Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 12, 1936, Image 1

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Volume 52, Number 36.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Depatment of Agriculture
Official Expected to Out
line 1937 Set-Up.
Several Committees to Handle Sub
jects for Discussion Named by
President Harvey MUIer.
With local committees busy look
ing after entertainment features
and state officers arranging a pro
gram said to be fully up to past
high standards, the ninth annual
meeting of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league to be held here De
cember 4 and 5 is expected to draw
a record crowd of Columbia basin
and Blue Mountain wheat growers.
By the time the meeting is held
the 1937 agricultural conservation
program will be fairly well outlined
and the league officers have been
promised that one of the leading
officials of the department of agri
culture at Washington will come to
Oregon for the sessions, says E. H.
Miller of Lexington, president of
the organization.
Two years ago George E. Farrell,
head of the wheat section in the old
AAA and now director of the west
ern region, was the Washington
representative. He chose the wheat
league meeting as the place for
making several important an
nouncements in connection with
the adjustment program. A year
ago at Pendleton, C. C. Conser, an
other high official, was present.
Oregon growers are looking for
ward to coming announcements of
the 1937 program with considerable
interest because of the desire in this
and other northwestern states to
have the plan simplified for the
coming year somewhat as has been
done with the range improvement
Other important topics for this
year's meeting on which commit
tees are already at work Include
noxious weed control, livestock
feeding, river transportation, co
operative marketing, crop insur
ance, production problems, and leg
islative recommendations.
Relative importance of the Blue
Mountain counties in wheat pro
duction in recent years has In
creased interest in the league work
in that region and a larger attend
ance is in prospect, say the county
chairmen. Other officers of the
league this year are Charles Nish,
Mikkalo, vice president; Charles
Smith, Oregon State college, secretary-treasurer;
and the following
county chairmen:
Lloyd Smith, Gilliam; H. V.
Smouse, Morrow; Harry Proudfoot,
Sherman; James Hill, Umatilla; E.
H. DeLong, Union; Hugh Wilson,
Wallowa; L. J. Kelly, Wasco; John
Putnam, Wheeler; N. E. Dodd, Ba
ker; and Ward Farrell, Jefferson.
County committees are at work
In each county preparing recom
mendations In the various subjects
to come before the state meeting.
Members of the various commit
tees In Morrow county follow:
Weed control and soil conserva
tionOral Scott, Lexington, chair
man; Joe Belanger, Heppner, sec
retary; Oscar Lundell, lone; Cleve
Van Scholack, Heppner; A. H. Nel
son, Lexington; Sam Turner, Hepp
ner; Omar Rietmann, lone; Louis
Marquardt Lexington; Frank Sa
ling, Lexington; Louia Bergevin,
lone; J. J. Wightman, Heppner;
Terrel Benge, Lexington; F. S. Par
ker, Heppner.
Finance, taxation and state legis
lation George Peck, Lexington,
chairman; Joe Belanger, Heppner,
secretary; Chas. Valentine, Lexing
ton; Henry Smouse, lone; C. E.
Carlson lone; Glen Jones, Heppner;
Lawrence Redding, Eightmile; 0.
W. Cutsforth, Lexington; J. O. Tur
ner, Heppner; Le Beckner, Ione;0.
M. Kincaid, lone.
Production, handling, and mar
ketingHenry Baker, lone, chair
man; Joe Belanger, Heppner, sec
retary; Harry Duvall, Lexington;
Chas. Marquardt, Lexington; Ralph
Jackson, Lexington; M. E. Duran,
Lexington; Harvey Miller, Lexing
ton; Bert Peck, Lexington; Bill
Doherty, Lexington; Fred Mankin,
Transportation and rural electri
fication Bert Johnson, lone, chair
man; O. E! Peterson, lone, vice
chairman; Joe Belanger, Heppner,
secretary; Werner Rietmann, lone;
Joe Devlne, Lexington; D. M. Ward,
lone; Chas .McElllgott, Iohe; Law
rence Beach, Lexington; E. C. Hel
ker, Iono; M. J. Fitzpatrick, lone;
Al Troedson, Morgan.
