Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1936, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1936
as is now predicted and if a larger
acreage of crops with a higher av
erage yield is realized as is also pre
dicted, national farm prices may be
expected to average about the same
as in 1926.
Even if farm prices merely re
main at the 1936 level, total farm
income will be somewhat greater
for the country as a whole, Breit
haupt points out A part of this
extra income will doubtless be
needed to meet higher farm costs
which are now in prospect but un
doubtedly part of it will be used in
improving farm homes and family
Feeders' Meeting Dates
Shifted; Grant on List
One county has been added and
the dates for two counties changed
in the series of 11 feeders' and feed
resources meetings scheduled by
the O. S. C. extenion service for De
cember and January. Under the
new schedule, the first meeting will
be held in Grant county December
4 and 5, with the Wallowa county
meeting moved on to December 7
and 8, and the Union county meet
ing December 9 and 10. Other
meeting dates remain as previously
announced, starting with Clacka
mas county January 28 and 29.
Information has been gathered
through experiment station work
and observation of commercial
herds which, if generally applied,
would make possible fattening of
many steers and lambs profitably
on Oregon hay and grain Instead of
shipping them outside for finish
ing, extension leaders believe. These
methods will be explained and dis
cussed at the meetings.
Evidence that hundreds of visitors
to Oregon become permanent resi
dents of the state is contained in
replies to questionnaires being re
turned to the travel bureau of the
state highway department. Buyers
of farms predominate among the
visiting tourists' who have suc
cumbed to the attractions - off ered
by the state and decided to become
permanent residents.
I ft PUce turkey on back with
! led tointin fnwirrft rh rar.
2. Posh wing down and hold
firmly with fork. Make a deep
cut diagonally into breast just
above wing. Carre breast in
thin crosswise slices. The deep
diagonal cut enables you to
end slice neatly.
3. Hold wing with fork and
disjoint with carving knife.
Then carve balance of white
meat from breast Under the
back, on either side, may be
found two small oyster-,
shaped pieces of dark meat.
4. For a small family, it is ad
visable to carve but one side
of the turkey as required, so
that the remainder may be left
in good condition foe a sec
ond serving.
1 ver. Grasp paper frill covering
- cod of Leg. Cut through ikia
I between leg and body with
I cming knife and disjoint leg.
Excellent results from the use of
Gazette Times Want Ads are re
ported to ns each wppk.
B '.. Cfcyf ttt tttm Palwi-f Hos. Cbiega
Danes Have Made Great Strides
To Put Country in First Class
(Editor's Note: This is one of several
articles written for this newspaper by
Eric W. Allen, dean of the University of
Oregon school of journalism who trav
eled In Europe on a fellowship granted
by the Oberlaender Trust of the Karl
Shun memorial foundation.)
Dean of the University of Oregon
School of Journalism.
KOPENHAGEN. Denmark is a
sensible little country, if there ever
was one. It has to be. If the Danes
make any serious mistakes, there is
no chance that Nature will make
up the deficit, or kick, or politics,
and perhaps not even Providence.
So the Danes just watch their step,
and they have accomplished won
ders .
Denmark is almost without nat
ural resources. Yet the Danes eat
better, sleep warmer, live in more
modern houses, enjoy a superior ed
ucation, are socially secure, and get
through life with less tribulation
than almost any people one could
name. A young Nazi in Germany,
a war baby himself, told me he
would hate to live in Denmark be
cause life there was so peaceful and
All the Danes had to start with
was a small country made up ap
parently or sanddunes covered with
a thin and not very fertile soil. Now
they have a land that seems more
like Oregon than anything else in
Europe. The Danes are about as
artistic as the Americans. Whether
that is saying much or little is left
to the reader. Their idea of what
constitutes a good town is the same:
the streets should be wide, and
clean, and well paved. The houses
should be well built The store
windows should be large, and spot
lessly clean, and filled with the most
modern goods the world can offer.
attractively displayed. A few neon
lgihts and a little snappy advertis
ing in brilliant colors warms the
Danish soul, as it does the Ameri
can. The automobiles should be
streamlined, and they are as no
where else in Europe.
But to see the star exhibit of Dan
ish life one must go outside the
cities and note what has happened
to those ex-sanddunes. All Den
mark is a food-factory. Every Dan
ish farmer mixes his own fertilizer
and he always knows exactly what
he is doing. There is no guess about
it He knows his chemistry and
his biology and his bacteriology and
he keeps careful statistics of results.
One could not walk through his
clover field without tripping and
falling. The yield of everything
per acre, or, as he would say, per
hectare, is very large.
We saw a stock fair at Odense
as we drove through and were sur
prised at the quality of the animals.
