Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1936, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsigcr spent
the week end with relatives at
White Salmon, Wash.
The American Legion auxiliary of
lone entertained the members of
the Legion and their wives at an
Armistice Day party last Wednes
day evening in Legion hall. The
evening was spent dancing, playing
games and singing. Mrs. O. G.
Haguewood entertained the guests
with a musical reading. She was
acompanied by Mrs. Cleo Drake.
Mrs. Elaine Rietmann gave a read
ing. Supper was served at the close
of the evening. Twenty-five people
were present.
Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind of Mor
gan spent several days of last week
in Portland, returning home Sat'
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann
were in Hood River last week, Mrs.
Rietmann going down for dental
Larry Ritchie went to Portland
Sunday night
The grade school will put on its
annual program and carnival in the
school gym Friday night, Nov. 29.
The proceeds of the affair will be
used as in the past years for the
hot lunch fund. A very interesting
program has been prepared and the
usual carnival features and good
things to eat will follow.
The Auxiliary is giving a Thanks
giving dance in the Legion hall on
Saturday, Nov. 28.
Gene Engelman spent one night
of last week at the home of his par
, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman,
while on his regular trip as a sales
man for a motion picture distribu
tor of Portland.
Fred Ely and Rood Elileberry of
Morgan took a load of dressed poul
try to Portland last Thursday. Mr
Ely has a stall in the public mar
ket there.
Mrs. Chas. Nord of Portland came
up on Saturday, bringing home her
small grandson, Joel Barnett, who
has spent several weeks in the city
Mrs. C. F. Feldman and Mrs. .Ted
Smith were Pendleton visitors on
A visit was made at the Lexing
ton high school last Friday by the
lone high school student body pres
ident, Wallace Lundell, accompan
ied by representatives from the
classes as follows: Rollo Crawford,
senior; Anna Doherty, junior; Hel
en Lundell, sophomore, and poro-
thy May Brady, freshman.
The high school senior class will
present its class play , The Haunt'
ed Chair," at the high school audi
torium next Wednesday evening,
Nov. 25.
W. F. Honey of Gresham was a
business visitor here last Wednes
day and Thursday.
Donald Heliker has returned from
Hood River where he has been
On account of the wheat league
meeting at Heppner on Dec. 4-5,
the Tonic club has postponed its
stunt show until Dec. 11, when it
will be given in the high school gym
as a benefit for the local library.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Biddle are
vacationing at Soap Lake, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin
spent Saturday and Sunday at Gib
bon, at the home of Mr. Bergevin's
Last Sunday morning during the
Sunday school hour, Mrs. Foster
Odom, Mrs. Berl Akers and Mrs.
Everett Keithley, recent brides,
were presented with gifts from the
Sunday school in appreciation of
their help during the past years.
Lexington grange met Saturday
night and elected the following of
ficers for next year: Master, B. H.
Peck; overseer, Fred Mankin; lec
turer, Bernice Bauman; steward,
Sam McMillan; assistant steward,
Terrel Benge; chaplain, Mrs. George
n,vans; treasurer, K. B. Kice; secre-J
tary, Lena Kelly; gate keeper, Al
fred Troedson; Ceres, Lucy Rod
gers; Pomona, Mrs. Myles Martin;
Flora, Mrs. Ralph Scott; lady as
sistant steward, Beulah Nichols;
executive committee, Harvey Bau
man, George Peck and Oral Scott.
These officers will be installed at
the next meeting.
Preceding the business meeting
the following Armistice program
was presented: Reading, Dorothy
Peck; piano solo, Caroline Bau
man; Armistice Day skit, Lavelle
Pieper, Jerrine Edwards, Billy Pad
berg and Eldon Padberg: vocal so
lo, Harvey Miller, accompanied by
Miss Mary Reed; Armistice Day
reading, Mrs. William Campbell and
group singing of popular war-time
The Lexington Home Economics
club met at the grange hall Thurs
day afternoon with fourteen mem
bers and four visitors present. Mrs.
