Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1936, Image 1

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    0 R
Subscription $2.00 a .Year
Volume 52, Number 37.
Need for Universal Love
Held to Surpass Denom
inational Differences.
Notson Tells of District Attorneys
Conclave; League Assisted;
Farewell Tribute Given.
Purpose of the local church mis
sion in which pastors of the Meth
odist, Episcopal and Christian
churches exchanged pulpits Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday eve
nings this week, was explained at
the Lions Monday luncheon by Rev.
Ralph V. Hinkle, Episcopal arch
deacon. Also reported was the state
meeting of district attorneys in
Portland, by S. E. Notson. E. Har
vey Miller, Eastern Oregon Wheat
league president, asked and re
ceived the club's cooperation in
helping with local arrangements for
for the annual conference, Dec. 4-5,
and the club, through Mr. Notson
and President Ray P. Kinne ex
tended farewell felicitations to Billy
Cochell who left that evening to
Join the U. S. navy. A. K. McMur
do, brother of Lion Archie D. Mc
Murdo, was also a guest.
President Kinne appointed F. W.
Turner, Spencer Crawford, Earl W.
Gordon and Joseph Belanger as the
committee to take charge of details
In cooperating with the wheat
Universal recognition among the
church denominations that the
world need for redeeming Christian
love is greater than any minor dif
ferences among the denominations
themselves is the basis for the pres
ent nation-wide preaching mission
of which the local series of meet
ings was a part, explained Rev.
Hinkle. Such a unified movement
was deemed essential hy leaders in
all denominations in order to com
bat the great forces of hatred and
world unrest which constantly
threaten to culminate In another
world conflict of arms. The only
basis for settling the world's trou
bles bloodlessly lies In universal ap
plication of brotherly love as taught
in the holy writ of Jesus Christ.
The speaker described some of the
forces at play, told something of
how the preaching mission Is being
carried out, and invited general
community support of the local mis
sion that it might have the greatest
possible effect in fulfilling its pur
po3e. Mr. Notson told of discussion of
plans at the state prosecutors' meet
ing for holding the convention of
the International Association of
Sheriffs and Police in Honolulu,
May 5-9. A specially chartered ship,
the Aleutian, will carry all dele
gates from this country, sailing
from Seattle April 27. After reser
vations for delegates havi been tak
en care of accommodations will be
provided others who may wish to
sail with the group. Convention
delegates will have free run of the
ship and will have their living quar
ters aboard while In Honolulu. As
vice-president of the association,
Mr. Notson regretted that he would
probably be unable to make the
trip. He said that Invitations had
been extended the governments of
Mexico, British Columbia and the
United States each to have a bat
tleship visit Honolulu while the con
vention is in progress, the object be
ing to make the event significant
in welding a spirit of good will
among the nations.
Highlighting discussions was that
of the Knox liquor law. The discus
sions brought out strong conten
tions from various interests, and
an outside speaker was "given the
gate" when it was learned he drew
his salary from the malt liquor in
terests. Mr. Notson expected that
some changes in the law would be
proposed before the next legislature,
As retiring dean among Oregon's
district attorneys, the Morrow
county representative was given a
place of honor on the banquet pro
gram. The convention ended with
attendance at the Oregon State
Stanford football game Saturday
afternoon, of which the speaker
also gave a vivid description. Stan
ford twice came from behind to fin'
ally won the game 20-14 by way of
a sensational long pass in the clos
ing minutes of play.
In his farewell message to Billy
Cochell, Mr, Notson paid high trib
ute to the branch or the sjrvic;
which the young man had chosen
as well as to the high character of
the young man himself.
The Home Eeonomics club of
Willows grange will have an all
day meeting at the home of Mrs.
Vernice Crawford tomorrow the
20th. All members are urged to
attend as there will be election of
ofllcers. Pot luck dinner will be
served at noon.
