ORE-GON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND. DP." alette Subscription $2.00 a Year Volume 25, Number 31. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Oct. 8, 1936. STATE MASTER GILL SP0UAPE1R Endorses State Power and Bank Measures; Large Program at Cecil. RODENT TAX OKEHED Grangers Endorse Work of Blow Control Committee; Discuss Roads, Other Problems. Highlight of quarterly Pomona grange meeting at Cecil, Saturday, was the address of Ray W. Gill, state master, In which he outlined the state grange stand on proposed measures to appear on the Novem ber 3 ballot Seventy-five people attended the lecturer's program un der direction of Mrs. Vtda Heliker, Pomona lecturer. The program included song by audience, resume of summer vaca tion trip east by Mrs. Heiny of Rhea creek, talk by Mr. Corson of state grange bulletin vocal solos by Miss Helen Ralph of lone, (Mss Ralph was assisted in singing "The Old Spinning Wheel" by a demon stration of the same by Opal Cool and Marion Krebs, using an old spinning wheel brought from Swed en many years ago), talk by State Lecturer Mrs. G. W. Thiesson, talks by Mrs. Ray Gill and Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superinten dent. Frank C. Alfred, candidate for district attorney thanked his friends for yote in the primaries and urged everyone to vote. Song by audience closed the program. Mrs. Rodgers' theme was "Educa tion for Citizenship," mentioning some of the state school laws. She expressed the opinion that there should be no restrictions in the schools on the free discussion of present-day social, political and ec onomic questions and that there is a need for highly trained teachers. She urged country school boards to be alert to needs of their districts, asked support of Bill 4793 calling for federal aid of schools which will be before the next congress, and touched on the program of N. E. A. adopted in 1936. Mr. Gill cited arguments favor ing the power bill and state bank bill, alleging much lack of inform ation on what these bills are aimed to accomplish, as well as much false propaganda against them. Resolutions were adopted at the 4 o'clock business meeting support ing the special measure to levy a tenth-mill tax for rodent control and endorsing work of the blow control committee in seeking to pre vent wind erosion of soil in certain sections of the county.- Discussion was had of the agri cultural conservation program, re sulting that speakers be invited to each subordinate grange to explain compliance requirements. Harvey Miller and George Peck were rec ommended. Ernest Heliker report ed for the road committee, result ing in much discussion and hope for future accomplishment, as well as constructive criticism of past performance. Orville Cutsforth, chairman of the committee to se cure information on the county budget, had nothing to report as the committee had not met. High way beautiflcation and grass fires were also discussed. Mary Lundell, county deputy and state chairman of H. E. C, gave an Interesting talk on conferences and urged at tendance at the one to be held in Boardman, Oct. 12. Results of the Tltualistic contest were given, there belmr but four granges represented, as follows: Rhea Creek 89, Willows 85.3, Greenfield 20, Irrigon 88.3. A standing vote of thanks was given Willows grange. Supper was serv ed, drill practice conducted by Mrs. Lundell, and the rest or the evening enjoyed In -dancing until 12 o'clock. Institute Set Nov. 6; Report Cards Revised Stan Atkln of Irrigon, president Morrow county unit O. S. T. A., pre sided over meeting of Institute and report card committees at the coun- . ty school superintendent's office here yesterday evening. Date for the annual county teachers' insti tute was set November 6, and plans were laid fo that event. Grade school report cards for the county were revised and standard ized for use of all schools in the county. The cards will be dstrib- uted to the schools just as soon as they are off the press, Mrs. Lucy E, Rodgers, superintendent, announc ed. Attending the meeting were Mr. Atkln, George Tucker, William Campbell, Alden Blankenshlp and Mrs. Rodgers. IS WRITE-IN CANDIDATE. Mrs. Marie Clary, principal of the Hardman high school, this week an nounced that she would be a write in candidate for the position of countv school superintendent at the coming November 3 election. She will oppose Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, Incumbent, who received tne non partisan nomination to the olllce at the primaries. Mrs. Rodgers was unopposed for the nomination, BENEFIT DANCE SET. Neighbors and friends of the lone community have slated a bene fit dance at Legion hall In lone Sat urday evening far Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor, who