HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1936. PAGE THREE Lenfl Hipp Henry Smouse was in the city the end of the week from the lone sec tion. Mr. Smouse believed that a good heavy snow was about the best thing that could hit his section at this time. Rain would be all right if the weather should continue open, but chances are that it would freeze rght up, solidifying the top of the ground so that later snow would run off without going into the ground. Whereas, should snow come now while the soil is loose, the moisture would all go into the ground as the snow thawed. Henry Stohler, an employee of the First National bank here about 1920, was in the city Tuesday on business. He travels for a concern with headquarters In. Portland while the family home is at Banks where Mrs. Stohler has a position in the bank. They have a 12-year old son who, Mr. Stohler reported, plays on the football and basketball teams. Mrs. Truman Babb and George Williams arrived Friday from On tario. Mrs. Babb will see to the completion of the new house on Court street Mr. Williams has been assisting Mr. Babb with car penter work in Ontario. Jack Stewart, formerly with the Standard Oil company here, was a visitor in the county over the week end from Seattle where he is now located. He enjoyed greeting old time friends in Heppner Friday evening. Mrs. E. E. Clark and son Ernest departed Saturday evening for Hillsboro to join Mr. Clark who is staying at the home of his sister, Mrs. Russell Morgan at that place, while convalescing in his illness. Harold Mason departed the end of the week with a party of Port land hunters headed for an elk hunt in the Uklah vicinity. Mr. Mason was guiding the party into the elk country. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anglin mo tored to Yakima Sunday and vis ited with their daughter, Rachel, who is receiving a business educa tion there, and with Mrs. Anglin's mother. Homer Green was in from Eight Mile last Friday. The new wheat crop is generally in the ground in hia section, awaiting favorable growing conditions. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, NOVEMBER 18th. i Elmer Palmer, young farmer of the Eight Mile section, was trans acting business in the city the end of the week. Walter Jepson and small son were transacting business in the city Tu esday from the Rhea creek farm. George Ely, manager of Jordan Elevator company, was a business visitor in the city Monday. O. C. Stephens was a business visitor in the city Monday from the farm near Hardman. Charles Becket was in town Mon day morning from Eight Mile, transacting business. J. E. Craber and son were visit ors in the city Friday from the Hardman section. Carl and Al Bergstrom were bus iness visitors in the city Friday from Eight Mile. Miles Martin was among people of the Lexington district in the city yesterday. Clive Huston was among farmers of the Eight Mile district In the city Monday. The state's cut out of betting on horse and dog races this year amounted to slightly more than $100,000 according to a report of the state racing commission. Each of the state's 36 counties will receive $702.78 for fair purposes out of this fund, the Pacific International Live stock exposition and the State Fair will each receive $31,749, the Pen dleton Round-Up and eastern Ore gon Livestock show, $5000 each and the Northwestern Turkey Show, $1200. Old age pensions to aged residents of Oregon averaged $20.90 in Sep tember according to a report by the state relief committee, accounting for the distribution of $238,436 among 14,006 Individuals eligible to old age assistance. One-half the money was supplied by the federal government, the state and the sev eral counties putting up the other half. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School STAFF Editor La Verne Van Marter Assistant Maxine McCurdy Teachers' Institute .. Ruth Green Feature Stories, Norma McFerrin, Hazel Adkins. Humor, Florence Becket and Riley Munkera Operetta Arlene Morton Class and Club News, Mae Edmund? son. Girls' Sports Evelyn Kirk Grade News .... Rose Cunningham H.H.S. Teachers Institute The teachers of Morrow county met Friday, November 6, for their annual institute in the high school auditorium in Heppner. The morn ing addresses were "interpreting the school to the Community," by Mrs. Willam Kletzer, president of Ore gon Congress of Parents and Teach ers, and "Professional Organizations for Teachers," by James M. Bur