PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1936. (Banrttr wtmrs THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30. 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 1& 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1913 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner. Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD. Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager ADVERTISING BATES GIVES OUt APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years , Months , . Three Months Single Copies .. J2.00 6 00 LOO .75 .06 Official Paper for Morrow County A Rare Opportunity. X BORROW county has the heav- IVi iest membership in the Eastern Oregon Wheat league of any of the counties represented. A Morrow county man, E. Harvey Miller, the league president. And Heppner has been selected as the meeting place for this year's conference. December 4-5. In the light of these facts the spotlight is thrown upon Morrow county and Heppner as the barom eter to which state and nation will look for measuring the sentiment of eastern Oregon s great wheat in dustry. The Eastern Oregon Wheat lea gue has an enviable record of ac complishment in the past. It has tackled its problems conscientious ly, thoroughly and with exercise of foresight It hashad a competent leadership and a workable type of organization. It has accomplished things. When theleague meets here again, our people should notonly exercise themselves in playing the part of the good host, but they should take an active interest in the league meetings. The opportunity is a rare one for everyone to familiarize himself with the pulse of the wheat raising industry first-hand. It should not only be a big occasion for grow ers but for the entire community as well. Shall We Advance? THIS is National Education week, a time that is set aside each year to promote public interest in educa tion. No more worthy occasion oc curs on the calendar of public ev ents. Only through education, safe and sane instruction, can human kind progress. Only through edu cation can workable, helpful laws be written, and the efforts of man be directed in the course of pro gress. No more fitting message for the occasion may be given than that of President Robert M. Hutchins of University of Chicago, who wrote for the Journal of Education: "Although I hate all sweeping historical generalizations, I will venture to say that the business of education is more important at this moment than it ever has been in the past Although I loathe all pro phecy, I will say that the world seems to be rushing toward the des truction of liberty of conscience, of worship, of speech, and of thought. The world seems to be rushing, in other words, toward the abolition of those processes which, since th? time of the Greeks, have accounted for the advance of civilization. This tendency, together with the con comitant tendency to hatred and war, will not be without its effects on our own country. Already we see signs of the growth of bigotry and repression. We see ignorance and prejudice exploited by the most shameless propaganda. We see bat Oelines drawn that may determine the fate of our form of governmen', and of your generation. "So I say that the business of education is more important now than it has ever been before. Edu cation is intellectual and spiritual preparation. Never have the times called as they do today for discip lined reason, for clear and inde pendent thought. No political or ganization is any better than the citizens that compose it. No gov ernmental system can make stupid citizens intelligent. And democracy, to which we adhere, cannot survive without intelligent citizens." Vital College Services Cited by Dr. F.M.IIunter Corvallis. Five vitally essential services which the unified state system of higher education is ren dering the commonwealth were enumerated here by Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter, in an address to the faculty Triad club. These services, he said, are so essential in the light of past history that with out them the state cannot hope to attain its desired degree of progress. Following is the list Chancellor Hunter gave, with greatly con densed comments made on them by him: L Application of past knowledge and continued findings of science to the natural resources and indus tries of the state. This service swells the income of Oregon farms and factories by many millions of dollars annually. 2. Assistance in solving the prob lems of government and training men for governmental leadership In a democracy such as the United States where there are 185,000 local governmental unit . 3. Recruiting and training lead ers for the professions. Latest fig ures show some 65,000 alumni of Oregon educational institutions now residing in the state. 