OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND. ORE. Volume 52, Number 30. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Oct. 1, 1936. Subscription $2.00 a Year cum GIVE VIEWS ON AAA Suggestions Made at Meet ing Here on Future Administration. PAYMENTS FAVORED 1937 Checks Asked for 1936 Land Diversion; "Trashy" Sumraerf al low, Grass Seeding Liked. Representative farmers of the county met at I. O, O. F. hall here Tuesday afternoon in one of a series of county meetings held for the pur pose of making recommendations on the AAA soil conservation pro gram. " The recommendations of the several county meetings will be considered later at a district meet ing, the outcome of which is ex pected to Influence future adminis tration of the soil conservation pro gram in the northwest. William Steen of the state soil conservation committee assisted with the local meeting. He is a Umatilla county wheat raiser. In gaining views of the farmers in attendance, a list of questions was handed each. The first question, "What prog ress has been made in soil conser vation in your county under the 1936 agricultural conservation pro gram?" was. answered by Joseph Belanger, county agent, who cited that 7000 acres had been turned un der as green manure crops, and 6000 acres were in process of being planted to crested wheat grass. In discussing future practices, those present recommended first that "trashy" summerfallowing be fol lowed, and secondly that unproduct ive soil be planted to grass. These recommendations were in answer to the second question. Question three asked, "Should a greater portion of the payments be made for soil-building practices in 1936?" The question sheet ex plained that two types of payments were made in 1936, one for diver sion of land to soil-conserving crops, and the other for soil-building prac tices. The group recommended that payment be continued In 1937 for diversion made In 1936 without specifying any portion of payment for a single type of practice.' In answer to question four, ask ing as to whether or not a maxi mum total conservation allowance should be established for each farm or ranch, the group voted in favor of establishing such maximum al lowance. Question five asked whether the crop income Insurance feature of the present program should be en larged. The group favored contin uance of such a feature. This in surance plan calls for setting aside part of the Income in fat years to be paid back In lean years ,to es tablish what is termed a "normal granary." The regional meeting for Idaho, Oregon, Utah and Washington at which the county recommendations will be summarized will be held at Pocatello, Idaho, October 14. CLAIMS PAID RAPIDLY. Indicative of the speed with which insurance companies are paying fire-claim losses at stricken Ban don, is the report of the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance company. This company set up temporary headquarters at the scene of dis aster, with six adjusters in the field. Claims are paid as soon as any ad juster completes his report, and some claims were paid while the ashes were still hot Officials Is suing checks estimate that com pany's loss at $80,000, of which $50, 000 is reinsured, leaving a net loss of $30,000, reports J. O. Turner, local agent. BROTHER DIES. Funeral services were held in Pendleton Sunday afternoon for Thomas M. Bush, 38, brother of Mrs. Olive Swaggart of Lexington, who died In that city Friday. Be sides the sister In this county, Mr. Bush is survived by four children, William Bush of Athena, Mrs. Nellie Creager of Freewater, Dick Bush of Pendleton and Lloyd Bush of Pullman, Wash., and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stamper of Portland. SUCCEEDS BLOOM. W V. Klnff nrlncioal of the Echo schools, has been appointed a mem ber or tne uregon state aign ecnuui Athletic association to succeed E. F. Bloom, former local superinten rfont and resident of that bodv be- tnr-a pomnvlnr tn Washington this year. King is widely known In east ern Oregon athletic circles, and has been to Heppner many umes wnn his teams. POMONA MEETS 8RD. Morrow County Pomona grange will meet at Cecil, saturaay, ucto ber 3, as guests of Willows grange At the lecturer's orosrram in the af ternoon will be discussions on the bills up before the people for voting, as well as playlets, vocal solos, etc. Thn nnhlln la cordlallv Invited to the Tirmrrnm. Don't foreet the regis tration books close at 5 p. m., Oct. 3. Be prepared to vote at election GRATITUDE. "I feel very grateful to all my friends and I do want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for all the Kindness ana personal interest they have Bhown during my recent illness. Archie D. McMurdo, M, D. NEWN.F.LA. SETUP