Federal agricultural programs
R. B. Rice, Lexington, chairman;
Joe Belanger, Heppner, secretary;
F. E. Parker, Heppner; Henry Pe
terson, lone; Charles Jones, Hepp
ner; Chas. B. Cox, Heppner; Floyd
Adams, Hardman; John Bergstrom,
Eightmile; V. L. Carlson, lone;
Ralph Akers, lone.
The Columbia C. E. Union will
hold its annual convention at Her'
mlston on Nov. 20, 21, 22. Several
local young people will attend the
sessions. C. P. Gates of Portland,
and Walter Myers and Howard Cole
of Eugene will be speakers. A good
program Is assured.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Cralgg9
In this city Sunday night, an 8
pound daughter.
Organization Started for District
Under Taylor Act; Committee
on Articles Named.
A unanimous vote to form a graz
ing district in the north end of Mor
row county was the result of a
meeting held at the county agent's
office Friday, Nov. 6. This meeting
was called by the Department of
the Interior and was attended by a
majority of the range users of the
territory affected.
The proposed district extends on
the west for about six miles into
Gilliam county. The south boun
dary is roughly the Immigrant road.
On the east the district follows the
county line north, extending for an
irregular distance into Umatilla
county. The private land in Irri
gon, Boardman and Umatilla is, of
course, not included in the district
Mr. Gait and Mr. Stafford from
the Division of Grazing came from
Burns to conduct the meeting. Pro
fessor P. M. Brandt, head of the
division of animal industries at Or
egon State college, also was pres
ent Jack Hynd, John Krebs, Charles
Bartholomew, Roy Neill and Wil
liam Kilkenny were elected a com
mittee of five, with Joseph Belan
ger, county agent, to act as secre
tary, for the purpose of drawing up
articles of association and by-laws
for the graz'ng association which it
is contemplated will conduct the af
fairs of the district when officially
According to the provisions of the
Taylor Grazing act, under which
this district will be formed, ninety
days must elapse between the date
when last Friday's meeting was
called and the date of the election
at which the final decision as to the
formation of the district will be
made. At this election all those
men who would qualify as licensees
within the district are eligible to
vote. Any question as to eligibility
will be decided by a committee of
three men selected at the time of
the election.
The proposed district includes
roughly 90,000 acres of government
land, 65,000 acres of private land
and about 43,000 acres each of
Northern Pacific and county lands.
"The need for some organized
form of range protection in this
area has been felt for some time
and the range users who have been
running sheep and cattle on these
lands have been active for nearly
two years in an effort to have this
block of range brought under the
Taylor Grazing act," said Mr. Belan
ger in reporting the meeting.
Mrs. Earl Redding was the recip
ient of many lovely gifts at a show
er given for her at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Raymond McDon
ald. Those present were the Mes
dames Mary Greener, Freda Ras
mussen, May Adams, Ima McDan
lel, Opal Adams, Lois McKitrick,
Corda Saling, Marie Johnson, Deb
McDaniel, Elsa Leathers, Mildred
McDanicl, Ethel McDaniel, Helen
Stevens, Eva Wright, Mary Mc
Daniel, Minnie McFerrin; Alice
Hastings, Evalyn Farrens, Ethel
Adama, Marie Clary, May Burnsdie,
Esther Burnside and Elvira Mc
Donald, and the Misses Dollie Far
rens, Creth Craber, Jake Adams,
Delsie Patt Bleakman, Isabel Mc
Ferrin, Reta Dell Johnson, Yvonne
Mr. and Mrs. Newlan F. King
were called to Portland Tuesday by
the serious illness of their baby.
Mrs. Alice Anderson taught Mr.
King's school while he was away.
Mrs. Ima McDaniel departed for
Walla Walla on Monday. She will
care for her sister, Mrs. Ben Stan
ten, who is seriously ill at that
Mrs. Ethel Knlghten motored to
Lexington Sunday. She will make
an Indefinite stay.
Mrs. Marie Clary and Mrs. Kath-
eilne Tompkins attended institute
in Heppner Friday.
