrs. H. O. Tenney,
hostess, had tables decorated in ap
propriate Thanksgiving motif.
Another guest was Father P. J.
O'Reilly, who in a short address
paid tribute to the objects of Lion
ism and said, "Your actions are the
roar of the Lion, king of jungle
beasts, and you need have no fear
of that roar being heard so long as
your objectives are in the interest
of the common welfare." Backing
his words with action, Father O'
Reilly presented the club with a
five-dollar bill to be used in fur
thering its welfare work.
A special entertainment attraction
was a tap dance by Mary Lou Fer
guson and Jacqueline Tetz, accom
panied at the piano by Mrs. Alden
Blankenship. Mrs. Tetz and Mrs.
Ferguson, mothers of the girls, were
also guests.
Coach Tetz expressed his appre
ciation for the club's entertainment
of the team, complimenting the
sportsmanship and gameness shown
by all members of the squad. He
was glad for the interest men of the
community take in high school ath
letics, urging its continuance and
enlargement as one of the greatest
contributing factors to their success.
He introduced members of the
squad individually, including the
following: Maurice Feeley, mana
ger; Bill Browning, Jackson Gilliam,
Art McAtee, tackles; Gerald Rob
erts, Vernon Knowles, Harold Arm
strong, John Hays, guards; Richard
Hayes, center; Emmett Kenny, Nor
ton King, Fred Hoskins, ends; Don
ald Frederickson, Don Turner, Capt.
Len Gilman, Bill McCaleb, Gerald
Cason, halfbacks; LaVerne Van
Marter, fullback; Riley Munkers,
quarterback. Of these all earned
letters this year but Turner and Hays.
Munkers is a three-year letterman;
Frederickson, Van Marter, Gilman,
McCaleb and King are two-year
lettermen, and the others earned
their first letter this year.
The only game lost in the two
years was that played here this year
with Arlington, 12-0. This defeat
was later retaliated at Arlington
when the locals won, 14-0. This rec
ord takes into account only games
played in the Upper Columbia Ath
letic league. Heppner lost the game
to Pendleton this year 37-0 and sus
tained injuries that crippled the team
in later games. Other scores this
year were: Fossil 0-40; Condon 6
12, Condon 0-30, and Hermiston 6-7.
Lion president Ray P. Kinne ex
pressed the club's appreciation for
the good showing the boys made in
football, and encouraged them to
repeat the record in basketball.
Louise Becket Named
New School Clerk
Louise Becket was elected clerk
of School District No. 1 In a three
cornered race Monday afternoon to
fill the vacancy caused by resigna
tion of Harriet S. Gemmell. Nom
inated were Mrs. Becket, Reta Bibby
and Muriel Vaughn.
Of the 112 votes cast, Mrs. Becket
polled 45, Mrs. Bibby 33, Mrs.
Vaughn 32. and Vivian Kane, write
in, 2. The special meeting was held
at 2 o'clock at the council chambers.
J. L. Gault left yesterday for
Corvallis to spend Thanksgiving
with his family.
lone Lad Sustains Fractured Skull
In Collision With Nelson Car
Coming From Portland.
Norton Ernest Lundell, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Lundell of lone, is
in a critical condition at Heppner
hospital as the result of injuries re
ceived in an automobile accident
last Friday evening.
Young Lundell was alone in his
father's car, turning onto the Oregon-Washington
highway off the
Ione-Boardman road at lone, when
the car collided with another car
belonging to Elmer R. Nelson of 7412
N. Oatmoce St., Portland, about 7
o'clock in the evening. The Nelson
car was coming up the highway.
Mrs. Nelson, daughter of W. H.
French of Har'dman, was with Mr.
Nelson. They escaped with slight
injury. Both cars were badly dam-
Obstructed view was given as the
cause of accident in the report filed
by Lundells at the sheriffs office.
Lundell sustained a fracture at
the base of the skull, puncturing
both ear drums, and other injuries.
He suffered heavy loss of blood.
While his progress is reported as
good as can be expected, it will be
some time before he will be out of
Wilson's Winner;
Wool Work Helped
Wilson's, men's clothing store, was
awarded first place in the Morrow
County Woolgrowers auxiliary con
test in window display of woolen
articles, judged this week by Mrs.
E. L. Morton, Miss Leta Humphreys
and Mrs. B. R. Patterson. Special
thanks are extended to Thomson
Bros, for lending the use of their
window for the auxiliary display,
with appreciation to all those who
assisted in the work, by Mrs. R. I.
Thompson, president.
Mrs. Thompson also thanked la
dies of the community for their
generous support of the card party,
Saturday. Mrs. W. O. Dix took
first and Mrs. C. C. Patterson, sec
ond, at contract; Mrs. Henry Tetz,
first, and Mrs. Walter Becket, sec
ond, at auction, and Mrs. E. L. Mor
ton won the door prize.
Dog's Owner Coming;
Lad Disappointed
Scott McMurdo is one disappoint
ed lad, while another youth in Pay
ette, Idaho, has had joy brought to
his heart. It's all because Andy's
owner has been located.