Charles Marquardt and Mrs. Myles
Martin were hostesses. Election of
officers was held as follows: Pres
ident, Mrs. Myles Martin; vice-president,
Mrs. Merle Miller; secretary,
Beulah Nichols; treasurer, Mrs. S.
J. Devine. Plans for the wheat
league banquet were discussed.
Those present were Mrs. Martin,
Mrs. Marquardt, Mrs. -Roy Camp
bell, Mrs. William Campbell, Mrs.
Trina Parker, Mrs. A. H. Nelson,
Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle, Mrs. Har
vey Bauman, Mrs. Harvey Miller,
Mrs. Merle Miller, Mrs. Orville Cuts
forth, Mrs. George Peck, Mrs. B. H.
Peck, Mrs. S. J. Devine, Mrs. Adolph
Majeske, Mrs. H. V. Smouse and
Beulah Nichols.
Friends here have received an
nouncement of the birth of a son,
Darrell Wayne, to Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Allyn of Gaston on Nov. 10.
Mr. nd Mrs. Allyn formerly lived
There will be a dance at the Lex
ington grange hall Saturday eve
ning. Music by Kanouse's orches
tra of Condon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman en
tertained the following guests at
dinner Monday evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gillis, Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Brown, Mr. and Mrs.
diet Brown, Henry Blahm, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Stockard, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Msesjke, Clarence Bauman
and Beulah Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox have pur
chased a new Plymouth coupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copen-
haver and children of Athena spent
Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott were vis
itors in Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall re
turned home Saturday evening from
a few days' visit to Spokane. While
there they also visited at the home
of Mrs. Duvall's brother, Claude
Waid, at Green Acres.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaw and sons
of Hermiston spent Sunday with
relatives and friends in this com
W. B. Tucker and son Woodrow
were business visitors in Hermis
ton Monday.
A delegation of lone high school
students were guests of the local
high school Friday. The lone stu
dents were Wallace Lundell, stu
dent body president; Dorothy May
Brady of the freshman class, Helen
Lundell of the sophomore class, An
na Doherty of the junior class and
Rollo Crawford of the senior class.
At Heppner
Homecoming Expected to
Bring Biggest O.S.C. Jam
Corvallis. Corvallis is expecting
one of its largest crowds in history
for this years homecoming cele
bration, Saturday, November 21
when Oregon and O. S. C. play their
annual state championship battle
on Bell field. This will be the first
game in Corvallis since before the
depression as the contest was trans
ferred to Portland for several years.
Homecoming events will start
Thursday night with an inter-fra
ternity sing, and will continue Fri
day when the upperclass students
will spend considerable time getting
the campus decorated, while fresh
men build their annual bonfire. One
new building, a dozen new tennis
courts and many other campus im
provements are being featured as
attractions for old graduates re
Report on Willamette
River Survey Issued
That sulphite liquor waste dis
charged from the four paper mills
now in operation along the Willam
ette river places an oxygen demand
on the river equal to that from a
population of some 489,000 persons
is pointed out in a report of the
technical sub-committee working
under the board appointed by Gov
ernor Meier three years ago to
make a specific study and report
on factors contributing to river pol
lution. The findings of the committee are
contained in an engineering experi
ment station bulletin just published
at Oregon State college, entitled,
"Industrial and Domestic Wastes
of the Willamette Valley," by G. W.
Gleeson, acting head of the chemi
cal engineering department, and F.
Merryfield, assistant professor of
civil engineering.
The fact that the available oxy
gen in the Willamette river de
creases rapidly from Salem to Port
land at low water seasons, and that
in general the conditions of the
river during these periods are crit
ical from the standpoint of fish life
and undesirable from the pollutional
standpoint was established by a
sanitary survey conducted by the
engineering experiment station at
O. S. C. during the summers of 1929
and 1930. The chief purpose of the
survey just completed was to study
the wastes discharged into the river
from the pulp and paper mills and
other industrial plants, to deter
mine their biachemical oxygen de
mand, investigate possible method
of treatment, and to make recommendations.
The committee points out that in
making the survey it had the hearty
cooperation of the paper industry,
which recognizes the problem and
would welcome a successful and
economically practicable solution.