4. The carrying on of general re search to enlarge the fund of hu- man knowledge even though find-1 ings are not immediately applicable. cultural centers where emphasis is placed on idealism and the spiritual ide of life and where better inter national relations are fostered. No state has two more wholesome ma jor educational campuses than Ore gon, the speaker declared. Ten 2-Day Feeders Meets jSet byExtensiOIl Staff More profltble feeding practices for livestock producers will be the theme of a series of 10 two-day feeders and feed recources meet ings scheduled by the Oregon State college extension service to start December 1 and continue through January. Experimental work at the East ern Oregon Livestock Experiment station as well as in western Ore gon covering several years has em phasized the suitability of Oregon grown grains and hay in finishing livestock. Wheat and barley have been found equally satisfactory as corn, while Oregon's hay, whether rich alfalfa or less valuable wild hay, can be used in rations to finish stock for market economically. The schedule of the two-day conferences follows: Wallowa county, December 1 and 2; Union county, December 3 and 4; Clackamas county, January 5 and 6; Marion county, January 7 and 8; Klamath county, January 12 and 13; Powell Butte, January 14 and 15; Arlington, January 19 and 20; Umatilla county, January 21 and 22; Malheur county, January 27 and 27; and Baker county, January 28 and 29. OSC NEWS SERVICE WINS. Corvallis. Short paragraphs of farm events supplied Oregon news papers by the College News service at O. S. C. were judged second best in the nation at this year's meeting of the American Association of Ag ricultural College Editors. A dis tinctive feature of the OSC "shorts' is that they are made up of items about what farmers all over the state have actually tried or accom plished, rather than merely advice on what to do. HOT LUNCH BENEFIT SET. Alden Blankenship, superintend ent asks the public to reserve the date, Friday the 20th, for the hot lunch benefit at the school. APPRECIATION. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to all those voters who supported and worked for me. BERT JOHNSON, APPRECIATION. I am deeply grateful to all those who supported my candidacy in the recent election, and will strive to continue to merit their approval. MRS. LUCY E. RODGERS. FOR SALE. Fordson Tractor with Fordson plow. New motor, new gears and high tension magneto last year; price reasonable. See J. O. Turner. COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR OCTOBER TERM Court met on October 7th, when were present: Wm. T. Campbell, Judge; Geo. N. Peck, Commission er; Frank S. Parker, Commission er; C. W. Barlow, County Clerk; S. E. Notson, District Attorney; C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff. Minutes of the September term were read and approved. Claims against the county were presented, and the court allowed, continued, or disallowed them, and ordered approved claims paid by proper warrant from the proper funds. The viewer's report on the Irri gon project road was discussed but no decision was reached. The following persons were ap pointed on the budget committee GENUINE QUICK-ACTING Bayer Aspirin Ia tablet Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 aeconda by atop wateh a genuine BAYER Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a Barer Aspirin tablet in to a glass of water. By the time it hits the bot tom of the glasa It la disintegrating. What happens in this glass . . . happens in your stomach. For Amazingly Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin You can now get Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN for virtually U a tablet at any drug store. Two full dozen now, in a flat pocket tin, for 25(fl Try this new package. Enjoy the real Bayer article now without thought of price 1 Do this especially if you want quick relief from a bad headache, neuritis or neuralgia pains. Note illustration above, and remember, BAYER ASPIRIN works fast. And ask for it by its full name BAYER ASPIRIN not by the name"aspirin" alone when you buy. Get it next time you want quick relief. 15C FOR A DOZEN DOZEN Virtually lc a tablet LOOK FOR THt BAYtn CROSS 'I for the year 1937 : Frank Wilkinson, David Hynd, A. H. Nelson, Frank Saling, Henry Baker and H. W. Grim. The sheriff was orderea to adver tise for sale at public auction, for delinquent taxes, lots in Heppner and in Boardman. Also, certain lands in Twp- 5 and 6, South of Range 26, were ordered to be sold for delinquent taxes, and the Sher iff was ordered to advertise the sale and the terms. General Fund Warrants Widow's Pensions: Ada T. Ca son $10.00, Virginia Chaney $15.00, Elvia W. King $20.00, Emily A. Peck $10.00, Grace Tyler $25.00, Izora Vance $20.00, Nora Wilson $20.00, Blanche Jones $2S.00, Edna E. Piatt $10.00, Grace Hughes $20.00, Rachael Ingram $20.00, Delia Crump $15.00. O. B. Hottman, Emergency....$ 30.00 L. W. Briggs, Treas., Postage 1.50 M. Clarke Webb, Dist, Sealer 5.08 Employ. Donation Fund, Poor 15.00 West Coast Printing & Bind ing Co., Election 13.00 2.00 5.50 Emma Breshears, Election .. C. G. Blayden, Election Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur. exp. 45.40 7.43 .64 C. W. Barlow, Current Exp. Circuit Court Heppner Gazette Times, Jus tice Court Clerk Election 10.80 3.75 19.75 22.56 25.02 34.79 8.17 51.75 9.50 Official Publications Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Justice Court Circuit Court Kilham St. & Prt Co., Sheriff A. E. Simmons, Current Exp. 29.25 1 Jesse J. Wells, Assessor 2.67 Mileage 44.77 Emergency Wm. T. Campbell, Emergency Court House Case Furniture Co., Court House Pac. P. & L. Co., Court House P. A. Mollahan, Court House M. D. Clark, Court House Jail W. O. Dix, Jail F. P. Leicht, Election 3.45 23.03 .62 5.50 44.33 2.56 .25 .85 32.91 4.20 11.25 Arlington Bulletin, Off. Pub. East Oregonian, Off. Pub 12.50 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt 16.84 Mileage 17.90 Humphreys Drug Co., Cur- rent Exp. 34.35 Patterson Drug Co., Poor Sylva Wells, Emergency George N. Peck, Co. Court . First Nat. Bank, Poor Frank S. Parker, Co. Court .. 