GET SUNDER WAY H. D. McCurdy Retained as Full Time Secretary; To Handle PCA and Co-Op Applications. To 'reduce the operating expenses and at the same time give land bank Dorrowers more efficient service, the directors of the Hardman National Farm Loan association serving Mor row county have voted to conduct their business through a central office at Heppner and have employ ed M. JJ. McCurdy on a monthly salary basis. In addition to his duties as secre tary-treasurer of the Hardman as sociation, Mr. McCurdy will service all land bank and land bank com mlssioner loans in Morrow county. f. C. McLaughlin. N. F. L. A. su pervisor for the Federal Land bank, who has been assisting Mr. Mc Curdy in setting up this office stated, "I am sure the local farmers will be eager to get behind this program and make a real success of it The land bank is. willing to help in every possible way, but member borrowers and their local directors now have a responsibility of developing this opportunity for practical results." As a further step toward an ef ficient, unified cooperative credit service, the farm loan associations are cooperating closely with the local cooperative credit associations which were organized under the farm credit act of 1933 to perform a similar service in the field of short term credit John Wightman is president of the Hardman N. F. L. A. The number of loans to be ser viced by this new office in Morrow county is 188 in the amount of $896,844.00. - WILLOWS GRANGE MEETS. Willows grange held its business meeting in the hall at Cecil, Sun day, Sept 27. Marie Ledbetter. chairman of the agricultural com mittee, gave a list of Willows grang ers winning prizes on various grains at Morrow County Grain show. Har ry Peterson became a member of the grange by reinstatement. Har riet Heliker, candidate of Willows grange for Rodeo queen, thanked members of the grange and friends for the kindness and courtesies ex tended to her. She also told of the splendid trip Queen Genevieve and the attendants from Morrow coun ty had as guests of the John Day fair and of the royal treatment they received while there. The compet itive contest on membership and at tendance at Willows grange was won by the ladies with 100 points to the good so the grange ladies will expect to be honored guests at a party in the near future. , LEXINGTON CALF CLUB. The Lexington Calf club will meet at the C. N. Biddle ranch, Friday night, Oct 2. Anyone interested in 4-H club work is welcome at these meetings which will be held the first Friday night in each month. Any boy or girl In the Lexington dis trict who wishes to join should be present tomorrow evening as new officers for the club year will then be elected. We hope to make the club bigger and the work better and more interesting. Friday night was decided upon as it will be eas ier for the older folks to be pres ent, too, in the evenings. C. N. Bid die, leader. TOWNSEND MEETING. A social meeting for all Town- sendltes will be held in the Church of Christ basement on Friday night at 7:30. All members and others interested are urged to be present A good time is promised. A light lunch will be served. Glen C. Wade of Hermlston will speak. If you have heard him you will want to hear him again. His topic will be, "How to bet the Town- send Plan In Operation." LOCAL STORE WINS. Local Safeway stores won the first prize for their division In the recent syrup sales contest, selling 905 pints in the week's contest. A prize of $18 has been received. Roy Quackenbush with the local store was high salesman for the district, receiving a special award. DOCTOR RETURNS HOME. Dr. A. D. McMurdo arrived In Heppner Monday from Portland where he recently underwent a si nus operation. While his recovery has been quite good, he entered Heppner hospital on arrival for fur ther treatment DIVORCES GRANTED. Three divorce decrees were grant ed In circuit court here last Thurs day by Judge C. L. Sweek. They were Lawrence W. from Sophronia Gertrude Compton, Joseph W. from Fannie Sibley and Mary from Ern est Smith. CANDIDATES SPEAK. Walter M. Pierce, democrat for congress, and D. W. Hall of the same party for state senator, ad dressed an audience of 75 people at the courthouse last night in behalf of their candidacies. AUXILIARY TO MEET. The American Legion auxiliary will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, Tuesday evening, Oct. 6. Arthur H. Lewis, attorney of Portland, is transacting business in the city today. This is Mr. Lewis's first trip to Heppner. Having heard much about the town for a long time, and having created a desire to see it, he said he welcomed the first opportunity to do so. Library Schedules Annual Benefit for October 30th The annual Heppner