November 25 has been set as the
last day on which applications may
be filed for participation In the
range conservation program, says
Joseph Belanger, county agent
Mrs. Olive Husscy is reported
auite 111 at the home of her grand
daughter. Mrs. Ray Ovlatt . Mrs.
Hussey came tip frbm Portland but
recently with the uvlaus.
See Gilliam & Blsbee's bargain
Church Mission
Bestirs Interest
Further Conclave Slated Tonight to
Promote Movement; Pastors Ex
change Pulpits In Work.
The local preaching mission, one
of thousands of similar meetings
held throughout the United States
this week, was supported by good
attendance from the various pro
testant churches of Heppner.
Rev. R. C. Young of the Method
ist church brought a stirring key
note address in the Christian church
Monday night, pointing out the
great need for unity among follow
ers of Christ and the wonderful
contribution which the National
Preaching mission is making to that
ideal. The choir of the Christian
church sang two numbers.
Alvin Kleinfeldt, pastor of the
Church of Christ brought the sec
ond sermon in the series In the
Episcopal church on Tuesday night
which challenged those present to
use the great unused resources and
power which is within reach of all
of Christ's disciples and which is
sufficient to conquer the forces of
destruction. The Episcopal choir
sang the hymn, "Now the Day is
Wednesday night's service in the
Methodist church formally closed
the mission. Archdeacon Hinkle of
the Episcopal church brought a
very thought-provoking message
emphasizing the idea that the wages
of sin is death, and the need of per
petual rebirths by Christians.
It was decided to have a union
fellowship meeting at the Methodist
church Thursday night with the
aim of trying to further such union
gatherings and organizing a coun
cil of the churches to promote uni
ted action on various problems.
Paul M. Gemmell Family
To Make Home at Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gemmell,
children Jimmy and Jean, Mrs. Em
ma Gemmell, mother of Mr. Gem
mell, and Mrs. Eliza Ahem, aunt of
Mrs. Gsmmell, expect to leave Tues
day for Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Gem
mell expect to make the family
home in the capital city, where Mr.
Gemmell. has established an insur
ance business, while the elder Mrs.
Gemmell and Mrs. Ahern will spend
the winter there.
Mr. Gemmell has been a life-long
resident of this city aside from the
time spent in Uncle Sam's navy
during the world war, having been
graduated from Heppner high
school with the class of 1918. He
was for several years employed with
the Frist National Bank of Hepp
ner and later engaged in the ga
rage business. He was especially
active in American Legion circles,
being a past commander, and re
signed the position of adjutant and
service otlicer before leaving. Mrs.
Gemmell, clerk of the school board,
also resigned her position which will
be filled at a special election next
Monday afternoon. She was also
president of Heppner Library as
sociation, and secretary of Ruth
hapter, Order of Eastern Star, be
sides being a past president of the
American Legion auxiliary unit and
ex-official of the state organization.
The removal of the Gemmell
home from Heppner is keenly felt
by a wide circle of friends who wish
them Godspeed in their new loca
Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Gordon
entertained at the Lucas Place Sun
day with 1:30 o'clock dinner in hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gem
mell who are leaving Tuesday to
make their home in Salem. Tur-
key'and all the fixin's were served
at two beautifully appointed tables,
with tall tapers, set three in a hold
er and lighted, as centerpieces lor
each. Other guests Included Mrs.
E. O. Ferguson, Mrs. Alva Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Schaffer,
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold A. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Crawford, Mr. and Mrs
Jasper Crawford.
Turkey, cranberry sauce and all
the fixin's was enjoyed by the Past
Noble Grand club of Sans Souci
Rcbekahs at the home of Mrs. Opal
Ayers yesterday. The dinner was
served as part of an all-day meet
ing. Those in attendance were Flora
Dimmick, Olive Frye, Mabel Chaf
fee, Verna Hayes, Sylvia Devln, Ta-
cie Parker, Bernice Bauman, Hat
tie Wightman; Alice McDuffee, Bes
sie Campbell, Emma Jones, Letha
Smith, Etta Parker, Ruth Stevens,
Ircna Straight, Ruth Feeley. The
day was spent In finishing cushion
tops for I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs.