recently lost their home by Are. JAMES H. GENTRY 54-YEAR RESIDENT Rites Held for Pioneer Who Came Here at Age of 11; Was Road Supervisor for 25 Years. James H. Gentry, pioneer Hepp ner farmer and county road super visor for 25 years, died Saturday at the family home in south Heppner, following a lingering illness. Fu neral services, attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends, were held Monday afternoon from the Case Mortuary chapel, Rev. R. C. Young, Methodist minister, of ficiating. Interment was in Ma sonic cemetery. The floral tribute profusely told the esteem held in the hearts of the community for the worthy citizen who had bravely fought a losing battle for several years against the encroachment of a malicious dis ease. Pallbearers, all long-time friends of the deceased, were Ad Moore, L. E. Bisbee, Will Ball, Wil liam McCaleb, Elbert Cox and Orve Rasmus. Mr. Gentry had been a continu ous resident of this county for 54 years, coming here with his parents, Frank and Nancy Gentry, when 11 years of age from Winterset, Iowa, where he was born February 2, 1871. The family first settled at the forks of Willow creek on ground now partly occupied by the city's arte sian wells. They later moved to the old Wigglesworth place, now known as the Ed Neill farm, on Butter creek, then again moved to a farm In Blackhorse. Mr. Gentry received part of his schooling in the Hepp ner schools. On March 8, 1899, he married Miss Mattie Duncan at Heppner, and In 1905 the family home was made on the present farm in the south edge of Heppner. Here theJ tireless efforts of both Mr. and Mrs. uentry are renected in one or tne most pleasant farm homes in the county. Mr. Gentry combined hay and stock raising with wheat farm ing in the many years of residence here while also holding the job of county road supervisor for 25 years before the present county engineer's office was established. He had part in building many of the county's roads and was considered one of the best road men in the county. Surviving besid.es the widow are a son Emery of Weston, and daugh ter, Mrs. Aura Daniels of Athena; four brothers, Austin and Mack of Heppner, Loren of Leighton, Alta., Canada, and Elmer of Colfax, Wn., and three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Ward of Ontario, Mrs. Ethel Brocc of Portland, and Mrs. Mary Purcell of Dillon, Mont. Local Boys Make Good Record at Stock Show Marvin Casebeer, senior in high school, won third place in individ ual honors in beef judging at the Pacific International Livestock ex position at Portland Saturday with a total of 185 points. He was the highest scoring individual in the beef judging contest from Oregon. The boys winning first and second places were from Washington. The livestock judging team, rep resenting the Heppner Smith Hughes department, consisted of Marvin Casebeer, Bill Browning, Norman Griffin, and Fred Hoskins, alternate. Others making the trip were Francis Healy and Andy Shoun, both members of the Smith Hughes vocational agriculture classes, and Mr. Grimes, instructor. The Heppner school, competing against 45 other livestock judging teams from schools in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, ranked in 36th place. There were 46 teams represented with a total of 122 boys participating. Seven of the ten teams below Heppner were from Oregon. Saturday evening the members of the team were the guests of the management of the Pacific Interna tional at the night horse show and rodeo. Monday morning before re turning the boys visited Swift & company's plant and the stock yards at North Portland. The boys made a remarkable showing at the contest for a team which was Inexperienced, in com petition with schools which have given a great deal of training for this work," commented Mr. Grimes upon their return Monday evening. Boardman Judging Team Places High in Portland The stock judging team from Boardman high school placed eigh th among 21 Oregon teams in judg ing beef, sheep and hogs, and 24th among teams from Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana at the Pacific International in Portland last Saturday. They placed fourth of all teams in judging beef heifers and Pat Healy tied for third indiv idual place among 138 boys in judg ing Duroc-Jersey hogs. The team included Stanley Partlow, Pat Hea' ly, Ralph Skoubo and Ted Wilson, alternate. The boys report that the Pacific International this year Is a won derful show of fine stock and that the night horse show and rodeo Is fine, especially the demonstration by the army officers and their hors es Just back from the Olympic games. The F. F. A. financed the trip by operating three concessions at the North Morrow County fair at Irri gon. RED