Afterwards we were told that low
grade stock has just about disap
peared from the country. Hogs are
so standardized that when they are
brought to the bacon factory (not
"slaughter house") the farmers are
penalized in price if the sdies are
an inch or so too short or an inch
or so too long. Danish butter is a
standard luxury throughout all the
world's tropical regions and in those
lands where it is noon at the Dan
ish midnight. The Danes know ex
actly how to make it so that it is
all absolutely standard and of the
highest standard how to put it in
tins so that it will keep, how to
market it and ship it and how to
charge for it
Marketing, in fact, is exactly
where the Danes shine. Only in a
country where a very high quality
of education is general almost uni
versal, in fact could their complex
organization of dozens of coopera
tives be successfully conducted, and
become the basis of a country's ec
onomic and cultural success. Even
the farm hand, or the porter at your
hotel, is likely to be a college grad
uate and answer your question in
good French, or German or Eng
lish if you cannot understand Dan
ish. There are bookstores every
where, with big stocks in several
languages, not only in Kopenhagen
but in the small town. There are
far more newspapers in proportion
than there are at home, and they
are lively, American-style sheets,
with lots of pictures and a great
deal of interesting news, not the
pseudophilosophy and propaganda
that now characterize the newspa
pers in too many European coun
tries. And they get lots of adver
tising, which helps a newspaper to
keep up its quality of service and its
intellectual courage.
The Danes think and freely say
that American papers, compared
with their own, are not sufficiently
well written, and are not vivacious
The Danes have their troubles,
just as other peoples have in this
troublesome period in the world's
history. They have some unem
ployment, largely owing to unecon
omic tariff policies followed by cus
tomer countries, but it is written
into the constitution that no Dane
shall go hungry and he doesn't
There are no slums, or at least the
Ford car hasn't been able to find
any and the Danes tell us there are
none. There is an elaborate sys
tem of social insurances that pro
tects everybody, and this again is
only possible where a high standard
of education, honesty and self-respect
in general In Denmark you
just park your car in one of the
wide boulevards over night and save
garage rent Nobody will steal the
accessories or drain out the gas.
We saw nine soldiers across the
street at the Rosenborg palace yes
terday, but have not yet identified a
policeman. The chap in a bright
red coat turned out to be a mail
carrier. And this is Europe, in the
year 1936! Of course, there must
be soldiers and policemen some
where, but they are not so thick
that they get into one's hair, as
the case in most of Europe.
These shores of the North Sea
figure in the ancestry of almost
every Oregonian, if one traces it
back far enough. Here, and along
the German coast where we are go
ing next, is where the Anglo-Sax
ons originated. A new book just
issued in Germany the Germans
are much interested in "race"; far
too much so, in fact makes fun
very sensibly, of the tendency of
scientists to figure that every race
that is found anywhere at the dawn
of history must have come from
somewhere else the Caucasus or
Central Asia for preference. The
writer asks, with very good reason,
where else could a tribe be bleached
out so white as we are except right
here? This is a very bleaching
climate, and it is very easy to be
lieve that it was right here that the
Oregonians acquired their white
skins. Throughout the entire per
iod of American drouth and heat
wave, we have had in Europe, ex
cept for a few days in Italy, weath
er that is exactly like an Oregon
winter or damper and part of the
time colder, if anything.
It is no wonder that Europe is so
beautifully green. The wonder is
how completely the Europeans have
conquered mud, and how neat, snug,
well painted and well kept every
famhouse is and nowhere more
so than in rainy Denmark.
Harlan and Bud Lundell returned
to Boardman last week after spend
ing several weeks driving through
tne middle western states. They
reported a very good time.
John and Lawrence Narkoski are
home now. They have both been
away working for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ingles and the
teachers spent Wednesday after
noon in Walla Walla.
A Christian Endeavor party was
neid at tne cnurch Friday evening.
It was the monthly social and ev
eryone reported a good time. The
evening was spent playing games
and then refreshments were served.
The 7th and 8th grade held a
skating party Friday afternoon
They skated at the grange hall from
from 3:30 to 6:30, later having re
freshments and playing games.
Dale Hugg had his tonsils re
moved Friday morning at the Her
miston hospital. He is reported do
ing well.
Mrs. C. Inglebritzen is visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
E. Ingles. She Is from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Orr of Klam
ath Falls viaited at the Lubbes
home last week. They were en
route to Missouri.
Glen Hadley, Charles Dillon and
Warren Dillon returned home Sun
day from an elk hunting trip up
around Dale. Mr. Dillon killed an
Simon Gent of Elgin arrived In
Boardman Saturday to go with his
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Bates, on a trip to Long
view and Seattle and other point
on the coast.