Hayes won the door prize, and the
next meeting was set at her home.
Bliss Hottman and Ross Langdon
came down from the Hottman mill
on Rhea creek this morning. The
days have been quite warm in the
timber, but the nights have been
plenty cool, they report.
H. O. Tenney, manager Hotel
Heppner, has been spending the
week in Portland. Mrs. Tenney re
ports that his absence has been
blessed by a good rush of business,
the hotel being filled to capacity
for several days.
A short note received In the mail
this morning from N. A. Clark, for
mer Eight Mile resident, states they
like their new home at Redmond
very much.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Devln In this city yesterday, a 10
pound boy.
Eastern Star Honors
Past Matrons, Patrons
With Mrs. Rebecca Patterson and
John J. Wightman presiding, Ruth
chapter No. 32, Order of Eastern
Star, last Friday evening honored
past worthy matrons and worthy
patrons at a well attended meetn.g
at Masonic hall. All positions wet
filled by past matrons and patrons
and the old work was used through
out. Initiatory ceremonies , were
put on with the work from the old
er ritual, two members serving as
Ofllcers for the evening were Mrs.
Rebecca Patterson, worthy matron;
John J. Wightman, worthy patron;
Mrs. Blanche Patterson, associate
matron; Mrs. Charlotte Gordon,
conductress; Mrs. Eppa Ward, as
sociate conductress; Mrs. Sara Mc
Namer, secretary; Mrs. Anna Bay
less, treasurer; Mrs. Mae Gilliam,
Adah; Mrs. Ealor Huston, Ruth;
Mrs. Elizabeth Dix, Esther; Mrs.
Hazel Vaughn, Martha; Mrs. Ger
trude Parker, Electa; Mrs. Hattie
Wightman, chaplain; Mrs. Virginia
Turner, organist; Mrs. Florence
Hughes, marshal; Mrs. Rose How
ell, warder; E. R. Huston, sentinel.
Mrs. Rebecca Patterson, who pre
sided, is a charter member of Ruth
chapter and a former grand chap
ter officer. So well had she mas
tered the work in past years that
she was able to present practically
all of it from memory without the
use of a ritual. Mrs. Blanche Pat
terson was second of those in at
tendance in length of service to the
The occasion was planned by Mrs.
Lena Cox, worthy matron, and J. O.
Turner, worthy patron, and follow
ing the meeting refreshments were
served in the dining room.
A feature of the evening was the
presentation of gifts to Mrs. Har
riet Gemmell, secretary, who sub
mitted her resignation that evening.
Mrs. Gemmell, a past matron, has
served the chapter as secretary for
several years, and was presented
gifts from the past matron's club
and from the officers of the chap
ter, Mrs. Hattie Wightman and J.
O. Turner making the presenta
Idaho Sheriff Finds
Wanted Man on Visit
Charles Summerfleld, sheriff of
Latah county, Idaho, visited the
local sheriff's and district attorney's
offices here Tuesday, accompanied
by D. E. Kavanaugh, to investigate
the possibility of Frank Reed, local
prisoner, being a man wanted in
Latah county. Keed, wanted here
on a charge of obtaining money un
der false pretenses, was picked up
by state police in Portland, and
brought here Sunday by Sheriff
Sheriff Summerfleld believed
Reed to be the man wanted in Ida
ho, though a different name was
assumed there. If Reed is freed on
local charges, Summerfleld inferred
that extradition would be asked.
Gene Ferguson, Ben Cox, Fred
Mankin, John Hanna, D. Cox,
George Bleakman, Frank Stanley
and Owen Bleakman, who hunted
in the same territory and came out
empty handed completed their hunt
with the close of the elk season
yesterday. Alvin Casebeer, who
hunted with them, was successful
in landing a big one.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rodgers and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Brandl, represent
ing PCAA, were business visitors
from Portland the first of the week.