library stunt nite benefit was voted to be held Fridav evening. October 30. at meeting of the association Tn the library Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harriet Gemmell, president has named the following committees to take charge. Mrs. Alberta Parker, general chairman. Allan Bean, stage and property manager, to be assisted by Miss Mae Doherty and Mrs. Harold Cohn. Finance committee to have charge of ticket sales, etc., J. O. Turner, Mrs. Walter Blackburn and Miss Ruth Furlong. The several organizations and schools of the county will be asked to participate in the benefit pro gram to make this the biggest and best one yet offered. Clerk's Office Given Auditor's Compliments Not a single error, and everything in tip top condition, was the report of Bernard Davis, auditor, when asked by Judge W. T. Campbell about the condition of the local clerk's office on completion of audit of that office recently. Judge Camp bell said he asked the auditor in order to verify the court's judgment in selection of Chas. W. Barlow as clerk on resignation of Gay M. An derson. The auditor highly complimented the double entry bookkeeping sys tem instituted by local officials, and was surprised to find that the local clerk's office balances accounts at the end of every month. This is a rare good practice among county clerk's offices of the state, he said. Davis works out of the office of the secretary of state. His written re port had not yet been received. LEXINGTON By BETJLAH NICHOLS The local Parent-Teacher asso ciation sponsored a reception for the teachers last Thursday evening at the Christian church. Following an enjoyable social hour, delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. George Gillis was hostess Monday evening for a farewell par ty honoring Mrs. Mary Smith who, with her son, Virgil, is leavlnz to make her home in Washington.! Those present were Mrs. Smith, Mrs. George Allyn, Mrs. Roy John son, Mrs. Charles Breshears, Miss Dona Barnett, Mrs. Trina Parker, Mrs. James Leach, Mrs. Wm. Camp bell, Mrs. Adolph Majeske, Mrs. Lonnie Henderson, Mrs. Lawrence Palmer, Mrs. Eva Lane, Miss Merle Carmichael, Mrs. Merle Miller, Mrs. Charles Marquardt, Mrs. Henry Rauch, Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mrs. John McMillan, Mrs. George Peck, Mrs. Earl Warner, Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle, and Mrs. Harry Dinges. A large crowd attended the pie social and dance which was held at the grange hall Saturday night The Lexington Home Economics club will meet next Thursday after noon, October 8, at the home of Mrs. A. H. Nelson, The high school student body held a meeting last week and elected the following officers for the year: President, Kenneth Palmer; vice- president, Bernice Martin; secre tary, Edna Rauch; treasurer, Ell wynne Peck; yell leader, Marvin Cox. There is to be a card party at the grange hall Friday evening. All grange members and their friends are invited. All who have card ta bles and cards are asked to bring them. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biddle were visitors in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and family spent Saturday in Pen dleton. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and children of Pendleton spent the week end in Lexington. Mrs. Lester White spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Vernon Scott motored to Pendleton Thursday. She was ac companied by Mrs. Lee Sprinkel and Mrs. Henry Howell of Heppner. Mra. Lillian C. Turner was ill the first of the week and her position in the school was filled by Mrs. Lawrence Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles of Boardman spent the week end with Lexington friends. At the meeting of the Parent- Teacher association Wednesday eve nlng, Mrs. Lillian C. Turner was elected secretary to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mr. New ton. Following the business meet ing a program of musical numbers, tap dancing and readings was given, Mrs. Glenn Gale of Portland Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Wright. Mrs. J. G. Johnson was a guest of Mrs. Healy at her home In Hepp ner Sunday. WOOLGROWERS AUXILIARY. Morrow County Woolgrowers aux iliary will meet tomorrow. Fridav, at 1:13 for a luncheon meeting at the Lucas Place. Plans for a wool- growers dance will be discussed, Members wishing reservations should notify Mrs. Lucas by this evening, or phone 8F6, Mrs. Ralph Thomson, president. " RADIO TALK SLATED. Senator Vandenberg Is scheduled to give a political talk Saturday evening at o:ls ovei NBC red net work from Cleveland. Among coast stations over which the talk may be heard are KGW, KFI, KPO, KOMO. KHQ. He will speak in be half of the Landoti candidacy