Virgil Crawford spent the week
end here.
Katherine Tompkins spent the
week end in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and
chklren and Mr. and Mrs. Carey
Hastings and Yvonne were shop
ping In Heppner Friday.
Elwood Hastings was a visitor
In Heppner Sunday.
Mrs. Maud Robison is ill at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Jenny
Boyer In Heppner.
Richard Robison, Pat and Delsie
Bleakman, Mrs. Deb McDaniel and
Maxine, Roland Farrens Claud
Hastings, Opal Hastings, Charlott
Ghalager, attended the show in
Heppner Saturday evening.
Ellis Saling, Creth Craber, Jake
Adams, Virgil Crawford visited at
the Cunha home Sunday.
Owen Leathers, Guy Chapln are
among the ones huntng- elk this
LaVonne Adams Is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Burnside were
shopping in Heppner Friday.
Mrs. Grace Ackernmn of Kalama,
Wash., motored to Seattle Monday
to see L. C. Ackerman who Is at
Providence hospital for treatment.
He is progressing nicely and ex
pects to be home in about two
weeks. The Aekermans are for
mer Morrow county residents.
Wrex Langdon was visiting at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Langdon, the end of the week,
coming up from the Bandon vicin
ity where he helped fight the big
fire. He expected to go to Tollgato
to work for the forest service.
Red Cross Roll Call Set;
County Workers Named
At the meeting of the Red Cross
chapter at the Library Tuesday eve
ning, plans were formulated for the
annual Roll Call drive which is
now under way. Last year the Mor
row county unit raised $241.85 this
way. This year's quota is $300. Last
year $110.50 was sent to the nation
al headquarters and $171.89 was
contributed to flood relief.
All are aware of the important
part the Red Cross had in helping
provide emergency needs of those
left homeless in Bandon a few
weeks ago.
Those appointed to head up solici
tation work are: Mrs. J. G. Barratt,
Hinton creek: Pauline Hughes, Le
na; Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Balm
Fork; Mrs. B. O. Anderson, Eight
Mile; Alta Brown, lower Willow
creek; Marion Finch, Pine City;
Mrs. E. E. Rugg, Rhea creek;
Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson, upper Wil
low creek; Alex Lindsay, Alpine;
Zoe Bauernfeind, Morgan; Tom
Caldwell, Irrigon; Marie Clary,
Hardman; Mrs. T. E. Peterson,
lone; Wm. D. Campbell, Lexington;
Edwin Ingles, Boardman; Beth B.
Hynd, Cecil, and Mrs. Roberta Bry
ant, Heppner,
Some little excitement was creat
ed Friday morning when the fire
bell rang and the call went out that
the schoolhouse was on fire. The
fire was in the furnace room in the
basement and it is believed to have
been caused by spontaneous com
bustion as it appeared to have
started in the coal bin. The fire
was discovered by Harvey Bauman
who was passing the schoolhouse
and saw smoke coming from the
basement windows. The volunteer
fire department responded quickly
and the blaze was extinguished be
fore much damage was done. A
crew of men was put to work im
mediately to remove the coal from
the basement and repair the dam
Lexington grange will meet at the
hall Saturday night at which time
officers for next year will be elect
ed. The program during the lec
ture hour will be put on by the Lex
ington Home Economics club.
School was dismissed Friday so
that the teachers might attend the
teachers Institute at Heppner.
Mrs. Fred Wehmeyer and daugh
ter Edith of Heppner were guests
of Mrs. Vernon Scott Thursday.
Mrs. L. A. Palmer was confined
to her home by illneos last week:
School was closed Wednesday for
Armstice day, On Tuesday after
noon an Armistice day program was
given by the high and grade school
The losing side in the recent con-
tost held in the high school enter
tained the winners with a party Tu
esday evening. Everyone reported
an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Estelle Inderbitzen of Port
land visited Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell
and Mrs. J. G. Johnson last week.
T. W. Cutsforth, who has been
visiting his son Orvile, has gone to
Monmouth to visit a daughter, Mrs.