Elwood A. McKnight, represent
ing a commercial school, was a
business visitor in the city yes
terday from Milton.
See Gilliam & Bisbee s bargain
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Barnes, repre
senting Wadhams & Co., whole
sale grocers, were calling on the
local trade Tuesday.
Guy E. Fuller, Portland sales
man, was among those registered
at Hotel Heppner this week.
M. Katz, hide buyer of The Dalles,
was working this territory the first
of the week.
E. R. Hunt, executive with Utah
Coal company, was registered at
Hotel Heppner the first of the week.
W. H. Buell, representing a Pen
dleton loan company, was a Hepp
ner visitor the first of the week.
J. M. Canutt of Pendleton, Stand
ard Oil representative, was a bus
iess visitor in the city Tuesday.
Chas. E. Wells, Portland insur
ance man, was registered at Hotel
Heppner the first of the week.
L. B. Heise, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Schnell
of Portland were visitors In the
city today, being registered at Ho
tel Heppner. The gentlemen are
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company officials.
A. McKechnie, Portland salesman,
was registered at Hotel Heppner
Gladys Benge arrived this morn
ing from Medfod in response to
word of the death of her father,
Eph Eskelson.
For Sale Set of heavy bob sleds,
almost new; reasonable. Also 3 doz.
R. I. Red pullets, full grown. Hom
er Tucker, Heppner. 37-38p.
Lynn Caton of fendleton was
transacting business in the city
the llrst of the week In connection
with the loan company he repre
sents. Dr. and Mrs. D. V. Poling, with
the state board of higher education,
were Heppner visitors Tuesday, be
ing registered at Hotel Heppner.
, John Odcll and A. E. Chambers,
representatives of the Tum-A-Lum
Lumber company from Walla Wal
la, were business visitors in the
city today.
Barney Holman of The Dalles,
cigar salesman, was in the city today,
THE city of Bandon lost its en
tire library in the big lire of a
few weeks ago. Because of the
big task of rehabilitating the
homes of Bandon, the residents
of that stricken city do not have
resources to replace their lost
books. The American Legion
posts of the state have under
taken the task of replacing the
Bandon library, and local peo
ple are urged to look over their
hooks and pick out those which
they feel they can spare. Noti
fication to Alva Jones, command
er, phone 698, or Loyal Parker,
adjutant, phone 1122 or 358, or
Spencer Crawford, pbone 1172 or
8X2, will bring a member of the
post to collect the books.
Allotment Money
to $93,000 Here
Wheut Growers Get Checks for Old
1936 Compliance; Details of 1937
Program Expected Soon.
Allotment checks totalling $93,000
arrived at the county agent's office
yesterday for distribution to wheat
farmers of Morrow county. These
checks are for the old 1936 allot
ment program.
Meanwhile, measuring compliance
for the new 1936 program is well
under way with five supervisors al
ready in the field.
Definite information as to the
1937 program Is expected at any
time. Two Oregon men, William L.
Teutsch, Corvallis, and N. E. Dodd,
Baker, are in Washington at the
present time, having been called
there to represent Oregon in for
mulating the new program.
Native of Old Russia
Views Changes There
We wondered what a Russian of
the old Tsarist regime thinks of the
changes that have taken place In
his homeland. We asked Henry F.
Blahm. Mr. Blahm immigrated to
the United States some 40 years ago,
became naturalized, made a com
petence at farming on Willow creek
below Heppner, and for the last
several years has been residing at
Walla Walla with his family those
who have not established separate
homes. He was back in the city
Monday on business.
Wa asked Mr. Blahm if he had
heard recently frnm.any of his rel
atives in Russia. More of sadness
and remorse than bitterness ani
mated his reply. It had been three
years since he last heard from two
younger brothers who were taken
to Siberia as government prisoners
in the early part of the Bolshevik!