No present method of treating
waste sulphite liquor ha3 been
shown to be generally feasible from
an economic standpoint, the report
shows, although a number of pro
cesses are in successful operation
under certain conditions. One of
these, that of ponding and aerating
sulphite wastes before discharging
into the river, was recommended
by the committee as worthy of trial
under commercial conditions in
Oregon. Experimental operation
was suggested at the Lebanon plant
of the Crown Willamette Paper
company, where a suitable small
pond is already in use and where
the experiment could be conducted
at nominal expense.
A speciaaly attractive souvenir
edition of the "Sagebrush Chroni
cle," publication of Camp Heppner
2113 CCC, was issued last week in
celebration of the camp's first anni
versary. An attractively drawn
cover on blue stock marked the ed
ition. It was reproduced through
out by mimeograph. Dedication
was to Capt. W. R. Reynolds, camp
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning services - 11:00 a. m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Evening services 7 :30 p. m.
Choir practice, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.
Midweek service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
Topics for Sunday, Nov. 22:
Morning sermon, "An Inheritance
from Heathenism."
Evening sermon, "Who Are the
69 Living Dead Church Members
on Our Church Roll?"
These are not just unusual topics.
They contani real, live issues. No
one who comes will say that it is
not worth their while. Attend both
morning and evening.
Next Sunday, Nov. 29, the morn
ing sermon will be "Sins of Omis
sion." The evening topic is "Prec
ous Promises of Jesus."
May we carry on some of the in
spiration of the preaching mission
by putting some of our private vows
of reconsecratoin into practice. i
REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
evening service 7:30 p.
Tuesday, Boy's Club 7:00 p. in.
Thursday, Fellowhip Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Read St. Luke 17:11-19.
"We do not mean to be ungrate
ful but we are forgetful.
Ten men receivd help from Christ
One returned thanks. We are con
stantly asking of God. How often
do we thank Him?
Religion without thanksgiving is
like a song without music. God
could get along without our grati
tude. But we cannot get along
without offering it You can thank
God for your blessings. Can you
also thank Him for your trials?
Often they are conveyors of your
greatest benefit. We should neve:
approach God without thanking
Him for something.
We should never live a day with
out expressing our thankfulness to
God by doing something for oth
ers. Thankfulness which does not
find expression in giving becomes
mere lip-worship.
At the morning service the pas
tor will have a special thanksgiv
ing message. Selected music by the
choir. The evening service will be
one of praise and thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell, who
are leaving Tuesday to make their
home at Salem, were remembered
with a surprise farewell party at
their home Sunday evening tender
ed by American Legion and auxil
iary members. Many members of
each organization joined in the
housewarming, and presented the
Gemmells with a memory gift.
C. M. Bentley, examiner of oper
ators and chauffeurs from the of
fice of Earl W. Snell, secretary of
state, will be at the courthouse in
Heppner, Saturday, Nov. 27, be
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4
p. m. All those wishing permits or
licenses to drive cars should get in
touch with Mr. Bentley at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hall, Bend
photographers, served the local pub
lic for several days this week with
a temporary studio set up In the
corner space of the new Peters
building. They expected to finish
their work here today.
Hay for Sale About 150 tons al
falfa, good place for feeders, near
shipping point, plenty water. J. W.
Messner, Hermiston, Ore. 36-37
Wheat Grass Shows Up on Range
Lakeview. Twenty acres of range
land on the Walt Leehmann ranch
at Salt creek in Lake county, broad
cast to crested wheat grass seed
three years ago, this year showed
a fair stand of strong, substantial
crested wheat grass plants among
the bronco grass, sage brush and
lupines, says County Agent Vic
Johnson. The area was inspected
recently by W. O. Harriman, su
pervisor of the Fremont national
forest, and Melvin Burke, range
SALEM. The Oregon returns in
the recent battle of the ballots were
not without their usual quota of
surprises, not the least of which
was the astounding plurality amass
ed by President Roosevelt While
this state had been pretty gener
ally conceded to the Democratic
candidate not even his most rabid
partisans had anticipated the land
slide which swept every county in
the state including rock-ribbed
Republican Benton into the Roose
velt column. Republicans who had
conceded a Roosevelt victory in the
state had grudgingly estimated his
margin of victory at 15,000 to 0,-
000. Democrats, on the other hand,
had claimed the state for their can
didate by anywhere from 40,000 to
75.000, a few of the more wild-eyed
partisans boosting the margin to
as high "as 100,000. The voters gave
him a plurality of more than 143,-
Only a little less surprising than
the huge total rolled up by Roose
velt was the strength displayed by
Willis Mahoney, democratic candi
date for United States senator, who,
carried along on the crest of the
democratic landslide and with sub
stantial aid from his Townsendite
admirers came within 6000 votes of
unseating the veteran Chas. L. Mc
Nary, republican floor leader in the
senate, and generally accounted for
easy victor in the race for re-election.