CROSS SENDS $18. Morrow county chapter American Red Cross has sent $15 to Bandon fire sufferers, reports Mrs. Vawter Parker, chairman. Sherman Shaw Passes; Was Long-Time Resident Sherman Shaw, 71, native of Iowa who spent 41 years of his life in Morrow county, was laid to rest in Lexington cemetery yesterday af ternoon following services at the I. O. O. F. hall here with Alvin Kleinfeldt Christian minister of this city, officiating. Mr. Shaw died Saturday at the I. O. O. F. home in Portland, where he had resided for the last four years. Mr. Shaw was born at Garden Grove, Iowa, and he came to Mor row county 45 years ago. Most of his life was spent here as a general laborer, though for several years he resided on a farmstead in the moun tains on Willow creek, just below the old Herren mill, where for many years the cabin in which he resided was known as the Sherm Shaw cabin. In the last several years of this residence In Heppner he held the position of janitor in the Odd Fellows building, retiring to the home as a well earned reward for fathful service in the order cover ing many years. Mr. Shaw never married. He was preceded in death five years ago by one brother, Nathan iel Shaw, pioneer farmer of Clarks canyon. Surviving are the sister-in-law, Mrs. Casha Shaw; brothers, Downing Shaw and Ward Shaw of Garden Grove, la., and Mack Shaw of Des Moines, la.; and sister3, Thyrza Young of Garden Grove, and Coralle Stanley of Vetna, Okla. 0. B. Flory Pronounced Carbon Monoxide Victim Word is received by Heppner friends of the death of Owen B. Flory, for two years manager of the local Standard Oil station, and re cently of Yakima, Wash. Mr. Flory was found dead beside his car on the Naches highway just below the American river junction in Wash- ington about 2 o'clock last Thursday morning. He was traveling alone. A blood test attributed death to carbon monoxide poisoning. Ap parently he had stopped the car, turned off the motor and had seat ed himself on the running board be fore succumbing to the gas. Funeral services were held Sat urday from the Shaw & Sons chap el in Yakima, Rev. D. W. Ferry of ficiating, and Interment was in Ter race Heights Memorial park. While n Heppner Mr. Flory was active in the American Legion and 40 et 8, being an overseas veteran with 31 months service in the navy. He crossed the Atlantic 17 times on convoy duty and was a survivor of the ill-fated San Diego. He was also Mason. He left Heppner In 1928 and since that time has been con nected with the Yakima Hardware company. He is survived by his widow and infant daughter. CCC CAMP HEPPNER NEWS. Sixty-four enrollees from Fort Devens, Mass., will arrive at the local CCC camp this afternoon. Millard D. Rodman, camp super intendent of the local CCC camp, is back from his fourteen-day leave to central Oregon where ne went deer hunting. The local CCC camp is to put on a playlet for the Heppner Public library benefit show on the 30th of this month. L. H. Guild and W. Frandsen, members of the SCS technical staff of the local CCC camp, have re turned from the drouth area of the middle West where they have been engaged in soil conservation drouth relief work. Mr. Guild was sta- toned at Watford, N. D., and Mr. Frandsen was at Faith, S. D. Capt. William R. Reynolds, lo cal CCC camp commander, with Cornelius Crowley, Irvin Dwyer, Francis Scully and Andrew Don nelly, CCC enrollees, motored to Pullman last Saturday to attend the Washington State college and Stan ford university football game. LEXINGTON CALF CLUB. The Lexington calf club met for the first meeting of the new club year Friday evening, Oct 2, at the C. N. Biddle home home. Twenty- five persons were present and three new members were taken into the club. The three new members are Jean Rauch, Mae Edmundson and Donald Campbell. The club now has eleven members. The business meeting included a reading, "Our First Club Year Review," sugges tions for the new year, secretary and treasurer's report, and plans for a dance. The dance will be given to start a fund for county and state fair expenses next year, also any other club expenses. Officers elected were, president. Donald Campbell; vice-president Ervin Rauch; secretary Mae Ed mundson; treasurer, Eugene Ma jeske; news reporter, Joyce Biddle. After the meeting refreshments were served. By Joyce Biddle, news reporter. GRANGE INVITES FRIENDS. Lexington grange lecture hour program will start prompty at 7:30 Saturday evening. All members and friends are Invited to attend this program. The regular grange meeting will fallow the program. Many things of interest will be brought up. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. CARD OF THANKS. Our sincere thanks are extend ed to the kind neighbors and friends for their help, sympathy, and floral tribute, at the time of our bereave ment. , Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stephens and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wlmmett, John D. Watklns, Charlotte Watklns, Lee Watklns, Leora Watkins and daughter. L C0H1 FILM C G Show Boat Will Appear at Gym-Audtorium 15th For Public View. IMPORTANCE URGED Enlarged Showing Includes Spec tacular Erosion, Rodent Con trol Films; Admission Free. An educational feature of Interest to all the county is announced for next Thursday. October 15, when the Show Boat will come to Hepp ner. This educational service of the soil conservation division of the department of agriculture will make an appearance for the general public at the school gry-auditorium at 8 o'clock in the evening. There will be no admission charge, and ev eryone is urged by M. E. Dixon, Camp Heppner educational director, to take advantage of the opportu nity to see in pictures, and hear what the soil conservation program is accomplishing. An afternoon appearance will be made at the same place for all school children of the county. The exact time was not stated, though Mr. Dixon said it would be the lat ter part of the afternoon. This educational feature of the soil conservation work has been in use for several years; but it is an nounced that this year's presenta tion far exceeds In scope and in terest that of preceding years. The movies will include all film before shown besides much additional new film. Included are a spectacular soil erosion picture and a rodent control film. Mr. Dxon said the SCS Show Boat is expected to make regular ap pearances here at least once a month in the future. Both Mr. Dix on and Joseph Belanger, county agent, stress the educational im portance of this service in helping to clarify the soil conservation work being carried on in Morrow county with the assistance of Camp Hepp ner CCC. ELISHA C. WATKINS RESIDENTS YEARS Native of Iowa Crossed Plains When Seven; Succumbs to At tack of Mastoid Trouble. Funeral services for Elisha Wat- kins, 72, were held from the Church of Christ yesterday afternoon with Alvin Kleinfeldt, minister, officiat ing. Interment was in Masonic cemetery. Many friends and rela tives paid tribute to this pioneer who had spent 65 years of his life in Morrow county. Mr. Watkins died at Morrow Gen eral hospital Sunday, following a five-day illness attributed to mas toid trouble. He had worked inter mittently up to the time of his last Illness, evidencing the hardihood of an unconquerable pioneer spirit Elisha Clark Watkins was born at Des Moines, Iowa, May 17, 1864, to John and Martha F. (Burch) Watkins. He crossed the plains with his parents at seven years of age when they came to Morrow county. On arriving at Heppner they camped across the street from where the postoffice now stands. His father passed away in 1904 and was buried in the local cemetery. As a young man Mr. Watkins took a homestead on upper Willow creek where he farmed for many years. While on the farm he married Amy Cox, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cox, Morrow county pio neers, and to this union five child ren were born, one of whom was killed in an automobile accident a few years ago. Retiring from the farm several years ago, Mr. Watkins had since made his home in Heppner. Though of mature age, his willingness and ability made his services much in demand as a laborer and he was a respected citizen. His eldest son, John D., assisted with his care in the last Illness. Surviving besides the former wife and the son, are three daughters, Mrs. Elsie Stephens, Mrs. Ada Wim mett and Charlotte Watkins, all of Stanfield; a sister, Mrs. Leora An derson of Stayton, and two broth ers, Lee of Albany, and Carl Wat kins. Locals Play Arlington Here Friday Afternoon By paul Mccarty The local high school football team will play one of its toughest games of the year this coming Fri day when it plays Arlington high school. The river team has shown power in both running and passing plays. They have won all games played so far, beating Dufur, The Dalles B team and Stevonscn high school of Washington. Heppner also showed power when they defeated Fossil 40-0, but they did not fare as well against Pendleton. Coach Xetz will put the local team through the regular Intensive train ing this week for the tilt with the Arlington Honkers, which should be the best home game of the year. OMIN EE County Growers Place At Portland Exposition Morrow county yheat growers are making an excellent showing in the land products show at the Pacific International Livestock ex position. All but one of the ex hibits have won premiums, accord ing to Joe Belanger, county agent who entered the wheat In the show last