"I would not feel badly about it
if they had really stolen anything.
They didn't When the Bolsheviki
took control, each farmer was told
to raise so much. My brothers were
told to raise, say 30 bushels of
wheat to the acre. They were good
farmers and raised 32 M bushels.
When the government agents came
around they wanted to take all. My
brothers believed they were entitled
to keep the two and a half bushels
the government had not told them
to raise. It would have provided
them with about a month's 'food
supply, whereas hardly anyone was
getting'enough to eat in those days.
My brothers insisted. Then in the
middle of one night, they were tak
en from their homes and sent to
We asked Mr. Blahm if his broth
ers had been able to keep in touch
with their families. He said he did
not know what had happened in the
last three years, but when he last
heard his brothers had never re
ceived any letters from home. If
any were written, they had not been
delivered. He did not even know
whether his brothers were still
Several times he attempted to
send them money, but only about a
third of what he sent ever reached
them. He was discouraged in try
ing more.
The system in Russia has changed
since that time, he said. Instead of
each farmer being allotted 30 or 40
acres to till himself as was at first
done, now immense tracts are farm
ed in one operation with an entire
community assisting In each oper
ation. "There is no incentive for an in
dividual to apply himself under the
system," Mr. Blahm believed.
He didn't know what changes, if
any, might be expected. The mass
of the Russian people have always
been poor. But there will be no re
turn to monarchy.
Mr. Blahm said his family had
always been among the best farm
ers in the precinct. That was in the
great, broad, flat-lying steppes re
puted to be the richest wheat land
in the world. They realized that
the more the soil was tilled, the
greater was the return, and they
generally prospered.
When the government called for
soldiers one-third of the eligible
young men was taken from each
precinct Mr. Hlahm's services were
required for four years. The pay
was 46 cents a month.
"I had a good time In the army,
though," he smiled. "We were sta
tioned in the southern part of Rus
sia where there were lots of or
anges, bananas and grapes, and
wine was 20 cents by the bucket.
"It was real wine, too, nothing
like we have in this country. Peo
ple didn't drink It until it was at
least 15 yours old. Most persons
drank no less than two quarts a
day, which kept them In good con
dition." Ho recalled a custom of
that section of Russia. "Amcrl-
Last Rites Held for
Mrs. Lillian M. Baker
Funeral services were held from
the Methodist church in this city
at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning for
Mr.-. Lillian M. Baker, 61, who died
suddenly from a stroke at her home
in t le early morning of the day pre
vioi s. Her passing came as a shock
to family and friends as she was
apparently in good health up to the
time of death. She resided with
her sister, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
and mother, Mrs. Ruth Stevens, at
the home on Baltimore street.
Rev. R. C. Young, pastor, con
ducted the services, as friends and
relatives here paid their last re
spects to one who had gained the
affection and esteem of all who
knew her. Additional services were
held in Spokane with burial follow
ing there later the same day.
Lillian M. Stevens was born in
Healdsburg, Cal., February 16, 1875.
When she was four years of age
she came to the John Day country
in Oregon. In 1880 the family
moved to Washington territory. She
attended several schools and Wash
ington State college preparatory
school. She was married to Isaac
M. Baker in January, 1895. They
made their home in Spokane and
in the near vicinity of the city un
til December 13, 1934, when Mr. Ba
ker passed away and was buried in
Spokane. She came to Heppner in
April, 1935, and had made her home
here since with her mother and
Besides the mother and sister
here she is survived by a brother,
Ray Stevens of Joseph, and two sis
ters, Mrs. Alex Cline of Seattle, and
Mrs. Esther Biglieri of San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Baker wa3 a member
of the Presbyterian church, and was
a true and faithful Christian.