Alfred Dobson, democrat, who was
expected to give the veteran I. H.
Van Winkle a hard race for the at
torney generalship did so, coming
within 11,000 of winning.
One of the most unexplainable
results of the election was the big
vote polled by the old age pension
amendment which came within
5500 votes of carrying and which,
had it been approved, would have
completely disrupted the state's old
age pension set-up, drying up the
state and county old age pension
funds and leaving nothing with
which to match federal aid to the
SALEM. Oregon school districts
clipped an aggregate of $2,229,521
off their debt load in the past two
years, a survey by State Treasurer
Rufus Holman reveals. The school
debt load bond and warrants
which totalled $19,945,781 on July 1
1934, had been reduced to $17,646,349
on July 1 of this year.
Twenty-five of the state's 36
counties reported progress in the
reduction of their school debts dur
ing the biennium ranging from a
low of $449 in the case of Union
County to $1,655.236 for Multno-
mah county. Eleven counties, on
the other hand, show Increased debt
loads at the end of the two year
period. Of this latter class Marlon
leads with an increase of $556,536 in
its school indebtedness, largely ac
counted for by new bond issues to
finance new school buildings In the
Salem district
Lincoln county with only $8800
of bond and warrant debt is shown
to have the lightest school debt load
with Jefferson's $22,692 ranking
second and Gilliam's $47,449.05,
Phelps Funeral Home
Telephone 1332
Licensed Funeral Directors
Trained Lady Assistant
Heppner, Oregon
We wish to extend out sincere
thanks to all the kind friends and
neighbors for their help and ex
pressions of sympathy in the time
of our bereavement. We sincere
ly appreciate the floral tribute
though some arrived too late for the
The Haynes and Young
Notice to Bicycle Riders.
Riding bicycles on sidewalks or
after night without lights is a vio
lation of city ordinance and makes
offenders subject to fine.
L. W. Briggs, treasurer; F. S.
Parker, commissioner, and H. A.
Tamblyn, engineer, are among
county officers leaving for Portland
Sunday to attend state meetings of
their respective associations.
Found Fountain pen. Owner may
have same by describing. Hubert
Hudson, city.
Mrs. Blaine E. Isom and baby
returned home this morning from
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simas of Mon
ument were visitors in the city
Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson were
in the city yesterday from Monument.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of nn execution issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, dated Otober 19. 1D36,
in that certain suit wherein The Feder
al Land Bank of Spokane, a corpora
tion, as plaintiff, recovered a judgment
against the defendant. Carl J. Peterson,
a bachelor, for the sum of $4803.09. with
interest at 5' per cent per annum on
$3915.79 thereof from October 15, 1036.
until paid, and with Interest at 5 per
cent per annum on $819.60 thereof from
October 15, 1936, until paid; and the
further sum of $24,111, plaintiff's costs
and disbursements in tfiis suit, and a
decree of foreclosure against the de
fendants. Carl J. Peterson, a bachelor;
Harold Anderson and Alma Anderson,
whose true name is Alena Anderson,
husband and wife; lone National Farm
Loan Association, a corporation. I will
on the 19th day of December, 1!36, at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
at the front door of the County Court
House in Heppner, Morrow County,
State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
the following described real property
situated In Morrow County, State of
Oregon, to-wit:
The Northwest Quarter of Section
Four and the Northeast Quarter of
Section Five all In Township Three
South, Range Twenty-three, East
of the Willamette Meridian, the
Northwest Quarter of the South
east Quarter; the North Half of the
Southwest Quarter: the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
of Section Four, all in Township
Three, South, RanKe Twenty-three,
East of the Willamette Merdian,
and the Southeast Quarter and the
Southeast Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section Five in
. Township Three South of Range
Twenty-three, East of the Willam
ette Meridian, and being situated in
Morrow County, State of Oregon,
Together with the tenements, heredit
aments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining,
or so much of said real property as
may be necessary to satisfy the plain
tiffs judgment, costs and accruing
costs of sale.