Maude Pointer. From there he ex
pects to go on to California to spend
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs .A. H. Nelson and
son Norman were visitors in Port
land last week.
New lockers are being built In
the dressing rooms at the school
this week.
Harry Dinges was a Pendleton
visitor Friday. While there he at
tended the football game between
the Oregon State rooks and East
ern Oregon Normal school.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears
and Mrs. Carl Whillock were busi
ness visitors in Pendleton Tuesday.
Local churches are uniting in
sponsoring a three-day preaching
mission here to carry on the spirit
of the national and state missions.
Monday night, Nov. 16, R. C.
Young will speak in the Christian
church on the subject, "Our Com
mon Task."
Tuesday night, Nov. 17, Alvln
Kleinfeldt will speak in the Epis
copal church on the subject, "Chris
tian Potentialities."
Wednesday night, Nov. 18, Arch
deacon Hinkle will speak on the
subject, "Rebirth."
Choirs of the churches will sing
special numbers, and there will be
congregational singing each eve
ning. It is hoped that great crowds of
lieoplr- will take advantage of these
special meetings and spread the In
fluence of the National Preaching
mission to the entire community.
Meetings will begin at 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. Effle Ritchie of Milton, dis-.
trict president, installed officers of
the local American Legion auxiliary
unit at the home of Mrs. Harold
Cohn last Monday evening. Install
ed were Hanna Jones, president
Ethel Adams, first vice-president
Alice Peterson, second vice-presi
dent; Martha Dick, chaplain; Lera
Crawford, secretary; Etta Devln,
sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Ritchie dis
cussed the auxiliary program, and
the local unit announced that It
expected to reach Its membership
quota soon.
Ruth chapter 32, Order of East
ern Star, will be In charge of past
matrons and past patrons for Its
regular meeting at Masonic hall
tomorrow evening. This will be
one of the feature meetings of the
year and all members are urged
to attend.
Hay for Sale About 150 tons al
falfa, good place for feeders, near
shipping point, plenty water. J. W.
Messner, Hermlston, Ore. 36-37
Health Education. Secur
ity, Higher Standards
Wm. D. Campbell Elected Presi
dent; Outside Educators Speak,
Aid With Discussions.
Emphasis on health educaton,
financial security for teachers, ten
ure legislation, endorsement of Harrison-Fletcher
bill, state aid witn
social-economic problems, and ad
vancement in standards of certifi
cation for teachers were Included
in recommendations of county tea
chers meeting in one-day institute
here last Friday.
Dr. C. R. Chambers of Oregon
State college gave the headline ad
dress at 2:10 in the afternoon, and
other outside educators who assist
ed with the program included Aus
tin Landreth of Pendleton, Miss
Grace Forrett of Portland, Mrs.
William Kletzer, state president of
Congress of Parents and Teachers,
and James M. Burgess, superinten
dent of McLaughlin, high school of
Milton-Freewater. Each of these
assisted in the group discussions.
Oregon State Teachers associa
tion and National Education asso
ciation assisted Morrow county tea
chers in arranging the meeting, and
special thanks were extended to
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county sup
erintendent for her help. Enter
tainment on the program included
a vocal solo by Miss Helen Ralph
of lone, instrumental solo by Stan
Atkin of Irrigon, piano solo by Mrs.
Alden Blankenship of Heppner, and
vocal solo by Mrs. Ture Peterson of
Wm. D. Campbell, principal of
Lexington schools, was elected pres
ident of the county unit, O. S. T. A.,
for the coming year, with Cecelia
Brennan of Boardman, vice-chair
man, and Mae Doherty of Heppner,
The committee on resolutions,
Lilian Turner, Lavelle White and
Juanlta Leathers, returned the fol
lowing resolutions, which were ad
opted: Whereas the preJtent of public
and individual health is a matter
of first importance in all commun
ities and, whereas the teachers in
each county hold a key position in
promoting health progress; be it
resolved that we strongly urge rap
id extension of all appropriate
health promotion and health con
servation activities in our schools
and communities.