Friday. O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington, won first in the ard White class. Ern est Smith, Lexington, won first In the Hard Federation class. Lon McCabe, lone, Burton Peck, Lex ington, and F. N. Moyer, Lexing ton, won third, fourth, and fifth re spectively in the Hard Red Winter class. F. N .Moyer placed fifth with his Soft Federation, and Myleg Mar tin, Lexington, took eighth pre mium with hia club wheat In the wool show, Malcolm O' Brien won first on his fine wool fleece in the 4-H club class and also first in the open class for registered Delaine ewe fleeces. Pat O'Brien placed second in these same classes with Gordon O'Brien winning third ribbon in the 4-H club class. One of the most spectacular events of the Pacific International this year was the 4-H club beef show in which more than 200 fat steers were entered. Lawrence and Charles Smith of Boardman made a creditable showing with their yearling Hereford steers. i Thomson-Cox Nuptials Solemnized at Home The J. G. Thomson home was the scene of the happy union of two prominent Heppner families at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon when Miss Winifred Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, became the bride of William Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Cox. Rev. R. C. Young, Methodist minister, read the simple and beautiful ring cere mony in the presence of immediate members of the family and a few close friends. The marriage cul minated a happy romance of long standing. The bride wore a tailored black suit with white accessories, in which she departed with the bridegroom shortly after the ceremony for a wedding trip to the coast Besides immediate members or the two families at home, the guest list included Mrs. Alex Gibb, Allen Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rasmus, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pruyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket Mr. and Mrs. James G. Thomson, Jr., Mrs. A. Q. Thom son and Mrs. Mary Thomson. NEW CHAPLAIN VISITS. Capt Julius L. Leibert, newly appointed chaplain for the eastern Oregon zone, CCC camps, was in the city from Monday through yes terday, assisting M. E. Dixon, Camp Heppner educational adviser, in outlining a program of activities for the local camp. This was Captain Leibert's first visdt to Heppner, tho he expects to visit the local camp for three days the early part of each flionth. Included in the proposed local program is a forum for dis cussion of national and internation al issues, in which the Heppner public is invited to participate. Cap tain Leibert is an authority on in ternational questions, having broad cast discussions of international is sues over KMPR, one of the larger Los Angeles radio stations, for more than a year. He will also give a course in public speaking, and ex pects to acquaint himself with lo cal problems. He has been stationed at Vancouver barracks for the last year. TOWNSEND CLUB MEETS. Rev. Glenn Wade of Hermiston gave an interesting lecture in the parlors of the Christian church Fri day evening, his subject being, "How to Put the Townsend Plan into Op eration." Friends of the movement were urged to register and use their mighty weapon, the ballot, In the support of the Townsend endorsed candidates at the coming election. The speaker made it very clear that the only solution to the present chaotic condition of the country is the Townsend plan In effect Mr. Wade is a dynamic speaker with plenty of humor and his talk was (rreatly appreciated by all present The meeting was followed by a so cial hour in which pumpkin pie and toffee were served. ADD-A-STITCH MEETS. The Add-a-Stitch club met yester day afternoon for business and election of officers. Travel was In play with high score going to Irene Padberg and low to Elsie Cowins. Coffee and cake were served by Jennie Booher. Present were Elsie Cowins, Zella Dufault, Delia Ed mundson, Jennie Booher, Nina Sny der, Ordrie Gentry, Irene Padberg. The next meeting will be an all-day meeting with pot-luck dinner, at Ordrie Gentry's. CARD OF THANKS. Our deepest thanks are extended to the many kind friends and neigh bors who so generously assisted us following the fire, when our home burned in lone. The O'Conner Family. EPISCOPAL MEETING SET. The Episcopal Ladies auxiliary will meet Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 2:30 p. m at the home of Mrs. Harold Cohn. It Is requested that all mem bers who can, be present O. E. S. TO MEET. The regular meeting of Ruth chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be held at Masonic hall tomorrow evening. Frank Hayes, WPA engineer, was in the city yesterday from Pendle ton discussing projects. JOHN ILER, 50-YEAR PIONEER, P ASSES