5.00 36.00 46.90 168.27 43.72 First Nat. Bank, Old Age Pen. 292.36 Market Road Warrants O. B. Hottman $65.00, Mack Smith $74.75, Jack Stotts $73.25, Harry Tamblyn $83.20, Kenneth Oviatt $5.- 98, H. Tamblyn, Jr., $5.98, Ralph Marlatt $37.30, Clair Ashbaugh $17.- 94, Albert Connor $17.94, H. S. Tay lor $112.25, L. N. Morgan $32.35, Har old Sherer $44.85, Marion Hayden $20.75, Walter Scott $7.84, Clair Ashbaugh $2.98, Glen Sherer $2.98, O. B. Hottman $11.80, State Indus trial Accident Commission $16.94, Ralph Marlatt $60.00, Harold Peck $14.95. General Road Warrants W. H. Tucker $5.25, Peter Farley $28.76, O. B. Hottman $60.00, Shell Oil Company $420.17, Union Oil Company $3.10, Ferguson Motor Co. $54.76, Gilliam & Bisbee $53.41, Heppner Blacksmith & Machy. Co. $29.05, City of Heppner $2.80, C. W. Barlow $3.96, P. A. Mollahan $.50, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $2.75, Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. $13.62. Pacific Power & Light Company $9.35, E. W. Peck $1.25, Charles Dil lon $10.00, I. R. Robinson $8.35, H. D. Rutledge $83.40, H. Tamblyn $195.82, W. O. Dix $3.60, L. A. Snow Co. $131.21, Harold Becket $37.20, Safeway Stores, Inc. $4.90, Black burn Motor Co. $32.54, Alfred Odom $3.50, State Highway Comm. $1.03, J. P. O'Meara $1.25, T. Barnett $3.00, D. McNamee $3.00, Sanders Magneto Service $7.23, Feenaughty Machy. NOTICE OF BUDGET LEVYING BOARD OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 7th day of December, 1936. at the hour of 7:30 P. M., of said day at the Council Chambers In said City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said city will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the tax budget hereinafter set forth of said city for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1937, and any taxpayer of the city of Heppner may at said time appear and be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the tax levy as therein set forth or any Item thereof. Estimated PERSONAL SERVICE Chief of Police Special Police - City Recorder City Treasurer City Attorney Insurance (State) MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES Premiums on Bonds - Lights Printing MAINTENANCE AND BRIDGES FIRE DEPARTMENT Hose, Fire Chief, dentals Extras, Truck, BOND REDEMPTION Redemption of Water Bonds . INTEREST ON BONDS PAYMENT ON PROPERTY EMERGENCY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WATER DEPARTMENT Salary of Superintendent Bookkeeper Labor, Repairs, Incidentals Replacing Water Mains TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Estimated Water Collections $12,000.00 Licenses and Share of State Liquor Licenses 400.00 Fines 400.00 County (Road Tax) 1,500.00 Cash on Hand .. - 11,000.00 Recapitulation Total Estimated Expenditures for the Year 1937 $27,765.00 Total Estimated Receipts for the Year 1937 .1 25,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION $ 2,766.00 Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd Attest : E. R. HUSTON, City Recorder (SEAL) Co. $27.19, Howard-Cooper Corp. $28.87, Henry Schwarz $25.00 Aus tin Western Road Machinery Com pany $391.22, A. J. Chaffee $108.48, Vernon Munkers $108.73, Chas. Wil liams $39.74, James Farley $44.73, H. Schwarz $50.88, Robt S. Wilson $12.77, A. P. Ayers $11.97, John Mc Entire $10.45, Roy Ball $11.97, Har ry Ford $1.11, L. N. Morgan $43.39, Harold Sherer $23.92, Ralph Marlatt $20.30, Clair Ashbaugh $43.35, Albert Connor $32.89, Harry Tamblyn $73. 20, Marion Hay-den $82.52, Walter Scott $23.17, Glen Sherer $71.76, Al bert Connor $1196, Harold Sherer $8.97, Kane's Garage $71.90, General Tool Co. $11.95, Harry Tamblyn $15.00, Wm. Greener $200.00, Beach Hdw. & Equipment Company $508. 69, State Industrial Accident Com. $31.34, L. N. Morgan $35.00, Jim Farley $11.20, Albert Connor $15.00, Standard Oil Company $84.49, Clair Ashbaugh $25.00. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. One of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING of said Dis trict will be held at the City Hall in Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the 23rd day of November, 1936, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, for the fol lowing object: Election of School Clerk. Dated this 12th day of November, 1936. A. D. McMURDO, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: HARRIET S. GEM M ELL, District Clerk. NOTICE OF COUNTY LAND SALE BY SHERIFF. By virtue of an order of the Coun ty Court, dated the 22nd day of October, 1936, I am authorized and directed to sell at public auction, at not less than the minimum price herein set forth and upon the fol lowing terms as stated below for each tract, to-wit: SE&NEt4, NEKSE, SHSE of Section 28, Twp. 5 South, ' Range 26 E. W. M. Minimum price $200.00. 20 per cent down the remainder on time payments at 6 per cent interest. SENW14, EMiSWVi, SW SEtt of Section 2, Twp. 6 South, price $320.00. 20 per cent down, the remainder on time payments at 6 per cent Interest Therefore, I will, on the 14th day of November, 1936, at the hour of 2:00 P. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and Range 26, E. W. M. Minimum best bidder for cash in hand i stated above. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, NOTICE TO CEEDITOBS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel Rice. Deceased. The undersigned having been amjoint ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow county, executrix of the estate of Daniel Rice, deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against sam deceased, to present mem verinea as required by law. within six months after the first publication of this no tice to the undersigned at the law of fice of W. Vawter Parker in Heppner, Oregon. MAUD CRABER, Executrix of the estate of Daniel Rice, deceased. Dated November 4th. 1936. NOTICE OF FIN AIi ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Mary Brosnan, deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that said Court has set Monday, the 7th day of December, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 5th day of November. 1936. HUGH CURRIN. Executor. MEETING OF THE TAX THE CITY OF HEPPNER. Expenditures $ 1,200.00 100.00 240.00 , 240.00 240.00 70.00 $ 1,990.00 .$ 70.00 1,200.00 100.00 S 1,370.00 ...$ 8,000.00 s 8,ooo.oo I- 350.00 S 350.00 ,..$ 5,000.00 ' $ 6,000.00 8,540.00 $ 8,540.00 ... 265.00 S 265.00 ,..S 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 ... 100.00 ' $ 100.00 Fuel, Gas and inci ,..f 1,500.00 300.00 1,500.00 2.500.00 S 5.800.00 $27,765.00 Receipts $25,000.00 day of November, 1936. LEVYING BOARD, P. W. MAHONEY, Chairman. and Clerk of Levying Board. NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator has filed with the County Court ol the state ot Ore gon for Morrow County, his final ac- ount ol nis administration oi me es tate of L. P. Davidson, deceased, and that said court has set Monday, the 7th day of December. 1936. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day in the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place tor hearing objec tions to said final account and the set tlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby renuirea to nie sucn objections witn said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first nublished this 5th day of November. 1936. H. D. McCuKUY, Administrator. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Morrow county. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Rector, deceased: To Pearl Leuty. Osbert Rector. Rubv Hustler, Miles c. carter, EUward K. Carter. Delbert Rector, Leonard Sam- Blanche Daughertv. Pearl Tracv. Carl Haydon, Dan Haydon. Guy Haydon. Minnie orion, jean iiasseu, Martha Mc Kennon, Dallas McKennon, and all un known heirs of Frank Rector, deceased : You are hereby cited to atmear within ten days from the date of the last pub lication of this citation hereinafter set forth, to show cause, if any exist why an oraer snouia not De maae, autnor- lzing and licensing the administrator of the estate of Frank Rector, deceased. to sell the following described real property at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand, for the Duroose of satisfying the debts and ex pensess of administration of the estate ot tne above named deceased: An undivided one-fifth interest in and to the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, the West half of the Southeast quarter, and the Southwest quarter of Section Seventeen; the East half of Section Nineteen; all of section Twenty; West half of section Twenty-nine; the North half and the Southeast quarter of section thirty, all in Township Two South. Range Twenty-seven East ot the Willam ette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon; also, the Southwest quar ter of Section Twelve In Township Four South. Range Twenty-eight East of Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon. The above being real property of which said deceased, Frank Rector, died seized of an undivided One-fifth interest. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1936. (Seal) C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk. By MARY CHAFFEE, Deputy. Date of first publication, November 5, 1936. Date of last publication, December 3, 1936. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator de bonis non of the estate of Annie Williams, de ceased, has filed with the County Court Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, his final account of his ad ministration of the estate of said de ceased, and that said court has set Monday, the 7th day of December, 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day in the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all Eersons having objections thereto are ereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 5th day of November, 1936 . FRED CRUMP, Administrator de bonis non. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the partner ship estate of Hughes & Hughes. Samuel Hughes, deceased, has (lied his final account as such administrator and that the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Morrow county has appointed Mon day, the 30th day of November, 1936. at the nour or lu ociock in the forenoon of said day as the time and the county court room in the court house at Hepp ner, uregon. as tne place, ot hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. HANSON HUGHES. Administrator. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the partner ship estate of Hugh McNerny and E. L. Groshens, Hugh McNerny. deceased. has filed his final account with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and that said Court has set Monday, the 7th day of Decem ber. 1936, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said es tate, and that all Dersons having ob jectlons thereto are hereby required to me tne same with said court on or be fore the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 29th day of October, 1936. E. L. GROSHENS, Administrator. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. Department of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred G. Freiwald, Deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROP. ERTY BY ADMINISTRATRIX. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That pursuant to order duly made and en tered in tne above entitled court ana cause on November 5, 1936, the under signed administratrix of the above en titled estate shall and will, from and after December 3, 1936, proceed to sell. at private sale, for cash, according to law, at tne omce or Tneoaore opsunu, 409 Terminal Sales Building. Portland. Oregon, all of the following described real property belonging to the estate of sam deceased, to-wit: An undivided one-third interest in and to the Southwest (SW!4) quar ter of Section 1 in Township 1 North of Range 24 East of the Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Ore gon, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay and satisfy the unpaid claims against said estate and the expenses of administration therein, as prayed for in the petition of said administratrix on file with the the clerk of the above entitled court. Dated and first published November 3, i:u. Last publication December 3, 1936. ELEANOR L. FREIWALD, Administratrix of the estate of Al fred G. Freiwald, deceased. THEODORE OPSUND, Attorney. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore gon, October 23, 1936. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. FOREST EXCHANGE. Notice Is hereby given that on Octo ber 23, 1936. Louis Fluhrer, of Mayger, Oregon, filed application No. 021963 un der the act of March 20, 1922, (42 Stat., 405) also Act of March 4, 1935 (43 Stat., 1279), to exchange the EMiSE'i, SW'-i SEIi. ENWViNWWSEVi. E'ANWli SE'4,' SWViNWWSEli of Sec. 26, T. 6 S. R. 25 E., W. M., and BSSWK Sec. 35, T. 6 S., R. 25 E.. W. M. and Lots 3 and 4. Sec. 2. T. 7 8.. R. 25 E.. W. M.. within or adjacent to Umatilla Nationul Forest, for the timber on portions of Sections 19 and 20, Township 32 South, Range 12 West, W. M within the Sls- klvou National Forest. The purpose of this notice is to allow all persons claiming me lanas selected, or having bona fide objections to such application, an opportunity to file their protests with the Register of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any such protests or objections must be filed in this office within thirty days from the date of first publication of this notice, which first publication will be Nov. 5th in the Gazette Times at Hepp ner, the Curry County Reporter at Gold Beach, ana me Hernia at Myrtle foint, and on Nov. 6th in the Journal at Fos sil, Oegon. UEOKGE FINLEY, . Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby eiven that by vir tue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Morrow county, dated October 1. 1936. in that certain suit wherein the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a cor poration, as plaintiff, recovered a judg ment against the defendant, Ella David son, a widow, for the sum of $10,432.11. witn Interest at bk per cent Der annum on $6986.49 thereof, from August 6th, 193b, until paid; and with Interest at tiie rate of 5 per cent per annum on the sum of $2943 23 thereof, from August 6th. 1936. until paid; and the further sum of $56.50. Dlaintifrs costs and dis bursements in this suit, and a decree oi foreclosure against the defendants, El la Davidson, a widow; Mabel Hies ana Arthur Rles. wife and husband; Elvena Beezly nd J. R. Beezly, wife and hus band; Delia McCurdy and H. D. Mc- Curdy. wife and husband: Thomas J. Davidson and Thelma Davidson, hus band and wife; H. D. McCurdy, as Ad. ministrator of the estate of L. P. Da vidson, deceased; The Unknown Heirs ot Li. I . Davidson, deceased; lone Na tional Farjn Loan Association, a cor poration, and Also all other persons or parties unKnown claiming any rigni, title, estate, lien or interest in the reai estate described in the comDlalnt here in. I will on the 28th day of November, 1936. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court house In Heppner, Mor row County, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real property situated in Morrow Coun ty, state ot Oregon, to-wit: The South Half of Section Twenty six; the South Half of the North east Quarter; the Southeast Quar ter; the East Half of the South west Quarter of Section Twenty seven; the Northeast Quarter; the North Half of the Southeast Quar ter; the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion Thirty-four; the West Half; The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-five; the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-six; all in Township Three South. Range Twenty-three, East of the Willamette Meridian .contain ing 1660 acres and being situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon. Together with the tenements, here ditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise apper taining. or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisiy tne plain tiff's judgment, costs and accruing costs ot sale. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Date of First Publication October 29, 1936. GRAZING DISTRICT NOTICE. Pursuant to the provisions of the act of June 28. 1934 (48 Stat. 1269), com monly known as the Taylor Grazing Act. as amended June 26. 1936. notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held by the Department of the Inter ior for the purpose of considering the establishment of a grazing district In the Counties of Morrow, Umatilla, and Gilliam. State or Oregon, at tne follow- ing place ajid time and any place or time to which such hearing may be djourned: State Place Date Oregon Heppner November 6, 1936 Bonr 10:00 a. m. This hearing will be open to the at tendance of State officials, settlers, res idents, and livestock owners, who are nterested In the gazing use ol the Dub lie domain in said state. (Sgd.) T. A. WALTERS, Acting Secretary of the Interior. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received by tb undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M.. on Friday, the 6th day of November. 1936. and Immediately there after opened by the Counci lof the City of HenDner. at the Council Chambers in said city, for the purchase of Five Thousand Dollars (Sa.uuu) city ot Hepp ner Refunding Water Bonds; said bonds to be dated November 1. 1936. bearing Interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6) per annum, payable semiannually. In denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each. maturing serially In numerical order at the rate of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on the first day of November in eacn oi tne years t4i to i4D, inciu sive. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Winfree. McCulloch, Shu ler & Kelley will be furnished the suc cessful bidder. Bids must be unconditional and ac companied by a certified check in the amount of One Hundred Dodars ($100) The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. E. R. HUSTON. Recorder. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. IRIS L. SLAVENS. Plaintiff, vs. ELMER D. SLAVENS, Defendant, SUMMONS. No. 3298. To Elmer D. Slavens, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you In the above entitled court on or before four weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons upon you, and If you fall to so appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and plaintiff be forever dissolved and that plaintiff have an absolute di vorce that plaintiff have the custody and control of Ferol Jeanette Slavens, and for such other relief as the court may deem equitable. This Bummons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazetto Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Heppner, Ore gon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Cal vin L. Sweek. Judge of the above en titled court, which order is dated Oc tober 20th, 1936, and the date of the first publication of this summons is October 22nd, 1936. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for plaintiff. Postofflre address, Heppner Oregon, Heppner Transfer Co. Anywhere For Eire Hauling Bonded and Insured Carrier ROBT. A. JONBS, Mgr. V. R. RUNNION AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Llvestook a Speolalty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore, Phone 452 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPENSE FRANK C. ALFRED Attorney at Law Upstairs in Humphreys Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Practloe in State and Federal Courts Professional Cards REAL ESTATE General Line of Insurance and Bunds W. M. EUBANXS Notary Fublio Phone 62 lone. Org. W. L. BLAKELY Representing Connecticut Mutual Life Insnanc Co., Caledonian Fix Insurance Co. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR WOOL HIDES FELTS Phone 782 Heppner Ore. VAWTER PARKER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone 173 Heppner Hotel Bulldlnc Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. DR. L. D. TIBBLES OSTEOPATHIC Fhysioian Burgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Res. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOOIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. RATES REASONABLE HOTEL HEPPNER BUILDING Perry Granite Company Portland Fine Memorials Eastern Oregon Representative H. 0. CASB, Heppner AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty O. L. BBNNBTT "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band' LEXINGTON, OREGON J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 178 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER. ORB. DR RAYMOND RICE PHYSICIAN A BUROBON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone $28 DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X.Ray Diagnosis . GILMAN BUILDING Hsppner, Ore. A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offloe In Court House Heppner, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches . Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing , Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Rett Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon LAURENCE CASE MORTUARY "Just the service wanted when yon want It moat"