Whereas the financial security of
teachers is an item of utmost social
importance, and whereas the Ore
gon law at this time does not make
provision for retirement pay for
superannuated and disabled teach
ers; be it resolved that we, the
teachers of Morrow county, urge
the officers of our Oregon State
Teachers association press before
the coming legislature with the ut
most vigor adequate legislation that
will provide a suitable and actuar
ially sound retirement plan for the
teachers of Oregon.
Whereas the only satisfactory
method of protecting members of
the teaching profession from var
ious types of injustice is the pass
age and enforcement of tenure leg
islation; be it resolved that we en
dorse the tenure plan as propound
ed by the state and national asso
ciations. Whereas federal appropriations
are sought for various purposes; be
it resolved that we heartily endorse
the Harrison-Fletcher bill.
Whereas, "The education of the
people of a democracy determines
its method of dealing with social
economic problems;" be it resolved
that the teachers of Morrow county
recommend to the state association
that the committee on curriculum
revision indicate the materials and
methods which the schools of the
state should use to attain these
Whereas there is an increasing
demand for a higher standard of
certification for teachers In our
state; be it resolved that we favor
a recommendation to promote that
Glen Hayes this week opened his
new service station at the corner of
May and Chase streets which has
been under construction for more
than a month. The new structure
is equipped to give complete auto
motive service, with latest type
pump equipment, dencral Oil com
pany products will be handled.
Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Young and
Miss Opal Biiggs were guests of
the local CCC camp Armistice day.
Rev. Young gave a talk relating to
his experiences in England and
France during the World War.
During the past twelve months
the American public called upon the
Red Cross to give assistance to the
victims of 105 disasters. Now the
Red Cross appeals to the public for
Rev. R. C. Young, -Alvln Klein
feldt, Mrs. C. P. Brown and Miss
Opal Brlggs were among local peo
ple attending the preaching mission
In Portland the last of the week.
Woolgrowers Auxiliary dessert
bridge, Nov. 24, 1:45, auction and
contract, Parish house, 25c. 2t.
Mrs. Lillie B. Young
Is Pneumonia Victim
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church yesterday morn
ing for Mrs. Lillie Belle Young of
Eight Mile, who died at a local hos
pital Tuesday from a seven-days
illness with pneumonia. Alvin Klein
feldt pastor, officiated, and many
friends and neighbors paid their last
respects at the final rites. Inter
ment was in Masonic cemetery.
Lillie Belle Haynes was born No
vember 4, 1873, at Laurel, Washing
ton county, Oregon, to James and
Margaret L. (Shuck) Haynes. She
was married to the late Jacob S.
Young, September 2, 1919, and had
resided on the farm home in Eight
Mile for the last 12 years. Surviv
ing stepchildren are Mrs. Jeanie
Huston of Heppner, Mrs. Faye
George of Portland, Harvey and
Ray Young of Medford, and Robert
Young of Seattle. She is also sur
vived by two sisters, Mrs. Lucinda
DeFord and Mrs. Mary Wood of
Laurel, and brothers J. F. and John
W. Haynes of Laurel, and W. B.
Hayne3 of Bandon, also by several
nieces and nephews.
Cross - Section Organization Held
Essential; Community Service
Keynote Sounded by Speaker.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo sounded the
keynote in a rally which led the
Heppner Lions club to a renewed
determination to continue its place
of service to the community. The
club paused long enough Monday in
itg regular routine to take stock of
Itself, air criticisms from without
and within, and to decide whether
it was worthwhile to continue as a
Lions club.
It was Dr. McMurdo who said,
"The object of Lionism is commu
nity service, not personal benefit
There is no place in a Lions club
for the fellow who does not expect
to give something toward the good
of the community." Again he said,
"It's a poor physician who would
let a patient die a natural death
without trying to do something
about it."
There was discussion as to wheth
er the Lions should dissolve in favor
of a purely local commercial club
which might be more readily sup
ported by the community generally.
In answer, history of such organi
zations in the past was cited, which
showed that the Lions club had
continued longer and accomplished
more than any service organization
ever attempted. The fact that part
of the dues money went outside the
community was not deemed objec
tionable in view of the fact that the
money apparently purchased the
life-blood which kept the organiza
tion going.