Native of Oregon Fanned for Man) Years In Clark's Canyon; Was Long a Mason. Death came to John Iler, 82-year old Morrow county pioneer, at his home in this city early Tuesday morning following a six-day illness. Funeral services are being held this afternoon from Masonic temple un der auspices of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., of which the de ceased was a long and faithful mem ber, with interment following in Masonic cemetery. The funeral message was slated to be delivered by Rev. R. C. Young, Methodist minister. Phelps Funeral home Is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Iler was a native of Oregon, having been born September 27, 1854, on Gales creek near Forest Grove to S. W. and Caroline (Lee) Iler, natives of Indiana and Illin ois respectively. The early days of his life were spent on Gale3 creek, and there on the anniversary of his birth in 1875 he married Jen nie Ray. Just fifty years ago, the Ilera came to Morrow county, and settled on the farm northwest of Heppner beyond Clark's canyon where they lived for many years, and reared their family of three children who attended school in the nearby district school and at Hepp ner. About twenty-five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Iler moved to Hepp ner and have resided here most of the time since, having lived in their present home for the last nine years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Iler were es pecially active in Masonic circles, Mr. Iler having been a Mason for nearly sixty years. He received his fifty-year jewel several years ago. He was a substantial citizen and beloved by everyone who knew him. Surviving Mr. Iler are the widow and two daughters, (Neva) Mrs. William LeTrace, and (Emma) Mrs. George Evans, all of Heppner. A son, Roy Iler, for many years a brakeman on the O.-W. R & N. railroad and later a conductor, pre ceded him in death. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. J. H. Westcott of Gaston, two brothers, S. W. Iler of Pueblo Ponlnte, Mexico, and Carl Iler of Newport; nine grandchil dren and nine greatgrandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Iler celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary last year. County 4-H Winners Feted by Portland Bank The Pacific International Live stock show in Portland during 1936 will long be a vivid memory to Frances Wilkinson and James Peck who this week were in Portland to attend the Pacific International as guests of The First National Bank of Portland, because they both led all Morrow county boys and girls in 4-H club leadership and achieve ment The bank awarded 42 free trips, with hotel accommodations, transportation, expenses and a great variety of entertainment, to one boy and one girl from 21 Ore gon county 4-H club groups, decid ing the winners by totaling their points of leadership and achieve ment as shown on their 4-H club charts. Arriving In Portland Monday, these 4-H club representatives were greeted by Grant Hemphill and Miss Bertha Singer, First National bank employees who are special chaperones for the group during their stay In Portland. A visit to the Pacific International Livestock exposition was first event of Mon day's entertainment, followed by at tendance at the 4-H club banquet held in Penney hall on the exposi tion grounds. The remainder of the evening the bank's 4-H club guests participated in the boys and girls 4-H livestock parade in the exposi tion arena and attended the horse show. Entertainment during their visit included: a tour of the head offlce of The First National Bank of Port land early Tuesday morning, visits to the exposition, sight-seeing tours of Portland, a banquet with First National bank officers as hosts on Tuesday evening and an evening at one of Portland s finest theaters. Following a farewell luncheon yesterday Frances Wilkinson and James Peck left Portland for their return home. Registration Close Sees Increase of 227 Voters A total of 2377 voters were prop erly enrolled to cast their ballots in Morrow county at the November 3 election, reported Charles Barlow, county clerk, at the close of regis tration books Saturday. This number represents an in crease of 227 over the number reg istered for the May primaries. The democrats claimed the highest in crease, 154, while republicans were second with 69. The completed list shows republicans still In the lead, however, with 1571 against 743 for the democrats. Other registrations ire 2 progressives, 3 prohibitionists, 13 socialists, 42 independents and 2 labor, CONFERENCE SET. The officers of Oregon State grange will be In Boardman Oct. 12 for grange conference. This will take place of the regular county grange conference or council meet ing, and will be of