The Home Economics club spon
sored a card party last Tuesday eve
ning. It was well attended and the
evening was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and
daughters spent Wednesday and
Thursday of last week in Portland
visiting friends and relatives.
Otto Lubbes left Sunday evening
for a short business trip to Port
land. A tea was held in the Home Econ
omics room Monday evening for
the faculty. The room has had new
curtains put up this year and other
Jimmie Farley of Heppner visited
his father a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller of
Umatilla who are well kron in
this community, came to Board
man Wednesday where they caught
the train for Portland. They in
tended to visit their son and then
go on to California and spend the
winter there with another son.
Chester Wilson is employed at the
Tum-A-Lum this week.
Mrs. Swearingen entertained the
Home Economics club at her home
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Robert Smith spent the week
end with the home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham were
Richland, Wn., visitors last Thurs
day. R. V. Jones and W. C. Isom de
liveed dressed turkeys at the Co-op
in Hermiston Sunday.
Mr. and Ms. Geo. Kendler and
daughter Yvonne from Pendleton
visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham mo
tored to Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Isom were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Harriman at Umatilla Sunday eve
ning. Mrs. Batie Rand and Mrs. Don
Isom entertained the Pep club at
Mrs. Rand's home Wednesday af
ternoon. Mrs. Irvin Chapman from Uma
tilla visited Mrs. Earl Isom Monday.
Mrs.Alina Grieves from Hermis
ton visited Mr. and Mrs. George
Rand Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bediwell
and family visited Mrs. Bediwell's
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Stevers, at Cayuse Sunday.
Geo. Scarlett of Boardman was a
business visitor in Irrigon Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCoy are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Jay
Berry and family at The Dalles.
Mrs. J. A. Grabiel is visiting her
daughter in Portland.
Alvin Strader of Portland is vis
iting his mother, Mrs. Bessie Stra
der. Rev. Rice held services at the
Presbyterian church Monday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace and
son Bobby visited relatives in The
Dalles Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams are the
parents of a baby boy, born at their
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Knighten and fam
ily have moved onto the Van Cleve
place which they purchased recent
ly. Mrs. Knighten is the sister of
Uley Paulson.
Mrs. Nora Wilson is staying at
the Ed Adams home.
Geo. Hendrix motored to Pendle
ton on a business trip SUurday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Eddy have
moved from the Frank Leicht cab
ins to the Clair Caldwell place. Mr.
and Mrs. Eddy were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams
Sunday evening.
Russell McCoy, Lyle Eddy, Earl
Leach and Roscoe Williams mo
tored to Umatilla Sunday where a
practice game was played with the
high school team.
Chas. Sargent from Idaho visited
his sister, Mrs. Lyle Eddy, from
Monday until Thuujday. He was
enroute to PortlandW
Stan Atkins, superintendent of
schools, returned from Walla Walla
Sunday evening with a new Terra
plane sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison and
son Johnny were dinner guests at
the E. B. Wattenburger home Wed
nesday evening.
A birthday dinner was held Sun
day at the Clayton Ayers home in
honor of Jim Ayers. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Burl Coxen
and children of Heppner, Harvey
Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Watten
burger, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers
and Jim Ayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
family and Mr. and Mrs. John Har
rison and son were callers at the E.
B. Wattenburger home. The eve
ning was spent in playing cards.
Lloyd Baldridge left Thursday
for Ellensburg, Wash. His half
brother, Charley Morehead, is very
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison spent Sun
day evening at the George Currin
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Finch at
tended grange at Lena Saturday
evening. Mr. Finch was elected
master for the coming year.
Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and daughter
Katherine were Pendleton callers
Mr. and Mrs. Floy Stevens were
callers Sunday at the Boylen ranch
Misses Mary and Patricia Healy
were visitors in Heppner Armistice
Fred Rauch was a business vis
itor in Stanfleld Monday.
Tom, Jack and Cecelia Healy and
Joe Kenny attended the football
game in Hermiston Armistice day,
Tom Healy was a week-end visit
or in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. James Daly were
business visitors in Pendleton Sat
A party was held at the high
school Friday evening in honor of
Armistice day. Weiners, buns and
coffee were served.
Mrs. Carey Hastings Is staying at
the home of Mrs. Corda Saling in
Heppner. Yvonne Is at the home
of Mrs. Debbie McDanlel while her
mother is away.
Mrs. Carl Leathers and Jean, Mrs.
Ethel McDanlel and family and
M'ss Murl Farrens attended the
show in Heppner Sunday afternoon
A group of young people attend
ed the Lonerock dance Saturday
Guy Chapln, Delbert Roblson and
Max Buschke Vere successful elk
hunters this week.
Mrs. George Bleakman, Mrs. Bert
Bleakman, Miss Neva Bleakman
and Harry Peterson from Heppner
attended the party held at the high
school Tuesday.