Part cause of the discussion arose
from the fact that the club appar
ently lacked the support of the ma
jority of the business houses of the
community, and it was suggested
that a survey of the general senti
ment among business men be made
to determine what their objections
to the Lions club are, and whether
they would give their support to a
different type of organization.
Success of commercial clubs else
where was cited, but in each in
stance the club maintained full-
time paid secretaries, an admitted
requisite if a commercial club is to
succeed. The question naturally
resolved was, could Heppner af
ford such a secretary?
The general concensus of opinion
of Lions was that some organiza
tion representing a cross section of
the business life of the community
is essential to the community's wel
fare, and that so far no better plan
of organization has been shown than
the Lions club. The Lions decided
to stick to their guns at least until
a better organization is evolved to
take over their work.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies presided in the
absence of Ray P. Kinne, president,
and each member contributed views
on the leading question. A short
tribute to National Education week
was given by Alden Blankenship,
school superintendent, who said the
larger problem confronting the high
schools today is that of preparing
3tudeYits for life and not entirely for
college entrance. Figures show that
only 15 percent of the high school
graduates go on to college, he said.
Neighbors of Woodcraft elected
officers for the ensuing year at
their regular meeting Monday eve
ning. Refreshments and a social
time were enjoyed by a large au
dience. Elected were Ray J. Co
blantz, past guardian neighbor;
Anna O. Brown, guardian neigh
bor; Robert Roy Quackenbush. ad
vsnr; Clara A. Sprinkel, banker;
Thomas J. Wells, magician; Ray
M. Ovatt, attendant; Doris L. Gaily,
captain of guards; Maggie A. Hunt,
Hag bearer; Melba E. Quackenbush,
Inner sentinel; Elma M. Hiatt, out
er sentinel; Ada Coblantz, musician;
Rowena Quackenbush, correspon
dent; Albert J. Westhoff, Jack M.
Coblantz, Mary Marguerite Chapln,
managers; Dr. A. D. McMurdo, ex
amining physician. Recommended
were Melba Quackenbush, senior
guardian; Carrelleta King Babb, in
stalling officer, and Rosa B. Howell,
The local Safeway store again
led the field of stores In both dis
trict and division in the recent cof
fee sales contest. Sales of the lo
cal store totalled 4203 pounds, the
most poundage of any store in the
district, reports J. A. Anslin, manager.
Locals Win at Football, 7-6 In Sea
son's Last Game; Auto Acci
dents Involve Local CCC's.
Heppner was nearly depopulated
yesterday as many of its citizens
moved enmasse upon Hermiston to
see its football warriors overcome
Hermiston high, 7-6, and otherwise
participate in the Armistice day
celebration. Heppner's close foot
ball victory, marking the last game
of the season for Coach Tetz's pro
teges, was hard-earned and provid
ed lively entertainment for the large
number of rabid spectators.
A town game in which Hermiston,
led by John Weisman, emerged
victorous over a heavier Wasco
team, was played to make a doub'e
header football event. A dinner
for American Legion and auxiliary
members, followed by a dance spon
sored by Rebekahs, provided enter
tainment in the evening. TraD-
shooting for turkeys attracted many
as a morning event.
The day's activities were marred
by two automobile accidents which
landed four victms in the hospital.
xnree victims were local CCC boys
in a government truck which over
turned on a corner when it slid into
a soft shoulder. There was no par-
ucuiar Diame placed on the boys for
the accident. Injured were Fran
3is Scully, Robert Hiller and Joseph
Keefe, Scully only slightly while the
other two received more seriou3 in
juries including broken legs. Hiller
and Keefe were pinned under the
machine, and Scully, who had ex
tricated himself had to seek assist
ance before the two lads could be
The other accident grew out of the
first one when Curtis Simonds, who
came by the scene shortly after the
CCC boys were taken from beneath
the truck, and picked up one of the
boys to take him to the hospital in
Hermiston, skidded into a parked
automobile, resulting in serious in
juries to himself and almost com
plete demolition to both cars. Si
monds was just returning to town
from hunting.