20 Tons of Hay Burned;
Battle Saves 50 Tons
Hard fighting on the part of mem
bers of the Heppner volunteer fire
department and others saved three
large hay stacks on the E. E. Clark
place just below town, as a fourth
was consumed by fire that caught
when'weeda were burned near by.
The fire started about 3:30 Monday
afternoon, and the firemen worked
more than two hours with the aid
of the city Are truck and booster
tank before the battle was won.
Water from the Wightman farm
was hauled (j pick-ups in cream
cans and oil barrels to keep the
booster tank filled, making it possi
ble to keep a steady flow of water
in play.
Bruce B. Kelley had purchased
the hay from the Clarks but a week
previous. More than 20 tons were
contained in the lost stack, valued
at between $300 and $4U0. There
were 76 tons in the four stacks.
Pioneers Remembered
With Good Will Box
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Devin, pio
neer residents of Morrow county,
were remembered Sunday with a
good will box from fellow Rebek
ahs. The box, made by Mrs. W. T.
Campbell and containing gifts from
each member of the lodge, was de
livered at the Devin farm home in
Sand Hollow by a group Sunday af
ternoon. Among those attending the pres
entation party were Mrs. Clara Bea
mer, Mrs. Olive Frye, Mrs. Etta
Parker, Mrs. Tacie Parker, Mrs.
Irena Straight, Mrs. Verna Hayes,
Mrs. Alice Rasmus, Mrs. Lillie
Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott,
Mrs. Althea Kirk and daughter.
L. R. Stockman, engineer of
Baker; A. H. McLain, PWA engin
eer, and Robert W. Neale, district
WPA engineer of La Grande, ac
companied Mayor Jeff Jones out
along the lead pipe line up Willow
creek today to make investigations
leading to final settlement on the
recent pipe replacement work. The
work of the contractors was reject
ed when final approval was asked.
Telegraphic word was received
by relatives here yesterday evening
of serious injury to John Gillese
when he fell off a street car in Los
Angeles. Gillese is a nephew of
Mrs. Frank Monahan, and worked
in this county for some time before
obtaining a job as street car con
ductor in the southern city a few
months ago.
Larrence and Gene Matteson, Wil
bur Gourley and Roscoe Cox com
posed a party of four elk hunters
all of whom were successful in
making their bag. They returned
from their hunt the end of the
M. C. Griswold, holder of a large
body of timber in the south end of
the county, arrived in the city yes
terday from Portland. His field
man. L. O. Case, was also a visitor
in the city for several days this
cans couldn't stand to do such
things," he said.
Whenever a baby was born, a keg
of new wine would be put in the
cellar to be opened at the time of
the baby's wedding. The wedding
celebration would last as long as
the wine. He recalled attending one
wedding celebration where the bride
was 18 and the bridegroom wa3 22.
It lasted 11 days. The wine was
poured In large cups, and the guest
was expected to drink It right down.
If any remained in the mug when
the wine was passed again, the at
tendant would hit the bottom of the
mug which threw the remaining
portion in the drinker's face. Any
time one felt he had enough, he
would just place his hand over the
top of the mug when the attendant
came and he would be pnssed with
out any questions.
Eph Eskelson, 73
is Early Resident
Pioneer of County Since 1883 Dies
Suddenly at Home; Funeral Rites
Will be Held Tomorrow.
Eph Eskelson, pioneer of Morrow
county since 1883, died suddenly at
his home in north Heppner yester
day.' Death came as a shock to
family and friends who had little
warning of the impending end as
Mr. Eskelson had been up and
about the day previous, greeting his
friends up town in his usual friend
ly manner.
Funeral services are announced
for 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
from the Church of Christ, with Al
vin Kleinfeldt, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in Heppner ceme
tery. Arrangements are in charge
of Case mortuary. Pallbearers will
be J. O. Rasmus, M. D. Clark, Chas.
Barlow, Howard Lane, W. C. Cox,
and John Wightman. Honorary
pallbearers are W. T. Campbell, J.