A beautiful police dog, Andy was
picked up by Dr. McMurdo. His
son Scott found the dog a dandy
pal, and he hated to lose him. But
when Dr. McMurdo notified the
chief of Payette police the dog had
a Payette license he immediately
got a reply from Mrs. John R. Mc
Kinney that her 15-year-old son
was the owner and that they would
drive over for Andy Saturday. An
dy is the McKinney boy's pal.
As a part of the American Legion
Auxiliary's child welfare program,
members are asked to contribute
Christmas gifts for girls aged 11 to
13 years. They may be either use
gifts or toys, suggested being stock
ings, handkerchiefs, scarfs, berets,
games and books. These gifts are
not to be wrapped. Mrs. Estes Mor
ton, local child welfare chairman,
asks that they be sent to her by
December 5.
The Heppner schools were dis
missed last evening to reconvene
Monday morning, allowing a two
day holiday for Thanksgiving.
Capt. W, R. Reynolds, command
ant of the local CCC camp, spent
last week end in Vancouver bar
racks, Wash., on official business.
Two Not True Bills;
No True Bills,
Grand Jury Report
Body Likes Improve
ments; Finds Offices
in Good Order.
Two not true bills and no true
bills were returned by the grand
jury for the December term of cir
cuit court which completed its la
bors Saturday and was discharged
by Judge C. L. Sweek. Commenda
lion was generally given of condi
tions surrounding the enforcement
of laws, and improvements made in
and about the court house. The
jury was in session three days, and
reported inquiring into all viola
tions of the criminal statutes of
which they had knowledge or which
were brought to their attention.
Serving on the jury were H. W.
Grim, foreman; Olney Saling, A. G.
Edmundson, Archie Bechdolt, W. W.
Kilcup, A. M. Baldwin and Marion
Palmer. They reported:
"We have returned no true bills
and two not true bills.
"We have examined the offices
connected with the administration
of justice and find the records well
kept and the officers in charge cour
teous and efficient.
"We have examined the jail and
desire to commend the County Court
for relocating the door to the jail so
the entrance can be made from the
outside, and we also view with favor
the plan of the County Court to have
a steel 'cage' constructed to protect
the entrace from the outside.
"We have examined the county
poor house and find it in very good
condition and the inmates comfort
able and contented. The appearance
outside could be improved by the
removal of the pile of tin cans near
the buildings. We commend the
plan of the County Court to con
nect the county water system with
the poor house so as to provide ade
quate fire protection.
"We commend the county court
for improvement of the court house
grounds, the new lawn in the park
back of the court house being es
pecially a thing of beauty.
"We note that the lighting in the
circuit court room is very trying
upon the eyes of persons sitting in
the court room when the lights are
turned on, and we recommend that
an improved system of lighting be
Arthur Bergstrom, 8, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Bergstrom, was
treated at a local doctor's office last
evening for injuries received a week
ago when he was run over by a
car driven by Guy Hastings of
Hardman. The boy was opening a
gate at the farm for Mr. Hastings
when the car got momentarily out
of control and run over him acci
dentally. X-rays revealed a frac
ture of the right femur about three
inches below the hip joint. The
fracture was reduced and the mem
ber set in a cast.
Albert Babb, 93, father of Tru
man Babb of this city, died at his
home in Albany Tuesday of last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Babb were on
their way to Albany, having left
here Tuesday morning, when death
came. Funeral services were held
at Albany Thursday, for which Mr.
and Mrs. Babb remained. They re
turned home Saturday, evening, and
Mr. Babb remained here a few days
to do finishing work on their new
house, before returning to Ontario
where he has a contract for build
ing a house.
The ladies of the Episcopal aux
iliary will hold their annual bazaar,
Saturday, Dec. 5, beginning at 2
o'clock, at the Parish house. After
noon tea will also be served.
Rites for Successful Farmer Held
At lone and Scio; Native of
Bohemia Here 13 Years.
Funeral services were held from
the Chrsitian church at lone at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon for An
ton Holub, 54, who died suddenly
Sunday evening about 6 o'clock at
his farm south of that city from a
stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Holub was
outside at work alone, when strick
en, being found later by his son.
Rev. R. C. Young, Methodist minis
ter of Heppner, officiated and a
large concourse of friends and neigh
bors attended. Following the ser
vices at lone the body was taken to
Scio for further services in charge
of the Z. C. B. J. lodge, Bohemian
order, and interment was in the Scio
cemetery beside the graves of his
Anton Holub was a native of Bo
hemia, being born October 25, 1882,
to Joseph and Marie (Ademek) Ho
lub. With the family he came to
America as an infant, being reared
in the Willamette valley where his
parents settled. He came to Mor
row county 13 years ago, following
wheat farming on the farm just
above lone. He married Emma Pro
kop at Albany, Oregon, December
24, 1906.
Besides the widow he is survived
by a son, Frank; three brothers, Jo
seph of Albany, and Frank and Emil
of Scio, and three sisters, Agnes Dot
son of Spearfish, S. Dak., Josie Snydl
of Scio and Marie Herman of Eu
gene. Mr. Holub was a substantial citi
zen who held the respect of all who
knew him.