gess, former superintendent of Heppner hgh school, now in that capacity in the Milton-Freewater schools. Immediately after the ad dresses the group divided into sev eral sections under the direction of Miss Grace Forette, Mr. Burgess, and Dr. O. R. Chambers of Oregon State college. Following the morning sessions, luncheon was served at Hotel Hepp ner. The high school girls trio sang two numbers. In the afternoon Austin Landreth, Pendelton schools, spoke on the subject, "Curriculum Revision in the Field of Reading." Dr. Cham bers gave an address entitled "Fish ing for Truth." As in the morning the assembly broke into several sections, one of these being a demonstration lesson illustrating the panel method of teaching. Members of the panel were taken from the Heppner high school American History class. The musical contributions in the after noon consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Alden Blankenship and a vo cal solo by Mrs. Ture Peterson. The morning program was opened with two violin solos by Stan Atkin, Irrigon schools, accompanied by Norbert Peavy, and a vocal solo by Miss Helen Ralph of the lone school. In the evening, dinner was served at the Episcopal Parish house. Again Mr. Atkins played two violin solos, accompanied by Norbert Peavy. In addition, a trio com posed of grade school girls sang. The institute was closed with a dance at the Eiks' temple spon sored by the American Legion and Auxiliary. H.H.S. Social Hour Many of the high school students fail to attend the social hour. In doing this they fail to do their part in having a good time themselves and making It more enjoyable for the others. The social hour, given to the student body for their enter tainment, was introduced three years ago by the students and ap proved by the faculty. For some time it was very successful, but as Want Ads 500 Rhode Island Red pullets, 55c a. R. B. Wilcox, Hermlston, Ore. 36-38 Your odd job In good hands with me. Roy E. Vaughn, city. 3&-J7 For Sale 1400 ewes and 700 ewe lambs, Ramboulllets. Can be seen at the Sid Seale ranch near Con don. 24-36p For Sale 80 May pullets, 75c ea. 60 June 1 pullets, 60c, if taken soon Salter Hatchery, lone. 35-36 Private and class tap dancing les sons given by Hazel Brown. Special attention given to timing and var lety. Next class lesson, Weds., Oct. 21. 33-36p. For Sale or Rent 1850 acres, 600 tillable, 4 springs, plenty of running water, barn, sheep shed, house. poultry yards, well fenced sheep tight, equipped for hogs, well equip ped place, good wheat and stock ranch. See J. O. Turner. MU Maternity and convalescent cases HERE'S TRAVEL ECONOMY In addition to ipeclal low round trip farel dally to May M Union Pacific often deliclou low priced meali,hlgh tpeed schedule!, modern equipment, air-conditioned comfort, skilled per sonal service. Return limits-on Standard tickets 30 days. Intermediate (Pullman-Tourist) and Coach tickets 6-months. has been shown lately there seems to be a lack of interest Students do not seem to care to participate in the games or they do not take an active part in the dancing. Those who think that there will always be social hours, and consequently keep putting off coming, are badly dis ilusioned. There is danger that the social hour will be discontinued un less the students take an Immediate interest in them. H.H.S. Humor Clayton W.: What do you use on your hair? Paul B. : Crisco. Clayton: Why? 'Paul: I don't have to get a haircut. Clayton: Why? Paul: It's shortening. e "The average train of thought carries no freight" (Quote Mr. Grimes.) e Miss Peterson (in chemistry): Who broke that glass? Harriet: I don't know. I only poured some water in it Fred H.: Maybe it was hard water. e Ruth and Andy were walking down the road. A car came along and stopped to pick them up. Driver: Want a ride? Andy: No. thanks; we are going to turn up down here. e Did you know that one-half ap ple and one-half apple make two apples? Ask Miss Peterson for proof. DID YOU EVER Hear the cackling in English V? Wonder where the black eyes came from? Hear the yelping and yapping af ter Social Hour Wednesday? (Where's Homer?) Wonder what happened between Francis McCarty and Joe Aiken during Social Hour Wednesday night? H.H.S. Grade School News The first grade has completed its farm sand table. Billy Jones has been quite ill for the past two weeks. He is now In a hospital in Portland. Joan Graves of the second grade has moved to Lexington where she is