J. Wells, R. C. Wightman, Gus Mc
Millan, D. O. Justus, L. E. Bisbee,
S. P. Devin and W. E. Pruyn.
Mr. Eskelson was born January
24, 1863, at Wanship, Utah, the son
of James and Catherine Eskelson,
natives 6f Sweden and Germany
respectively. He came to Oregon
as a young man in 1883, settling on
a homestead in the Social Ridge
district. He married Rosa Benge
on November 14, 1896, with whom
he celebrated his 40th year of bliss
ful wedded life last Saturday. The
family home was made for many
years on Meadowbrook farm near
Lexington, their interest in which
was disposed of about ten years ago
and they removed their home to
Heppner where they have since re
sided. Mr. Eskelson was a member
of the Church of Christ and I. O.
O. F. lodge.
In his 53 years of residence in the
county, Mr. Eskelson established
himself as a substantial citizen
whose opinions were always re
spected. He was a faithful hus
band and constructive builder.
Besides his widow he is survived
by brothers, oJseph Eskelson of
Salem and David Eskelson of Ft.
Duschene, Utah; daughter, Gladys
Benge of Medford, and a number of
nieces and nephews. Among those
very close to the family is Otto
Ruhl of Lexington who was reared
in the Eskelson home.
Woolen Articles Display
Gives Christmas Hints
What the thoughtful woman may
give for Christmas is charmingly
and colorfully suggested by the
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
iliary window at Thomson Bros,
Mrs. Tom Beymer, in charge of
the display, had assembled in
the window many articles of wool
en handicraft made by members
and friends of the local unit. In
cluded are almost every conceivable
article knitted or crocheted from
woolen yarns in vaicolored patterns
and designs. There are dresses and
sweaters in latest modes, shawls,
scarfs, pillow cases and sundry oth
er articles both useful and attract
ive. "Any woman can learn this han
dicraft in a short time and apply it
profitably. Especially will the
thoughtful woman find woolencraft
a very useful and economical meth
od of meeting the Christmas gift
problem," said Mrs. Ralph I. Thomp
son, auxiliary president. Other win
dow displays, sponsored by the aux
iliary, will be presented in the near
future, she said. She believed the
attractive display at Thomson Bros,
is of interest to everyone, if just to
view a thing of beauty.
Word was received by relatives
here Sunday of the death in San
Francisco of Mrs. Abe Blackman.
Mr. Blackman was a native of this
city, growing to young manhood
here and graduating from Heppner
high school with the class of 1910.
He later attended the University of
Oregon, and for many years has
been a merchant in the bay city.
He married Mrs. Blackman there.
Besides Mr. Blackman she is sur
vived by a daughter. Cause of
death or funeral arrangements were
not told in the telegram conveying
the news. Mr. Blackman is a cousin
of Harold and Henry Cohn.
Billy Coohell, son of Mrs. Neva
Cochell, deputy sheriff, departed
Monday evening for Portland in an
swer to acceptance of his enlistment
application in Uncle Sam's navy.
From Portland he will go on to San
Diego to enter training. A gradu
ate of Heppner high school, Billy
attended Eastern Oregon Nomal
school last year. He was given a
Godspeed farewell by many friends
when he boarded the outgoing train
Monday evening.
Pred Hoskins was displaying a
large elk head in the rear of his
pick-up here last week end, part of
his prize of the hunt enjoyed with
his brother James Hoskins of Her
miston, Charles Carnes of Pilot
Rock, Charles Cox and Claude Cox
of this city. They hunted on Gran
ite meadows In Grant county and
three elk were killed In all, Fred's
being the largest.
, Charles Williams was carrying
his right arm in a sling this morn
ing, the result of falling from i
pile of lumber und breaking the
collar bone while at work on his
Job as county caretaker.
Harold E. Pace, Ford parts man
of Pendleton, was calling on local
trade today.
Washington Representa
tive Still Uncertain;
Program Shaping.