Automobiles Wanted
For Courtesy Cars
The local cooperating committee
is attempting in every way possi
ble to make visitors to the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league conference,
Dec. 4-5, feel at home, and to pro
vide them with every facility to add
to the convenience and pleasure of
their stay.
To this end the committee is ask
ing the cooperation of citizens in
making their automobiles available
as courtesy cars. Special placards
designating the cars as such will be
provided, and the idea is to make
visitors feel free to climb into any
car displaying the placard and be
taken wherever they may wish to
go within the city. Those willing to
cooperate in this manner are re
quested to leave their names at the
Gazette Times office. Just phone 82.
Lions Offer Prize
For Best Window
The Heppner business house which
presents the most appropriate win
dow in recognition of the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league conference
here Dec. 4-5, will be rewarded by
a $5 prize offered by the Lions club.
Three qualified out-of-town visit
ors will be selected to do the judg
ing. It is the hope of the Lions that
every business house will cooperate
in extending the city's hospitality
to visitors by dressing their win
dows appropriately the prize be
ing a small added incentive, mainly
to bring the matter to the attentiin
of all.
Florence L. Barlow of Boardman
received auto plate license number
2 for 1937 in the drawing held last
Friday by the secretary of state.
S. Llona of Juntura received license
number 1, the honor held in 1936 by
Vinton Howell, a resident of Hepp
ner at the time of the drawing.
The Heppner school band will as
sist in entertaining eastern Oregon
wheat men in their conclave here
Dec 4-5. They will open the pro
gram each day.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Complete Program
Released for
Wheat Meeting
'37 Adjustment Plan
To be Told by Dr.
Bell of Washington.
Final details of the Eastern Ore
gon Wheat league program, Decem
ber 4 and 5, have just been an
nounced by E. H. Miller, Lexing
ton, president, as local people made
final preparations to house, with
true western hospitality, the record
crowd expected this year. The Un
ion Pacific railroad is cooperating in
advance arrangements and will run
at least one special pullman to
bring delegations from east of the
Blue mountains, and will leave the
car to serve as additional hotel fa
cilities during the meeting.
Uncertainty as to who would come
from Washington, D. C, for this
conference was dispelled when offi
cers received word that Dr. E. J.
Bell, assistant to the director of the
western division of the AAA, will
be at the meeting to give, for the
first time in Oregon, an outline of
the 1937 agricultural conservation
program. He will have come direct
ly from the Washington conference,
where Oregon is represented by W.
L. Teutsch of the O. S. C. extension
service, and N. E. Dodd, Baker.
Another notable program feature
is the speech by A. L. Mills, Jr., vice
president of the U. S. National bank
in Portland, on "The Effects of Cur
rency Fluctuations upon Trade." S.
T. White, state director of agricul
ture, is also on the program, sched
uled to speak on needed changes in
agricultural legislation at the com
ing session, including proposed re
visions in warehousing, seed, nox
ious weed control and related laws.
All legislators from the Columbia
and Blue mountain counties have
ben urged to attend this year's ses
sion and take part in the discus
sions on the new legislation desired
by the farmers of the wheat belt.
Other subjects to be discussed on
the program will include noxious
weed control, feeding of wheat to
livestock, Columbia river develop
ment, cooperative marketing of ag
ricultural products, substitute crops,
and the formal reports of the stand
ing committees, which this year deal
with finance, taxation and state leg
islation, transportation and rural
electrification; weeds and soil con
servation; federal agricultural pro
grams; and production, handling
and marketing. Program follows:
Friday, December 4, Forenoon
Musical slectlon 9:15 o'clock.
Welcoming Address C. B .Cox, Mayor
elect, Heppner.
Response Cnas. Nish, vice-president.
eastern uregon wneai ueague.
President's Address E. H. Miller.
Report of Secretary Chas. W. Smith.
"Effect of Currency Fluctuation Upon
Trade" A. L. Mills, Jr., Vice Presi
dent U. S. National bank, Portland.
Musical selections, 1:15 o'clock.
"The Noxious Weed Problem of the
Oregon Wheat Belt" H. G. Avery,
Union County Agent, La Grande.
"Feeding Wheat to Livestock" D. B.
Richards, Superintendent, Union Br.
Experiment station.
"1937 Federal Agricultural Program"
Dr. E. J. Bell, assistant to chief.
Western Division, AAA.
(Continued on Page Eight)
Elks Official Coming;
Lodge of Sorrow Set
Oscar Effenberger of Tillamook,
district grand exalted ruler for B.
P. 0. Elks, Oregon north, will make
his official visit to Heppner lodge
358 on Monday evening, December
14, when a special lodge session will
be held in his honor. Special enter
tainment and initiation are sched
uled for the evening.
Heppner lodge will hold its an
nual lodge of sorrow on Sunday af
ternoon, December 6. Merle Becket,
Hubert Gaily and Harold Buhman
are the committee in charge of arrangements.