Neal Knighten and Leon Chapln
were transacting business in Hepp
ner Monday.
Gaylord Ingrum and wife and
Mrs. Ezra Adklns visited at the
home of Jim Burnslde Saturday
and Sunday. '
Mrs. Joe Batty Is visiting her son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bat
ty, this week.
Two car loads of Endeavor work
ers are planning on attending the
convention to be held at Hermiston
Nov. 23.
Ed Warren is herding for Pad
Howell while he s taking a week's
vacation. He is herding for Clyde
Mr. Frank McDanlel Is ill at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harshman
were calling in town Friday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens and
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson were
shopping in Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Burnside were
transacting business In Heppner on
Mrs. Jim Brannon is visiting at
the home of her parents in Hepp
ner. Carl Leathers and Buck Adams
are cutting their winter wood this
Mrs. Bill Greener and Irvin and
Charles Johnson attended the show
Sunday afternoon.
1937 Farm Price Outlook
Viewed by Breithaupt
A prospective increase in con
sumer purchasing power and a
somewhat corresponding increase
in farm production are the two most
significant forecasts made at the
National Agricultural Outlook con
ference held recently in Washing
ton, D. C, reports L. R. Breithaupt,
extension economist at Oregon State
college, who represented Oregon at
this annual meeting.
A voluminous report on the out
look for all major crops and animal
products was compiled from the
national viewpoint. Copies of this
are in the hands of all county
agents who will be glad to go over
any part of it with those interest
ed. Mr. Breithaupt is now engaged
in localizing parts of the national
report to Oregon conditions. His
conclusions will be Issued by the
college from time to time in the
form of regular agricultural situa
tion and outlook reports .
The first of these for the new crop
year will deal with horticultural
crops, plans for which are usually
made in the winter. The import
ance of the prospective rise in pur
chasing power is shown by the fact
that the Oregon farm price index
has shown an almost exact corre
lation with the national industrial
payroll index.
For example, the average farm
price index in Oegon for the five
depression years was 57.4 per cent
of the 1926-193 period. In the same
years the average United States
factory payroll index was 58.4 per
cent or just one point difference.
If the consumers' purchasing
power increases 10 per cent for 1937
1 -Ki
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Heppner Gazette Times
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1 Two Engine Sizes - One Wheelbase
The New Ford V-8 for 1937 is the
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fered. It is built in only one size
one standard of roomy comfort and
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have either the improved 85-horsc-power
V-8 engine for maximum per
form an co or the new 60-horsepower
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The smaller engine makes possible a
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When you drive the 1937 Ford with
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Today, improved carburetion enables
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We invite you to see this new
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your needs.
The new 60-horsepower V-type 8
cylinder engine delivers V-8 smooth
ness and quietness even at speeds
up to 70 miles an hour with gaso
line mileage so hif;h that it creates
an entirely new standard of economy
in modern motor car operation.
At Dearborn Plant
Taxes, Delivery and Handling,
Bumpers, Spare Tire and Accessories
Body types available with 60 or 85
horsepower engine (without de luxe
equipment) : Tudor Sedan, Tudor
Touring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor
Touring Sedan, Five-window Coupe
. . . De Luxe types, with 85-horse-nowcr
engine: Tudor Sedan, Tudor
Touring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor
Touring Sedan, Five-window Coupe,
Roadster, Phaeton, Club Cabriolet,
Convertible Cabriolet, Club Coupe,
Convertible Sedan.
$25 . month, after nnnal down-payment,
buri an? model 1937 Ford V-8 Car
from any Fonl dealer anywhere In tho
United Siatei. Ask ynur Ford dealer ah out
tho air payment nlani of the lint venal
Credit Company,
APPEARANCI A newly designed car. Head
lamps recessed in fender aprons. Modern lid
type hood hinged at the back. Larger luggage
space. Spare tire enclosed within body. Com
pletely new interiors. Slanting V-type windshield
opens in all closed cars.
COMFORT AND QUIET A big, roomy car. Extra
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under the hood. Comfort of the Center-Poise
Ride further increased by smoother action of the
long-tapering springs, with new pressure lubri
cation. New methods of mounting body and
engine make this a quieter car.
BRAKES New Easy-Action Safety Brakes, of
the cable and conduit control type. "The safety
of steel from pedal to wheel." Self-encrgizing
car momentum is used to help apply the brukes.
Tests show that about one-third less pedal pres
sure is required to stop the car.
BODY Not an ounce of wood used for structural
strength. Frame strucluro all steel, Bhculhcd with
steel panels top, sides and floor. AH jire welded
into a single steel unit of great strength. Safety
Class all around at no extra churge.