Banquet First Eevenlng Featured
by Martin Address; Wheatmen's
Conclave Outstanding;.
Governor Charles H. Martin has
added the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league to his crowded schedule of
events to be attended in person, and
will be the principal speaker at the
annual banquet, according to defin
ite assurances Teceived by President
E. H. Miller, Lexington, and Sec
retary Charles W. Smith of O. S. C.
The banquet will be held the eve
ning of the first day of the conven
tion, December 4 and 5.
With the Governor as a major at
traction, and the usual features
that have made the wheat league
banquet outstanding, the local com
mittee In charge is expecting a ca
pacity crowd for this function.
While the exact order of the pro
gram has not been worked out as
yet, officers have lined up a number
of definite items. Word is still
awaited as to who will be the rep
resentative from Washington, D.
C, although those in charge have
been assured that someone will be
Among the Oregon men to ap
pear on the program will be W. S.
Nelson, manager of The Dalles
chamber of commerce, who will
speak on Columbia river develop
ment, with special attention to the
improved transportation facilities
which will come with the comple
tion of the Bonneville dam. D. E.
Stephens, superintendent of the
branch experiment station at Moro,
is always a popular wheat league
speaker on production matters. He
will discuss latest information on
substitute or rotation crops for the
mid-Columbia district.
Wm. A. Schoenfeld, director of
the Oregon experiment station, is
to be on the program this year af
ter being absent from several ses
sions. He will discuss some phase
of the state's agricultural research
program. D. E. Richards, super
intendent of the eastern Oregon
livestock experiment station at Un
ion, will be present again to bring
up to date the report on feeding of
wheat to livestock.
Reports of the advance commit
tees which are at work on major
problems of the eastern Oregon
section will be completed in time
for general discussion by those at
tending the convention. A number
of other state officials in addition to
Governor Martin, and prominent
business men from Portland and
elsewhere are expected to attend
some of the sessions, as the Eastern
Oregon Wheat league meeting is
now considered one of the major
farm gatherings of the year.
With commercial housing accom
modations already largely taken up
for the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league conference, Dec. 4-5, it ap
pears that it will be necessary to
list all residential rooms available
to help take care of visitors at that
time, announces F. W. Turner,
chairman of the housing committee.
Anyone who has one or more rooms
to spare is asked to list them at Mr.
Turner's office immediately.
A. J. Knoblock. Alva Stone and
Burton Barnes, government hunt
ers, depleted the predatory animal
population by 53 in the month of
August. Included were 50 coyotes
and 3 bobcats. Each worked 31
days, and Kniblock took 15 coyotes;
Barnes, 21 coyotes and 2 bobcats,
and Stone, 13 coyotes and one bob
cat, according to the monthly re
port of the U. S. Biological survey.
The grand jury for the December
term of circuit court convened at
the court house today by order of
Judge C. L. Sweek who was in the
city this morning to instruct them.
Serving on the body are Olney Sa
ling. Marion Palmer, W. W. Klcup,
A. M. Baldwin, H. W. Grim, Archie
Bechdolt and A. G. Edmundson.
Miss Jane M. Slmas and James
Otis Allstott, Monument young cou
ple, were issued license to wed at
the local clerk's office, Oct. 31, and
were united In marriage the same
day by Judge W. T. Campbell. On
their return home they wei e greet
ed by a charivari party of 40 peo
Word has been received in Hepp
ner of the death of S. B. McFerrin,
father of Mrs. Frank Shively, at his
home in Howe, Nebr., last week end.
He was 93 years of age. Mrs. Shive
ly had gone east to be with him,
and was present at the time of
Warmer temperatures and large
drops of rain came to Heppner
Monday evening to break a cold
dry spell of more than a week,
bringing hopes of more moisture.
Tom Howell, employe at Central
market, went to Pendleton today
In response to word of the serious
illness of his brother, "Yatch" Howell.