Sheriff of Morrow County,
State of Oregon.
Date of first publication, Nov. 19, 1936.
Your Hair
HOLIDAYS are, sure to be
happy days when a new
New Ray permanent wave
assures you of looking your
best. Distinctive, soft waves
and curls frame your face in
youthful lines. 'Phone for an
early reservation so that you
may not be disapponlted.
Finger waves, ihampoo, facial,
and other beauty treatment
from an expert operator at yonr
service at
Beauty Shop
Hotel Heppner -:- Willow Street
Oysters, Shell Fish
the pick of
marine delica
cies served
You'll find our
stock of
November 26
Elks and Invited Guests
75c the couple
Among counties which report an
Increase In the school debt load dur
ing the two years are Benton, Clack
amas, Crook, Lake, Linn, Marion,
Polk and Yamhill. Those which
succeeded In reducing this debt bur
den during the biennium include
Columbia, Coos, Curry, Deschutes,
Gilliam, Hood River, Jackson, Jose
phine, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Mor
row, Sherman, Union, Wasco, and
See Gilliam
& Bisbee's bargain
Excellent results from the use of
Gazette Times Want Ads are re
ported to us each week.
Elmer Griffith
Representing Kerr-Gifford & Co.
Buying In Heppner, Lexington,
lone. Call 11F3, lone, Oregon
Thanksgiving Dinner
Pan Rolls 10c Dozen
French Rolls 20c Dozen
Butter Rolls 25c Dozen
Parker House Rolls 20c Dozen
Mince, Apple, Cherry and Berry Pies
25c Each
Cream Puffs Each 5c
Saturdays Only
Heppner Bakery
15 Lbs- 85c
Brown ... 7 Lbs. 43c
Powdered, 5 Lbs. 39c
4 LB.
69c 8 1.29
8 Lbs 95c
PUMPKIN, No. 2V2Tin 10c
MINCE MEAT, 2 Lbs ..23c
CURRANTS Grecian, 2 Pkgs. . 35c
OYSTERS, 5oz. fancy ... 4 for 45c
POPCORN, guaranteed, 2 Lbs. 19c
New Crop
4 lb. bag
Arm & Hammer
3 pkg. 25c
Full cream
Per lb. 26c
5 lbs. 29c
Also Cream Mix, Gum
Drops, Jelly Beans
2 LBS.. 25c
Brown Derby
2 12 oz Tins
Citron, Lemon,
Per lb. 30c
Walla Walla
2 16 oz.
Tins .. 1 5c
13 tins
No. 2 fancy white
or Gold. Bantam
2 tins
No. 1 fancy Oregon Walnuts 2 LBS. 43c
PEANUTS, new crop ... 2 LBS. 25c
ALMONDS, Drake brand LB. 33c
Taste Tells
7 oz. tins
6 for 25c
Economy i Qp
squares, lb. IwV
Dry Sugar Cure
Fluffiest of All
2 LBS.. 25c
Mexican Reds or Kidneys
New Crop
10 LBS. 59c
Schilling 4 oz. Vanilla-Lemon Ext. ea. 39c
. 6 lbs. 25c
Harvewt Blossom
49 lb. Bog
Sweet Potatoes
U. S. No. Ts
Cranberries 2 lbs. 39c
AIRWAY .. 3 lbs. 49c r , , . ., 13
NOB HILL . 3 lbs. 65c Ce,er lar9e stalks 13c
Dependable, 2 lbs. 47c Oranges, med. size, 2 doz. 45c