for president. Rhode Island Red pullets for sale, Bernice Bauman, city, , O'CONNOR HOME AT I0NE FIRE LOSS Small Amount of Belongings Only Saved; Miseners Visit Relatives; Other News of the Week. By MARGARET BLAKE Fire of unknown origin, possibly defective light wiring, completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor last Saturday eve ning. The fire started in the upper floor had made such headway before it was discovered that there was no chance to save the building. With the help of those who arrived on the scene as soon as the alarm was sounded Mr. and Mrs. O'Conr nor saved some of the furnishings on the lower floor. The family has tmoved into the Harris house near tthe creek beyond Third street. They carried no insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner of Thornton, Wash., arrived at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin, on Saturday for a short visit Mr. Mis ner states that for the first time In his life he can say he raised a crop of wheat that averaged forty bush els to the acre. With Mrs. Misner he intends to attend the fair at Dallas, Texas, a little later in the season. Deer hunters come and go and to date not many have returned with anything to show for their trip. Among the lucky hunters are M. E. Cotter and H. E. Yarnell. Harvey Smith with the Gibson brothers and George Porter made up a party which came out with a deer each. They went into the mountains beyond Canyon City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiger enjoyed a week-end visit with rel atives at White Salmon, Wash. They were gone from Saturday un til Monday. The ladies missionary society of the Gooseberry Lutheran church will have a birthday party at the church next Sunday, Oct 4, at 3 p. m. A similar affair held last year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. p. E. Peterson will be remembered and it is hoped that these friends and as many others as are interest ed will attend this year's meeting. Special numbers have been ar ranged for the entertainment of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Brace and children have moved to the ranch of C. E. Fisk, better known as the Bortzer ranch. The family has re cently returned from South Dakota where they had gone last spring. Miss Lorraine Raei had as her guests Saturday and Sunday her brother and two sisters of Mitchell. Mrs. Roy Brown who spent the week end at her home near Hermis ton was called back there Sunday evening by the tragic death of her nephew, Patrick Joseph O'Reilly, Jr., who was accidentally shot while at target practice with, four young friends near Hermlston. The, boy who was sixteen, was from San Francisco, but had spent the sum mer at the Brown ranch and liked it so well here that he had re mained to attend high school in iermiston. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson of Vega, Wash., spent a few days of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson. Mr. Peter son Is the son of an early day set tler In the Gooseberry section. T. E. Peterson motored to As toria Saturday to bring home Mra. Peterson who has been visiting her parents in the coast city. They re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson with their nephew, Louis Byham, of Pennsylvania who is their guest, enjoyed a two-day trip to Bonne ville dam last week. At Hood Riv er they stopped at the home of Dr. C. C. Chick and hoped to give their nephew the thrill of seeing Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams at close range, but the air was so smoky that it was impossible to see either mountain. J. O. Turner of Heppner was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Biddle spent Saturday at Hermlston. Howard Eubanks had the misfor tune to overturn hs truck on the Gooseberry road about a mile from town Saturday morning. The truck which was loaded with coal turned completely over sideways but How ard only suffered a scratched hand and the truck was not badly dam aged. Funeral services for Cole E Smith who died in Tacoma, Wash., (last Thursday, were held in The Dalles Saturday. Mr. Smith under went a serious operation in Taco ma a short time ago and at first seemed to be making rapid progreas itoward recovery but complications set in which ended in his death. Mr, Smith had lived in this community for about ten years and his sudden passing came as a shock to his many friends. He leaves his wife (and a daughter, Mildred, of The Dalles. , The county bridge over Willow creek near the Pettyjohn place at McNabb caved in on the south end Tuesday. No one was using the bridge when the cave-in occurred. Mrs. Frank Engelman and Mrs. Henry Clark went to The Dalles on Saturday to attend the funeral of Cole Smith, They were driven