now attending school. The second grade is beginning on a unit for Thanksgiving. A very Interesting program was given by the sixth grade last Thurs day with the fifth grade as the audience. The program consisted of poems, a tap dance, and songs. i.i.S. Editorial Many of the students here in Heppner high school are dependent on other students for introducing whatever student activity there may be. They do not display any pep" and they are continually complain ing about the inactiveness of the student body. They never try to stimulate any activity themselves. They sit about with long, drawn faces and find fault with everything in general. These students are just the ones who are to blame for the lack of interest in student activity. There i3 an abundance of school "pep," but it is being displayed in the wrong way as evidenced by shooting of rubber bands and the throwing of erasers by some who do not value courtesy and citizen ship. If this energy was spent in keeping the floors clean, the refer ence books in order, and the halls less noisy, we would help immense ly in making our school one to be proud of. This practice Is far from new, as many other schools have made this a successful program. Let's not let our school fall behind! School spirit is not wholly con- fined to the support of the athletic teams, although it does play a ma jor part School spirit should be present In every student body func tion. More interest should be taken in the student body meetings. In stead of waiting for the other fellow to do it, each members of the stu dent body should contribute his share in making every student body meeting a success as far as accom plishment is concerned. Aside from the Girls' League, the clubs of Heppner high school have been practically non-existent as far as activity prevails. This is par ticularly true of the Benzine Ring and the "H" club. If we are a mem ber of a club, we should take an active part in its affairs and make our clubs mean something. School spirit is something that no school can do without and yet get very far. Let's each of us do our part and make our school alive with enthusiasm, as it should be! H.H.S. Armistice Day Eighteen years ago, November 11, a peace treaty was signed which ended the World War. From that time, November 11 has been called Armistice Day. Many do not realize the real meaning of this day. To many peo ple it is just a holiday or a day of vacation. We are guilty of ingrat itude if we do not pause every once in a while to express our apprecia tion of the sacrifice of the ones who fought the nation's battles in the World War. For this reason, Arm istice Day should be celebrated each year as a national holiday. H.H.S. Girls' Sports The girls' gym Instructor, Miss Peterson, selected four girls, one from each class, to be pitchers for the baseball teams of each of their EAT SEA FOODS Oysters, Shell Fish the pick of marine delica cies served FRESH You'll find our stock of WINES complete Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. respective classes. The girl chosen from the Frosh class was Clarabell Adams; Soph, Maude Bailey; Junior, cvelyn Kirk; Senior, Neva BleaK man. These girls practiced Friday evening for a short time. The next game will be the freshmen and Ju niors versus seniors and sopho mores. H.H.3. Class and dub News The classes of Heppner high have been rather dormant for the past week as no meetings have been held. The Girls' League will discuss, in their next meetnig, the possibil ity of club dues and the coming car nival. The Home Economics club is planning a banquet and dance for the football boys Friday, November 13. The dance will be held at the Parish house after the banquet. The students and post-graduates of lone, Lexington and Heppner will be In vited to attend the dance. An ad mission of 25c will be charged. The "H" club had a meeting Mon day noon to discuss means of rais ing money for their treasury. Some of the suggestions offered were to give a smoker near the first of Jan uary, to sponser a show at the Star theater, and to give a dance near Christmas time. The Benzine Ring will hold a business meeting Thursday night for the purpose of discussing the future work of the Ring, and plans will be made for the annual Ben zine Ring banquet. Cost of Tuesday's election to the taxpayers of Oregon was estimated at approximately $80,000 by Dave O'Hara, elections clerk in the state department. Of this amount ap- proximately $23,000 