9 9 9
Following is the report of the
truck accident as reported by the
local CCC camp:
'An accident occurred a mile this
side of Hermiston on the Lexington
Hermiston highway where a local
CCC truck hauling gravel hit a soft
shoulder in the road, thus causing
the cab of the truck to tip and roll
info a tree, injuring three enrollees
of the local CCC camp. Josenh
Keefe, who was driving the truck,
received two fractured legs and a
bruised and lacerated head. Robert
Hiller received a fractured leg and
cuts and bruises about the. body.
Francis Scully was sligthly injured
with a few bruises on his legs and
face. Hiller and Keefe were tak.m
to the Veterans' hospital at Walla
A large number of new books
were received at the library this
week with many specially consign
ed to the Rood and Sigsbee mem
orial shelves, while still others may
be found on the rental shelf. The
rental books Include "Whiteoak
Harvest," De la Roche; "Famous
Mystery Novels," Eberhart; "Drums
Along the Mohawk," Edmonds; "An
American Doctor's Oddyssey," Hei
ser; "Yang and Yin," Hobart; "I
Am the Fox," Van Etten; "Skyway
to Asia," Crooch; "Beyond Sing the
Woods," Gulbransson; "Facing two
Ways," Ishimoto; "Two Keys to a
Cabin," Larrimore; "20 Best Stor
ies," Long. On the Sigsbee shelf
were added "Last of the Mohicans,"
"Thin Man,"- "Romeo and Juliet,"
"Trail of the Lonesome Pine," "Lost
Horizon," "Gone With the Wind."
Those added to the Rood shelf in
clude "Grimm's Fairy Tales," Ab
bott; "Story of Poland," Baldwin;
"Story of Siegfried," Baldwin;
"Christmas Tales," Dickens; "Nich
olas Nickleby," Dickens; "Hans
Brinker," Dodge; "Boston Cooking
School Cook Book," Farmer; "Glim
pses of Japan and Formosa,"
Franck; "By Camel and Car to the
Peacock," Powell; "Audubon," Ro-
urke; "Unmasking Our Minds," Sea-
bury; "Complete Works of William
Shakespeare," Shakespeare; "A
Child's Garden of Verses," Steven
son; "Wonder Book of Traveler's
Tales," Adams; "Book of Table Set
ting," B 1 d d 1 e; "Lorna Doone,"
Blackmore; 'This Believing World,"
Browne; "Chloe Dusts Her Mantel,"
Gill; "Les Miserables," Hugo; "Rea
der's Digest of Books," Keller;
"Gospel of the Red Man," Seton.
Other general circulation books in
clude "Grim Journey," Birney; "Un
confessed," Bradley; "Waste: The
Fight to Save America," Coyle;
"Life Story of the Caretaker's Cat,"
Gardner; "Romance on a Cruise,"
Greig; "Thunder Mountain," Grav:
"Safe Bridge," Keyes; "No Lovelier
Spring," Larrimore; "Peel Trait,"
Lincoln; "Condemned to Devil's Is
land," Nlles; "A Spy of Napoleon,"
Orczy; "Shadows the Brook," Pay
ne; " 'Boy' the Wandering Dog,"
Saunders; "Little Orvie," Tarking
ton; "World on One Leg," Walter;
"How to Collect Stamps," Kimble;
"Cappy Ricks Special," Kvne:
"Spnnlsh Cape Mystery," Queen;
'My Brother Jonathan," Young;
"Year 'Round Party Book," Young,
The American Legion is sponsor
ing an old-book drive for the fire
stricken city of Bandon which lost
its library. Anyone having books
he may wish to contribute to the
cause may leave them with any
member of the local post or at the
Gazette Times office. The post hopes
to obtain 200 volumes by next Mon
day evening.
ins TO GET
Prof. Brandt Tells of Ben
efits Under Conser
vation Act.
Water Development, Soil-Washing
Prevention, Grass Planting, Fenc
ing Included in Full Program.
The new range improvement pro
gram which has been worked out
under the Agricultural Conservation
act was explained in detail by Pro
fessor P. M. Brandt at a meeting
held last Friday at the county ag
ent's office.