down by Joe Engelman. S. E. Notson and J. L. Gault were here for a short time Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Swanaon de parted Sunday for a vacation trip. They expect to visit in Idaho and then go south by way of Hoover dam to California where they will spend some time visiting old friends and relatives. Nearly $20 was realized from the benefit tea given for the library at (Continued on Pis Four) Pat O'Reilly, Jr., Victim of Shooting Accident Morrow county friends were sad dened this week by news of the death of Patrick Joseph O'Reilly, Jr., 16, who was acidentally killed near Hermlston, Sunday, by a shot from a 21 rifle in the hands of one of several companions while shoot ing at targets. Young O'Reilly made many friends in this vicinity while living for the last several months at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kilcup, on Butter creek. He but recently went to Hermiston to visit a cousin, Miss Ruth Guilland. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Reil ly of San Francisco, former resi dents of this city. With young O'Reilly in the shoot ing party were Harold Buell, 17, William Jepp, 18. Stewart Rankin, 17, and Marvin Rankin, 18, all of Hermiston. The boys were shoot ing at a rock target, and all had fired their guns except the Rankin brothers. O Reilly stepped in front of them as they fired simultaneous ly, and it was not known which gun fired the shot. The bullet struck the unfortunate lad in the skull, lodging just above an eye. The boy died two hours and a half later af ter being rushed to the Hermiston hospital. Funeral services were held at Hermiston yesterday. The Dalles Man Leads In Big Buck Contest M. Scott of The Dalles held the record for the biggest buck brought into Heppner so far this season in a check-up this morning. Scott's animal, weighed in at the Green Hardware store, tipped the scales at 224 1-2 pounds, hog dressed. Rec ord for the smallest buck was held by B. H. Bleakman with an 88 1-2 pounder. Other successful hunters report ing in this week included Tom Bey- mer, Gerald Cason, George Bleak- man, Marcel Jones, Claude Busch ke, M. E. Cotter and Floyd Jones. REBEKAH HEAD tFETED. A large number of Rebekah sis ters and brother Oddfellows met at the new I. O. O. F. hall in lone Mon day night, Sept 21, for a special meeting honoring Mrs. Estella Weed, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon. . Bunchgrass lodge conferred the degree upon two candidates and were highly compli mented by the president on their work. Sapphire lodge of Morgan joined in the meeting, with Mr. and Mrs.,H. E. Cool, Mrs. Myrtle Ely, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Mrs. Zoe Bauernfeind in attendance from there. Mrs. Lucile Rietmann read a splendid paper giving much I. O. O. F. and Rebekah history and of their work in commemoration of the 85th birthday of the order of Rebekahs, the oldest ladies' frater nal order known. After the close of the meeting, delicious refresh ments of salad, cake, and coffee were served by the social commit tee, Lucile Rietmann, Vera Riet mann, Elanie Rietmann arfd Ruth Lundell. Two auto loads of Bunch grass Rebekah ladies attended the district convention at Fossil on the 19th. Included were Mrs. Minnie Forbes, Mrs. Lena Lundell, Mrs. Ethel Ritchie, Mrs. Lucile Riet mann, Mrs. Elaine Rietmann, Mrs. Vera Rietmann and Mrs. Vida Heli ker. The ladies were accompanied by Earnest Lundell and Victor Riet mann. All report a very enjoyable trip. HITLER, MUSSOLINI VIEWS OF OREGON CAPITOL TOLD (Editor's Note: This is one sev eral articles written for this news paper by Eric W. Allen, dean of the University of Oregon school of jour nalism who traveled in Europe on a fellowship granted by the Ober laender Trust of the Karl Shurz me morial foundation.) By ERIC W. ALLEN, Dean of the University of Oregon School of Journalism. ROME. The big event in Rome, for one traveller at least, was the receipt of a copy of the Salem Statesman, sent by the editor, Mr. Charles Sprague, and containing a fine account, with ample pictures, of the projected new capitol at Salem. These pictures aroused much In terest when shown to Italian ac quaintances. "Novo tipo italiano!" they exclaimed. Of course they were partly wrong; the new style is not exclusively Italian but it is to be' found springing up every where one goes in all countries ex cept one. It is natural for Romans to be Interested in capitols. They invent ed the Idea. The very name is tak en from the hill about four blocks from here where we ventured in the dusk last evening. With a good strong slingshot one could proba bly hie, from the roof of this hotel (itself a former pulace) a dozen or more structures that have once served as