great interest to all grangers, officers and mem bers alike. Dinner will be served at noon and the meeting will be called Immediately afterward. Drill contests and other business will come after the supper hour. CITY CANDIDATES MUST FILE BY 14TH New Ordinance Provides Method of Nomination; Election November 3. TAX PAYMENTS UP Receipts in Quarter Exceed Levy for Year; $5000 Bonds Refund ed; Budget Committee Named. Next Wednesday, Oct. 14, will be the final day on which candidates may file for city offices in order to have their names printed on the city ballot That fact is ascertained under the new ordinance passed at Monday evening's council meeting, which provides the time and meth od for nominating candidates to city offices. So far no candidates have entered the field for any position! In order to qualify as a candidate, anyone submitting his name must prepare a petition, properly execut ed and containing the names of at least three percent of the number of voters who voted for mayor at the last general election, all of whom must be legally qualified vot ers of the city. The petition must be in the hands of the city recorder by the deadline date, twenty days preceding the time of holding the election. The city election will be held concidentally with the general election, November 3. City Attorney Nys has ruled that 10 names on a petition is sufficient to make it legal. Up for election this time will be mayor, four councllmen, recorder and treasurer. Those whose terms are expiring are Jeff Jones, mayor; Dr. A. D. McMurdo, C. W. McNa mer, Frank Shively and E. L. Mor ton, councilmen; E. R. Huston, re corder, and W. O. Dix, treasurer. P. W. Mahoney and R. B. Ferguson are the hold-over councilmen. While the treasurer's third-quar ter financial report, read Monday evening, showed the city 'In good condition financially, the council voted a $5000 refunding bond on part of the $10,000 bond payment now due, in view of emergency wa ter and street work. A feature of the financial report was the $3200 received from taxes in the quarter, whereas the total amount of taxes to be . collected for the year was $2400. The larger tax turn-over represents liberal payments of de linquent taxes. The annual budget is slated to be made up and discussed at the meet ing November 2, with Mayor Jones appointing J. G. Thomson, M. D. Clark, L. E. Bisbee, W. C. Cox, Han son Hughes and W. O. Bayless as the freeholders' committee to act with the council on the budget com mittee. P. W. Mahoney was named chairman of the budget committee, and Hanson Hughes and W. O. Bay less were named to assist him In preparing the draft to present to the budget committee. To facilitate the budgeting work, Mr. Mahoney asked that those In charge of the several departments prepare estimates of proposed ex penditures for the coming year, with figures of this year's expendi tures. A discussion of the proposed street improvement work brought favorable comment from the coun cil, and it was hoped that a sum might be Included In the budget sufficient to gravel and oil the city streets. A survey of the streets was ordered to determine the exact yardage of material that would be required. The streets to be includ ed were estimated on a previous survey to extend some three miles. Minutes of the last meeting were corrected to make the regular coun cil meeting for payment of bills to be held the third Monday each month, and ordering all bills to be in the hands of the recorder by the 10th of the month In order to be considered at the next meeting. Present at Monday evening's meeting were Mayor Jones, Council men Mahoney, McNamer and Fer guson, Recorder Huston, Treasurer Dix and Attorney Nys. State Forester Approves Willow Watershed Project C. J. Buck, state supervisor of national forests, has given his ap proval to purchase of the Willow creek watershed by the government, opening way for action at Wash ington which was held up pending Mr. Buck's action. This word was given J. L. Gault, receiver for First National Bank of Heppner, by Rep resentative Pierce when Mr. Pierce was here last week. Mr. Gault said Mr. Pierce had worked hard on this matter. The bank is largely Interested In government purchase of timber In this section, a large area of it be ing among the bank's assets now In course of liquidation. REPUBLICAN TALK SLATED. Ray Pierson of Kansas will talk In lone Saturday night, Oct. 10, at 8 o'clock, I. O. O. F. hall, under aus pices of the Republican National committee. The public Is cordially invited to hear Mr. Pierson discuss Issues of the presidential campaign. AUXILIARY SLATES DANCE. A dance Is scheduled for the Par ish house, Oct. 18. for woolgrowert and their families and Woolgrow ers Auxiliary and families; 25c each, lunch.