Is to be paid by the state for printing and mail ing the voters' pamphlets, poll books and other election supplies, and $57,000 by the several counties for printing the ballots, wages to elec tion officials and rental of polling places. O'Hara points out that ap proximately 12,190 judges and clerks were employed in the 1625 pre cincts throughout the state, includ ing those employed on the count ing boards In the larger city pre cincts. Six dead and eight Injured was the tell of grade crossing accidents in Oregon during October accord ing to records compiled by the pub lic utilities commission. The Oc tober death list sets a new high rec ord for grade crossing casualties in this state, topping the May, 1938, record by one fatality. TRAINS CITY OF PORTLAND No Extra Fare Five sailings monthly on 1,7,13,19,25. 39 hours Portland-Chicago. Alr-condl-tioned Coach, Standard Pullmans,Dlner lounge famous Continental Dinners, PORTLAND ROSE-Doi Coaches, Pullman-Tourlsland Standard Sleepers, Observation -lounge, Diner, All alr-condltioned, PACIFIC LIMITED Daily Alr-conditloned Coaches and Standard Sleepers. Also Cafe-Observation Car. Meals at Coffee Shop Prices. LOW PRICED MEALS Porter Service end Free pillows In Coachee on all trains. For Information and reservations see . LOCAL AGENT NOTICE! to Property Owners Having Delinquent Taxes The current tax (1936) must be paid in full before December 16, 1936, and one quarter of the earliest year delinquent to cancel the in terest on 1933-34 and all prior years. The cur rent tax must be paid and one quarter of the earliest year delinquent before December 16 of each following year to cancel the interest for 1933-30 and all prior years until all delin quent taxes are paid in full. If the taxes are cot so paid the interest will be added to the tax and collected according to the 1935 tax law. The personal property tax is payable the same way, provided that you do not miss a payment. If you do not pay the 1936 tax and one-fourth of the earliest year delinquent the Tax Collector will be forced to seize and sell enough property to satisfy all taxes and ac crued interest and costs. This law is manda tory and by paying according to its provisions you will be conferring a favor upon yourself, the County, and the Tax Collector's office by doing so. C. J. D. BAUMAN Sheriff and Tax Collector, Morrow County, Oregon DON'T HESITATE ! VOTE YES Munsingwear Leads the Field Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed by These Offerings: $1.00 $2.45 BANDEAU TOP SLIPS Women's 2-piece PAJAMAS. $1.95 to Black and White Azure Blue Red Earth Bali Blue Tea Rose MANY STYLES ALL POPULAR Women's Rayon Of AC GOWNS. $1.50 to D JL V O Tea Rose color BALBRIGGAN GOWNS, 2-color Women's 2-piece Balbriggan Pajamas.. Selection of Styles and Colors Girl's 2-pc. Pajamas O-f A A Balbriggan 9XUU Long sleeves, cuff trousers Age 6-10-14 $1.35 $1.95 M. D. Clark A ucipe tatty setitty: USE SETTER SIGHT LAMPS.' A Good Lamp for Reading or Cards The new I.E.S. bridge models are one of the loveliest and most practical types of lamps ever designed. Unlike the old fashioned bridge lamp, there is no bare bulb to stab your eyes no harsh glaring con trasts just soft, restful light. Prices start at 45.45 Terms if you wish. Turns Ordinary Sockets into Smart Indirect Fixtures! The Silvray Lightmaster screws in to sockets like an ordinary bulb. Yet it is a complete indirect fix ture ideal for bedrooms, bath rooms or any place you want glare- free light. The price, in cluding bulb, is only . . 2.45 End Table Lamps are Graceful and Efficient Semi-Indirect Floor Lamp Best Ail-Use Model With one of the new I.E.S. semi-indirect floor lamps you can have the right amount of light for every visual task. A turn of the switch gives you 100, 200 or 300 watts of light from the same bulb. These lamps are very attractive, too a welcome addition to any Cving room. $ 95 Now there are Better Sight Lamps for low tables. They give the same diffused light that makes other I.E.S. models so efficient and so safe for your eyes, but have shorter standards. Both parchment and silk shades are qj vailable. Priced at . . 0lD "P Pin-lt-Ups find favor in every room! These practical lamps fasten on the wall wherever light is needed. Use them over your bed, dresser, sink or range. Beautiful, economical. Price with bulb., fjg up SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Servict eared for In my horre. Mrs. J. B, Cason. otf.