the seat of government. Governing is the principal local in dustry here and has been going on for twenty-seven centuries. Of courses, in a stretch like that, one builds a good many capitols. Salem is a mere beginner with its second or third or whatever it is. Even at this distance an acute ear can detect a slight murmur on the horizon that probably represents an active controversy going on In Ore gon as to whether the new style is appropriate for an Oregon capitol. One can almost hear the acute out cry of those to whom a capitol just wouldn t look right unless it has an old-fashioned dome. Also, how about Carl Gould's idea that the structure should express the well AGENT COMMENDS NORTH END FAIR Plang for County Show at Heppner Should Not Interfere, Bel anger Tells Lions. Any plans for establishment of a county-wide fair should not contem plate doing away with the North Morrow County fair, Joseph Belan ger, county agent, told the Lions club at its Monday luncheon. Bel anger made a short report on the fair at Irrigon last week end. The exhibits and entertainment Were generally good, with the crop exhib its especially high in quality while tne livestock exhibits were not up to par, he said. While the north end fair, held alternately two years at Irrigon and two years at Boardman, is open for exhibits from all over the county- and state and nation, too in effect it has been purely a local show drawing exhibits only from the Ir rigon and Boardman projects, said Belanger. This will probably re main the case, but as such it is wholly justified. It is not reasonable to suppose that the people there would or could bring all their ex hibits to Heppner for showing. If a general array of exhibits is to be shown at the county fair in Heppner, it would be more logical to bring only the best from the north end fair. In effect this is what is being done in Umatilla county in 4-H club fairs. Four district fairs are held there from which exhibits are taken to a county-wide fair at Pendleton. The smaller fairs help to stimulate in terest in the larger, he said, A discussion of the' possibility of having the proposed ranger home in thia district of the Umatilla Na tional forest established in Hepp ner gained favor of the club in be half of bringing it here, and Presi dent Ray P. Kinne appointed J. V. Crawford, Earl W. Gordon and S. E. Notson as a committee to act President Kinne proposed a joint meeting with the John Day Lions club some time this fall as a de sirable project and Secretary Frank W. Turner was instructed to write for an expression from that club. FORMER RESD3ENTS PASS. News was received in Heppner this week of the deaths of Mrs. Het tie Brookhouser in Corvallis and ,Mrs. John Bellenbrock In Monu ment both former residents of this city. Mrs. Brookhouser was the wife of Wm. Brookhouser, former local paperhanger, and Mrs. Bellen brock the wife of John Bellenbrock, pioneer rancher of Morrow and Grant counties. SENTENCE PASSED. Eldon Joseph Gemmell, charged with hit and run driving, waived appearance before the grand jury and plead guilty in circuit court here Thursday before Judge C. L. Sweek. He was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail and his driving license was revoked for a year. Gemmell hit two CCC boys with his car some time ago. RADIO TIME CHANGED. Wm. Hard, political observer, is now heard at 8 o'clock, P. S. T., in stead of 7, due to change from day light saving time in the east He is heard Mondays through Fridays each week over KOIN, KVI and KSL. known primness of New England? In Europe also there is a good deal of difference of opinion about the new architecture. In fact, the two most spectacular personalities in Europe hold diametrically oppo site views. To Adolf Hitler the whole idea is pure poison. That kind of architecture is, to his mind, deflntely anti-nazi. It Is Jewish; It is communist; and If he could think of anything worse it would be that, too. Formerly, Germany was a rather progressive center on the de velopment of the new architecture. From all over the world young ar chitects flocked to the famous Bau haus at Dessau where the new ideas were taught in a rather nota ble architectural school. Now the Bauhaus has been wrecked, its stu dents and professors scattered, this kind of work no longer appears on the pages of the Ilustrlerte Zeit ung, and where the buildings exist there is a tendency to disguise their original style. Hitler wants build ings in Germany to carry the older German atmosphere, just as Carl Gould wanted a little flavor of Sa lem, Mass., to be carried on to pos terity at Salem, Ore. In Italy, quite the opposite, Mu solinl dotes on the broad surfaces, the ample glass, the simple lines, the convenient arrangements. He