Professor Brandt emphasized that
this program, as at present consti
tuted, is for 1936 only and that all
work done must be completed by
the first of January. Bearing in
mind the short time remaining Pro
fessor Brandt emphasized the need
for speedy action if advantage Is to
be taken of the plan this year.
All of the stockmen in the coun
ty had been previously notified of
the program by letter from the
county agent's office and applica
tions have been filed for work to be
done on range land totalling more
than 180,000 acres. For this pro
gram the Forest Service is using Its
personnel to conduct the range ex
aminations. Payments will be made In the
amounts and under the conditions
specified in the Oregon docket
which follows:
Pursuant to the authority vested
in the Secretary of Agriculture un
der Section 8 of the Soil Conserva
tion and Domestic Allotment Act,
Western Region Bulletin No. 2
Oregon 1, Revised, as amended by
Supplement (a), is hereby further
amended, and said Supplement (a)
is hereby revised and superseded
by this supplement (b) as follows:
Section 1. Range-Building Piao
tices and Rates of Payment In ac
cordance with the provisions of
Section 2, Part VTI of Western Re
gion Bulletin No. 1, Revised, pay
ment will be made for the carry
ing out on range land in 1936 of
range-building practices instituted
subsequent to September 8, 1936, as
(a) Conturing. A payment of 60
cents for each acre furrowed on the
contour, furrows to be not less than
8 inches in width and 4 inches in
depth, dammed at intervals of not
more than 100 feet and constructed
on slopes In excess of 2 percent,
with intervals between furrows not
more than 25 feet
(b) Water Developments. (1) De
velopment of springs and seeps. A
payment of $50.00 will be made for
digging out each spring ot seep,
protecting the source from tramp
ling, and conveying the water, in a
trough, or in a pipe not less than
one inch in diameter, to a tank.
2) Earthern pits or reservoirs
for holding run-off and impounding
precipitation. A payment of 15
cents per cubic yard of fill or ex
cavation will be made for Construct
ing earthern pits or reservoirs with
spillways adequate to prevent dams
from washing out
(3) Wells. A payment of $1.00 per
linear foot will be made for the
drilling or digging of wells .casing
to be not less than 4 inches in diam
eter, provided a windmill or power
pump Is installed, and the water is
piped to a tank or storage reservoir.
(c) Water Spreading to Prevent
Soil Washing. A payment will be
made of 10 cents per 100 linear feet
of permanent ditching constructed
and maintained for the diversion of
surface water to prevent soil wash
ing, not Including any temporary
field ditching or any ditching pri
marily for purposes of irrigaton,
sub-surface drainage or under
drainage, or primarily for any pur
pose other than the prevention of
soil washing. (See Farmers' Bulle
tin No. 1606 Farm Drainage, pub
lished by the U. S. Department of
(d) Range Fences. A payment
of 30 cents per rod will be made for
the construction of three or more
wire fences, with posts not more
than 20 feet apart, with corner posts
well braced and with wires tightly
(e) Rodent Control. A payment
for the destruction of at least ninety
per cent of the range-destroying ro
dents on an infested area will be
made as follows: 15c per acre of
area Infested with pocket gophers.
(f) Reseeding. (1) A payment of
$2.50 per acre will be made for re
seeding depleted range land before
December 15, 1936, at a rate not less
than 5 pounds per acre, with crest
ed wheat grass.
(2) A payment of $1.25 per acre
will be made for reseeding depleted
jange lands before December 15,
1936, at a rate not less than 7 pounds
per acre, with slender wheat grass,
western wheat grass of brome grass
(bromus Inermis).
(g) Fire Guards. A payment of 3
cents per 100 linear feet will be
made for the establishment of Are
guards, not less than four feet In
width, by ploughing furrows or
otherwise exposing the mineral soil.
Section 2. General Conditions for
Payment (a) No payment will be
made for any range-building prae
tices inles3 the county committee.
(Continued on Page Four)
Found Ladv's coat at Rhea
creek. Antone Cunha, Lena.