isn't building capitols; goodness knows Italy has enough of them already and enough of churches and palaces and castles probably too many. But wherever a new rail road station is built, there you see the half-acre windows and the square roofs and terraces, the pure and undeflled wallspaces, the mod ern gadgets of bakelite and crom ium steels, and the simple color ing. The same is true of the hun dreds of apartment houses that are springing up around the 2,000 year old cities of this teeming land where new babies are swelling the popula tion for a 400,000 increase each year. The new buildings, not being cap itols, or palaces, or cathedrals, or castles, do not appear on the easily available postcards for sale at every iContnued on Fin Poor) RODEO'S FUTURE PTClMin Impasse Reached Last Night When Old Direct ors Refuse to Serve. MEETING SET OCT. 21 Bisbee, Phelps and Ferguson Named to Contact Business Men; Finan cial Statement Presented, Will the Heppner Rodeo be con tinued? That question will be an swered by the people of Morrow county, Wednesday evening, Octo ber 21, when a second meeting of the association will be held and ev eryone will be given an opportunity to have his say, whether for or against its continuance. L. E. Bisbee, R. C. Phelps and R. B. Ferguson were named at the reg u 1 a r 1 y advertised organization meeting last evening to contact all business houses of the city and ob tain representation at the coming meeting. Steps toward organization last night reached an impasse when it was attempted to elect directors for the coming year, Henry Aiken, pres ident handed in his resignation at the beginning of the meeting and refused to serve on the board. Sim ilar action was taken by Len L. Gil liam, secretary, Edwin L. Hughes and Louis Bergevin, directors. All these men pledged their, support toward keeping the show going but declaredthey were tired of being in the harness. The opinion of the 18 persons present believed it inad visable to proceed without exper ienced men on the board of direct ors. Some of the present directors in dicated they might serve again if they could be shown the community was behind them, and enough per sons lined up to assist with the work to assure the show's success. By-laws call for election of seven directors who elect the association officers from their own body. Nom inations were opened and without accepting declinations the follow ing were nominated: R. C. Phelps, U L. Gilliam, Oral Scott, Henry Aiken, R, C. Lawrence, Harlan Mc Curdy, Paul Hisler, Fred Mankin, Tony Vey, L. E. Bisbee, Scott Fur long. Frank Swaggart, Jack Glavey and Walter Wright It was voted to leave nominations open until the October 21 meeting when further names may be presented and the election held if it Is the will of the community to continue the show. Spencer Crawford was temporary phairman of the meeting. Financial report of the secretary showed that the 1936 show had an income of $3154.58 and expended $3163.94, thus reducing the cash bal ance of $53.26 at the beginning of the show to $43.90 at the close. The detailed statement of receipts and expenditures as read, follows: , Receipts Balance $ 53.26 1st Queen's Dance $ 2nd Queen's Dance Parade Donations. Concessions Dance 1st Night Dance 2nd Night Dance 3rd Night Gate, 1st Day Gate, 2nd Day Gate, 3rd Day Entrance Fees Rhea Creek Grange Queen's Boots 84.15 159.95 171.50 572.38 108.35 188.50 274.04 96.75 436.01 885.25 159.00 7.85 Willows Grange Queen's Boots Total 10.85 $3,207.84 Disbursements Prizes .$1,221.25 90.00 Bareback Rides Labor on Grounds and in Arena 283.85 67.00 . 43.00 240.62 189.50 157.50 4.50 94.65 250.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 21.50 4.95 18.00 24.28 12.68 80.05 3.00 3.00 4.00 42.60 47.91 Labor on Midway Tryouts Hay Parade Prizes Calves Posts Printing Dance Orchestra School Band Sound Machine Clown Flowers Phone Calls Rent of Truck Insurance Gas and Oil Hotel Rooms Moving Piano Rent of Horse Blacksmithlng Lumber Merchandise Boots for Queens Total 35.10 $3,163 94 Cash In Bank -$ 43.90 MOVE TO NEW QUARTERS. Mrs. Florence Dlmlck, variety store proprietor, and Jos. J. Nys, attorney, both moved their business quarters from the Roberts build ing on Willow street to the new Peters building the first of the week. Mrs. Dimick has taken a store space fronting on Main street, while Mr. Nys has taken an office space fronting on Willow street Hepp ner Abstract company has taken the quarters in the Roberts build ing formerly occupied by Mr. Nys, which are being shared by Harlan McCurdy. Morrow County Abstract and Title company will occupy the remaining office space in the Peters building, adjacent to the new office of Mr. Nys, moving its quarters from the court house.